Auto Keyboard in Input with Ionic - ionic-framework

I need a routine on Ionic that calls the cellphone's Keyboard to an ion-input when entering the page.
An example of a page would be:
<ion-content padding>
<ion-input #user name="user" type="text" placeholder="Usuário"></ion-input>
What I want is to use the Navigating Lifecycle from Ionic (I believe that in this case using the ionViewDidEnter) to bring the focus and the Keyboard in the field automatically, I have already tried some codes but unfortunately sometimes it works and sometimes not, thank you right away.

You can set focus in your textarea in the method ionViewDidEnter and show the keyboard by using keyboard plugin of ionic.
#ViewChild('user') input ;
setTimeout(() => {
I have referred the following links. Please go through it for more information:
Set focus on an input with Ionic 2


Ionic 4 checkbox issue <ion-checkbox > block other click event in <ion-item> tag

We are trying to put checkbox and a button in the same row for our android application. We are using Ionic 4 and Cordova 9 to build the Andriod Application.
so we have used the following code snippet:
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let test of testList">
<!-- check box to select user-->
<ion-checkbox color="secondary" [(ngModel)]="test.testId"
(click)="selectUser(test .testId )" ng-true-value="right" ng-false- value="wrong" > </ion-checkbox>
<!-- button to view user-->
<ion-label text-wrap>
<button ion-button color="danger" block (click)="viewUser(test .testId )">View User</button>
When we click on button then Checkbox click event is being triggered.
Even if we click anywhere in the row in that case Checkbox click event is being called.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I inspected the ion-checkbox element and result that is a bug, or precisely an error of implementation by ionic, ionic bug report.
In short, inside ion-checkbox there is a button that trigger the event click, but the button have css properties to take all width and height of ion-item, and this button is inside of "shadow DOM", so is difficult override its properties.
But if you need a fix temporally.
I saw that this button inside ion-checkbox have a z-index: 2 property, so give a z-index: 3 to ion-label, and with this the space of button not will trigger, but the space of checkbox still work.
add on your .scss of your page
z-index: 3;
Also, a recommendation is to disable to effect when click the space of ion-item, that will improve the UX, because show that effect when click on white space and don't trigger an action is bad.
My versions of the framework.
I hope I've helped :)

Trigger ion-input focus when ion-icon clicked

Good day all
I am building my first ionic 4 mobile application, and have a question about how label, icons and other elements can be connected to a form input.
In normal HTML forms you have a relationship between labels and inputs using the "for" attribute, like so:
<label for="name">Please enter name</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name"/>
With this relationship in place the input field gains focus when you either click on the label or on the input itself to gain focus on the input.
In ionic you use ion-label and ion-input instead of the default HTML form elements, and these seem to not share this capability.
I am specifically interested in using an icon as the aforementioned label. I tried the following without any success:
<ion-label for="searchText">
<ion-icon name="search"></ion-icon> <!--name here refers to the icon displayed-->
<ion-input id="searchText" name="searchText" type="text" placeholder="Search" ></ion-input>
Is there something similar that one can use, or do I need to use JavaScript to achieve this?
Any advice would be greatly appropriated
So since I've been asked for a solution by someone else, let me post the workaround that I used:
I never managed to find a way to automatically add this kind of functionality like in a normal form, I did manage to trigger a click event on the icon that then caller a JavaScript function to give focus to my input field. It looks something like this:
<ion-item color="light" class="white-iput" lines="none" (click)="focusSearch()">
<button (click)="focusSearch()" class="icon-button">
<ion-icon name="search" color="primary" for="searchText"></ion-icon>
<ion-input #input id="searchText" type="text" placeholder="Search" ></ion-input>
JS (in my Type Sctipr file):
#ViewChild('input') searchInput: { setFocus: () => void; } ;
focusSearch() {
Note that I call the "focusSearch()" function if you click anywhere in the "ion-item" wrapped around the icon and the text box, as I use CSS to have the whole thing display as a single textbox.
Hope this helps!

