How to obtain all the the incoming and outgoing stream names from Ant Media Server? - streaming

I have a need to obtain all the incoming and outgoing stream names from Ant Media Server, so as to process them uniquely. Is there any way in which we can obtain those, with any specific programming language like python or Java?? Thanks in advance.

You can get all stream information using "getBroadcastList" rest service. This rest service produces information as JSON messages. "name" fields include Stream names.
Usage: http://[SERVER_ADDR]:5080//rest/broadcast/getList/[offset]/[size]
Example: http://[SERVER_ADDR]:5080/LiveApp/rest/broadcast/getList/0/10
You can consume this rest service in any programming language. Please note that you need to call this rest service either from the local machine which Ant Media Server is running on or from remote after successfully logged in to management panel due to the security reasons.
If you want to remove this filtering mechanism please remove the below lines from webapps-> {Application} -> WEBINF -> web.xml


WildFly management - list/detect REST endpoints deployed in WildFly

Is there a way (e.g. from a WildFly management console) to list all REST endpoints deployed in WildFly? Or to list them in a log while a server is starting?
Using the RegistryStatsResource
With RESTEasy (that is shipped with WildFly), you could add the following to your web.xml:
And then request the following URL:
Such endpoint can produce XML and JSON content. Just add the Accept header to the request with the desired media type:
Checking the source code
If you are interested in the source code to create your own implementation, have a look at the RegistryStatsResource class on GitHub.
The most relevant part of the source code is shown below (it's RESTEasy specific):
ResourceMethodRegistry registry = (ResourceMethodRegistry)
for (String key : registry.getBounded().keySet()){
List<ResourceInvoker> invokers = registry.getBounded().get(key);
for (ResourceInvoker invoker : invokers) {
if (invoker instanceof ResourceMethodInvoker) {
ResourceMethodInvoker rm = (ResourceMethodInvoker) invoker;
// Extract metadata from the ResourceMethodInvoker
Swagger may be an alternative
Depending on your requirements, you can use Swagger to document your API. It comes with a set of annotations to describe your REST endpoints.
Then use Swagger UI to provide a live documentation for your API.
Note: As of February 2017, looks like the RegistryStatsResource class is completely undocumented. I occasionally discovered it when digging into the RESTEasy source code for debugging purposes. Also, I found this JBoss EAP issue that tracks the lack of documentation for that class.
From the Management Console, you can view the published endpoints.
When you login as an administrator, Click the Runtime option on the top navigation bar as shown below.
Click the JAX-RS option, then click the REST Resources option. This will display the endpoints to the far right.

Bluemix SAML and timeout session issue

I've created Web Application running on Java Liberty Runtime on Bluemix. Login is done by using SSO service with SAML enterprise provider. After login user redirected to my app and on every JAX-RS request I get user's credentials by following code:
Subject s = WSSubject.getCallerSubject();
Object credential = s.getPrivateCredentials().iterator().next();
String loginToken = credential.toString();
Everything works fine, but if the user has been idle for more then 10 minutes and then perform any ajax request WSSubject.getCallerSubject() returns null, and I required to refresh application.
I've tried to increase timeout by adding following attribute to web.xml:
But it didn't help. So I'm looking how can I increase timeout or possible I can retrieve user credentials in a different way?
You need to add the optional element <authCache> to the server.xml file to change the default values for the authentication cache.
As you mentioned in your question, the default value is 10 minutes. To change it to 60 minutes you need to include the following in the server.xml file:
<authCache initialSize="50" maxSize="25000" timeout="60m"/>
The documentation here provides more details and also explains initialSize and maxSize options, I left the default value for these two above and just updated timeout.
If you are deploying your application using the default method of pushing the war file, you will need to use a different approach to deploy the application with a custom server.xml file. Please check the documentation here for options on pushing Liberty profile applications (more specific check sections Server Directory and Packaged Server).
In this case, you may also want to check the server.xml file that is currently deployed and modify that version to add the <authCache> element.
You can get a copy of the file by running the following command:
$ cf files <your_app_name> app/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/server.xml

