Do Whatsapp bots (just like Telegram bots) actually exist and work? [closed] - chat

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Closed 11 months ago.
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For a while now I have been trying to see if I can get a Whatsapp bot running, in a similar fashion to how Telegram bots work.
I found quite some ambiguous sources or half baked projects that are supposed to be provide Whatsapp bot functionality, but in fact nothing seems to be actually working.
To my knowledge, Whatsapp (unlike Telegram) does not have a public API or openly documented protocol. Does anyone know if it is even possible at all to "automate" communication through Whatsapp, as in send and receive messages, and how? Or would anyone have any good leading points to start developing one myself?

The terms WhatsApp Chatbots, WhatsApp Bot, Messenger Bot, and Chatbot have one thing in common — they are all ways to refer to a Bot. Wikipedia provides a great definition for bots: “A Chatterbot, Chatbot, or simply Bot is a text-based dialogue system, which allows you to chat with a technical system.
Bots are everywhere and businesses are changing towards micro apps and cognitive bots for B2B andB2C. There are a few libraries to make your own WhatsApp Bot. A small python framework to create a whatsapp bot, with regex-callback. WhatsApp bot: Send message to a large list of numbers using whatsapp web.
Whatsapp bot without coding. With Xenioo you can create your bot Visually, boost it with AI and Integrations.

try AutoResponder for WA by TK Studio
it can make conversations using DialogFlow which is support Webhook, and Webhook will send the message to a URL via POST, and from there you can save the message or specific variable to the database and respond it back to DialogFlow.
or you just use the AutoResponder for simple conversations.

Well, when it comes to comparing Whatsapp(chat)bots to Telegram bots there is a huge gap of availability, in the terms of that Telegram is open source and there is an endless count of varied bots of choice made by the community, aside from whatsapp bots mainly developed by official or affiliated companies of whatsapp.
So I haven't found anthing yet more useful bot other than different tastes of chatbots, auto replyers and message schedulers.
At the other side, some Telegram bots are capable of sending specific web searches within the chat, news feeds, reminders, games (and not mentioning the useful bots for groups) etc.
I have been doing some research on this topic lately and there actually are ways you can bridge Telegram messages to Whatsapp.
If you might be interested I found 2 ways of doing this (there may be more); bridging by code with Matterbridge or going the easy way with thirs-party API and automation services. Dropped some links below.
Haven't done it myself so not sure if bot functionality may be affected on chat at the other end though.


Is there a CMS that produces social networks or communities?

I started programming a few months ago, and I realised that creating a facebook on a particular topic (theme) is hard work for a beginner, I want to do it, but more in the long term. Do you know if there is any specialised CMS that could help me to create a social network and community? members could send chat messages to each other, have a wall, a forum?
Thanks and best regards

Button-based chatbots

I have the following use case:
The user starts a chat and selects options (something like a tree), in some cases an administrator can enter the chat and give a response.
My question is: are chatbot systems useful in this case?
I have no experience in chatbot but all the examples that I find on the internet are about NLP.
I appreciate if you can recommend an open source library
I think Dialogflow is a pretty good one to create chatbots. It is free and using custom payloads (tree with options, buttons, chips, etc.). You can make them say some repeated stuff. You would have to type instead.
I have a video where I create a simple chatbot that can take data stored in google sheets and send that details to a user if he asks for the details. If you are interested, please check it out!
Also, here is the Dialogflow console link.

understanding microsoft bot platform

My company has started looking into using a platform to generate chat bots, we came across microsoft's framework and are considering using it. we have a few concerns that we need to understand better about their product and would appreciate it if you could help us.
1) What kind of support do they give us when using Facebook messenger compared to what facebook gives natively? things like quick answer or image sending, buttons on the messages? do they support any of that?
2) We would like if you could elaborate exactly what the platform may give us and why we should use it, what we need is to keep all our logic in our servers and have a platform that will interact with all the messengers for us and keep us from coding to each a different code.
3) like question 1 but for telegram and any other messenger? (custom keyboards and stuff like that).
thanks for the help!
Thanks #ejadib
Regarding your second question, your bots logic does stay within your bot and your servers. The Bot Framework provides three things:
1) Connectivity services between your bot and the channels your users are on. All of the logic continues to reside in your bot.
2) Optionally - Bot Building SDK's you can use to facilitate dialog within your bot. These are SDK's you would code to, but still deploy to your own servers.
3) A directory where you could optionally publish your bot.
As #ejadib says, where we can be consistent across channels we add functionality to the core API; and where functionality is very specific to a channel we expose it through the ChannelData property of the C# SDK (SourceEvent in Node).
Regarding 1 and 3, if you want to be able to take advantage of special features or concepts for a channel (Facebook/Telegram) BotFramework provide a way for you to send native metadata to that channel giving you much deeper control over how your bot interacts on a channel. The way you do this is to pass extra properties via the ChannelData property (in C#).
Some things are already supported in the framework, for example Rich Cards will render differently depending on the channel.
Here you will find the information (including Facebook and Telegram).
Also, here you can find how for example you can use things like quick replies.

TinyMCE, Ckeditor... What do you use?

My company is currently building a web app of which I am the front end developer. I've been doing some research into messaging services and been recommended to look at Tinymce and Ckeditor. Both of which I have tried and am not overly keen on their functionality.
Essentially the messages sent out will need to include a signature that is unique to the user currently logged into the system as well as be able to utilize templates for marketing purposes (advertising etc).
So, the question is. Have you had any experience with alternatives? And would you recommend it based on my small requirements?

Google Apps integration to Basecamp & Highrise [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for Google Apps integration for Basecamp & Highrise. Is there anything out there that will integrate:
Google Contacts <-> Highrise Contacts
Google Docs <-> Writeboards
Google Docs <-> Files
Google Tasks <-> TO-DO's
Google Mail <-> Messages
Google Calendar <-> Calendar
I've seen...
...but nothing appears to be out there for the whole shebang.
With cloudHQ service, you can manage all your work documents in a single interface and keep files synched between Basecamp, Google Docs, Dropbox and SugarSync.
No need to download and attach files – just edit and save files directly on cloudHQ and keep your assets all in one place.
All your Basecamp project attachments can be in Google Docs so you can share them and collaborate on them directly from a Google Docs interface.
cloudHQ on Youtube
Good ol' integration. Always a pain.
Perhaps look into something that consolidates more of what you need into one system, and bypass the integration entirely. WORKetc integrates CRM, project management, collaboration tools, and billing into one system - and it integrates with Gmail among other google apps. Managing all operations through one system is much more efficient and saves a lot as well.
Highrise doesn't integrate with Google Docs, in the sense that, say, Wrike or Insightly do, by letting you attach a Google Doc to a task, project or contact. And 3rd party integrations like Zapier don't do the trick either.