What makes a kubernetes node unhealthy? - kubernetes

We've experienced 4 AUTO_REPAIR_NODES events(revealed by the command gcloud container operations list) on our GKE cluster during the past 1 month. The consequence of node-auto-repair is that the node gets recreated and gets attached a new external IP, and the new external IP, which was not whitelisted by third-party services, eventually caused failure of services running on that the new node.
I noticed that we have "Automatic node repair" enabled in our Kubernetes cluster and felt tempted to disable that, but before I do that, I need to know more about the situation.
My questions are:
What are some common causes that makes a node unhealthy in the first place? I'm aware of this article https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/node-auto-repair#node_repair_process which says, "a node reports a NotReady status on consecutive checks over the given time threshold" would trigger auto repair. But what could cause a node to become NotReady?
I'm also aware of this article https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/architecture/nodes/#node-status which mentions the full list of node status: {OutOfDisk, Ready, MemoryPressure, PIDPressure, DiskPressure, NetworkUnavailable, ConfigOK}. I wonder, if any of {OutOfDisk, MemoryPressure, PIDPressure, DiskPressure, NetworkUnavailable} becomes true for a node, would that node becomes NotReady?
What negative consequences could I get after I disable "Automatic node repair" in the cluster? I'm basically wondering whether we could end up in a worse situation than auto-repaired nodes and newly-attached-not-whitelisted IP. Once "Automatic node repair" is disabled, then for the pods that are running on an Unhealthy node that would've been auto-repaired, would Kubernetes create new pods on other nodes?

The confusion lies here in that there are 'Ready' and 'NotReady' states that are shown when you run kubectl get nodes which are reported by the kube-apiserver. But these are independent and unclear from the docs how they relate to the kubelet states described here
You can also see the kubelet states (in events) when you run kubectl describe nodes
To answer some parts of the questions:
As reported by the kube-apiserver
Kubelet down
docker or containerd or crio down (depending on the shim you are using)
kubelet states - unclear.
For these, the kubelet will start evicting or not scheduling pods except for Ready (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/out-of-resource/). Unclear from the docs how these get reported from the kubeapi-server.
You could have nodes on your cluster not being used and you'd be paying for that usage.
Yes, k8s will reschedule the pods after a certain readiness probes fail (configurable). If the kubelet is down or the node down k8s will think the pods are down.
Assuming your nodes go down, you could end up with less capacity than what you need to schedule your workloads to k8s would not be able to schedule them anyway.
Hope it helps!

Not my answer, but this answer on SF points in the right direction, regarding using a NAT gateway and whitelisting that IP


How to rescue a Kubernetes cluster when multiple pods enter "unknown" status

I am trying to understand the lessons from a failed K8s cluster. I am running Microk8s 1.22.5. I had 3 rock solid (physical) nodes. I tried to add a fourth node (KVM guest) to satisfy the requirements of Minio. Within 24h, the KVM host had entered "unknown" status together with its pods. Within 48h, multiple pods on all of the nodes had "unknown" status. Most of the deployments and statefulsets are down, including multiple DBs (postgres, Elastic) so it's really painful (extra tips on how to save these are welcome). According to the official docs:
A Pod is not deleted automatically when a node is unreachable. The Pods running on an unreachable Node enter the 'Terminating' or
'Unknown' state after a timeout. Pods may also enter these states when
the user attempts graceful deletion of a Pod on an unreachable Node.
The only ways in which a Pod in such a state can be removed from the
apiserver are as follows:
The Node object is deleted (either by you, or by the Node Controller).
The kubelet on the unresponsive Node starts responding, kills the Pod
and removes the entry from the apiserver.
Force deletion of the Pod by
the user. The recommended best practice is to use the first or second
approach. If a Node is confirmed to be dead (e.g. permanently
disconnected from the network, powered down, etc), then delete the
Node object. If the Node is suffering from a network partition, then
try to resolve this or wait for it to resolve. When the partition
heals, the kubelet will complete the deletion of the Pod and free up
its name in the apiserver.
Normally, the system completes the deletion once the Pod is no longer
running on a Node, or the Node is deleted by an administrator. You may override this by force deleting the Pod.
So I tried draining the node (option 1), but no dice. I get some error about not being able to violate a disruption budget. Option 2 is not happening and option 3 has no effect. It looks like the failing node poisoned the whole cluster. Any advice on how to avoid this in the future? Many thanks

Can we have --pod-eviction-timeout=300m?

