Visual Studio Code shortcut for terminal - visual-studio-code

I simply cannot find an answer by googling, for, what is the command line shortcut that stands for Visual Studio Code. For example to check the version, and I know I can just use its built-in terminal and type --version but what if I want to check that from outside?

It's simply code.
code --version // to check version
code // opens visual studio code


search analyzer and formatter for Visual studio code

I would like to find a linter to analyze the formatting of my code, and also use the linter locally to format my code. And I would want to be able to do that with Visual studio code (and ideally, also Visual studio).
Right now, I am using Visual studio with resharper. But it's way too slow for me.
So I installed visual studio code, installed the extension omnisharp and roslynator, to be able to have the same formatting rules as resharper. So it works well, I configured my config file to display error when a rule is not respected, like that :
My issue is, I can't find a way to fix all these issue with a shortcut, like I use to do with Visual studio and resharper.
The shortcut shift+alt+F does not fix all my errors, and the command omnisharp "fixall" act weirdly, it remove my function Hi..
Do you have suggestion of setup with visual studio code to be able to format the code directly (not via a command line, but from a shortcut), and as advanced as resharper, and that could also work as a linter to analyze the code on the CI?

Ballerina with Visual Studio Code

I am struggling to get Ballerina working with Visual Studio Code (on Windows 10).
It is installed and works fine from Command Prompt, however it cannot complete build command in Visual Studio Code. It does not seem to be able to finish build command effected via Visual Studio Code. I have Ballerina extension for Visual Studio Code installed.
Does anybody had similar problems and know how to overcome it?
Bellow please find details of versions:
Ballerina 1.2.1
Language specification 2020R1
Ballerina tool 0.8.5
Ballerina extension for Visual Studio Code
10 Pro
Version 10.0.18362
#GregorSind, try quitting the VSCode instance and then reopen. This might be that the environment variables are not being visible to the VSCode instance. Also, check what's the integrated shell of VSCode

PowerShell / Visual Studio Code: Update version of PowerShell in Visual Studio Code

I'm using Visual Studio Code v1.37.1 which is using PowerShell v5.1.18362.145. I went to GitHub to attain and install the latest PowerShell (v6.2.2) but, when I run $psversiontable in VS Code, it tells me it's still using the old version.
How do I get VS Code to use the latest PowerShell version I have installed?
Thank you.
PowerShell admin window:
code --install-extension PowerShell-6.2.2.vsix
I found the answer here.
This is the link address:
As of the latest VS Code, just go to Settings and configure:
Just need to set this to Powershell instead of Default (or the appropriate directory).

Visual Studio command line shortcut doesn't persist after closing the editor

I've installed the Visual Studio code command line shortcut using their package manager:
However, I find that if I close Visual Studio, the Fish shell doesn't recognize the code command anymore:
In my /usr/local/bin (which is in my path), I find that code is a link to the following:
/u/l/bin> ls -lh *code*
lrwxr-xr-x 1 kurtpeek admin 167B Aug 13 15:10 code -> /private/var/folders/0p/jfjngh2x19dfyg2dpxnw7f2h0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/CAEB3997-9AD6-458F-8778-37C23B7B4F53/d/Visual Studio
It seems that the actual executable is no longer available at this location? In any case, how can I get the code command-line shortcut to keep working even after I close Visual Studio Code?
It turns out I had forgotten to drag Visual Studio into the Applications folder as mentioned in a comment in "code ." Not working in Command Line for Visual Code Studio on OSX/Mac.

visual studio code running executables on current code

I'm new to Visual Studio Code and have a few extensions installed, but what I want is to do what I do in notepad++ and set up a command so I can execute the open file (e.g. vbscript). I can do this easily in notepad++ but I've no idea how to do it in VS Code and the internet seems to not have much help either.
If it is possible, can it be done like the Python vs code extension and have the output window in a pane below the code?
There is actually an Extension that will run a number of different languages for you.
Install the Code Runner Extension
Open the code file in Text Editor, then use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N, or press F1 and then select/type Run Code, the code will run and the output will be shown in the Output Window.