How does Zookeeper/Kafka retain offset for a consumer? - apache-kafka

Is the offset a property of the topic/partition, or is it a property of a consumer?
If it's a property of a consumer, does that mean multiple consumers reading from the same partition could have different offsets?
Also what happens to a consumer if it goes down, how does Kafka know it's dealing with the same consumer when it comes back online? presumably a new client ID is generated so it wouldn't have the same ID as previously.

In most cases it is a property of a Consumer Group. When writing the consumers, you normally specify the consumer group in the parameter. This group ID is used to recover / store the latest offset from / in the special topic __consumer_offsets where it is stored directly in the Kafka cluster it self. The consumer group is used not only for the offset but also to ensure that each partition will be consumed only from a single client per consumer group.
However Kafka gives you a lot of flexibility - so if you need you can store the offset somewhere else and you can do it based on whatever criteria you want. But in most cases following the consumer group concept and storing the offset inside Kafka is the best thing you can do.

Kafka identifies consumer based on which is a consumer property and each consumer should have this property
A unique string that identifies the consumer group this consumer belongs to. This property is required if the consumer uses either the group management functionality by using subscribe(topic) or the Kafka-based offset management strategy
And coming to offset it is a consumer property and broker property, whenever consumer consumes messages from kafka topic it will submit offset (which means consumed this list of messages from 1 to 10) next time it will start consuming from 10, offset can be manually submitted or automatically submitted
If true the consumer's offset will be periodically committed in the background.
And each consumer group will have its offset, based on that kafka server identifies either new consumer or old consumer was restarted


Kafka: change in consumers number in a group

I understand that Kafka semantics is that a consumer group must read a record only once. To achieve this, Kafka consumers maintain an offset, which is then conveyed to brokers with read requests so that brokers can send data accordingly to ensure that already read data is not resend(). But how does broker and consumers react when their is a change in consumer group, like addition of a new consumer or an existing consumer going down?
There are few things which needs to be considered here.
A consumer goes down, then how is its offset information taken into
account while assigning its partitions to active consumers?
A new consumer joins, then how does system ensures that it doesn't read a
data its consumer group has already read?
If consumers join/leave a group, there's a consumer group rebalance. All consumers in the group will temporarily be suspended, then new partitions will be assigned to consume from.
If those consumers were processing, then there's a good chance that they'll re-consume the same data.
If you use transactions, the chance that happens could be a reduced as records will be consumed "exactly once". But this doesn't necessarily mean "successfully processed and offset committed" exactly once.

Kafka assigning partitions, do you need to commit offsets

Having an app that is running in several instances and each instance needs to consume all messages from all partitions of a topic.
I have 2 strategies that I am aware of:
create a unique consumer group id for each app instance and subscribe and commit as usual,
downside is kafka still needs to maintain a consumer group on behalf of each consumer.
ask kafka for all partitions for the topic and assign the consumer to all of those. As I understand there is no longer any consumer group created on behalf of the consumer in Kafka. So the question is if there still is a need for committing offsets as there is no consumer group on the kafka side to keep up to date. The consumer was created without assigning it a ''.
ask kafka for all partitions for the topic and assign the consumer to
all of those. As I understand there is no longer any consumer group
created on behalf of the consumer in Kafka. So the question is if
there still is a need for committing offsets as there is no consumer
group on the kafka side to keep up to date. The consumer was created
without assigning it a ''.
When you call consumer.assign() instead of consumer.subscribe() no property is required which means that no group is required or is maintained by Kafka.
Committing offsets is basically keeping track of what has been processed so that you dont process them again. This may as well be done manually also. For example, reading polled messages and writing the offsets to a file once after the messages have been processed.
In this case, your program is responsible for writing the offsets and also reading from the next offset upon restart using
The only drawback is, if you want to move your consumer from one machine to another, you would need to copy this file also.
You can also store them in some database that is accessible from any machine in case you don't want the file to be copied (though writing to a file may be relatively simpler and faster).
On the other hand, if there is a consumer group, so long as your consumer has access to Kafka, your Kafka will let your consumer automatically read from the last committed offset.
There will always be a consumer group setting. If you're not setting it, whatever consumer you're running will use its default setting or Kafka will assign one.
Kafka will keep track of the offset of all consumers using the consumer group.
There is still a need to commit offsets. If no offsets are being committed, Kafka will have no idea what has been read already.
Here is the command to view all your consumer groups and their lag:
bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --all-groups

