Spark avro predicate pushdown - scala

We are using Avro data format and the data is partitioned by year, month, day, hour, min
I see the data stored in HDFS as
And we load the data using
val schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(this.getClass.getResourceAsStream("/schema.txt"))
val df ="com.databricks.spark.avro").option("avroSchema",schema.toString).load("/data")
And then using predicate push down for filtering the data -
var x = isInRange(startDate, endDate)($"year", $"month", $"day", $"hour", $"min")
df = tableDf.filter(x)
Can someone explain what is happening behind the scenes?
I want to specifically understand when does the filtering of input files happen and where?
Interestingly, when I print the schema, the fields year, month, day and hour are automatically added, i.e the actual data does not contain these columns. Does Avro add these fields?
Want to understand clearly how files are filtered and how the partitions are created.


Drop duplicates over time window in pyspark

I have a streaming data frame in spark reading from a kafka topic and I want to drop duplicates for the past 5 minutes every time a new record is parsed.
I am aware of the dropDuplicates(["uid"]) function, I am just not sure how to check for duplicates over a specific historic time interval.
My understanding is that the following:
df = df.dropDuplicates(["uid"])
either works on the data read over the current (micro)batch or else over "anything" that is right now into memory.
Is there a way to set the time for this de-duplication, using a "timestamp" column within the data?
Thanks in advance.
.withWatermark("event_time", "5 seconds")\
.dropDuplicates(["User", "uid"])\
for more info you can refer,

How to read last N number of last days from the current date in parquet

I have saved the data in warehouse in parquet file format with partition by date type column.
I try to get last N days data from the current date using scala spark.
The file data in saved like as below as warehouse path.
If i read all the data its very hug amount of data.
As your dataset is correctly partitioned using the parquet format, you just need to read the directory Testpath/filename and let Spark do the partition discovery.
It will add a dt column in your schema with the value from the path name : dt=<value>.This value can be used to filter your dataset and Spark will optimize the read by partition pruning all directory which does not match you predicate on the dt column.
You could try something like this :
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.functions._
val df ="Testpath/filename/")
.where($"dt" > date_sub(current_date(), N))
You need to ensure spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown is set to true (which is default)

Spark - How to get the latest hour in S3 path?

I'm using a Databricks notebook with Spark and Scala to read data from S3 into a DataFrame:
myDf ="s3a://data/metrics/*/*/*/). where * wildcards represent year/month/day.
Or I just hardcode it: myDf ="s3a://data/metrics/2018/05/20/)
Now I want to add an hour parameter right after the day. The idea is to obtain data from S3 for the most recently available hour.
If I do myDf ="s3a://data/metrics/2018/05/20/*) then I'll get data for all hours of may 20th.
How is it possible to achieve this in a Databricks notebook without hardcoding the hour?
Use timedate function
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
latest_hour = - timedelta(hours = 1)
You can also split them by year, month, day, hour

Spark jar running for too long [duplicate]

I am trying to access a mid-size Teradata table (~100 million rows) via JDBC in standalone mode on a single node (local[*]).
I am using Spark 1.4.1. and is setup on a very powerful machine(2 cpu, 24 cores, 126G RAM).
I have tried several memory setup and tuning options to make it work faster, but neither of them made a huge impact.
I am sure there is something I am missing and below is my final try that took about 11 minutes to get this simple counts vs it only took 40 seconds using a JDBC connection through R to get the counts.
bin/pyspark --driver-memory 40g --executor-memory 40g
df ="jdbc:teradata://......)
When I tried with BIG table (5B records) then no results returned upon completion of query.
All of the aggregation operations are performed after the whole dataset is retrieved into memory into a DataFrame collection. So doing the count in Spark will never be as efficient as it would be directly in TeraData. Sometimes it's worth it to push some computation into the database by creating views and then mapping those views using the JDBC API.
Every time you use the JDBC driver to access a large table you should specify the partitioning strategy otherwise you will create a DataFrame/RDD with a single partition and you will overload the single JDBC connection.
Instead you want to try the following AI (since Spark 1.4.0+):
url = "<URL>",
table = "<TABLE>",
lowerBound = minValue,
upperBound = maxValue,
numPartitions = 20,
connectionProperties = new java.util.Properties()
There is also an option to push down some filtering.
If you don't have an uniformly distributed integral column you want to create some custom partitions by specifying custom predicates (where statements). For example let's suppose you have a timestamp column and want to partition by date ranges:
val predicates =
"2015-06-20" -> "2015-06-30",
"2015-07-01" -> "2015-07-10",
"2015-07-11" -> "2015-07-20",
"2015-07-21" -> "2015-07-31"
.map {
case (start, end) =>
s"cast(DAT_TME as date) >= date '$start' AND cast(DAT_TME as date) <= date '$end'"
// Below is the result of how predicates were formed
//cast(DAT_TME as date) >= date '2015-06-20' AND cast(DAT_TME as date) <= date '2015-06-30'
//cast(DAT_TME as date) >= date '2015-07-01' AND cast(DAT_TME as date) <= date '2015-07-10'
//cast(DAT_TME as date) >= date '2015-07-11' AND cast(DAT_TME as date) <= date //'2015-07-20'
//cast(DAT_TME as date) >= date '2015-07-21' AND cast(DAT_TME as date) <= date '2015-07-31'
url = "<URL>",
table = "<TABLE>",
predicates = predicates,
connectionProperties = new java.util.Properties()
It will generate a DataFrame where each partition will contain the records of each subquery associated to the different predicates.
Check the source code at DataFrameReader.scala
Does the unserialized table fit into 40 GB? If it starts swapping on disk performance will decrease drammatically.
Anyway when you use a standard JDBC with ansi SQL syntax you leverage the DB engine, so if teradata ( I don't know teradata ) holds statistics about your table, a classic "select count(*) from table" will be very fast.
Instead spark, is loading your 100 million rows in memory with something like "select * from table" and then will perform a count on RDD rows. It's a pretty different workload.
One solution that differs from others is to save the data from the oracle table in an avro file (partitioned in many files) saved on hadoop.
This way reading those avro files with spark would be a peace of cake since you won't call the db anymore.

How to drop a parquet partition with pyspark on Spark 1.5.2?

Once we have loaded data to a praquet file partitioned on the business date as an integer format - yyyyMMdd, how do we drop the partition and facilitate reprocess of data for the same day. The overwrite mode rewrites the whole file which is already huge.