How to specific Scala style rules for a specific file/directory? - scala

I have some cucumber stepDef steps which are more than more than 120 characters in length, I want to exclude all stepDef files from Scala style warning.
Is there a way to to exclude a specific files/directories, using xml tag only for FileLineLengthChecker condition?

Wrapping the entire file in the following comment filter in effect excludes the file from FileLineLengthChecker rule:
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
val foobar = 134
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
line.size.limit is the ID of FileLineLengthChecker rule.
Multiple rules can be switched off simultaneously like so
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
// scalastyle:off
// ...


Is it possible to deactivate the autogenerated Drop?

I'm testing Alembic for a python project. The autogeneration is really nice, but dropping is not really helpful if you need to work on customer databases with many different versions for example.
Activate or deactivate Dropping for different scenarios. This would be the best solution.
I made my own configuration in, so I can use more than one base script. But if I make a new script (defining a new table) and autogenerate a migration-script I have an autogenerated drop of all previous migrated tables.
I looked already for the mako-file. How is it possible to integrate a restriction in the mako-file?
I found a possibility to filter my migration-operations-list.
if you hand over a filter-methode who filters your list to the config-flag "process_revision_directives". (all configs in the
from alembic.operations import ops
def process_revision_directives(context, revision, directives):
script = directives[0]
# process both "def upgrade()", "def downgrade()"
for directive in (script.upgrade_ops, script.downgrade_ops):
# now rewrite the list of "ops" such that DropColumnOp and DropTableOp
# are removed for those tables. Needs a recursive function.
directive.ops = list(
def _filter_drop_elm(directives):
# given a set of (tablename, schemaname) to be dropped, filter
# out Drop-Op from the list of directives and yield the result.
for directive in directives:
# ModifyTableOps is a container of ALTER TABLE types of
# commands. process those in place recursively.
if isinstance(directive, ops.DropTableOp):
elif isinstance(directive, ops.ModifyTableOps):
directive.ops = list(
if not directive.ops:
elif isinstance(directive, ops.AlterTableOp) and isinstance(directive, ops.DropColumnOp):
# otherwise if not filtered, yield out the directive
yield directive

Creating custom analyzers using whoosh

I am trying to implement a semantic search engine with deep NLP pipeline using Whoosh. Currently, I just have stemming analyzer, but I need to add lemmatizing and pos tagging to my analyzers.
schema = Schema(id=ID(stored=True, unique=True), stem_text=TEXT(stored= True, analyzer=StemmingAnalyzer()))
I want to know how to add custom analyzers to my schema.
You can write a custom lemmatization filter and integrate into an existing whoosh analyzer. Quoting from Whoosh docs:
Whoosh does not include any lemmatization functions, but if you have
separate lemmatizing code you could write a custom
whoosh.analysis.Filter to integrate it into a Whoosh analyzer.
You can create an analyzer by combining a tokenizer with filters:
my_analyzer = RegexTokenizer() | LowercaseFilter() | StopFilter() | LemmatizationFilter()
or by adding a filter to an existing analyzer:
my_analyzer = StandardAnalyzer() | LemmatizationFilter()
You can define a filter like:
def LemmatizationFilter(self, stream):
for token in stream:
yield token

select by default ScalaI18N messages file

i want to select by default message file for i18n in play framework 2.2 with scala 2.1
def check = Action { implicit request =>
val browserLang = request.acceptLanguages(0).code.toString.splitAt(2)._1
var translated =Messages("amount")(Lang(browserLang))
Ok(write(Map("result" -> "success", "lang" -> browserLang,"amount"->translated)))
there are three messages file
but what if browserLang value is be de,pt,es etc..
for those case i want that by default messages.en should be selected.
is there any way to set default messages file or anything else?
As stated in the documentation:
The default conf/messages file matches all languages.
So you should rename messages.en to just messages in order to use it as the default. Any keys that are missing from language specific files will then fall back to conf/messages.

How can I serve mostly static pages from a scala Play! application like an "About" page in different languages?

