How can I access data from outside the app class in appdesigner (Matlab) - matlab

I have created a very simple GUI in appdesigner (Matlab) with one dropdown menu. Additionally, I took the code that got generated (under 'Code View' tab) and pasted that in a normal .m file (because, I want to further add some more contents to this code). My question is how can I access certain variable from this self generated code, so that I can play with that value outside of the main class?
For example:
In App class, for this dropdown menu section, following line of code got generated:
app.ColorDropDown = uidropdown(app.UIFigure);
app.ColorDropDown.Items = {'Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow'};
app.ColorDropDown.Position = [277 178 140 22];
app.ColorDropDown.Value = 'Red';
Outside of this app class: Depending upon the value that was selected in this dropdown menu, I want to capture that in a normal variable, and show some other results based on the color selected

It seems like the essence of your question is about sharing data between GUIs as you state you want to "show some other results based on the color selected".
Note: MATLAB documentation cautions: Do not use UserData property in apps you create with App Designer.
The documentation goes on to recommend approaches for sharing data among app designer apps and creating multiwindow apps in app designer.
For the sake of completeness, I'll provide a detailed example, different from the MATLAB documentation, of how this can be accomplished entirely within the App Designer.
I created 2 app designer apps, controlGUI.mlapp and plotGUI.mlapp. Running controlGUI() loads both mlapp files at once and then allows you to control aspects of the plotGUI from callbacks in the controlGUI. Of course, the plotGUI could do anything but I have it changing visual aspects of the plotted data.
For simplicity, I am setting the controlGUI be the main application. I can do this be adding a property in controlGUI named PlotWindow and having it contain the output of calling plotGUI(); the other mlapp. I also have a callback function I recycle for the three dropdowns that updates a DATA property in the plotGUI. This DATA property has a listener attached that fires a callback to update the uiaxes object.
The plotGUI
The magic is really in this object. That is, I created a property named DATA and altered the access. By setting the property access SetObservable = true, we can then add a PostSet event listener, which I stored in a private property called dataChangedListener during the startupFcn.
properties (Access = public, SetObservable=true)
DATA % A struct with xdata, ydata, fields. Other line prop fields ok
properties (Access = private)
dataChangedListener % listener object for when DATA is changed.
Then the startup function, startupFcn, initializes the DATA property with some (arbitrary) data as struct then adds and enables the PostSet listener.
% Code that executes after component creation
function startupFcn(app, data)
if nargin < 2
% create a default dataset
data = struct();
data.xdata = linspace(0,1,1001);
data.ydata = sin(data.xdata.*2*pi*10);%10hz signal
data.color = app.Axes.ColorOrder(1,:);
app.DATA = data;
% plot the data
line(data, 'parent', app.Axes);
% add and enable PostSet event listener for the DATA property
app.dataChangedListener = addlistener(...
app,'DATA','PostSet', ...
#(s,e) app.updatePlot ...
app.dataChangedListener.Enabled = true;
The PostSet listener calls the method app.updatePlot(), so we have to add this method to our app. This method will get called whenever anything in app.DATA gets modified. So I created the "function" (as the Code Browser calls it) which simply deletes the axes children (the existing line) and uses the low-level version of line() to draw a primitive line based on the app.DATA struct object:
function updatePlot(app)
%clear plot
% draw the new plot
line(app.DATA, 'parent', app.Axes);
Yes, line() will accept a struct which has field names that correspond to valid line properties but I can't seem to find the reference specifically. But if you read about the inputParser object... sorry, getting off topic.
The controlGUI
This object is simpler. It holds the plotGUI in a property, allowing direct access to the plotGUI properties and public methods.
properties (Access = public)
PlotWindow = plotGUI() % holds the reference to the plot window
I also created an updatePlot callback method here, different from the plotGUI method, bad naming on my part. Nonetheless, this control method takes the values from controlGUI dropdowns and then modifies the plotGUI DATA struct, stored in app.PlotWindow.DATA. So this one callback is called whenever any of the dropdowns are changed (ValueChangedFcn). Consequently, the PostSet listener for the DATA struct will fire the callback to update the plot accordingly.
% Value changed function: LineColor, LineStyle, MarkerStyle
function updatePlot(app, event)
mStyle= app.MarkerStyle.Value;
lStyle= app.LineStyle.Value;
lColor = app.LineColor.Value;
d = app.PlotWindow.DATA;
switch mStyle
case 'none'
d.marker = 'none';
case 'circle'
d.marker = 'o';
case 'diamond'
d.marker = 'diamond';
case 'point'
d.marker = '.';
switch lStyle
case 'none'
d.linestyle = 'none';
case 'solid'
d.linestyle = '-';
case 'dashed'
d.linestyle = '--';
case 'dotted'
d.linestyle = ':';
d.color = lColor;
% set the data back into the plotGUI
% The plotGUI's DATA PostSet listener will update the actual plot
app.PlotWindow.DATA = d;

