Google Cloud Firestore: How to copy Firestore collection to Cloud Storage - google-cloud-storage

Writing a code is the only option to copy Firestore collections to Cloud Storage or is there some kind of a magic feature I can use?
I know this new feature announcement of importing Firestore collection into BigQuery in the Firestore talk during the Next conference. Is there something similar for Cloud Storage? Not so sure whether this is a new feature but I am going to try this out.

Yes, finally, Firebase enabled this feature.
Create Cloud Storage Bucket
install gcloud if not already: in terminal run curl | bash
after prompt Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable bash completion? (Y/n) type y + enter
next, run source .bash_profile
afterwards, run: gcloud beta firestore export gs://[BUCKET-NAME].
and in case, you want to save the folder locally, simply run gsutil cp -r gs://[BUCKET-NAME] /path/to/folder


Is there a way to tag or version Cloud Storage buckets?

I have a shell script which refreshes my emulators data to the latest data from prod.
Part of the script is removing the existing bucket and then re exporting it to avoid the Path already exists error.
I know that I can manually add version buckets like /firestore_data/v1 but that would require me to find out what the last version is from the console and then update the shell script each time I need to refresh the emulators data.
Ideally I would like to be able to run gsutil -m cp -r gs://
Is there any way to version storage buckets, or to leave tags that can be used when adding and copying down?

Export firestore data by overwriting existing data gcloud firestore

I am trying to overwrite existing export data in gcloud using:
gcloud firestore export gs://<PROJECT>/dir --collection-ids='tokens'
But I get this error:
(gcloud.firestore.export) INVALID_ARGUMENT: Path already exists: /
Is there anyway to either delete the path or export with replace?
You can easily determine the list of available flags for any gcloud.
Here are variants of the command and you can see that there's no overwrite option:
gcloud firestore export
gcloud alpha firestore export
gcloud beta firestore export
Because the export is too a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket, you can simply delete the path before attempting the export.
BE VERY CAREFUL with this command as it recursively deletes objects
gsutil rm -r gs://<PROJECT>/dir
If you would like Google to consider adding an overwrite feature, consider filing a feature request on it's public issue tracker.
I suspect that the command doesn't exist for various reasons:
GCS storage is cheap
Many backup copies is ∞>> no backup copies
It's easy to delete copies using gsutil

Heroku: importing from S3 failing

I'm trying to import a local Postgresql database to Heroku and I'm following these steps
I have successfully:
created a dump
uploaded it to an S3 Bucket
created from AWS CLI a signed link
ran the command heroku pg:backups:restore '<SIGNED URL>' DATABASE_URL (adding -a with my app name).
The process to restore a backup starts correctly but then exits with this code:
! An error occurred and the backup did not finish.
! Could not initialize transfer
! Run heroku pg:backups:info r011 for more details.
Opening the log shows:
Database: BACKUP
Finished at: 2020-01-09 18:49:30 +0000
Status: Failed
Type: Manual
Backup Size: 0.00B (0% compression)
=== Backup Logs
2020-01-09 18:49:30 +0000 Could not initialize transfer
I've tried:
re-uploading the file to the bucket,
generating a new signed link,
putting the app in maintenance mode,
I've created a user in my IAM management service with full S3 access and saved the credentials in the app environment as from
Not sure where to go from here but would appreciate any help. (I'm on the hobby plan therefore I can't ask Heroku's support for help)
Edit: I also tried:
deleting and recreating the S3 Bucket
installing version 1 of the AWS CLI to see if by chance the structure of a presigned link had changed
Edit 2: Since I could not find a solution I've opted to migrate the hosting entirely on AWS for the moment
Make sure that your credentials on your machine that are stored in ~/.aws/ the default value is set to the credentials you created for your heroku configs. Then also make sure the signed url is created with those credentials and configs. I had to set my default credentials to the credentials I put in my heroku configs. Then I also had to set my default region in ~/.aws/config to match the bucket location. Should work after that.
Here are some instructions if you are on mac or linux.
Sorry Windows people. I would assume it is something similar.
Create new access id and key in IAM on AWS
Set heroku configs to use those credentials heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxx AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yyy
Optional (You may have to set the bucket name in heroku config too)
On your machine set your credentials you just created to the default in ~/.aws/credentials
On your machine set your default region that corresponds to your bucket in ~/.aws/config
Create signed URL aws s3 presign s3://your-bucket-address/your-object
Run restore heroku pg:backups:restore '<SIGNED URL>' DATABASE_URL
Had the exact same error and made these 2 adjustments. In the S3 console click on the file you want to use for the backup. You should see the name fo your file followed by 4 tabs. In the General information tab, do the following:
Click on Make public to make the file available for download.
Get the URL for that object where it says URL of object
(should be something like, you can test if it works by pasting that url in a new Chrome tab and hitting that url. That should trigger the download of your file)
Once the previous check is working you can proceed to
heroku pg:backups restore '' DATABASE_URL
I ran into the same issue and discovered the issue was that I had my bucket's region set as us-east rather than us-east-1.

