How I can auto login with SwiftyDropbox? - swift

I have an app with SwiftyDropbox that function correctly, but I need to insert email and password for Dropbox every time that I use the app.
The app it's only for my use, it's not a security problem if the app auto-login in my account.
I don't find examples or documentation to make an auto-login with SwiftyDropbox. It's possible?

While the Dropbox API was designed with the intention that each user would link their own Dropbox account, in order to interact with their own files, it is technically possible to connect to just one account. We generally don't recommend doing so, for various technical and security reasons, but those won't apply if you're the only user anyway.
So, there are two ways to go about this:
1) Implement the normal app authorization flow as documented, and log in and authorize the app once per app installation. The SwiftyDropbox SDK will store the resulting access token for you, which you can programmatically re-use after that point each time using authorizedClient.
2) Manually retrieve an access token for your account and hard code it in to the app, using the DropboxClient constructor shown here under "Initialize with manually retrieved auth token".


How to provide an Facebook app review screencast for an app with no UI?

I’m trying to automate creation of ad accounts for my own business, and then upload custom audiences into these ad accounts. I wish to do this using a system user.
I have written some scripts to automate this process, but I am unsure how to receive the appropriate permissions from Facebook as I can not create a screencast, as my scripts has no UI. It’s just a collection of scripts.
Some research has a said that if apps only talk to a small number of accounts, you can just leave apps in dev mode to avoid going through app review, but I don’t think that’s possible in this case for the following reasons.
When my app is in dev mode, and I try to POST to<my-business-id>/adaccount to create a new ad account in my business, I get the error: "(#270) Development access is not allowed to access business API post:Business/adaccount.” OK. So my app has to be live for me to use this end point. If I set my app to Live, and then try to hit this end point, I get this error "(#294) Managing advertisements requires an access token with the extended permission for ads_management”
Then, looking at the permissions screen in my app, it appears I need to submit an app review with a screencast to be able to use the ads_management permission.
Additionally, if I want to use a system user, I can only approve permissions that have been approved by the app review process.
Given that my app has no UI (and nothing to screencast) how should I proceed? Or am I missing a way to do this without going through the app review process?
Facebook as provided instructions on how to submit those kinds of apps here,
If your app has no user interface because it exchanges data directly with our APIs, refer to this guide when configuring your app's Basic Settings, and when completing App Review.

Upload media to Firebase Storage from Standalone Apple Watch app

I'm trying to create an apple watch only app besides our app. This would be a standalone app without ties to the base app.
I can't use Firebase SDK-s, or other Google SDK-s as none of them support the watch.
I am trying to use the REST API-s and I hit a road block.
I can successfully retrieve a token for a user/password account with the identitytoolkit domain ""
which gives me a token I am trying to use for the endpoint:
however this endpoint tells me that I'm unauthorized. When I use the token I get with from OAuth 2.0 playground it works.
The problem is that that one expires and I cant build the app with a new token every time obviously.
Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I can't open webviews on the watch to approve a sign in, also can't communicate with an iPhone as this is a standalone app. I need something thats just hardcoded pure code. This is still an experiment and wont go out to real users. A non-expiring token would also work for my use-case.
I changed my buckets policy in a way that my user should be able to write into it but its still giving me authorization issues.
I don't think you can upload to a Cloud Storage bucket that is secured by Firebase through the REST API with a Firebase Authentication user. Essentially the REST API doesn't know how to execute Firebase rules, and only accepts operations that come with an OAuth2 token from a collaborator on the project.
Can you authenticate with the iPhone app and get a token from there when the old one expires? I know you are building a standalone watch app, but maybe this is a compromise worth making. Then you could use Firebase Functions to upload the image, validate the token (admin.auth().verifyIdToken(token)) and push the image to Cloud Storage. I have not tried this with an image but have successfully submitted authenticated payloads to the Firebase Realtime Database REST endpoints from a watchKit app.