You aren't supposed to copy/paste the code outside of the code editor with App Designer. If you want to add your own code, you should add a new function to your class using the "Function" button in App Designer. The app can also call any other matlab function so you could just pass the information from the app to another function by calling it inside the App Designer code
For example see this example from a demo I created. It uses a drop down ChartTypeDropDown to determine what type of chart it should draw. I added a new function called DrawChart which uses the data from the GUI to draw a graph depending on the values selected/entered in to the various boxes.
function results = DrawChart(app)
chartType = app.ChartTypeDropDown.Value;
chartTime = app.TimeEditField.Value;
chartA = app.AEditField.Value;
chartB = app.BEditField.Value;
chartC = app.CEditField.Value;
t = [0:0.1:chartTime];
if strcmp(chartType,'Sin')
y = chartA * sin(chartB*t)+chartC;
elseif strcmp(chartType,'Cos')
y = chartA * cos(chartB*t)+chartC;
elseif strcmp(chartType,'Exp')
y = exp(t);
y = x;
ax = app.UIAxes;
ax.Title.String = chartType;
This function is called by the callback linked to a button
function DrawButtonPushed(app, event)
Note how I call regular matlab functions such as sin/cos/exp. These could just as easily be a Matlab function that you have written.


How does one load a .mat file in the GUI, matlab app development

I am attempting to create a MATLAB app that saves the specific fields in a .mat file and allows for custom naming. Saving has seemed to work however attempting to load leads to nothing changing.
Any help would be appreciated
function SaveButtonPushed(app, event) % Saving element
props = properties(app);
lp = length(props);
values = cell(1,lp);
visibilities = cell(1,lp);
for i = 1:lp
propName = props{1};
property = app.(propName);
if isprop(property, 'Value')
values{i} = app.(propName).Value;
% if isprop(property, 'Visible')
% visibilities{i} = app.(props{i}).Visible;
% end
file = uiputfile('*.mat', "Save Message" );
if file
save(file, 'props', 'values', 'visibilities');
function LoadButtonPushed(app, event) % Loading element
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.mat');
selectedfile = fullfile(file);
It is like Wolfie said in his comment. The variables in the .mat file are loaded into the private workspace for that function, which is cleared at once it exits.
So within the function you should be able to loop over your app properties again and set the values the ones loaded from the file.
Note that if you add a breakpoint, as Wolfie says, you should be able to see the private workspace and your loaded variables will be there until the function exits.
Alternatively, you could load the variables in to a structure:
S = load(selectedfile);
(See for more details)
and return that structure,
function [S] = LoadButtonPushed(app, event) % Loading element
You will have to change the interface/load function call to accept the returned variable, and I'm not sure that you can add the contents of the structure to the global namespace. However, you can access them through the loaded structure as:

Retain interactivity in Simulink sheet called from an object method

Let's say I have a simulation set up in Simulink, which consists of three blocks: Input (From Workspace block), model calculation (S-function block) and results (Outport).
In my class, I do a lot of preprocessing on the input data, which is not shown here. Then, I point the Input block to use the inputArray, which is a property of my class.
classdef SimulationClass < handle
%SimulationClass Simulate process using model
inputArray double = ones(101, 11)
modelFilename char
simOpts struct
simulationTime double
simulationResultsArray double
function obj = SimulationClass(simulationTime)
obj.simulationTime = simulationTime;
function prepareSimulation(obj, modelFilename)
obj.modelFilename = modelFilename;
set_param([obj.modelFilename '/fromWorkspaceBlock'],...
'VariableName', 'obj.inputArray');
obj.simOpts = simset('SrcWorkspace', 'current');
function runSimulation(obj)
[~, ~, obj.simulationResultsArray] = sim(obj.modelFilename,...
obj.simulationTime, obj.simOpts);
I can easily start the simulation run from the command prompt.
mySim = SimulationClass(1:10);
But, if I play around with some settings (e.g., different solvers) and press Run in Simulink, it doesn't work, since the data is not in the base workspace. I.e., I lose the interactivity with Simulink.
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? The only workaround I have figured out so far would be to write an additional method (like writePropertiesToBaseWorkspace) which would convert the classes properties into variables, using assignin().

How do I correctly implement the Factory Pattern in MATLAB?

I am writing a program in which I can select from a list of available Sensor objects; upon selection and user validation, the program should instantiate that Sensor.
The following code snippet is what I might naively do:
switch userInput
case 'Sensor A'
s = SensorA; % subclass of Sensor
case 'Sensor B'
s = SensorB; % subclass of Sensor
There are some obvious problems here, but the biggest problem I have is making this extensible. I want to be able to create lots of various Sensor subclasses (or have other developers generate Sensor subclasses) without having to continuously add to this switch statement. More generally, I want to adhere to the open/closed principle. I ought to be able to have lots of different Sensor subclasses. (I also want to populate a popupmenu uicontrol with the available Sensors, but that probably gets solved if this problem gets solved generally.) Other naive solutions such as peeking into a folder full of Sensor subclasses doesn't work very well either, since object construction may be different for each subclass.
I believe I'm looking to use the factory method pattern, but I'm not entirely sure how to implement it. I could put the above code snippet into a separate SensorFactory, but this just moves the switch statement around, meaning extending it requires modifying it.
How do I implement the factory method pattern correctly such that the factory object doesn't require modification every time I add a new Sensor subclass?
Regarding extensibility you can use a containers.Map object as a hash table in your factory. Here is some simple example:
classdef SensorFactory < handle
% Lifetime
function [factory] = SensorFactory()
% Creates the factory
% Call super class
factory = factory#handle();
% Pre-register some well-known sensors if you want
factory.RegisterSensor('Sensor A', #() error('TODO: Here of course use appropriate method to create sensor A'));
factory.RegisterSensor('Sensor B', #() error('TODO: Here of course use appropriate method to create sensor B'));
factory.RegisterSensor('Sensor C', #() error('TODO: Here of course use appropriate method to create sensor C'));
function [] = RegisterSensor(factory, sensorName, createSensorCallback)
% Adds new sensor to the factory
factory.dictionnary(sensorName) = createSensorCallback;
function [sensorList] = GetListOfSensors(factory)
% Obtains the list of available sensors
sensorList = factory.dictionnary.keys;
function [sensor] = CreateSensor(factory, sensorName)
% Creates sensor instance
createCallback = factory.dictionnary(sensorName);
sensor = createCallback();
properties(GetAccess = private)
dictionnary = containers.Map(); % Hash table
This class can be used like this:
At the beginning of the code create the factory:
factory = SensorFactory();
In some initialization part add new sensors on the fly:
factory.RegisterSensor('Custom Sensor', #() createCustomSensor());
factory.RegisterSensor('Specific Sensor aperture=42', #() createSpeficSensor(42));
factory.RegisterSensor('Specific Sensor aperture=666', #() createSpecificSensor(666));
NB: For automation purpose, this may be done also parsing class files in some folder. Each class having a static method to get the user name of the sensor. Just some thoughts and pseudo code here:
classdef MySuperSensor
funcion [name] = GetUserName()
name = 'My super sensor';
l = dir('.\sensors');
foreach file in l
meta = eval(sprintf('?%s',;
factory.Register(...GetUserName()..., ...CreateCallback...)
Then, in some GUI part, add a combo listing all available sensors to date:
set(myCombo, 'String', factory.GetListOfSensors());
Finally, in the run part, instantiate appropriate sensor:
index = get(myCombo, 'Value');
name = factory.GetListOfSensors();
name = name{index};
sensor = factory.CreateSensor(name);
I don't really see a reason to use the factory pattern here. A typical piece of code for matlab is:
if ischar(fun)
if exist(fun,'function')
error('invalid input')
if ~isa(fun, 'function_handle')
error('invalid input')
Using this, fun can be name or function handle to a function or constructor which returns your sensor object.

