find data with arrays of ids in mongodb? - mongodb

I have a array list from another example but this don’t work for me, maybe is because i need use ObjectId()’ but i don’t know how i will can parse this array, too i don’t know if is possibly get only once param (username) and not the full array?
the code is this:
var list = ["5883d387971bb840b7399130","5883d389971bb840b7399131","5883d38a971bb840b7399132"]
.find({ _id: {$in : list}},{username:1})
can you help and say me how i need create the query ? 🙏🏻 thanks.

You query is correct except you need to wrap your ids inside ObjectId using map.
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID
var list = ["5883d387971bb840b7399130","5883d389971bb840b7399131","5883d38a971bb840b7399132"]
db.collectionName('newCollection').find({ _id: {$in : (id) => ObjectId(id))}}, {userName:1, _id:0})


updating Mongoose documents with nested arrays at multiple indexes

I'm having trouble updating a schema with a nested array to have one objectID in multiple rows of the array. Please help if you can!
My Schema looks like this:
var ProblemSchema = new Schema({
data : "etc..."
array1 : [{
_id : { type: 'String' },
array2: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId}]
I can easily add an objectId to a SINGLE nested array using the $ operator in the update object like so:
var query = {array1._id : ID};
var update = {$push : {'array1.$.array2' : objectId}};
Problem.update(query, update)
I want to be able to, however, add the same objectId to MULTIPLE array2s (i.e. corresponding to different array1 ids) in one query, but the $ operator only matches to the first match to the query so I can't do it the way outlined above.
I'm also trying to avoid having a for loop on the server (I realize I could find() the correct document then use a for loop in which I manually push() the objectID to the correct array2s but the solution involves large overhead), can anyone think of a solution?
As of MongoDB 2.6, there's no way to do this with with a single update query. The $ positional operator is a placeholder for the first matching element in an array. There's a MongoDB feature request for updating all matching elements of an array, SERVER-1243, that you can track in the meantime.

Updating a specific element in an array with MongoDB / Meteor

"users_voted" : [
"user_id" : "AQG8ECLdBRJ4jwPMG",
"score" : "down"
Wondering how I would go about updating the users_voted field which is an array objects. I need to have a specific object updated. I know the index at which this object is located, I simply need to figure out how I can update that object in a MongoDB / Meteor collection.
This is some pseudo-code that I have to better explain what I mean.
Posts.update({_id: post_id}, {$set: {vote_score[index]: u_object}});
So in this query I know index and post_id as well as u_object is the object that I am trying to put into the array in place of whatever object that was there at that index. If someone could help let me know how I should go about this, it would be great.
You can't use variables as keys in an object literal. Give this a try:
var obj = {};
obj["users_voted." + index] = u_object;
Posts.update({_id: post_id}, {$set: obj});

Updating multiple MongoDB records in Sails.js

I need to update multiple records in mongodb.
From frontend logic , i got the array of id's as below.
ids: [ [ '530ac94c9ff87b5215a0d6e6', '530ac89a7345edc214618b25' ] ]
I have an array of ids as above , i need to update the folder field for all the records in that array.
I tried passing the id's to mongodb query as below , but still that doesn't work.
Post.native(function(err, collection) {
_id : {
"$in" : ids
}, { folder : 'X'}, {
multi : true
}, function(err, result) {
Please help.
There seem to be two possible problems.
1) your ids array is not an array of ids, it's an array which has a single element which is itself an array, which has two elements. An array of ids would be `[ 'idvalue1', 'idvalue2']
2) your id values inside of arrays are strings - is that how you are storing your "_id" values? If they are ObjectId() type then they are not a string but a type ObjectId("stringhere") which is not the same type and won't be equal to "stringhere".
There is no reason to use the native method in this case. Just do:
Post.update({id : ids}, {folder : 'X'}).exec(console.log);
Waterline automatically does an "in" query when you set a criteria property to an array, and Sails-Mongo automatically translates "id" to "_id" and handles ObjectId translation for you.
Those strings look like the string representation of mongod ObjectIds, so probably what you want to do is turn them into ObjectIds before querying. Assuming you've corrected your problem with the extra level of nesting in the array, that is:
ids = ['530ac94c9ff87b5215a0d6e6', '530ac89a7345edc214618b25']
Then you want to do something like this:
oids = []
for (var i in ids)
db.c.find({_id: {$in: oids}})
Does that fix your problem?

