nuget install does not actually install the software? - nuget

I created one internal nuget repository and stored 7zip nuget package in it.
Added internal repo using , nuget sources Add -Name "localnuget" -Source
But when i used nuget install 7Zip.sfx -Source localnuget it is just extracting it and putting it inside a folder in which i can see tools folder which contains the 7Zip exe file.
nuget cli will install this exe file or not?

NuGet.exe will not install software contained in NuGet packages. It will extract the contents of the NuGet package to a local folder.
tIf you are looking to install 7zip you should use one of the following:
The official 7zip installer.
Chocolately - if you want a command line package manager.


Nuget config and dnu restore on fresh windows install

After getting a new server up and running, I tried to get a dnx project working. I ran dnu restore on a project, and get this error.
Errors in C:\apps\ElasticIndexer\app\project.json
Unable to locate Dependency TestApplication >= 1.0.1
Feeds used:
My issue is that I am unable to change the nuget feed used, as we host our nuget packages on a different server. I searched in %appdata% and there was no folder for nuget. I then decided I would do a search for nuget.config on the whole server and there was no nuget.config file.
I don't want to install Visual Studio on this server, but is there a reason why I don't have a nuget folder in my %appdata% folder? How does dnu know to search by default? When installing latest dnvm is it supposed to create the nuget location as well, or do I need to manually create the folder and config file?
If there isn't a nuget.config file on your server you could try running nuget install. If that doesn't work try updating the sources via the command line:
NuGet.exe Sources Add -Name <feedName> -Source <pathToPackageSource>

Nuget creating a folder with the package name

I created a nuget package "MyClassLib.1.0.0.nupkg" and I am looking to install it in under ClassLib folder of my solution.
However when I install the package it install as below
Excepted :
How can I prevent the folder MyClassLib.1.0.0 from being created.
Note - I use Nuget Package Manager 2.8.6
The folder structure issue was not the real problem, placing the dlls in the respective folder was the original issue. The below solution may help any newbies.
Writing a power shell script Copy-Item $src $dest -recurse -force inside the install.ps1 copied the contents of the packages into the required folder solved the problem.
Nuget package needs to have a folder named tools and a script file "install.ps1" which is automatically executed everytime the nuget package installation happens.

Why windows C# projects contain nuget executable in .nuget folder?

I don't understood the overall scheme on how NuGet is used on windows platform (because I never saw this, I work with Linux and monodevelop).
In many windows projects, there is a .nuget folder in repository, like
In this folder there is a nuget.exe executable.
Why it is necessary to add executables to source code control(SCC)?
How NuGet build tool differs from all other binary tools like compilers, which are not included into SCC?
Why other package managers like paludis are not added to SCC, but nuget does?
What are exactly the reasons to put NuGet to SCC?
It is not necessary to add NuGet.exe to source control.
The reason some projects have .nuget/NuGet.exe, with a set of other MSBuild files, is to use the MSBuild based package restore. The MSBuild based package restore will run NuGet.exe at build time to download any missing packages.
The MSBuild based package restore has been deprecated by the NuGet team.
Visual Studio with recent versions of the NuGet Package Manager will automatically restore NuGet packages before building the project. If you need to restore NuGet packages on a build server you can use NuGet.exe to restore the NuGet packages by running a command line similar to:
NuGet.exe restore YourSolution.sln