Kafka multiple consumer

When we have multiple consumer reading from the topic with single partition Is there any possibility that all the consumer will get all the message.
I have created the two consumers with manual offset commit.started the first consumer and after 2 mins started 2nd consumer . The second consumer is reading from the message from where the 1st consumer stopped reading. Is there any possibility that the 2nd consumer will read all the message from beginning.I'm new to kafka please help me out.
In your consumer, you would be using commitSync which commits offset returned on last poll. Now, when you start your 2nd consumer, since it is in same consumer group it will read messages from last committed offset.
Messages which your consumer will consumes depends on the ConsumerGroup it belongs to. Suppose you have 2 partitions and 2 consumers in single Consumer Group, then each consumer will read from different partitions which helps to achieve parallelism.
So, if you want your 2nd consumer to read from beginning, you can do one of 2 things:
a) Try putting 2nd consumer in different consumer group. For this consumer group, there won't be any offset stored anywhere. At this time, auto.offset.reset config will decide the starting offset. Set auto.offset.reset to earliest(reset the offset to earliest offset) or to latest(reset the offset to latest offset).
b) Seek to start of all partitions your consumer is assigned by using: consumer.seekToBeginning(consumer.assignment())
Partition is always assigned to unique consumer in single consumer group irrespective of multiplpe consumers. It means only that consumer can read the data and others won't consume data until the partition is assigned to them. When consumer goes down, partition rebalance happens and it will be assigned to another consumer. Since you are performing manual commit, new consumer will start reading from committed offset.

Does consumer consume from replica partitions if multiple consumers running under same consumer group?

I am writing a kafka consumer application. I have a topic with 4 partitions - 1 is leader and 3 are followers. Producer uses key to identify a partition to push a message.
If I write a consumer and run it on different nodes or start 4 instances of same consumer, how message consuming will happen ? Does all 4 instances will get same messages ?
What happens in the case of multiple consumer(same group) consuming a single topic?
Do they get same data?
How offset is managed? Is it separate for each consumer?
I would suggest that you read at least first few chapters of confluent's definitive guide to kafka to get a priliminary understanding of how kafka works.
I've kept my answers brief. Please refer to the book for detailed explanation.
How offset is managed? Is it separate for each consumer?
Depends on the group id. Only one offset is managed for a group.
What happens in the case of multiple consumer(same group) consuming a single topic?
Consumers can be multiple - all can be identified by the same or different groups.
If 2 consumers belong to the same group, both will not get all messages.
Do they get same data?
No. Once a message is sent and a read is committed, the offset is incremented for that group. So a different consumer with the same group will not receive that message.
Hope that helps :)
What happens in the case of multiple consumer(same group) consuming a single topic?
Answer: Producers send records to a particular partition based on the record’s key here. The default partitioner for Java uses a hash of the record’s key to choose the partition. When there are multiple consumers in same consumer group, each consumer gets different partition. So, in this case, only single consumer receives all the messages. When the consumer which is receiving messages goes down, group coordinator (one of the brokers in the cluster) triggers rebalance and then that partition is assigned to one of the available consumer.
Do they get same data?
Answer: If consumer commits consumed messages to partition and goes down, so as stated above, rebalance occurs. The consumer who gets this partition, will not get messages. But if consumer goes down before committing its then the consumer who gets this partition, will get messages.
How offset is managed? Is it separate for each consumer?
Answer: No, offset is not separate to each consumer. Partition never gets assigned to multiple consumers in same consumer group at a time. The consumer who gets partition assigned, gets offset as well by default.

Apache Kafka Consumer group and Simple Consumer

I am new to Kafka, what I've understood sofar regarding the consumer is there are basically two types of implementation.
1) The High level consumer/consumer group
2) Simple Consumer
The most important part about the high level abstraction is it used when Kafka doesn't care about handling the offset while the Simple consumer provides much better control over the offset management. What confuse me is what if I want to run consumer in a multithreaded environment and also want to have control over the offset.If I use consumer group does that mean I must read from the last offset stored in zookeeper? is that the only option I have.
For the most part, the high-level consumer API does not let you control the offset directly.
When the consumer group is first created, you can tell it whether to start with the oldest or newest message that kafka has stored using the auto.offset.reset property.
You can also control when the high-level consumer commits new offsets to zookeeper by setting auto.commit.enable to false.
Since the high-level consumer stores the offsets in zookeeper, your app could access zookeeper directly and manipulate the offsets - but it would be outside of the high-level consumer API.
Your question was a little confusing but you can use the simple consumer in a multi-threaded environment. That's what the high-level consumer does.
In Apache Kafka 0.9 and 0.10 the consumer group management is handled entirely within the Kafka application by a Broker (for coordination) and a topic (for state storage).
When a consumer group first subscribes to a topic the setting of auto.offset.reset determines where consumers begin to consume messages (
You can register a ConsumerRebalanceListener to receive a notification when a particular consumer is assigned topics/partitions.
Once the consumer is running, you can use seek, seekToBeginning and seekToEnd to get messages from a specific offset. seek affects the next poll for that consumer, and is stored on the next commit (e.g. commitSync, commitAsync or when the auto.commit.interval elapses, if enabled.)
The consumer javadocs mention more specific situations:
You can combine the group management provided by Kafka with manual management of offsets via seek(..) once partitions are assigned.