IBM watson add video - chatbot

I would like to add a Video as a Response to my IBM Watson.
As suggested in a previous Topic How do i display a video using IBM Watson Assistant I entered following code line as a text into my Response:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
After that I integrated my Watson chatbot into the application Slack in order to see the Video.
Instead of showing the Video as a Response it is showing only the code line.
How can I embed a Video into IBM Watson and Show it in my application Slack?

Slack doesn't offer displaying videos as a response to chatbots. Alternatively add the URL of the video as a response. It's like how ChatGPT displays the answer, just text with no media at all.


How to display URL on facebook messenger via IBM WATSON Chatbot?

The issue is on IBM Watson bluemix console the output is proper.It is displaying URL and images fine.But on FB messenger it is displaying whole href tag and also the image is not visible.
ON IBM CONSOLE : This is a link Google
ON FB MESSENGER:This is a link <a target="_blank" href= "">Google</a>.
How to hide the <a target="_blank" href= "">Google</a> whole tag on FB ?
Facebook Messenger automatically turns a url string into a link for the user to click on.
So simply remove the HTML tags, and pass the url in the message.
"This is a link to Google:"
If you don't want to expose the url, you can also use Facebook Messenger Buttons.

How do i display a video using IBM Watson Assistant

I have create a Chat bot using IBM Watson Assistant and i need to load an video for some responses. How do i embed a video into the chat bots' response?
You can use HTML tags to embed a video into the response box as shown below:
Please note that HTML tags won't work in the Try It Out panel but will definitely be rendered in the application.
If you are looking for dynamic content, then you will have to pass context to the application side and then render video from there.
Appreciate to suggest how to play the video on Alexa Echo Show device too.IBM Watson Assistant is being used in the backend. While using your mentioned HTML tags to embed a video into the response box as described by you in IBM Watson Assistant. It is perfectly working in user interface chat window. But while testing it on Alexa Echo Show device. There is challenge to play the video.

How to track Facebook iframe video on my site with Google Analytics?

I have this video implemented on my website:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="400" scrolling="no" src="..." style="border:none;overflow:hidden" width="560"></iframe>
What I want to do is to track how many people play the video and watch it full time or at least 1 minute.
I have tried with Event Tracking, but this way is not accurate, because the tracking code I have implemented will be working when the whole iframe is clicked, which is no guarantee that the video will be played.
Actually this method does not work at all.
Any help will be highly appreciated!
Due to the cross-origin nature of your iframe, you won't be able to track the video clicks inside it. You could fire an event when the iframe loads...but as you mentioned, that's not an accurate measure of "plays"
You could upload your video to YouTube, and use the YouTube iFrame API to create and track video plays on your website via Google Analytics Events.
As far as I'm aware, Facebook doesn't have anything similar for their embeds...but I could be wrong.

Facebook Instant Articles Video not playing

I am embbed a video in my artcile as follows: <figure class="op-interactive">
<iframe class="column-width" src="" width="320" height="180"></iframe>
</figure> I am embedding this right after the end of the <header> tag.
When I browse to the video URL, the video loads and plays. However, when viewing the article from my instant articles library using my iPhone 6s Plus, I just see a small circle where the video is supposed to be and it doesn't play. I tried a different combination embedding this video per the FB instant articles documentation to no avail. Am i doing anything wrong.

Facebook Feed Dialog with a video already uploaded in facebook

I'm trying to do a Feed Dialog in Facebook with a video already uploaded in Facebook.
First, I tried putting in the 'source' param the URL of the video, extracting it with the json return by Graph Api. However, Facebook doesn´t support their own media URLs in this way.
My intention is to show the same effect when you click in "Share" in any video in you facebook profile, but I don't know how i can refer the video.
I don't find anything in the Facebook's developers documentation.
Try linking to the video page itself, like how you link to YouTube if you want to share a video. Facebook renders the YouTube player in the wall when you do this, so in theory it should do the same when you share a Facebook Video URL.
I've just found the option: "Embed this Video" . In the code that Facebook gives in this option, I can find the URL for the video (, and this works fine in the feed dialog.
The problem was the URL given in the JSON.