I have a k8s cluster, in our cluster we do not want the pods to get evicted, because pod eviction causes lot of side effects to the applications running on it.
To prevent pod eviction from happening, we have configured all the pods as Guaranteed QoS. I know even with this the pod eviction can happen if there are any resource starvation in the system. We have monitors to alert us when there are resource starvation within the pod and node. So we get to know way before a pod gets evicted. This helps us in taking measures before pod gets evicted.
The other reasons for pod eviction to happen is if the node is in not-ready state, then kube-controller-manager will check the pod-eviction-timeout and it will evict the pods after this timeout. We have monitor to alert us when the node goes to not-ready state. now after this alert we wanted to take some measures to clean-up from application side, so the application will end gracefully. To do this clean-up we need more than few hours, but pod-eviction-timeout is by default 5 minutes.
Is it fine to increase the pod eviction timeout to 300m? what are the impacts of increasing this timeout to such a limit?
P.S: I know during this wait time, if the pod utilises more resources, then kubelet can itself evict this pod. I wanted to know what other impact of waiting for such a long time?
As #coderanger said, your limits are incorrect and this should be fixed instead of lowering self-healing capabilities of Kubernetes.
If your pod dies no matter what was the issue with it, by default it will be rescheduled based on your configuration.
If you are having a problem with this then I would recommend redoing your architecture and rewriting the app to use Kubernetes how it's supposed to be used.
if you are getting problems with a pod still being send requests when it's unresponsive, you should implement a LB in front or queue the requests,
if you are getting a problem with IPs that are being changed after pod restarts, this should be fixed by using DNS and service instead of connecting directly to a pod,
if your pod is being evicted check why, make the limits and requests,
As for the node, there is a really nice blog post about Improving Kubernetes reliability: quicker detection of a Node down, it's opposite of what you are thinking of doing but it also mentions why 340s is too much
Once the node is marked as unhealthy, the kube controller manager will remove its pods based on –pod-eviction-timeout=5m0s
This is a very important timeout, by default it’s 5m which in my opinion is too high, because although the node is already marked as unhealthy the kube controller manager won’t remove the pods so they will be accessible through their service and requests will fail.
If you still want to change default values to higher you can look into changing these:
kubelet: node-status-update-frequency=10s
controller-manager: node-monitor-period=5s
controller-manager: node-monitor-grace-period=40s
controller-manager: pod-eviction-timeout=5m
to higher ones.
If you provide more details I'll try to help more.

How does kube-proxy behave when it can't reach the master?