Secured HTTP Proxy over different ESB Products

Im currently evaluating different ESB Products (in fact im focuding on mule right now). The Use Case is to proxy a simple HTTP Service, an OpenGIS Web Mapping Service WMS.
Here is an example of an freely published WMS Service:
it responds with XML Metadata about the Service for a "GetCapablities" Request (
it responds with Image data containing a map for a "GetMap" Request (,5656400,2619500,5777000&WIDTH=200&HEIGHT=200&STYLES=&)
Both returns its data as a byte array, which could possibly be the problem i am dealing with.
After I can proxy it through Mule ESB, I want to add security features as follows:
HTTP Basic and Digest Authentication
Authentication via TLS Client certificates
Implementing a XACML Policy Enforcement Point
provide some usage statistics over auditing services and implement some QoS and Throttling on it.
But basically the proxy itself isn't working as i want it to. Here is what I got so far. First I tried to proxy it with a flow to add a security provider on the inbound-adress. but the request doesn't seem to get through to the outbound-adress, and the response is empty.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns="" xmlns:http="" xmlns:doc="" xmlns:spring="" xmlns:mulexml="" xmlns:pattern="" xmlns:core="" xmlns:file="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:mule-ss="" xmlns:ss="" version="CE-3.2.1" xsi:schemaLocation="...cut..."
<mule-ss:delegate-security-provider name="memory-provider" delegate-ref="authenticationManager"/>
<ss:authentication-manager alias="authenticationManager">
<ss:user-service id="userService">
<ss:user name="ross" password="ross" authorities="ROLE_ADMIN"/>
<ss:user name="anon" password="anon" authorities="ROLE_ANON"/>
<http:connector name="NoSessionConnector">
<service-overrides sessionHandler="org.mule.session.NullSessionHandler" />
<flow name="wfsFlow1" doc:name="wfsFlow1" processingStrategy="synchronous">
<http:inbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" host="localhost" port="8081" path="wms" responseTimeout="10000000" doc:name="Geoserver OWS">
<mule-ss:http-security-filter realm="mule-realm"/>
<http:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response" method="GET" address="[header:INBOUND:http.request]" encoding="UTF-8" disableTransportTransformer="true" responseTimeout="1000000" doc:name="Geoserver OWS"/>
I think the problem is the response from the WMS Service as byte array. I tried different repsonse transformers to transform from byte array to string or html response, but it didn't work.
I also tried the bridge pattern, but it wasn't providing the parameters with the GET Operation as i expected but by POST, which is not accepted by the underlying WMS Service.
I think my Use Case is pretty simple, but im trying to implement it since four weeks now. I did every sample Tutorial these vendors provided, but i wasn't able to set up a simple HTTP Parameter service with any kind of authentication.
Does anybody have any experiences with these products or would beso nice to answer me some specific questions on how to set up a HTTP Proxy with authentication on any of these products.
Many thanks!
David, your requirement is lengthy. Let me clarify some points on the WSO2 ESB so you can get started.
WSO2 ESB supports a variety of transports and content types not just SOAP. You may be most interested in the REST and probably JSON support. Links at here and here may help.
All WSO2 servers can be plugged into an external Directory service. Click here for instructions.
All your requirements can be covered. You can go through the comprehensive samples at this location to get a feel for what the ESB can do. Let me also point you to the articles at here, here, here, here and here that would help you with your requirements.
Hope this helps.
Mule relies on Spring Security when it comes to authenticate and authorize people.
Configuring Security is the documentation entry point for dealing with security in Mule. You'll find there information on configuring Spring Security, securing components (like your HTTP bridge) and LDAP authentication.
By default Mule serializes its session into an HTTP header when performing outbound requests. This not only can be a security issue if the remote site is not trusted, but it can also lead to Bad Request issues because the serialized session yields a too large HTTP header.
Knowing that when a security context is present, the Mule Session becomes pretty big, this can cause problem. And indeed, using your config, I was receiving bad request errors from my remote test site! So I added the following to ensure Mule doesn't send its requests over HTTP:
<http:connector name="NoSessionConnector">
<service-overrides sessionHandler="org.mule.session.NullSessionHandler" />
Also I removed disableTransportTransformer="true" from your config because this can cause issues too.

How to push contacts to Microsoft Exchange from Talend?

