Subversive Connectors not available - eclipse

Recently i wanted to setup a new Eclipse C++ build environment with Photon etc. So i needed to install Subversive (4.0.5) and the corresponding connectors. But the connector installation failed (he won't even find any, after the installation of subversive and the restart). Is it possible, that Polarion discontinued the SVN Connector Repository because it is simply a blank site (this should be the update site of the SVN connector: Hope someone knows a solution.

As of today when I re-tested the site is back up and running again.

Someone have the files? We only need the connectors:


Can not share new project with Subversive SVN in Eclipse Neon

I just downloaded a fresh Eclipse JEE Neon.1a Release (4.6.1) on my Windows 10 machine.
I went to the marketplace to get the latest Subversive SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
Trying to install results in the Message: The following solutions are not available: SVN Team Provider 4.0.2.
I chose to continue anyways, and it seemed to work.
After the restart, i chose the SVNKit 1.8.14 Subversive SVN Connector and installed without any issues.
Now I was able to do basic SVN operations, all seemed fine.
Except to share a new project. I created a new Project called "test" and tried to share as a new project.
That results in the Message:
Share project was failed.
Can't overwrite cause with org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E160013: URL 'http://sol:3380/svn/repo/test' non-existent in that revision.
I tried to share a new project to another SVN Server, same error message.
I repeated the whole process on different machines, same message.
I Installed SVN Team Provider directly from the Update Site instead of the Marketplace. Same Issue.
I went to the SVNKit website to try older Versions of SVNKit and installed via the archived Update Sites, but they wont even show up in the SVN Connector Chooser in Eclipse.
I really dont know what to do anymore, can anyone help me to get it work?
I hope this solution will help you as it helped me. I think your problem is related to an unmatched client/server version. Neon subversive version is 4 and related svn connector is 1.8. But you probably need an svn connector 1.7 as it was in my case. Try the next steps and let me know if it works. Otherwise let me know the point in which you get in trouble.
go to help > installation details > filter by "svn" > uninstall everything related to subversive, subclipse and svn connectors
restart eclipse
to to help > install new software > work with > use the previous major subversive version from this URL:
install at least the plug-in and the integrations
restart eclipse
it will probably not ask you for a connector to be installed because you have already installed one previously, so go to window > preferences > team > svn > svn connector tab > get connectors > 1.7! (you can install all of them, the important thing is the one you choose in the combo box, it must be 1.7)
try the svn check-out process again
Bug was fixed yesterday. So just update.
I uninstalled the SVNKit 1.8.14, and it worked for me.

How can I manually install SVN connectors in Eclipse

I've been using early versions of the new Eclipse (3.7 and 4.0) and they have been quite stable, however I am missing SVN support.
Using the prescribed (for the stable version 3.6) method of using the eclipse update site, I cannot install a connector because the available versions are not supported. I have read of other users successfully using the connectors after installing them manually, however I cannot find any description of how to do this.
Can anyone help?
This is the new link for downloading SVN Connector manually.
Open Eclipse>>help>> Install Software>>Paste the above url>>click add>>Select the connector>>now install.
The above url is subjected to change so please visit this link for latest link:
Did you try the site, listed on the Polarion Subversive site?
Update: A -1 given to this answer made me realize that the update site URLs are changed. The current list of update sites is the following: – Subversive Connector Archives for Subversive 0. – Subversive Connector Archives for Subversive 1.0/1.1
Additionally, if the update site urls have changed again, consult the Polarion site.