From what I've read about Kubernetes, if the master(s) die, the workers should still be able to function as normal (https://stackoverflow.com/a/39173007/281469), although no new scheduling will occur.
However, I've found this to not be the case when the master can also schedule worker pods. Take a 2-node cluster, where one node is a master and the other a worker, and the master has the taints removed:
If I shut down the master and docker exec into one of the containers on the worker I can see that:
nc -zv ip-of-pod 80
succeeds, but
nc -zv ip-of-service 80
fails half of the time. The Kubernetes version is v1.15.10, using iptables mode for kube-proxy.
I'm guessing that since the kube-proxy on the worker node can't connect to the apiserver, it will not remove the master node from the iptables rules.
Is it expected behaviour that kube-proxy won't stop routing to pods on master nodes, or is there something "broken"?
Are any workarounds available for this kind of setup to allow the worker nodes to still function correctly?
I realise the best thing to do is separate the CP nodes but that's not viable for what I'm working on at the moment.
Is it expected behaviour that kube-proxy won't stop routing to pods on
master nodes, or is there something "broken"?
Are any workarounds
available for this kind of setup to allow the worker nodes to still
function correctly?
The cluster master plays the role of decision maker for the various activities in cluster's nodes. This can include scheduling workloads, managing the workloads' lifecycle, scaling etc.. Each node is managed by the master components and contains the services necessary to run pods. The services on a node typically includes the kube-proxy, container runtime and kubelet.
The kube-proxy component enforces network rules on nodes and helps kubernetes in managing the connectivity among Pods and Services. Also, the kube-proxy, acts as an egress-based load-balancing controller which keeps monitoring the the kubernetes API server and continually updates node's iptables subsystem based on it.
In simple terms, the master node only is aware of everything and is in charge of creating the list of routing rules as well based on node addition or deletion etc. kube-proxy plays a kind of enforcer whereby it takes charge of checking with master, syncing the information and enforcing the rules on the list.
If the master node(API server) is down, the cluster will not be able to respond to API commands or deploy nodes. If another master node is not available, there shall be no one else available who can instruct the worker nodes on change in work allocation and hence they shall continue to execute the operations that were earlier scheduled by the master until the time the master node is back and gives different instructions. Inline to it, kube-proxy shall also be unable to get the latest rules by sync up with master, however it shall not stop routing and shall continue to handle the networking and routing functionalities (uses the earlier iptable rules that were determined before the master node went down) that shall allow network communication to your pods provided all pods in worker nodes are still up and running.
Single master node based architecture is not a preferred deployment architecture for production. Considering that resilience and reliability is one of the major business goal of kubernetes, it is recommended as a best practice to have HA cluster based architecture to avoid single point of failure.
Once you remove taints, kubernetes scheduler don't need any tolerations to schedule pods on your master node. So it is as good as your worker node with control plane components running on it and you can also run your workload pods on this node (although its not a recommended practice).
Kube-proxy (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/components/#kube-proxy) is the component deployed on all the nodes of cluster and it handles the networking and routing connection to your pods. So, even if your master node is down kube-proxy still works fine on the worker node and it will route traffic to your pods running on worker node.
If all your pods are running in worker nodes (which are still up and running), then kube-proxy will continue to route traffic to your pods even via service.
There is nothing inherent in Kubernetes that would cause this. The master node role is just for humans, and if you've removed the taints then the nodes are just normal nodes. That said, remember that usual rules about scheduling and resource requests apply so if your pods don't all fit then things wouldn't be scheduled. It's possible your Kubernetes deploy system set up more specialized firewall rules or similar around the control plane nodes, but that would be dependent on that system.

Kubernetes Deployment with Zero Down Time

As a leaner of Kubernetes concepts, their working, and deployment with it. I have a couple of cases which I don't know how to achieve. I am looking for advice or some guideline to achieve it.
I am using the Google Cloud Platform. The current running flow is described below. A push to the google source repository triggers Cloud Build which creates a docker image and pushes the image to the running cluster nodes.
Case 1: Now I want that when new pods are up and running. Then traffic is routed to the new pods. Kill old pod but after each pod complete their running request. Zero downtime is what I'm looking to achieve.
Case 2: What will happen if the space of running pod reaches 100 and in the Debian case that the inode count reaches full capacity. Will kubernetes create new pods to manage?
Case 3: How to manage pod to database connection limits?
Like the other answer use Liveness and Readiness probes. Basically, a new pod is added to the service pool then it will only serve traffic after the readiness probe has passed. The old pod is removed from the Service pool, then drained and then terminated. This happens on a rolling fashion one pod at a time.
This really depends on the capacity of your cluster and the ability to schedule pods depending on the limits for the containers in them. For more about setting up limits for containers refer to here. In terms of the inode limit, if you reach it on a node, the kubelet won't be able to run any more pods on that node. The kubelet eviction manager also has a mechanism in where evicts some pods using the most inodes. You can also configure your eviction thresholds on the kubelet.
This would be more a limitation at the OS level combined your stateful application configuration. You can keep this configuration in a ConfigMap. And for example in something for MySql the option would be max_connections.
I can answer case 1 since Ive done it myself.
Use Deployments with readinessProbes & livelinessProbes

Kubernetes can't detect unhealthy node

I am shutting down my k8s node manually to see if this affect the master.
After shutdown I check status of nodes:
kubectl get nodes
The node which went down is still seen Ready in Status. As a consequence k8s still tries to schedule pods on this node but actually cannot. And even worst it doesn't reschedule pods on other healthy nodes.
After a while (5-10 mins) k8s notices the node has gone.
Is that expected behavior? If not how can I fix this?
I did research do find out how K8s checks node health, I couldn't find anything valuable.
I found the problem myself.
I was cutting connection at network layer with firewall rules. Since kubelet opened a session before new deny rules node was seen Ready. As it was ready it was receiving traffic. And the traffic would be blocked by the new rules since they have no open session.
So this inconsistency happens only when you change firewall rules.