Google assistant account linking with facebook

I'm trying to make a chatbot with Dialogflow for Google Home. It requires the user to input a URL. Now it will definitely be a long and complicated URL which I can't recreate and I can't have the user speak into the google home.
The idea I had was that the user would input the URL on an agent on messenger. I store this on a Firebase database and then access it with a second agent.
Now the issue I have is authentication, I was hoping to use account linking on my google action with facebook. But I can't login to Facebook with google home. Or if I can, I can't find any documentation specific to that case. Facebook doesn't provide the necessary client ID and secret(as far as I can see).
I managed amazon and Gmail account linking with Alexa and an Amazon Echo. In those cases, you would have to login to google or amazon on the Alexa app or webpage. Then this will be integrated with your Echo and the skill will become usable.
Anyone have an idea of how I can make the link happen, if not then anyone have an idea as to how I can solve the overall problem?
This question has been left unanswered on other forums, but I was hoping to either get it solved or find an alternative.
There are three approaches to solving your overall problem - getting the URL manually entered and available to your Action. Two of them tackle it the way you've suggested - involving authenticating to Facebook and tying that to the Assistant account somehow. One solves it entirely inside the Assistant.
Account linking to the Facebook account
You've tagged firebase-authentication, so I'm going to assume that you're using it to do the auth and you've enabled Facebook login through it. This means your user has a "Firebase Account", but they log into that account using Facebook.
I will assume you have a way to get the URL from messenger once they're logged in.
The trick in this case is to setup Account Linking between their Firebase account and their Assistant account. This is done by setting up an OAuth2 server that has access to the Firebase accounts and will create authorization and refresh tokens that are given to the Assistant.
In the Action, you'll send the user to the Sign In helper, which will redirect them to your login page and send back a one-time auth code to the Assistant. The assistant will then use your OAuth2 server to exchange this code for auth and refresh tokens. Periodically it will use the refresh token to get new auth tokens.
When the user returns to the conversation through the Assistant, you'll be handed an auth token and you can use this to lookup the user. Since you also know their Facebook account, you can get the URL via however you planned to do so.
There are drawbacks to this method - it is very complicated, and setting up your own OAuth2 server is not for the faint of heart. You may be able to use something like Auth0 instead of Firebase Authentication to accomplish the same thing, but then you don't have the ease of access to the Firebase database.
Account linking to both Facebook and Google
In your Firebase account, however, you don't need to limit them to just logging into Facebook. You can have them use Firebase to record both the Facebook and Google accounts that they're using. This would "link" the two accounts together in your system.
With this, you don't need to setup an OAuth2 server. Instead, you can have the Assistant use Google Sign In for authentication. If the Google Cloud Project that Firebase is using and the Assistant are using are the same project, then once the user has logged in to your project's web page with their Google account, you'll get an identity token on the Assistant which will contain their Google ID. You can use this to match up with their Firebase account and get the Facebook ID and proceed from there.
But this is still a lot of work and kinda messy, jumping between systems.
Using just the Google Assistant (and maybe a web page)
If you're willing to make some assumptions about the devices your users are using, then you may be able to do it all just using the Assistant. The Assistant doesn't just run on the Google Home and other smart speakers, it also works on most current Android and iOS devices.
So you can detect if they have such a device available and, if they do and they're not currently on it, direct them to switch to that device when you need the URL.
If they don't have such a device available (perhaps because their version of Android is older), and you think this may be a common scenario, you may need to make another entry source available. This could be one of the solutions above, or you may want to just have a simple web page (done via Firebase Hosting and Firebase Functions, perhaps) where they log in using their Google account (so you get their ID) and you let them enter the URL. If you just need a URL - going through Dialogflow may be more complexity than you need.

Get user OpenID URL without user interaction

I have an packaged app in the Chrome Web Store that I'd like to transition from a paid app to a free one with in app purchases. I need to be able to detect if the current user had paid for the app previously.
To be able to use the licensing API, I need the current user's OpenID URL. I was able to get this to work using chrome.identity and a popup dialog that the user has to authorize. But it is a bad experience and kind of a scary dialog.
For hosted apps, it's possible to get the user's OpenID URL without any user interaction or authorization. (see How to skip the OpenID approval screen). It would be fantastic if somebody knows how to make this work without user interaction for packaged apps.
I've detailed some of the approaches I've tried on this chromium-apps thread. I suspect it may be possible to do this with chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow but I wasn't able to discover the exact incantation of parameters to google's oauth/openid endpoints to make this happen silently.
I think you need to refer to this Link1 Parameters
this parameters are different techniques using that you can do this task..
also To bypass the Login/approval screen refer this link2
Here in the section How to skip the OpenID approval screen the details are explained which you can use..
And In case of packaged app this should ask for permanent permission that will help in OAuth throughout the life of app..
Client Library JavaScript Based
Authentication using Library
After your comment I thought this you can bind in your app.!!
Let me know what works for you..

iphone post to google fusion table without login

I need my iphone app to allow users to post to a google fusion table without entering a username and password. currently I use google client login with the password hard coded into the app. Obviously this is a poor solution, but I cannot find how to do this with oauth?
Do you want the user to be submitting data to their own individual fusion tables, or all users to be modifying a single table that you own?
For the first case, you'll want the user to authorize (via oauth) access to their account (there's no iOS specific client library from Google, but there are a number of answers here in SO about how to do this)
If you want everyone to be entering data into the same table, the best practice is probably not to hardcode the password and/or tokens into your app, but rather to use a proxy (for example via a service account running on AppEngine). Note that this proxy should still do some kind of authentication with your iphone users so random folks can't just easily post whatever they want to it w/o running your app.