In the Dropbox API v2, File and Folder Metadata contain a path_lower property which specifies the unique path for that file. However, if I have called filesListFolder to retrieve a folder listing, and then need to check whether a path exists in the folder, how do I correctly convert the path to lowercase according to the rules that Dropbox servers use to determine what is a lowercase path. In other words, I don't want to call filesGetMetadata just because the specified path has different casing, but I also don't want to return metadata for the wrong file just because I incorrectly converted it to lowercase.
I'm using the Javascript API.
I have a list of files in a adls container which contain date in the name as given below:
TestFile-Name-20221120. csv
TestFile-Name-20221119. csv
TestFile-Name-20221118. csv
and i want to copy files which contain today date only like TestFile-Name-20221120. csv on today and so on.
I've used get metedata activity to get list of files and then for each to iterate over each file and then used set variable to extract name from the file like 20221120 but not sure how to proceed further.
We have something similar running. We check an SFTP folder for the existanc e of files, using the Get Metadata activity. In our case, there can be folders or files. We only want to process files, and very specific ones for that matter (I.e. we have 1 pipeline per filename we can process, as the different filenames would contain different columns/datatypes etc).
Our pipeline looks like this:
Within our Get Metadata component, we basically just filter for the name of the object we want, and we only want files ending in .zip, meaning we added a Filename filter:
In your case, the first part would be 'TestFile-Name-', and the second part would be *.csv'.
We then have a For Each loop set up, to process anything (the child items) we retrieved in the Get Metadata step. Within the For Each we defined an If Condition to only process files, and not folders.
In our cases, we use the following expression:
#equals(item().type, 'File')
In your case, you could use something like:
#endsWith(item().name, concat(<variable containing your date>, '.csv'))
Assuming all the file names start with TestFile-Name-,
and you want to copy the data of file with todays date,
use get metadata activity to check if the file exists and the file name can be dynamic like
Note: you need to fromat utcnow as per the needed format
and if file exists, then proceed for copy else ignore
In the documentation of pythonforandroid, at, there is a build option described called blacklist.
--blacklist: The path to a file containing blacklisted patterns that will be excluded from the final APK. Defaults to ./blacklist.txt
However, not a word can be found anywhere about how to use this file and what exactly the patterns are supposed to represent. For instance, is this used to exclude libraries, files, or directories? Do the patterns match file names or contents? What is the syntax of the patterns, or an example of a valid blacklist.txt file?
This file should contain a list of glob patterns, i.e. as implemented by fnmatch, one per line. These patterns are compared against the full filepath of each file in your source dir, probably using a global filepath but I'm not certain about that (it might be relative to the source dir).
For instance, the file could contain the following lines:
This would prevent all files ending with .txt from being included in the apk, and all files named test.jpg in any subfolder.
If using buildozer, the android.blacklist_src buildozer.spec option can be used to point to your choice of blacklist file.
I want to copy multiple .gz files from one gcs bucket to another. File name pattern has prefix as 'Logs_' and suffix as date like '20160909',so full file name will be Logs_2016090.gz, Logs_20160908.gz etc. I want to copy all files starting with Logs_ from one gcs bucket to another gcs bucket. For this I am using wildcard character * at the end like Logs_*.gz for copy operation as below:
Storage.Objects.Copy request =
.copy("source_bucket", "Logs_*.gz", "destination_bucket", ".", content);
Above I am using "." because all files has to be copied to destination_bucket, so I can't specify single file name there. Unfortunately, this code doesn't work and error that file doesn't exist. I am not sure what change is required here. Any java link or any piece of code will be helpful. Thanks !!
While the gsutil command-line utility happily supports wildcards, the GCS APIs themselves are lower level commands and do not. The storage.objects.copy method must have one precise source and one precise destination.
I recommend one of the following:
Use a small script invoking gsutil, or
Make a storage.objects.list call to get the names of all matching source objects, then iterate over them, calling copy for each, or
If you're dealing with more than, say, 10 TB or so of gzip files, consider using Google's Cloud Storage Transfer Service to copy the files.
After the upload the a sapui5 application on the SAP system has a strange structure. The files are not in the same structure as they were on my machine and the filenames are hashed, except MIMEs. So I am not able to find e.g. a specific "controller.js". The application is still fully working.
In this specific case the SAP Program "/UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD" was used to upload the application. The upload protocol looks fine, no hint about renaming or similar. So I am not sure if the problem is with the system or the program.
All the hash files name should be normal naming and should be in sub-folders components. Even the "index.html" file has a hash, this cases a problem when click on "test application", because it opens the hash in the URL. The hash, which is the path and the filename cannot be opened, but if I replace the hash with the original path -> it works
A work colleague found the issue in the sap system. It seems it is not allowed to have path + filename longer than 70 characters. If it is longer it hashes the path and filename to place it under the project root folder.
The german comment seems very strange, though ... "Name length should not be a
problem. Do we have anyhow a max length?"
It also creates a file containing the mapping from filepath + filename to hash.
You should not use file names longer than 70 characters.
Also you should not use '-' in your file names.
As far as I know the only allowed characters for valid BSP paths are:
I have added a lot of paths to matlab and now I want to share my code, but I don't know exactly which function (in which path) I should add to my shared code. Each time I need to add a missing function and it is really bothering for me and the users who are using the code.
So, I would like to restore the matlab path to its original case. Is there any way to do this in matlab? I also want to keep a backup of my current added path in a .m file and use it later when I am done.
To restore the path to default value -
restoredefaultpath sets the search path to include only folders for
MathWorks® installed products. Use restoredefaultpath when you are
having problems with the search path.
restoredefaultpath; matlabrc sets the search path to include only
folders for MathWorks installed products and corrects search path
problems encountered during startup.
And to save the current path -
savepath updates the MATLAB® search path for all users on the system
so that the path can be reused in a future session. savepath saves the
search path to the pathdef.m file that MATLAB located at startup, or
to the current folder if a pathdef.m file exists there.
Or you can just store path in variable p = path; and restore it later path(p);. If the path is saved into pathdef.m the call of pathdef returns the string that can be used to set the saved path.