I'm trying to use Talend Open Studio to sync contacts from a variety of input sources into an Exchange 2007 server.
I know Talend can talk SOAP, and EWS has a WSDL, but having bumped into all
sorts of problems trying to marry the two together (since Exchange's WSDL is lacking elements which Talend needs) I don't know if that's the best plan of attack, or if I should be looking at building a more Exchange-specific plugin for Talend using the EWS Java API from MS.
Alternatively, if these are both known to not be possible, I'd appreciate a pointer to an explanation as to why - all the buzzwords seem to line up on each side, after all.
I work at Talend and would be happy to try and help you out a bit, but I myself am not familiar with the Exchange WSDL. I would assume that a SOAP interface from an established vendor like Microsoft is going to be WS-I Basic Profile compatible and should be easily invoked directly just like any regular WS. Would you mind trying the following:
What particular elements are missing from the MS WSDL, or is it trying to use some non-standard feature? CXF is fully JAX-WS compliant, and it is certified WS-I BP compliant, so I have to assume something odd is going on.
post the WSDL from exchange that you are trying to invoke from Talend.
create a proxy client for that WSDL using CXF.
Give it a try and send the error message.
Generate a mock service provider based on that wsdl using CXF and run the CXF mock and try against that with the CXF wsdl client. This will give you added confidence that the client and wsdl have no problems.
you can also try generating a simple test case with just SOAP UI or similar tooling against the Exchange WS.
ps: CXF is apache based open source. It is easy to use and has tight integration with Talend via the ASF suite. But you can also just use it by itself for diagnostic purposes.
I have been struggling with that too...
You can use tSoap for that purpose.
tWebServiceInput does not work for me with EWS.
tSoap component that resolves a given name is the method ResolveNames()
Value to resolve = Thierry
Set "Need Authentication" with username and password
Set End Point, eg "https://yourserver/EWS/Exchange.asmx"
Set SOAP Action,
SOAP Version 1.1
Set SOAP Message:
... Enter Soap Method enclosed with ".
Joins tSoap to tLogRow
Run the Job. Voila the result...
Starting job xSoap_ResolveNames_LogRow at 13:43 30/05/2012.
[statistics] connecting to socket on port 3682
[statistics] connected
<Header><t:ServerVersionInfo xmlns:t="" MajorBuildNumber="685" MajorVersion="8" MinorBuildNumber="24" MinorVersion="0" /></Header>|<m:ResolveNamesResponse xmlns:m="" xmlns:t=""><m:ResponseMessages><m:ResolveNamesResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success"><m:ResponseCode>NoError</m:ResponseCode><m:ResolutionSet IncludesLastItemInRange="true" TotalItemsInView="1"><t:Resolution><t:Mailbox><t:Name>Thierry TYS. Yen Suin</t:Name><t:EmailAddress></t:EmailAddress><t:RoutingType>SMTP</t:RoutingType><t:MailboxType>Mailbox</t:MailboxType></t:Mailbox><t:Contact><t:DisplayName>Thierry Yen Suin</t:DisplayName><t:GivenName>Thierry</t:GivenName><t:EmailAddresses><t:Entry Key="EmailAddress1"></t:Entry></t:EmailAddresses><t:ContactSource>ActiveDirectory</t:ContactSource><t:Surname>Yen Suin</t:Surname></t:Contact></t:Resolution></m:ResolutionSet></m:ResolveNamesResponseMessage></m:ResponseMessages></m:ResolveNamesResponse>|
[statistics] disconnected
Job xSoap_ResolveNames_LogRow ended at 13:43 30/05/2012. [exit code=0]
It should work similarly with a method that creates a contact.
Hope it helps because I haven't found a lot of post on integrating Talend with Exchange Web Services despite searching for a long time.

How do I force Jersey to load it's services?

I'm having trouble with a jersey application running on a jetty server that will take up to 30 seconds to start. I don't know what causes this behaviour, and I'm unsure how to debug it.
Jersey is not started until the first HTTP request to one of its services are made. After the first request is made, the following gets printed:
INFO: Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.3 06/17/2010 04:53 PM'
After that, 5 to 45 seconds pass, and then jersey prints info about what resources it found and replies to the HTTP request.
First, I'd like to force jersey to start when the rest of the app starts as a hack to get around this until I find the culprit. Is there any way to do that without emulating an actual HTTP request to jetty?
Second, I'm stumped as to how to debug this. I've checked the constructors in my service classes, and they don't appear to be responsible. Has anyone had similar problems with jersey?
You could try the following in your web.xml:
I'm not sure why there'd be a long delay - perhaps it's doing some form of check for updates - are you able to monitor the http traffic from your application? Glassfish does that and it can take a while.