I try to make my hyperlinks future-proof as some sheets containing cells which are the target of hyperlinks.
I have two sheets
sheetA sheetB
sheetB contains hyperlinks like
If I rename sheetA to renamedSheet the hyperlinks in sheetB are broken. Further autoincrementing via mouse is broken too.
How can I fox this?
I figured this out:
=HYPERLINK("#" & CELL("address";$sheetA.C3))
Is there anything in markdown syntax specifically on GitHub to support hidden text?
I just want to put some to-do notes in README.md for myself, not to be visible.
As a tribute to the great answer by Tamas, and what's also asked a lot of times, below is an example of how to write foldable sections within MD files:
<summary><b>My section header in bold</b></summary>
Any folded content here. It requires an empty line just above it.
Just use standard HTML comments:
<!-- This is commented out. -->
(This DOESN'T work on GitHub, which strips out CSS. But it can work in other Markdown viewers/editors. The reason I am adding it is because this question came up first when Googling hidden field markdown).
You can hide the field using CSS, if the rendering process respects it and doesn't strip it out:
Is this worth the hassle, as opposed to using an HTML comment? Probably not in most cases, though it does allow toggling visibility on and off.
#### hidden field with metadata 👇
<div class="meta_for_parser tablespecs" style="visibility:hidden">{"dataname":"environment","colvar":"varname","colval":"value"}</div>
#### hidden field with metadata 👆
glow a Rust-based terminal viewer
Typora, on macos
Macdown, on macos
But not GitHub
I have a document-level (dotx) customization, with a custom ribbon, and one of the controls in that ribbon is this:
<gallery idMso="CustomGallery1" label="Building Blocks" size="large" />
The only other part that makes this work is the creation of entries under Custom1 in the Building Blocks Organizer. In Word 2010, this would show all the building blocks under the Custom1 category. In Word 2013, it shows the name of each building block briefly, and then all of them are removed and the list is empty:
The building blocks themselves all contain either a document property or document variable.
I have tried the following to resolve this but without success:
Ensured that they are still present by opening the template outside of Visual Studio; they are.
Upgraded the template to the 2013 dotx format.
Re-created the building blocks.
Re-created the entire dotx file, and then re-created the building blocks.
I also tried using other ribbon IDs, they are empty too (they do all have entries) but they display it differently:
There should be four entries there, they exist in my Normal.dotm. The last two controls there, for equations and content controls, do work, except the content control that is inserted displays similar behavior as the Autotext gallery:
I don't know what should be shown in this case but I doubt it's nothing.
Right now I'm assuming that this is just a broken feature in 2013 and will have to replace it with something else. Does anyone know anything to the contrary?
I don't think it is a broken feature, after some struggle, I did get to understand how to use it:
The gallery button in the "toolbar" of a newly added Building Block Gallery Content Control indeed seems empty at first, because it is set to list QuickParts. You have to change it in the properties of the control so that it lists the content of the AutoText Gallery instead (or any other Gallery of Building Blocks you'd like). To do so, either directly click on the Properties button in the Developper tab while the control is selected, or switch to Design Mode so that the Properties appears in the context menu (right-click on the control):
AutoText is "Insertion automatique" in French, the rest you can guess ;)
As far as I could find, it's just a broken feature. There's also a ridiculous memory leak the first time you do a Find and add fields during that find.
I'm having an issue with gaps appearing in Outlook / windows in an html email which I can't fix. It's a common problem I know and possibly something to do with col spans (judging by other posts). I've tried a number of things to do with line heights (although height doesn't appear to be the issue here) and adding ms specific styling but to no avail.
You can see the code here:
and see the problem here
It's looking tight in all other clients and web based mail apps - just pesky outlook 2013 dragging me down and got me stumped. I would be grateful for any suggestions / help.
Make sure all your images are inline styled display:block;
Don't use colspan or rowspan.. use nested tables instead.
Set table, table td { border-collapse:collapse } in the head
Check your cellpadding values to see if they are pushing the content out.