how to get all nuget dependencies for offline installation

I two computers, one with internet connection and the other one without.
I want to install a Nuget package (Nuget.server) with all its dependencies on the offline computer.
Unfortunately it is not possible just to download the package itself and I have to download all dependencies manually and there are dozens of them.
How can I create a package on the computer with internet connection that contains all dependencies?
I just went through the pain of this and wanted to find a solution using only the NuGet CLI. Turns out it's pretty simple really:
> nuget.exe install <PACKAGENAME> -OutputDirectory <OUTPUTDIR>
The key is the -OutputDirectory switch which makes the CLI install the specified package into a directory that doesn't have a project file in it. Running this command will download the package and all of its dependencies into the output directory, with each package put into a separate sub-folder. You can then grab all of the .nupkg from the output directory and do whatever you need to do with them.
Update: As Igand points out in the comments, the -OutputDirectory switch is not actually required. If omitted nuget.exe will just download into the current folder. Still best to not download it into a folder with a project file in it (unless that is what you're after).
I had a similar need, so I created NuSave.
Cache a single NuGet package with dependencies
nusave cache package "Newtonsoft.Json#12.0.3" --targetFrameworks ".NETStandard#1.0,.NETStandard#1.3" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Cache multiple NuGet packages from a .csproj file
nusave cache csproj "C:\path\to\project.csproj" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Cache multiple NuGet packages from an .sln file
nusave cache sln "C:\path\to\solution.sln" --cacheDir "C:\path\to\my-local-feed"
Restore & build a solution offline using my local cache
cd C:\path\to\my-solution
dotnet restore --packages C:\path\to\my-local-feed
dotnet build --no-restore
On the computer with internet access the NuGet packages (.nupkg) should be in the local machine cache. On Windows this is in the directory similar to:
So you should be able to copy the .nupkg files from there to the computer without internet access. I would create a directory on that computer and setup a new package source pointing to that directory. Alternatively you could copy the .nupkg files to the local machine cache, just be aware there is a limit of 200 NuGet packages in the cache. Then you can create a package source pointing to the cache.
Use the dotnet restore command with the --packages flag, which will download the packages to a specified directory.
dotnet restore --packages <TargetDirectory> <ProjectPath>
Ref: dotnet restore
Specifies the directory for restored packages.
A little late to the discussion here but I just ran into the same issue. I work with a medium size software development shop that works offline. Many new NuGet packages have very large dependency trees. Trying to walk the tree manually and download all required packages was very cumbersome. In the end, I wrote the NuGet Dependency Downloader. With it you give a package ID, optionally a version, and choose if you want to allow pre-release packages. After you click "Start" it will pull down the listed package and any dependencies it needs to run. As an example, when I put in "Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc" and selected "pre-release", this tool brought down 158 packages for MVC 6.0 RC1. Hopefully this will help those working in an offline environment.
In your csproj file:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
Or dotnet publish with all assemblies references.

Download Nuget Packages Without VS/NuGet Package Manager

How can I download NuGet Packages outside of visual studio? so it can be used to create offline packages.
How to download NuGet Package without Visual Studio or Nuget Package Manager:
Search your desired package at NuGet Official Site.
Copy the end of the URL of the package page.
For Example: => Package Name is "EntityFramework"
Enter the URL:{Package Name}
For Example:
You can download NuGet packages outside of Visual Studio using:
NuGet Package Explorer
NuGet Package Explorer is a ClickOnce application which allows
creating and exploring NuGet packages easily. After installing it, you
can double click on a .nupkg file to view the package content. You can
also load packages directly from the official NuGet feed.
Open a package from online feed:
And export the package to the desired location:
Install the NuGet command line program:
The NuGet command line may be installed onto a machine in a few possible ways.
Direct download of the executable from The executable may be placed anywhere on the file system, and in most cases should be placed in a directory that is listed in the PATH environment variable.
Install the NuGet.CommandLine package from the NuGet Visual Studio client and either move nuget.exe to a common location or execute it in the context of your project.
Install the NuGet.CommandLine Chocolatey package using the Chocolatey client. More information on Chocolatey can be found at [].
Then run nuget install package to download and install package in the current directory.
More about the NuGet command line program:
Command Line Reference
Chrome Plugin "NuTake" provides a direct download link.
Rename extension to .zip and extract
You can download nuget packages using -
On this website you can also view content of nuget package -
Here are a few examples that can add to DeePak's answer:
This one downloads AutoMapper from
nuget.exe install AutoMapper -OutputDirectory c:\Temp\LotsOfPackages -Version 6.2.2
This one downloads MyCustomPackage from an internal TFS Nuget feed
nuget.exe install MyCustomPackage -OutputDirectory c:\Temp\LotsOfPackages -Source "" -Version
Keep in mind that the install command will get the package in question AND all its NuGet dependencies. So, be careful about just dumping this into the directory where you running. Thus, I added OutputDirectory to the command.
For internal Nuget packages/feeds, the Source URL is available via TFS. Go to your packages tab and find your specific feed URL. If it has any spaces that have been encoded with %20, you need to replace them with spaces.
CLI command reference
Copy packages from one NuGet feed to another