Eclipse: can not change file association - eclipse

Eclipse: tried to use Text editor for .xml and .properties by changing the file associations
Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Editor -> File assocations
Can not remove or change order of the associated apps.

The fact that *.xml files are opened with the XML Editor is due to the content types settings: Window > Preferences: General > Content Types (Text > XML). Also for *.properties files there is an associated editor in Content Types (Text > Java Properties File).
If you want to open by default *.xml and *.properties files with the text editor, do the following in Window > Preferences: General > Content Types:
Click Add Root... and enter a name, e. g. XML
Kepp the new content type selected and in the section File associations click Add... and enter *.xml
Kepp the new file association selected and in the section Associated editors click Add... and choose the Text Editor
Repeat the steps with for *.properties files.

Under file types remove .xml and .properties, add them again, the click on each one and in the view below select the editor you want to be associated with the file type selected. if multiple you can select one as the default. Should be pretty straight forward.


Show more path in vscode tabs [duplicate]

I've got a component-based folder structure in my project. It is a bunch of component-folders with one index.js file each.
Is it possible to make Visual Studio Code display the parent folder name in the file tabs? Or am I limited to seeing a bunch of tabs that all display index.js and nothing else?
You can configure Visual Studio Code to always show parent folder names in the tabs! In your User Settings, just add this line: "workbench.editor.labelFormat": "short" (other values are "long", "medium" or "default")
Result: the files init/views.js, init/routes.js and plugins/modal.js will be presented as such:
Another option is the User Setting "breadcrumbs.enabled": true which will give you an entire row of breadcrumbs showing the complete file path:
PS: To open User Settings use the File-menu → Preferences → Settings → User Settings. To view the settings in a JSON format just click the {} icon in the top right corner.
Go to the main menu File → Preferences → Settings. And search for (Cmd + F on Mac; Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux) workbench label format.
Choose the short option.
Visual Studio Code has now improved their tab-UI to resolve this issue.
When you've opened multiple tabs with the same filename, Visual Studio Code will automatically display the parent foldername in each of those tabs.
Here's an example: I've opened event.js and two index.js files. Visual Studio Code automatically decides it's a good idea to display the foldername for the index.js files :)
It pretty much solved the bulk of my problem.
I know this is too late to answer, but in case someone is looking for the file path to show on the title bar, you can follow this:
Open settings (command + ,)
Search for title
You'll see something like activeEditorShort, replace it with activeEditorLong
Step 1: Go to File > Preferences > Settings
Step 2: search for "workbench.editor.labelFormat"
Step 3: select medium from a drop-down
You can install the nice-index extension for a better experience dealing with index files.
However, as of now, it only works when you have more than one index file open. This can be resolved by changing labelFormat to "short", as other answers suggest.
In VSCode 1.53 you can use thees settings:
Controls the window title based on the active editor. Variables are substituted based on the context:
${activeEditorShort}: the file name (e.g. myFile.txt).
${activeEditorMedium}: the path of the file relative to the workspace folder (e.g. myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).
${activeEditorLong}: the full path of the file (e.g. /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).
${activeFolderShort}: the name of the folder the file is contained in (e.g. myFileFolder).
${activeFolderMedium}: the path of the folder the file is contained in, relative to the workspace folder (e.g. myFolder/myFileFolder).
${activeFolderLong}: the full path of the folder the file is contained in (e.g. /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder).
${folderName}: name of the workspace folder the file is contained in (e.g. myFolder).
${folderPath}: file path of the workspace folder the file is contained in (e.g. /Users/Development/myFolder).
${rootName}: name of the opened workspace or folder (e.g. myFolder or myWorkspace).
${rootPath}: file path of the opened workspace or folder (e.g. /Users/Development/myWorkspace).
${appName}: e.g. VS Code.
${remoteName}: e.g. SSH
${dirty}: a dirty indicator if the active editor is dirty.
${separator}: a conditional separator (" - ") that only shows when surrounded by variables with values or static text.