I am building an application using the Play! framework version 2.0.4. Some pages that are legally required such as an imprint mostly contain lots (some 10k each) of static text which I would like to provide in different languages.
In versions 1.x there was an #include directive that allowed to construct the actual resource path using the current Lang.
What is the recommended way of implementing sth similar with Play 2.x?
Thank you & best regards,
I'm not 100% certain how you implement it as of now, but here's what I've come up with.
You could just write your own include helper. Save the following in a file Helpers.scala in your views folder. Explanations are in the code's comments.
package views.html.helper
object include {
import play.api.templates.Html
import play.api.Play
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.i18n._
// The default is to look in the public dir, but you can change it if necessary
def apply(filePath: String, rootDir: String = "public")(implicit lang: Lang): Html = {
// Split filePath at name and suffix to insert the language in between them
val (fileName, suffix) = filePath.splitAt(filePath.lastIndexOf("."))
// Retrieve the file with the current language, or as a fallback, without any suffix
val maybeFile =
Play.getExistingFile(rootDir + "/" + fileName + "_" + lang.language + suffix).
orElse(Play.getExistingFile(rootDir + "/" + filePath))
// Read the file's content and wrap it in HTML or return an error message
maybeFile map { file =>
val content =
} getOrElse Html("File Not Found")
Now in your imprint.scala.html you could call it like this:
#()(implicit lang: Lang)
#import helper._
Way showed by Schleichardt was used in play-authenticate to select mail templates in different languages and now it's changed to work with reflections on the controller, so maybe it can be interesting for you. Anyway it was intendent to keep standard templating possibilities (cause each mail need to be personalized before send)
For static info pages, you can just save the code for each language with suffix ie. impressum_en.html, impressum_de.html in the file system and use simple controller which will find file with proper suffix and return its content exactly as it is... all you need probably to return Ok(fileContent) and set the Content-Type manually to text/html.
Other option is doing the similar thing but storing it in the DB, so you can create simple back-end and edit it with browser.
If you still need to replace some elements, you can do it with some ###MARKER### in the code + simple String operations, or with JavaScript on the client side.
Templates in 2.0 work a bit differently. The Scala based templates are compiled. From one template instead of 'including' another, you can make a call to it. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the language thing. In 2.0 though, a parameter to the template could be the language.
Example template named 'included' in package whateverpackage.
#(lang: Lang)
Example calling a template named 'included':
#import whateverpackage._
#()(implicit lang: Lang)
#main(Messages("imprint")) {
#lang match {
case Lang("de", _) => { #germanImprint() #* uses app/views/germanImprint.scala.html file *#}
case _ => { #englishImprint() }

Custom tags with Doxygen

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to create a custom tag using Doxygen. I did find the ALIAS configuration file option but that does not do exactly what I need. Basically in my code I want to be able to write something like
/// \req Requirement #322 - blah blah
And then have Doxygen create a list like it does for \bug and \todo commands for lines that have this custom tag. Is this possible with Doxygen?
The generalization of \bug and \todo is \xrefitem.
The solution I suggest is:
in Doxyfile:
ALIASES += "req=\xrefitem req \"Requirement\" \"Requirements\" "
in documented code:
/// \req #42 - The system shall work in any situation
Thanks mouviciel! I have adopted your solution and extended it for my purposes.
The text below goes into my Doxyfile:
ALIASES += req{1}="\ref SRTX_\1 \"SRTX-\1\" "
ALIASES += satisfy{1}="\xrefitem satisfy \"Satisfies requirement\" \"Requirement Implementation\" \1"
ALIASES += verify{1}="\xrefitem verify \"Verifies requirement\" \"Requirement Verification\" \1"
Where SRTX is the name of my project and is used as a prefix to requirements.
Then I create a file called Requirements.dox that provides a link between the requirement id and a URL for the requirement in my requirements management tool (an issue tracker in my case).
#page Requirements
#section Build1
#anchor SRTX_1113
#anchor SRTX_1114
One could also put the text of the requirement in the anchor tag if you didn't need to link to an external source.
In my code I have:
* This is the basic executive that schedules processes.
* #satisfy{#req{1114}}
class Scheduler: public Process
And in my tests I put:
* Provide a number of tests for process scheduling.
* #verify{#req{1114}}
class Scheduler_ut : public CppUnit::TestFixture
This gives me related pages for Requirements, Requirements Implementation, and Requirements Verification. It also provides Satisfies requirement and Verifies requirements sections in the class description (or function -- wherever you put the tag).
Combining the two answers above, you can have a single clean requirement tag that will build a cross-reference table, and, also provide a direct link to the requirement repo in your docs:
Doxygen CONFIG file:
ALIASES = "requirement{1}=#xrefitem requirement \"Requirements\" \"Requirements Traceability\" \1"
Source code:
#requirement{REQ-123} Brief textual summary of this requirement item
This will render in the documentation as:
REQ-123 Brief textual summary of this requirement item