Paypal Sendbox is stuck - paypal

I recently added a plugin on my website which has a payment system.
This plugin asks for PayPal Client ID and Secret to test the payment system through sandbox.
As per the instructions, I created a business and a buyer account. To be sure, the business in US and buyer in India.
I used the plugin and reached the payment page, where I entered Buyer's credentials and logged in.
The next page, asked me to enter Credit card details and I added it.
When I pressed "Add" button to add credit card, nothing happened and the payment stuck.
Please help me with the issue.

This is a known issue as of today
Initial Notification: We are aware of an issue preventing merchants
from completing payments in the sandbox environment. When attempting a
payment, affected merchants are receiving the error: "Please add a
debit or credit card to complete your purchase." We are actively
working to resolve this issue.
The incident is on-going and currently there is no ETA for a fix.
UPDATE 16th August 2018
Issue has been fixed.


Paypal returns "The merchant does not accept payments of this type"

I integrated Paypal into my mobile APP and I use the REST API Calls. If I pay the ordeers using paypal account, It works succesfully, but if I use Direct Credit Card Payment (when the user doesn't have the paypal account), Paypal System return an error:
"The merchant does not accept payments of this type"
I don't found in my Paypal Dashboard where this payment type could be enabled.
Could you please help me?
Following are checklist you should verify, probably following is the basic reasons for an error.
1: Be sure the merchant account has Pro permissions. Also, be sure the
app has gone through the developer-approval process.
2: Also, be sure the app has been approved. The app has basic
permissions until you submit it for approval.
3: You may have a Business account but to accept credit card payments
in the live environment your account must be approved for Paypal.
4: You should contact PayPal Developer Support. File a ticket at
PayPal merchant technical Support. Click on the Contact Technical
Support link to file a ticket.
5: You can call to PayPal Customer Care, They will verify your name,
DOB, Verification Code (Code will be shown in your PayPal Dashboard in
Customer support page) etc, they will fix your issue in a minute or
they will help you to fix your issue.
As per my experience to solve this issue I had to subscribe to the Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution.
There is no setup fee but there is a monthly fee and a transaction fee.
Setup link for Australia:

Paypal Return Message 3005 on Sandbox Account

I am using Paypal sandbox for recurring payment system. my express check out payment for initial payment is working proper and also create Recurring Payments Profile in sandbox. But when i searching the transaction i am getting the below error.
Sorry — your last action could not be completed
If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.
If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.
If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or deleting cookies.
Message 3005
I have also enable recurring payment in seller account.

PayPal recurrent payment. How to claim them?

I've been working (or should I say struggling) with the PayPal SDK to get recurring billing running for my website. I managed to get it to work, however I do not see how to automatically "claim" the money?
Basically what happens is:
The profile is created, after 24 hours the payment is done and I see the following in my merchant sandbox account:
It seems I need to manually accept the payment for the amount to be added to my PayPal balance.
Is there a way of doing this automatically?
This is usually caused by an issue with the recipient's account. Most commonly, The recipient hasn’t confirmed the email address on their PayPal account. Once the email address is confirmed the amount would automatically post to the balance on future payments.

Issues with processing PayPal Payment

We are using the secure token method to process credit card payments with PayPal hosted pages. We generate the secure token by providing the required information
[TRXTYPE=S, AMT=xxx, TENDER=C, ORDERID=xxxxxxxxxxxx, CURRENCY=USD, CREATESECURETOKEN=Y, SECURETOKENID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, PARTNER=Paypal, VENDOR=xxxxxx, USER=xxxxxx, PWD=xxxxxx]
We get the success result as follows:
{"RESULT"=>"0", "SECURETOKEN"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "SECURETOKENID"=>"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "RESPMSG"=>"Approved"}
We then send this back to PayPal where the user can choose to pay with credit card and or PayPal.
When someone pays with credit card, all is fine, when someone chooses to pay using "PayPal" it asks user for PayPal credentials and once provided it shows another screen to accept the charges. Once the user accepts, we get the following error message:
{"TYPE":"S","RESPMSG":"Original transaction ID not found: xxxxxxxxxxxx","TAX":"0.00","PNREF":"xxxxxxxxxxxx","TENDER":"P","AVSDATA":"XXN","METHOD":"P","SECURETOKEN":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","AMT":"1.00","SECURETOKENID":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","TRANSTIME":"2014-01-02 06:09:02","ORDERID":"xxxxxxxx36U1","RESULT":"19","DUPLICATE":"2","TRXTYPE":"S","action":"create","controller":"payment_notifications"}
The help I got from PayPal folks says "Looking at the logs it seems like the transaction was declined with the result code 19 which means that the transaction ID you entered for this transaction is not valid. When searched for the original transaction, I could not find any. So, it seems like the original transaction is not valid. Provide an valid original transaction ID and it should go through fine."
However nowhere in their documentation do they suggest to send this "transaction ID" variable and without it we have been processing Credit Card payments just fine.
My question:
What do i need to change in my process that I can accept Credit Card and PayPal payments?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It seems the issue was on PayPal side and they have yet to come back to us with an answer. Once thing which they do not openly advertise is that they have the ability to remove the Pay with PayPal button form the hosted pages so if someone else runs across the same issue they should ask PayPal to remove the Pay with PayPal button from their end, made sure to confirm that you are not disabling the service from express checkout just hiding the button.

How to verify paypal reference transactions is enabled

Hi I'm setting up paypal pro for a client. I need reference transactions to work as we would have to bill the customer each month and sometimes the amount may vary.
Credit card payment
The code flow has been tested with paypal sandbox and it completely works. But with the real account we get the following error.
"This transaction cannot be processed. Please contact PayPal Customer Service."
Paypal Account Payment/Express Checkout
It did not work with paypal sandbox too owing to reference transactions not being enabled. i'm facing a similar situation with the paypal pro account too. I get the error
"Merchant not enabled for reference transactions"
We sent a request to paypal asking them to enable reference transactions. They replied back assuring they did but I still get the same error. I even tried removing the current api signature and recreating a new one. But I still get the same error.
Has anyone faced a similar situation ?
Is there any sure way of verifying if reference transactions is enabled?
If it is not, is there a way to enable it other than going through paypal's customer service (it's appalling) ?
Yes it's easy.
Just try to make a payment with a billing agreement.
Just above the confirmation message on the PayPal website it will show:
Use PayPal for future payments to XXX Inc. Payments will be made with
your default payment method unless you select a preferred payment
method. To make changes, go to My money in your Profile, and update
the My preapproved payments section.
If you don't see that message they're not enabled (or your request is wrong). But of course you can check in the sandbox to make sure the request is correct.