Multiple Weblogic versions on same Eclipse - eclipse

Is it even possible to have multiple Weblogic server installations (with different versions) under the same eclipse IDE?
Although it seems doable (in fact, I managed to configure both instances ok), after installing a second weblogic server ( first one, 10.3.0 second one) I keep getting strange behaviour.
The 12.2 weblogic starts and stops fine (this was the first version to be installed), but when I add the 10.3 and try to start it, looks like it's trying to start both servers at the same time. Also, it will timeout when trying to validate the server/domain, even though the server is up and running!
This may look like a very basic querstion but the closest one regarding this I was able to find here only talked about having different domains.
Servers/different runtimes
10.3 Server startup
10.3 Server admin console


build.dir error in netBeans

I am working on my own, learning about Java servlets and JSPs. My machine configuration as follows is from NetBeans' About page.
Product Version: NetBeans IDE 8.0.1 (Build 201408251540)
Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.0.1 Patch 1.1
Java: 1.8.0_20; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.20-b23
Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_20-b26
System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_US (nb)
Tomcat 8.0.14 for Windows x64 is also installed as the web server.
I created a tiny web app yesterday, which was working as expected. When I went to the next exercise in the book, it was necessary to install MySQL. That seemed pretty straightforward, but alas, the install ran into a couple of problems. Unfortunately, I had not created a restore point right before that attempt, so I went back to the restore point created before the Tomcat install.
I re-installed Tomcat, and as a sanity check, started it, started NetBeans, tried to the run the tiny web app and after removing the server and re-adding it (because I got an error about the server) in NetBeans, got a message that I needed to set the build.dir.
For a tiny app, this is just annoying, but when working on a large app, it would be nice to avoid this problem. Another book author supplied app was working before, and is still working so...
Here are my questions:
1) Why/how would simply re-installing Tomcat cause a break in something that was working?
2) It seems as if the build.dir is set in build-impl.dir (in the app that is working) with a statement like (the opening and closing tags are missing so the statements would appear):
property location="${build.dir}/empty" name="empty.dir"
One post I read somewhere said that the above statement should be before the:
fail unless="build.dir">Must set build.dir
3) How/where is this build.dir set during the creation of a NetBeans web app? Is there some dialog box that I'm not completing correctly? If I miss it, is there a way to get back to it after the app gets "confused"?
Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Unable to validate Weblogic domain" - Oracle Enterprise Pack

I have been facing the "Unable to validate Weblogic domain" issue from OEPE for last 2 days. I have tried
(a) downloading and installing different versions of OEPE ;
(b) Using Eclipse and Oracle Weblogic separately ; outside of OEPE etc
It used to work previously and then one day last week, my system shut down unexpectedly and since then I am not able to get Eclipse (irrespective of version) and Weblogic to work together.
I have moved on to using Jboss for the time being. But since my production environment is Weblogic and I would like to use Weblogic for development purposes as well, I am trying to get this issue resolved.
I did search the Oracle and other communities and somebody mentioned its because of difference in java version and to add
in eclipse.ini. My eclipse.ini already has this statement and I still face the issue.Please help.
Iam not the person who answers this question. But the comment above is the answer for this question and it worked for me too. Below is the solution.
I finally got the resolution for this issue. Actually the full credit goes to my colleague, who resolved this bugging bug. Since it drove me crazy, decided that I would spare others from the same experience First of all, there were no errors in any of the logs. Server was starting up but Eclipse did not recognize it as such. And here is the resolution : Go to Window Tab -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connections Change the Active provider to "Direct". The default is usually Native. and that's it. Close and restart eclipse.
It happened to me as well, I even reinstalled weblogic again, after a bit of research I decided to kill the Java(TM) Platform SE Binary process via Task Manager and restarted the Server.
That's all It took to resolve the issue.

Unable to stop Grails app from Eclipse (on Windows)

I'm setting up a Grails development environment using Eclipse (on Windows) and I've noticed that after the sample app starts running (not debugging, just running), no matter what I do I can't terminate the running app. I've tried the obvious red square (on the console window and on the debug view). I've also tried running "stop-app" from the grails command window. But the app still continues to run. Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for it?
Not sure if this matter, but the only thing that I did in Eclipse other than installing the Groovy/Grails plugin is to also install support for the Groovy 2.1 compiler.
Everything in 2.3 is forked by default, so there's one JVM that you start, and it has the Ant jars and other stuff that's needed to start Grails, but that pollutes the JVM unnecessarily. The 2nd JVM that the first process starts is lighter-weight with only the jars that the app depends on, i.e. the Grails, Spring, Hibernate, etc. jars. But this is a tricky thing to do, and unfortunately Windows doesn't get much testing during development because the Grails developers get to choose which OS to use (unlike a lot of Grails users who often have Windows forced on them) and Windows is not chosen - it's all Mac and Linux.
I haven't followed this closely because it was quite buggy early on and I'm now in the habit of just disabling forking any time I create an app. There's probably a better approach, but I delete the grails.project.fork property from BuildConfig.groovy. You can comment it out, or disable forking for a particular launch type ("run", "test", etc.) but deleting the whole block disables it across the board and I find that things work well after that.

WebLogic Server IS starting and functional in Eclipse Galileo yet I get several errors on startup

I'm able to start WebLogic Server 11gR1 PatchSet 2 on my local machine and my web application is accessible after starting up WLS, yet I'm getting errors in my Eclipse Galileo Error Log on startup. Here's the messages I'm getting in ascending order:
Started WebLogic Server Monitor [mydomain#localhost:7001, Version:]
Unable to find tools.jar within Java VM associated with target WebLogic runtime; features dependent on tools.jar may not function
The server cannot be launched within timeout.
Server Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 PatchSet 2 at localhost was unable to start within 480 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor.
I've increased the timeout setting to 480 seconds (8 minutes) and one would think that's sufficient enough time for the startup.
I am able to run my web application successfully and output is generated on the Console as well so the last three error messages in the bullets above aren't show stoppers.
Wondering if any of you have run across these errors and how you went about to resolve them.
Upgraded to latest version of Eclipse Java EE (Indigo SR2 for win32) and was able to launch it with no issues.

OSGi headless deployment on Linux

I've developed a OSGi application on my windows machine that is just lovely. How ever I need it to run on my Linux server and this is where I run into problems.
My application has no GUI. It simple works with a console and is command line driven.
My first attempt at deployment I built a product based on my existing run target. It exported fine to a Windows .exe so I added the required delta packs for Linux. The problem with this is it has only two options Linux (GTK) and Linux (MOTIF). My linux server runs on CentOS with no GUI as it is a hosted machine so when I try and deploy it I get a segmentation fault.
I have been searching around as to what to do but I'm not coming up with any answers.
Any help would be much appreciated. I have been banging my head on this one for over a week
The google keyword you need is 'xvfb' - it acts like an X server, but ignores everything sent to it, so you don't need any graphics hardware. Try firing that up (make sure you set DISPLAY appropriately).
A cleaner solution would be to figure out why the library is demanding an X server if it works without - perhaps you could update the question with more details.