SVNKit for Eclipse

Trying to install Subversive and am choking on the concept of Subversive Connectors, and how to install them.
(1) What are Subversive Connectors? My only guess is that they help tie the Subversive plug-in to the local instance of svn. Yes? No?!?!
(2) I found an article explaining the difference between JavaHL and SVN Kit connectors (although it didn't explain what either of them were, or what they did!), and it looks like I want SVN Kit 1.3.2 for a number of reasons. But when I try to install them from the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog, it gives me an error, tells me to check an ambiguous "error log" (Eclipse error log, SVN error log, Subversive error log, ?!?!) and refuses to install it. I came across an article stating that this was a defect from a December 2009 release, but that it had been fixed. What is going on here? I am using Helios on 64-bit Ubuntu, anybody else ever have this problem? Any suggestions for how to fix or circumvent?
(3) It looks like the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog is configured to launch the first time you try to open Subversive from inside Eclipse (after installing and restarting). But since I wasn't able to install SVNKit 1.3.2, I canceled that dialog, closed Eclipse and walked away for a day. Now, I can't seem to get it to launch, and it has next to no online documentation that is helping me. Anybody know how to launch this dialog second and subsequent times?
Thanks to anyone who can provide even the tiniest of help. I will wash the gutters, mow the lawn and perform a full spring cleanup for anyone who can answer these!!!
Usually this works out pretty well, you install Subversive, and if you havn't installed a Connector, you get the dialog when Subversive needs it.
What's going on is a sad bug in the latest Eclipse/Subversive version.
Here's what worked for me.
Uninstall anything subversive related that you've installed.(Help->About Installation Details)
Go to . Download the zip file, currently this one.
Install that file you downloaded (Help->Install New Software , hit the Add button, chose Archive).
A restart later, you'll be asked for an SVN connector, choose SVNKit with the biggest version number, you should be good to go.
I prefer subclipse, here's the link to the install instructions:
In regards to part 3. You can install the connectors directly from Polarion's update site. From what I understand, this is what the Subversive Connector Discovery does under the covers. The links to their update site are found here and look something like In Eclipse, click Help->Install New Software and paste the link into the "Work With" box. That should give you the list of connectors you can install.

Help installing Eclipse svn connector on Mac OS X

Installed SVN on Mac OS 10.6.4. Also installed Eclipse and want to use SVN from Eclipse. Found several sites for update/downloading/installing SVN Connector and/or SVN Team Connector and added them to update locations. Installed SVN Connector, plug-in, etc.
Next tried to Import the SVN structure using SVN connector, but this failed. Got message: "SVN : Validate Repository location finished error: Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.... If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: ... Preferences>Team->SVN->SVN Connector...
Went to the Preferences place and found that there were no choices of installed SVN connectors.
Since there appear to be multiple sites for Eclipse SVN integration, which site(s) should I be using?
What do I need to do Import my SVN structure to Eclipse?
I recall just downloading the connectors manually. I had no luck with that automatic thing. I'm using the SVNKit 1.3.3 r6649 (for SVN 1.6.11, all platforms) and it works fine.
You can find the following information at
Subversive distribution consists of two parts - Subversive plug-in and Subversive SVN Connectors. Both parts are required in order to work with Subversive. Subversive plug-in is provided under the terms and conditions of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL"). A copy of the EPL is available at Subversive SVN Connectors are external libraries with their own licenses, which are distributed from an external location at
Next, go to the polarion site. It says you can use the discovery to find connections, but:
you can optionally use the update sites below to get them.
The connectors should be located at Use that URL as the repository location.
I had similar problems, if the connectors were installed before or with the base package. I suggest removing all SVN related plug-ins, and starting again:
First by installing the Subversive package, and then after a restart using the Connector Discovery tool to install the connectors. This way I always ended with a working solution.
If this solution does not work for you, then you might also want to try the Subclipse plug-in, that installs both the plug-in and the connectors automatically.

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations.
I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN.
But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\EclipseWorkspace\EMSEclipse'; please get a newer Subversion client
I had tried to update the plugin through HELP >> SOFTWARE UPDATES... of the Eclipse but it is saying that the software is up to date and no newer version is available.
Should I switch to some other SVN Client. If yes, then could you please suggest me any other SVN Client for Eclipse?
Subclipse has different update sites for the 1.4 and 1.6 branches. So if you are using 1.4, it won't have updates. Get the 1.6 update site.
Whenever the subclipse plugin is not sufficient for you, you can download Turtoise SVN - it is a full-featured SVN client.
Subversive is the other Eclipse client for SVN
But for your error, the solution is indeed to upgrade. Did you check the Download and installation process?
As documented, get the right version of JavaHL.
Haven't personally seen that error before. The other popular SVN client for Eclipse is Subversive in-case you want to try that.