Is it possible to add methods on the fly to MATLAB classes?

Writing a subclass of dynamicprops allows to me to add properties dynamically to an object:
addprop(obj, 'new_prop')
This is great, but I would also love to create set / get functions for these properties on the fly. Or analysis functions that work on these dynamic properties.
My experience with Matlab has been so far, that once I create an instance of a class, adding new methods is not possible. That is very cumbersome, because my object may contain a lot of data, which I'll have to re-load every time that I want to add a new method (because I have to do clear classes).
So is there a way to add methods on the fly?
You cannot add methods like you add dynamic properties. However, there are two ways for implementing new methods during development that won't require you to re-load the data every time.
(1) I write standard methods as separate functions, and call them as myMethod(obj) during development. Once I'm sure they're stable, I add their signature into the class definition file - this requires a clear classes, of course, but it is a much delayed one, and from time to time you may have to shut down Matlab, anyway.
(2) With set/get methods, things are a little trickier. If you are using dynamicprops to add new properties, you can also specify their set/get methods, however (most likely, these methods/functions will want to receive the name of the property so that they know what to refer to):
prop = findprop(obj,'new_prop');
prop.SetMethod = #(obj,val)yourCustomSetMethod(obj,val,'new_prop')
(2.1) Here's an example of how to set up a hidden property to store and retrieve results (based on jmlopez' answer). Obviously this can be improved a lot if you have a better idea what you're actually designing
classdef myDynamicClass < dynamicprops
properties (Hidden)
name %# class name
store %# structure that stores the values of the dynamic properties
function self = myDynamicClass(clsname, varargin)
% self = myDynamicClass(clsname, propname, type)
% here type is a handle to a basic datatype.
self.name_ = clsname;
for i=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{i};
addprop(self, key);
prop = findprop(self, key);
prop.SetMethod = #(obj,val)myDynamicClass.setMethod(obj,val,key);
prop.GetMethod = #(obj)myDynamicClass.getMethod(obj,key);
function out = classname(self)
out = self.name_;
methods (Static, Hidden) %# you may want to put these in a separate fcn instead
function setMethod(self,val,key)
%# have a generic test, for example, force nonempty double
validateattributes(val,{'double'},{'nonempty'}); %# will error if not double or if empty
%# store = val;
function val = getMethod(self,key)
%# check whether the property exists already, return NaN otherwise
%# could also use this to load from file if the data is not supposed to be loaded on construction
if isfield(,key)
val =;
val = NaN;
I'm adding this answer because I think that this is not intuitive. At least not to myself at this moment. After finding this question I thought I had what I needed to be able to define the set/get methods for my dynamic class. All I wanted to achieve with this was something similar to what python does with its __setattr__ method. In any case, here is a continuation of the class made by #jonas a while ago with a few modifications to add the our custom set method.
classdef myDynamicClass < dynamicprops
properties (Hidden)
name_ %# class name
function self = myDynamicClass(clsname, varargin)
% self = myDynamicClass(clsname, propname, type)
% here type is a handle to a basic datatype.
self.name_ = clsname;
for i=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{i};
addprop(self, key);
prop = findprop(self, key);
prop.SetMethod = makefunc(key, varargin{i+1});
function out = classname(self)
out = self.name_;
function h = makefunc(key, argtype)
h = #newfunc;
function newfunc(obj, val)
obj.(key) = argtype(val);
With this class I'm defining the set method so that the parameter passed to the attribute is copied to the right type. To see what I mean consider the following usage:
>> p_int = myDynamicClass('Point', 'x', #int8, 'y', #int32);
>> p_int.x = 1000
p_int =
myDynamicClass with properties:
y: []
x: 127
>> class(p_int.x)
ans =
With this we have forced the x attribute to be an integer of 8 bits which can only hold integers from -128 to 127. Also notice how the class of each attribute gives us the intended type.
My experience with Matlab has been so far, that once I create an instance of a class, adding new methods is not possible. That is very cumbersome, because my object may contain a lot of data, which I'll have to re-load everytime that I want to add a new method (because I have to do clear classes).
It's worth noting for present-day readers of this question that this is no longer true. As of MATLAB R2014b MATLAB updates class definitions at the moment you save them, and the behaviour of existing class instances automatically updates accordingly. In the case of adding new methods, this is uncomplicated: the new method simply becomes available to call on class instances even if they were created before the method was added to the class.
The solutions given for choosing set/get methods for dynamic properties still apply.
There are still cases where you might want to add methods to an instance dynamically and the method doesn't constitute a property set/get method. I think the only answer in this case is to assign a function handle as the value to a dynamic property. This doesn't create a bona fide method, but will allow you to call it in the same way you would a method call:
addprop(obj, 'new_method');
obj.new_method = #(varargin) my_method(obj,varargin{:});
Calls to obj.new_method(args) are thus passed to my_method; however this only works with a scalar obj; an array of instances will have separate values for the new_method property so obj.new_method no longer resolves to a single function handle that can be called if obj is an array.