Here's a template you may find useful.
I am using VFR reader to display my pdf's. I need to extract the Table of Contents on a button click and display it in a tableview then it should lead to the respective pages while tapping on each.I googled for this and got these links
Create a table of contents from a pdf file
And i came to know that, to get TOC we must use "CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog(pdf doc)". But in my reader that "CGPDFDocumentGetCatalog(pdf doc)" is not at all getting called. Now how can i extract my TOC from my pdf file? Kindly help me out of this. I am struggling on this for a week. Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately I think the two answers you refer to point to different implementation strategies, which are both possibly valid but are different.
The first question is what the PDF files you have and want to show in your app look like. There is no such thing as a predefined TOC object in a PDF file, there are simply different ways to emulate this. The two most common ways are:
A) Bookmarks, which are a way to add little pieces of text to a structured tree, where each piece of text points to a specific location in the PDF file. These bookmarks can be added in the design application or later (there are specific tools to do so) and they can implement whatever structure.
B) Your PDF file might contain something that looks like a classic TOC from a book, which is basically just text on the opening pages, optionally with hyperlinks to specific locations in the book.
The second link you refer to shows how to create user interface where you can show the TOC in. The remaining question then is to figure out what items you want to display in the TOC window. In this second link you point to, the solution presented is to provide hard-coded items specific to one specific book. Of course this approach is not very useful when you want to display just any book.
So the question you are left with is how to figure out what items to display and where they link to.
If you consider my possibility A) above: a PDF file with bookmarks, the answer could be relatively simple. Answer 1 you point to explains how to look at the different structures inside a PDF file - bookmarks are simply such a structure (Defined in section 12.3 of the PDF specification: http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf)
This means you could use the techniques shown there to walk the different objects in the PDF file, and find each bookmark. The bookmark will give you the text to display and the actual location in the PDF file that text should jump to when clicked.
If you consider my possibility B) above: a PDF file without bookmarks but a classic TOC, this will be much harder to solve. Such table of contents are simply text on one or more pages, optionally with hyperlinks. Of course you could try to find all text on these pages (if you can figure out on which page the TOC starts and ends), but you'd then also have to figure out where that item links to. If there are no hyperlinks involved, that would be a daunting task.
So your first question should be how generic you want to solve this problem. Do you know which PDF files you'll want to display? Can you devise a TOC for these files yourself (as in your solution 2)? If not, can you be sure all PDF files contain bookmarks? The answer to those questions will largely determine the rest of your strategy...
I'm fairly new to Cocoa and am having trouble Googling for the best way to design my iPhone app.
This app is for viewing a stageplay. It should pretty print the script such that character headings are centered and in small caps, say, and stage directions are in italics etc. It should also allow one character's lines to be highlighted (i.e. dynamic formatting).
Looking at this question it looks like NSTextView/NSTextStorage will provide the formatting requirements I want, I'm just confused as to how to construct the view from the underlying data.
I'm thinking at the moment my source will be XML in the following form:
<dialogue character="bob">Hello Sue!</dialogue>
<stageDirection>He moves to the table</stageDirection>
<dialogue character="sue">Hello Bob!</dialogue>
Which would output something similar to the following:
Hello Sue!
He moves to the table
Hello Bob!
How do I go from a document model (XML / CoreData / ...) to a view containing pretty formatted text?
Any advice or pointers would be great; I just can't get my head around this problem!
If interactivity isn't required then the most easy way I can think of is to generate HTML and render it with UIWebView. Dynamic highlighting can be done with stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:
Next relatively easy option is to compose styled text with individual UILabels. Basically you have an array of text entries (cues, stage directions etc.), each with it's own style. We create an array of corresponding UILabels with styles applied and then layout them on "script view". After that we can put this "script view" in UIScrollView and that's it. Size of label required to fit particular text can be determined with sizeWithFont:constrainedToSize:lineBreakMode: of NSString.
There are also CoreText services available, but this is much more advanced option.