How can I "Add Next Occurrence" in Visual Studio for Mac? - visual-studio-code

In Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text there is functionality called "Add Next Occurrence" that selects next occurrence of marked text. The keyboard shortcut for utilizing this function is CMD+D (CTRL+D on Windows and Linux).
This function would select the next occurrence of the text and also add another cursor to the end of the newly selected text.
How can I achieve this in Visual Studio for Mac?

The shortcut is: ⇧ + ⌥ + .
(Shift + Option + .)
And its name in the settings is: "Insert next matching caret"
At the moment this answer is the only one working for Visual Studio (tested in 8.9). All the others are for Visual Studio Code.

Unfortunately, this is not currently supported. There is however an open suggestion to the team that you can up-vote if you would like to see this feature in an upcoming release.
Here is the link to the feature request:

In Mac, CMD + D will do the job.


How to bind the "Go to Line" feature in Visual Studio Code to a single keystroke?

Is there a way to shorten the process of moving the cursor to a specific line in a file using the "Go to Line" feature in Visual Studio Code? Currently, the process involves pressing Ctrl + G, typing the line number in the input box, and pressing Enter. Is there a quicker way to do this, perhaps using a different keybinding or a command palette command?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

How to comment in Visual Studio Code like in Notepad++?

In Notepad++ I always select the part I want to comment then right click -> block comment. But I can't do it in Visual Studio Code.
Is there a way (or extension) to do this?
CTRL + /
Is used to line or block comment.

How do you auto import libraries in Visual Studio Code?

Usually in IntelliJ you have a shortcut for auto importing libraries.
Is there an equivalent for Visual Studio Code?
In the current version, 1.11.2, you can put your cursor in the error line.
You will see a bulb in the line number. Then click it or press the shortcut ⌘ + . (Quick Fix).
That will pop up a import hint window, as follows
Currently there is no support for this in Visual Studio Code, but it's a good idea for an extension.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to navigate between tags in vscode?

Is there a quick way to jump to the corresponding open/close tag when editing HTML in Visual Studio Code?
Unfortunately, no, not currently.
Visual Studio Code does have a keyboard shortcut for jumping to matching braces/brackets/parentheses (Ctrl + Shift + \ on Windows, Cmd + Shift + \ on Mac), however it does not have support for jumping to closing tags in HTML.
If you feel like it, you could always submit a feature request to the Visual Studio Code team, and maybe you'll see the feature added in a future release.

Multi-Line select with Alt

How can I select multi-line with vscode?
On Visual Studio you can press left alt key and select multi-lines, but it is not working with vscode.
As of May 2017, it is possible. Read the release notes:
We have introduced a new setting, editor.multiCursorModifier, to
change the modifier key for applying multiple cursors to Cmd+Click on
macOS and Ctrl+Click on Windows and Linux. This lets users coming from
other editors such as Sublime Text or Atom continue to use the
keyboard modifier they are familiar with.
The setting can be set to:
ctrlCmd - Maps to Ctrl on Windows and Cmd on macOS.
alt - The existing default Alt.
It is not available for now, but there is a feature request on uservoice:
The box-selection feature in Visual Studio (where you can highlight a part of multiple lines) isn't available in VSCode.
For features like this that you would love to see in VSCode - you can add the idea to the Code User Voice pages.