Mongo, find through list of ids

I have a process that returns a list of String MongoDB ids,
[512d5793abb900bf3e20d012, 512d5793abb900bf3e20d011]
And I want to fire a single query to Mongo and get the matching documents back in the same order as the list.
What is the shell notation to do this?
After converting the strings into ObjectIds, you can use the $in operator to get the docs in the list. There isn't any query notation to get the docs back in the order of your list, but see here for some ways to handle that.
var ids = ['512d5793abb900bf3e20d012', '512d5793abb900bf3e20d011'];
var obj_ids = { return ObjectId(id); });
db.test.find({_id: {$in: obj_ids}});
This works fine for me in Robo 3T. No need to create any object and just use the list of ids.
// categoryId comma separated "5c875c27d131b755d7abed86,5c875b0ad131b755d7abed81" in request
var ids= req.body.categoryId.split(',');
db.test.find({ categoryId: { $in: ids } });
If your final purpose is to get the document with the order by your pre-get ids list, you can just convert the query result into mapping(id as key, doc as value) , and then traverse the ids list to get the doc.

Finding an Embedded Document by a specific property in Mongoose, Node.js, MongodDB

For this app, I'm using Node.js, MongoDB, Mongoose & Express
So I have a Param Object that contains an array of Pivots, and I want to read certain data from the pivots as outlined below
---in models.js-------------------------
var Pivot = new Schema({
value : String
, destination : String
, counter : Number
var Param = new Schema({
title : String
, desc : String
, pivots : [Pivot]
------------- in main.js --------------
var Param = db.model('Param');
app.get('/:title/:value', function(req, res){
Param.findOne({"title":req.param('title')}, function(err, record){
record.pivots.find({"value":req.param('value')}, function(err, m_pivot){
I know that the code works until console.log(record.pivots), since i got a doc collection with the right pivot documents inside.
However, there does not seem to be a find method to let me match an embedded document by the 'value' property defined in the schema. Is it possible to search through this array of embedded documents using .find() or .findOne() , and if not, is there some easy way to access it through mongoose?
This should do it
app.get('/:title/:value', function(req, res) {
Param.findOne({'pivots.value': req.param('value'), "title":req.param('title')}},
function(err, record) {
Note the pluralization of the query to match the field name in your schema
You can querying using embedded document properties like this:
{'pivot.value': req.param('value')}}
Update in response to comment:
app.get('/:title/:value', function(req, res) {
Param.findOne({'pivot.value': req.param('value'), "title":req.param('title')}},
function(err, record) {
I solved it temporarily using a simple for loop to parse the object array as follows:
for (var i=0; i <record.pivots.length; i++){
if (record.pivots[i].value == req.param('value')){
However, I still think that Mongoose must have a simpler way of interacting with embedded documents - and this loop is somewhat slow, especially when the number of embedded documents grows large.
If anyone has any suggestions for a faster way to search this object array either in js or with a mongoose function, please post below.
the biggest problem with this is that if your req has some fields empty (that should act as wildcard), you will not find anything since mongo tries to match empty params as well, so searching for {"user":"bob", "color":""} is not the same as {"user":"bob", "color":"red"} or {"user":"bob"}. this means that you have to first create a query object and filter out any unused parameters before you pass it in, and if you create a query object, you can no longer do something like "" because mongo interperets this as an error since it does not first resolve the object literal into a string.
Any ideas on this problem?
ps. You'd think it would be easy enough to make an object like:"bob"; user.color:"green"; user.signup.time="12342561"
and then just use user as a query object :/
I think you are looking for the "$in" keyword?
As in:
{a: {$in: [10, "hello"]}}
source: MongoDB Queries CheatSheet