emacs: package-name is an available obsolete package - emacs

Whenever I install a MELPA package, I get this message:
package-name is an available obsolete package
Here is a screenshot of what I mean (first line):
I tried this solution but it did not help.
How to fix it?

That message confused me too. It turns out it's just a poor choice of words for saying that there's a new version available.
Once you update the list of packages with M-x package-refresh-contents, then you can type U x and it will upgrade all installed packages that have a more recent version available.
Once that is done, the message you see when you open the description of an updated package will be:
Package x is installed.


NU1102: Unable to find package Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools with version (>= 10.0.19041.8)

In my build pipeline, I have the following step:
I am getting the following error:
##[error]The nuget command failed with exit code(1) and error(NU1102: Unable to find package Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools with version (>= 10.0.19041.8)
When I go to the NuGet page for this package: Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools, I see that it only has one version: 10.0.18362.3-preview. I am not sure why the NuGet restore step is trying to get a higher version that does not exist. Why is this happening and how can I fix it? Note: this is my first Pipeline.
Agent Specification: Windows-2019.
From this page, you can see only two versions of the package Microsoft.Windows.SDK.BuildTools are listed:
When open the page of version 10.0.19041.1, you can see the warning message to notify that this package version has been deprecated. But it seems that you can still download and install it.
I think the other package versions may have been permanently deleted by the owner due to some security vulnerabilities. So you no longer find them.
You can try to open your project using Visual Studio on your local machine, and change to use version 10.0.18362.3-preview in your program.

Is it possible to add the latest version of a dependency to pubspec.yaml without finding it myself?

Lets say I am starting a new dart project. I have a few packages on pub.dev I know that I want to use, and I want to use the most recent version of these packages.
Right now, I open my browser and go to pub.dev and find each package, then check the Versions or Installing tab to find out what the latest version is so I can put that in my pubspec.yaml. Then I can run pub get
Using npm, you can run npm install <package> and npm will automatically fetch the latest version of the package and add it to package.json
Is there a pub command, syntax for pubspec.yaml, or something else that will make pub resolve the latest version of a package and use it in my project, without having to manually look up the latest version?
Normally in Flutter, the packages which you want to use need to be added to pubspec.yaml and run pub get. But there are also some IDE plugins like npm.
For example, Pubspec Assist is using on Visual Studio, you can add or update your dependencies without going pub.dev. But you have to know which packages do you want to use at least for a time.
Simply enter the following command in the terminal
flutter pub add provider
Of course, where it says provider, put the package you want to install.
The package with the latest version is automatically added to your pubspec.yaml.
Otherwise you can always do what #jamesdlin said and leave the version field empty.

CPAN - Specio::Constraint::Simple install error

Attempting to install Specio::Constraint::Simple, running into the following error:
Can't resolve method "???" overloading "&{}" in package
"Specio::Constraint::Simple" at Specio::Constraint::Simple->new line
Only related article I have found has been: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=117975
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you
This is caused by a bug in older versions of Role::Tiny that was fixed in version 1.003003:
overloads specified as method names rather than subrefs are now applied
Upgrading Role::Tiny should fix it and allow Specio::Constraint::Simple to be installed normally.
Actually, you don't even need to do that manually: Version 0.26 of Specio now requires at least version 1.003003 of Role::Tiny. Any future attempt to install Specio will upgrade Role::Tiny automatically (if required).

Where can the Raco Pkgs library "table-editor" be downloaded?

I'm attempting to install this library for Racket, which depends on a library called table-editor. Helpfully, there is a comment in the source:
;; raco pkg install table-panel
Unfortunately, that package doesn't seem to exist. Google is not returning helpful results. Does anybody know where to find it?
You can find the table-panel package at PLaneT.

install luaEclipse error

I try in stall luaEclipse on Eclipse follow the instruciton
but it reported:
Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not satisfiable
org.keplerproject.ldt.feature_x64.feature.group [] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable.
but I do not know what the filter means?
Welcome any comment
Are you sure you didn't select by error both lueclipse entries in the update site?
See this thread for instance:
I am a fool,...
There where two entries named "Lua Development Tool" in the LuaEclipse 1.2 package, 32 and 64 versions.
It was impossible to install both.