Stumped trying to implement Save/Load object functionality in a MATLAB UI

I am trying to implement save/load functions in a MATLAB (R2009a) UI. My object implements a layout function that generates a user interface for the object. I am trying to implement the callbacks for the save/load buttons. The save button works and save the object out to a MAT file which can be loaded later.
My problem is implementing the callback for the load button. I cannot seem to get the load to load the data from the MAT file and update the properties of the new object. Any suggestions on where I am going wrong along with suggestions on how I might proceed is greatly appreciated.
The important code is my class definition file of course my actual object implements many more properties and methods but here is a skeleton of what I have
classdef myObj<handle
image % property holds a matlab image matrix
objCount % number of objects in image
function myObj
% empty constructor
function load_object(self)
% ask user for file
[fileName, pathToFile]=uigetfile('*.mat','Select .mat file');
tmp = load(fullfile(pathToFile,fileName);
if isfield(tmp,'obj')
self = tmp.obj;
LayoutFcn(self) % UI layout function
The UI layout is defined in a seperate file LayoutFcn.m which basically looks like
function LayoutFcn(self)
% create figure window and add various UI elements
% create load button
self.children(end+1) = uipushtool('Parent',hToolbar, ... % set parent to current toolbar
'CData',iconRead('open-document.png'), ... % read icon image from file
'Tag','uiLoad', ...
% create save button
self.children(end+1) = uipushtool('Parent',hToolbar, ... % set parent to current toolbar
'CData',iconRead('save-document.png'), ... % read icon image from file
'Tag','uiSave', ...
function loadingMyObject(self,hObj,event)
self.load_object; % call load_object method defined above in class definition
function savingMyObject(self,hObj,event)
[fileName,pathName]=uiputfile('.mat','Save object to MAT file');
obj = self;
Note: I am using MATLAB R2009a.
The code doesn't throw any errors. The way I wrote the code the parent object (represented by self) does not get updated after the call to LOAD in the method load_object. SO, this has the desired effect:
>> var = myObj;
>> var.load_object;
However, if I use the loadingMyObject callback defined in LayoutFcn.m in this fashion
>> var = myObjl
>> var.LayoutFcn
-> click Load button to call _loadingMyObject_
doesn't affect var properties. That is var will still have its default property values after clicking the Load button.
Changing the load methods to use set as suggested by gnovice throws the following error
??? Error using ==> set
Conversion to double from FujiCalibration is not possible.
even though I have set/get methods for each property; as in
method set.image(self,II)
% ... some data validation code ...
self.image = II
Using a loop to set each field as suggested by Mr Fooz is not really an option as my full class has public constant that throw an error when they are set.
