loading data from mongo into select element - select

I am trying to load data from mongo into select element on the webpage but the web page gets loaded before the data is available apparently that is how node.js works.
Please how can I get data loaded into select element in my webpage using the data coming from my mongodb.
How can I load data into my webpage after the webpage is fully loaded
I am using express and mongoose


How to make Google crawler see asynchronously loaded data

I'm currently building a blog using Nuxt 3 + Axios to load data from a headless CMS.
Until the content is loaded, I display a content placeholder and replace it once the Axios request is done.
The request is launched on the Mounted hook.
I tried to preview the page using Google Search Console but the article content is not present on the page.
I'm worried that it will not improve the SEO rank of the website and I would like to know if I need to load the data on Server side and have it directly when the page is loaded and how.

How to retrieve image from MongoDB in NextJS application?

If I uploaded an image to my MongoDB Atlas database through Strapi and it is saved as an ObjectId:
How would I go about retrieving this information and displaying it in my NextJS app?
I have read this thread on how images are saved and seeing as how my images are listed to be under 16MB, I assume my images are stored as BSON, but I am not quite sure how to access that kind of data from a website. Additionally, how would I be able to access the width and height of the image in order to pass that data as parameters for the Image tag?

Create page forms with Share Point 2013

I want to create a simple web application with Sharepoint 2013. It is a home page that addresses several forms that each user can fill in all the forms and view the data you entered. Another superuser can view all completed forms by other users. Would he have to do with html + javascript + some database manager? Or could it be declaratively or unscheduled, with elements of SharePoint?
You can use InfoPath forms to allow user fill in data (all saved data stored in sharepoint list), and make custom view to present data stored in a list.
For creating custom view you can use Client Side Rendering (CSR), which just re-rending incoming data, or use Javascript Object Model (JSOM), which will connect to your sharepoint list and display it whatever you want.
If you don't know about these technologies you can read a lot:
Infopath: InfoPath-Forms-Part
CSR: SharePoint-Client-Side-Rendering-List-Views, Client-side-rendering-JS
JSOM: How to: Retrieve List Items Using JavaScript

Auto submit form for web crawling

I've got an old ASPX+XML website created by an external agency here. I only have access to sections of the XML as the web.config is locked.
I want to crawl this site to scrape the pages and capture the relational data. I can do a blank search which returns back all the data - from here a web crawler would be fine. However, I cannot find a web crawler that will hit search - I've tried a JavaScript that submits the form on page load but this still does not work (I guess it's not fast enough).
The URL does not contain the query string (so I cant just do a blank search and copy the results URL for example).
Any ideas?

Mondo DB best practice with duplicating data

I am using mongo db in .net.
I have a media gallery results page and a media image detail view page.
My question is should i have two different documents in mongo.
One that contains all information for the results page and one that contains all the information for the media gallery details view page such as the address, username etc.