Reading bucket from another project in cloudshell

Because Firestore does not have a way to clone projects, I am attempting to achieve the equivalent by copying data from one project into a GCS bucket and read it into another project.
Specifically, using cloudshell I populate the bucket with data exported from Firestore project A and am attempting to import it into Firestore project B. The bucket belongs to Firestore project A.
I am able to export the data from Firestore project A without any issue. When I attempt to import into Firestore project B with the cloudshell command
gcloud beta firestore import gs://bucketname
I get the error message does not have storage.
buckets.get access to bucketname
I have searched high and low for a way to provide the access rights storage.bucket.get to project B, but am not finding anything that works.
Can anyone point me to how this is done? I have been through the Google docs half a dozen times and am either not finding the right information or not understanding the information that I find.
Many thanks in advance.
For import from a project A in a project B, the service account in project B must have the right permissions for the Cloud Storage bucket in project A.
In your case, the service account is:
To grant the right permissions you can use this command on the Cloud Shell of project B:
gsutil acl ch -u gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
gsutil -m acl ch -r -u gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
Then, you can import using the firestore import:
gcloud beta firestore import gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[EXPORT_PREFIX]
I was not able to get the commands provided by "sotis" to work, however his answer certainly got me heading down the right path. The commands that eventually worked for me were:
gcloud config set project [SOURCE_PROJECT_ID]
gcloud beta firestore export gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
gcloud config set project [TARGET_PROJECT_ID]
gsutil acl ch -u [RIGHTS_RECIPIENT]:R gs://[BUCKET_NAME]
gcloud beta firestore import gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[TIMESTAMPED_DIRECTORY]
* SOURCE_PROJECT_ID = the name of the project you are cloning
* TARGET_PROJECT_ID = the destination project for the cloning
* RIGHTS_RECIPIENT = the email address of the account to receive read rights
* BUCKET_NAME = the name of the bucket that stores the data.
Please note, you have to manually create this bucket before you export to it.
Also, make sure the bucket is in the same geographic region as the projects you are working with.
* TIMESTAMPED_DIRECTORY = the name of the data directory automatically created by the "export" command
I am sure that this is not the only way to solve the problem, however it worked for me and appears to be the "shortest path" solution I have seen.

Create, restore, and download MongoDB backups automatically on Swisscom Application Cloud

We can create create backups from the Developer Portal for MongoDB, but I'm wondering if this is exposed in any other way through the CLI?
Also, how can I access the backup to inspect it on my machine for example?
There is a CLI tool for making backups: mongodump (in the mongodb-org-tools package)
See also
Yes there are two CLI keystrokes to backup and restore
Mongodump backupPath
Mongorestore -d databasename backupPath
Ex- mongodump C:/user/desktop/backup
mongorestore -d DB1 C:/user/desktop/backup/DB1
Turns out you can't do anything outside of the UI. As per their docs:
There is an API for Service Instance backups and restores (the interface you see in developer portal). See other question Are mongodb backups made automatically?. There is even a CLI plugin to automate Developer Portal backups. Try it with cf install-plugin -r CF-Community "Swisscom Application Cloud".
You can't download the backups to your local computer. For that you you need to use cf ssh tunnel and mongodump/mongorestore. There is a guide to migrate Swisscom MongoDB to other DB provider (like your own computer), see here for the exact commands.