I am looking for a solution that would avoid me having to hand code setting each field individually. Although at this point it seems like the only possibility.
I believe Mr Fooz is right. The self variable passed to load_object is an object of type "myObj", but the line:
self = tmp.obj;
is simply overwriting the self variable with the structure stored in tmp.obj. Doing:
self.image = tmp.obj.image;
should instead invoke a set operator for the image property of object self. In the MATLAB documentation there is a sample class definition with a method called "set.OfficeNumber" that illustrates this.
In addition, the following line in your function savingMyObject may be unnecessary:
obj = self;
I think it might make most sense (and make the code a little clearer) if you used the name "obj" in place of the word "self" within your class code (as the documentation tends to do). "self" doesn't appear to be any kind of special keyword in MATLAB (like it may be in other languages). It's just another variable as far as I can tell. =)
EDIT #1:
If the prospect of having to set each property individually in your load_object method doesn't sound like fun, one way around it is if you have a SET method for your object that is designed like the SET method for handle graphics. That SET command can accept a structure input where each field name is a property name and each field value is the new value for that property. Then you would have one call like:
Quite a bit shorter, especially if you have lots of properties to set. Of course, you'd then have to write the new SET method for your object, but the shortened syntax may be worth the extra work if it comes in handy elsewhere too. =)
EDIT #2:
You may be able to use the loop Mr Fooz suggested in conjunction with a try/catch block:
fn = fieldnames(tmp.obj);
for i = 1:numel(fn),
self.(fn{i}) = tmp.obj.(fn{i});
% Throw a warning here, or potentially just do nothing.
Don't assign values to self. All that does is replace the binding to the self variable in the scope of the method call. It does not call a magical copy constructor to replace the object reference in the caller. Instead, copy the fields into self. Try something like:
if isfield(tmp,'obj')
self.image = tmp.obj.image;
self.objCount = tmp.obj.objCount;
Combining Mr Fooz's and gnovice's suggestions, I added a SET function with the following definition
function set(self,varargin)
if isa(varargin{1},'FujiCalibration')
tmp = varargin{1};
fns = fieldnames(self);
for i = 1:length(fns)
if strcmpi(fns{i}(1:2),'p_')
self.(fns{i}) = tmp.(fns{i});
self.calibImage = tmp.calibImage;
for n=1:2:length(varargin)
tmp = proplist(strcmpi(proplist,varargin{n}));
value = varargin{n+1};
switch length(tmp)
case 0
msg = char(strcat('There is no ''', varargin{n}, '''property'));
case 1
tmp = char(tmp);
self.(tmp) = value;
I then modified the load_object method as suggested by gnovice by changing
self = tmp.obj
I need to make sure that properties with values I want to persist are prefixed with 'p_'.
Thanks to gnovice and Mr Fooz for their answers.