ionic change back button icon and text

using ionic 3.9.2
back button in navbar using ios-arrow-back style and "back" with translate pipe
with setBackButtonText(), manage to set back button text.
But it's tedious to do it for every page with getting reference of nav bar, set text after view init.
Any way to set back button text in template in which can set it like {{ 'back' | translate }}
How to use other icon for back button?
first try: ion-nav-back-button, prompt ion-nav-back-button not known
second try:
<ion-buttons start>
<button ion-button>
<ion-icon name="ios-arrow-back"></ion-icon>
However, it's strange that even with start, the button is on right end.
ionic playground
hope to see advice, thanks
Try this. Works well on android and ios
<ion-buttons left>
<button ion-button (click)="dismiss()">
<span ion-text color="primary" showWhen="ios">Back</span>
<button ion-button (click)="dismiss()">
<ion-icon name="arrow-round-back" showWhen="android,windows"></ion-icon>

Replace back button with menu if no page to go back - Ionic

I'm developing an ionic app on android. I'm facing a problem where back button doesn't show up when there's no page to go back.
For more detailed explanation:
Scenario 1: Button from side menu when click go to View B.
Scenario 2: Button from side menu to View A, then button from View A to View B.
Scenario 2 View B shows back button, since it has a previous page, but Scenario 1 doesn't have a previous page that's why it doesn't show the back button, How do I display the menu button if there's no back button?
Here's my code below:
<ion-view view-title="MY View">
<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
<button class="button" type="submit"
<ion-content class="has-header">
Additional Info:
When removing the <ion-nav-bar> it displays the menu button, but of course will no longer show back button and edit button. When I try putting ng-hide in <ion-nav-bar ng-hide="isMenu"> it doesn't show any nav-bar since it's hidden but from html inspect element it's still there but hidden only. Any work around on this?
If you set a page as a rootPage and also use menu in you will see menu button. when navigating to another page from root if you use navCtrl.push() back button will automatically be added to the pushed view.if you set second page as a rootPage again you will see menu button again.
But if you want to implement it yourself that is another thing.
also check this link
Consider customizing the navbar/toolbar only for the pages that needs it.
By having an ion-toolbar in the ion-header, it appears on top of the default ion-navbar. So it is a workaround to have a custom header bar with my close icon and my custom function gotoHome(). That's the best way i found to customize the 'navbar' for a particular page.
<ion-buttons left>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="gotoHome()">
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-content padding>
The same answer applies to this topic, for reference :
Ionic Change back button icon for one page only

Ionic 2 Align Button Label to left

I created a button in Ionic 2 as follows:
<button secondary block round padding style="text-align : left;">
<ion-icon ios="ios-key" md="md-key"></ion-icon>
I am trying to align the button text to left side but its not coming there. Is there build in twik available to achieve that?
Ionic wraps the contents of the button into a <span> tag which has the class .button-inner. So the HTML markup looks something like this when you inspect it
<button secondary block round padding>
<span class="button-inner">
<ion-icon ios="ios-key" md="md-key" item-right></ion-icon>
The .button-inner class applies flexbox properties to position the text and icons central. You can overwrite the justify-content property and change the value from center to flex-start and this will tell the content (the text and icon) to start from the beginning of the box.
If you want to apply it to all buttons
If you want to apply it to a specific button (where .specific-button is added as a class to a button component)
.specific-button .button-inner{
Because Ionic use its class generate default css. So you should use SASS to customize CSS .
For example :
<button class="item">
<ion-icon ios="ios-key" md="md-key"></ion-icon>
file styles.scss
#extend secondary;
#extend block;
text-align : left;
You can use the item-left attribute inside the button-tag. No need for class="" or style="".
<button secondary block round padding item-left>
<ion-icon ios="ios-key" md="md-key"></ion-icon>
More information here