Minimising the shaking or jumpiness of AR video when played over marker image using Vuforia in Unity3D - unity3d

I am playing video over image target using vuforia plugin in unity3d. It is simple green screen video. I am using shader to remove it.
Sometimes when video played over image target it becomes too shaky and jittery and thus reducing the AR experience. How can I avoid or reduce it.
I tried multiple ways to get rid of it but no success. Here is what I tried:
Previously I was embedding the video in a Plane then I used Quad
but no success.
I tried to change AR camera (World Center Mode) to different
values like FIRST_TARGET,CAMERA and SPECIFIC_TARGET but still same problem.
Also my vuforia target image has 5 rating in vuforia database.
What could be the solution to this problem. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks!


Unity how to play video on plane without being affected by lighting

I'm trying to play a video in Unity. I figured it can be done with the VideoPlayer, so I put a VideoPlayer with a RenderTexture on a Plane and created a Material for the Plane that utilises this texture to render the video.
This works fine.
However, the video appears way to bright compared to the original content. You can see this on these pictures:
I found this video which looked promising but afterall didn't change the result, the video still appears way too bright.
Here is how I configured the Material
This is how the GO structure is set up
Config of the VideoPlayer
and the config of the Plane
How can I play the video just "normal" like I would see it in VLC Player or any other video player?
P.S. Not sure if it is important but I'm working on an AR Project with Vuforia, where the video is supposed to be played on the image target. But it makes no difference if I play the video on the target or in a scene in Unity, it is the same effect.
Thank you!
Don't use the emission. Instead rather simply use a Shader that is Unlit (basically meaning no shadows, it is always fully illuminated).
In your case you can simply use the built-in shader
Unlit -> Texture and should be fine,

How to fix objects in the indoor environment with ArCore?

I need to insert some virtual objects in an indoor environment, but I need the position of these objects to be fixed. I have already tried using markers with the vuforia but it is complicated, it takes time to recognize. I'm thinking of using Google's ArCore. Does anyone know if this is possible and, if so, do they know how to do it?
I'm using Unity to do this. Can someone help me?
ARCore places the camera relative to the detected plane, so you will need a plane at some point so the application can locate the camera into the game.
HelloAR shows how this works, you may test into the unity editor and see how the camera moves arround the points and the detected plane.
One solution for your problem may be the image detection of ARCore + Plane detection, you place the image on the floor and when the image is detected you will have your objects in place while you move arround, but you will need to have a plane to move, not only the image detection, because if you don't, you will lose the objects once the camera loses the image.

Ground Plane - Video Control when out of camera

I am creating an AR app for our business before I was just using standard image targets in Unity/Vuforia however for tracking stability I have switched to using Ground Planes.
Within the App, it is looking for an image target and then playing a video. However, using the Ground PLane I need the video to stop when it is not in view and then restart when it is.
Can you help?

Absence of texture on 3D model in AR application made with Unity 3D and Region Capture

I'm working on a little AR coloring book application using Unity and Vuforia. I did something similar a few years back, but now, with the new updates, they changed a lot of things (I'm using Unity 2017.3, Vuforia 7 and Texture Region Capture 2.0.6 available here
When the Image Target is shown, a 3D model of that image appears and you should be able to color it. The problem is that on the 3D model I can see all the things captured by the camera, not only the texture, as shown in the image below.
Now, I don't know the reason for this, I tried looking at other tutorials, but even the scripts for this version of Region Capture differ. Below are some pictures containing the way I attached the cameras and the game object to the scripts..
Please help me find a solution.
I have faced the same problem today so I post here the solution hoping that this will help people who encounter the same problem.
To solve it, I had to link the Region Capture to my Image Target and resize it to match the Image Target's size:

How to play an Alpha video inside an Unlit sphere in Unity?

I'm trying to play an Alpha Video inside a sphere which has a StereoPanoSphereMaterial using a shader "GoogleVR/Demo/VideoDemo InsideShader" and is used to play a 360 degree video.
I'm using a GoogleVR/Unlit/TransparentOVerlay shader on a Quad to run my Alpha Video inside the sphere. It appears to be running fine when I run it in the editor but when I run it on my device it just shows a blank Quad which is supposed to be transparent and the video cannot be seen as well.
I've tried playing it with other given shaders as well like FX/Flare, Unlit/Transparent to no use.
Any tips on how to play an Alpha video inside my 360 degree video sphere?
Game View in the Editor
Scene View in the Editor
View on Phone
So for anybody following this thread. The problem is that GVR SDK apparently do not support .mov format as of now even when Unity does. So we converted the video in a .webm format and it is working not to the best of our expectations but does the job of playing the Alpha Videos inside the sphere playing the stereoscopic video for now.
Also note that out of the shaders present in default with Unity only FX/Flare shader works well with this format to play videos in VR.
P.S. I also tried to place a PNG image as a component inside the view, even that is not working for now, even when it works in Unity.