Showing path in file-tabs in Visual Studio Code

I've got a component-based folder structure in my project. It is a bunch of component-folders with one index.js file each.
Is it possible to make Visual Studio Code display the parent folder name in the file tabs? Or am I limited to seeing a bunch of tabs that all display index.js and nothing else?
You can configure Visual Studio Code to always show parent folder names in the tabs! In your User Settings, just add this line: "workbench.editor.labelFormat": "short" (other values are "long", "medium" or "default")
Result: the files init/views.js, init/routes.js and plugins/modal.js will be presented as such:
Another option is the User Setting "breadcrumbs.enabled": true which will give you an entire row of breadcrumbs showing the complete file path:
PS: To open User Settings use the File-menu → Preferences → Settings → User Settings. To view the settings in a JSON format just click the {} icon in the top right corner.
Go to the main menu File → Preferences → Settings. And search for (Cmd + F on Mac; Ctrl + F on Windows and Linux) workbench label format.
Choose the short option.
Visual Studio Code has now improved their tab-UI to resolve this issue.
When you've opened multiple tabs with the same filename, Visual Studio Code will automatically display the parent foldername in each of those tabs.
Here's an example: I've opened event.js and two index.js files. Visual Studio Code automatically decides it's a good idea to display the foldername for the index.js files :)
It pretty much solved the bulk of my problem.
I know this is too late to answer, but in case someone is looking for the file path to show on the title bar, you can follow this:
Open settings (command + ,)
Search for title
You'll see something like activeEditorShort, replace it with activeEditorLong
Step 1: Go to File > Preferences > Settings
Step 2: search for "workbench.editor.labelFormat"
Step 3: select medium from a drop-down
You can install the nice-index extension for a better experience dealing with index files.
However, as of now, it only works when you have more than one index file open. This can be resolved by changing labelFormat to "short", as other answers suggest.
In VSCode 1.53 you can use thees settings:
Controls the window title based on the active editor. Variables are substituted based on the context:
${activeEditorShort}: the file name (e.g. myFile.txt).
${activeEditorMedium}: the path of the file relative to the workspace folder (e.g. myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).
${activeEditorLong}: the full path of the file (e.g. /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder/myFile.txt).
${activeFolderShort}: the name of the folder the file is contained in (e.g. myFileFolder).
${activeFolderMedium}: the path of the folder the file is contained in, relative to the workspace folder (e.g. myFolder/myFileFolder).
${activeFolderLong}: the full path of the folder the file is contained in (e.g. /Users/Development/myFolder/myFileFolder).
${folderName}: name of the workspace folder the file is contained in (e.g. myFolder).
${folderPath}: file path of the workspace folder the file is contained in (e.g. /Users/Development/myFolder).
${rootName}: name of the opened workspace or folder (e.g. myFolder or myWorkspace).
${rootPath}: file path of the opened workspace or folder (e.g. /Users/Development/myWorkspace).
${appName}: e.g. VS Code.
${remoteName}: e.g. SSH
${dirty}: a dirty indicator if the active editor is dirty.
${separator}: a conditional separator (" - ") that only shows when surrounded by variables with values or static text.

How to exclude .class files from file search in Eclipse?

I want eclipse to ignore all .class files when I search for a keyword in files. I don't want a particular directory to be excluded, instead I want to exclude all files of type .class
when you open the File Search in Eclipse, there is a text box for filename patterns. You can enter the patterns you DO want to include, like *.java, *.xml, etc. (each pattern separated by a comma) , and it will only search in files of that type.
To exclude a file type, place an exclamation mark in front of the pattern, like
!*.class, !*.svn
I managed to exclude files of a specific extension in eclipse using resource filters:
Right-click on the project in project explorer -> select properties
Expand the Resource heading on the left of the properties window and select Resource filters
Select the Add Filter button
In my scenario, I was ignoring tar.gz archives:
So in this example *.class could have been inputted rather than *.tar.gz to ignore all files with the class extension.
You can create a Working Set pointing it to your java source dir,
and select it on Open Resource (Ctrl+Shift R normally)
Open Resource window Image
menu Image
The working set will be remembered when you open it again.

Treat One File Type Like Another in Eclipse for Formatting and Syntax Highlighting?

We are currently using Apache Velocity and some of the files are just standard HTML files but have the extension .vm which means that they aren't recognized as HTML files and hence don't have syntax highlighting etc.
Is there a way to force a certain file type extension to be treated as another file type within Eclipse? For example our .vm files to be treated like .html files so correct syntax highlighting and code formatting is used by Eclipse.
Is there a built in way to do this or would I need to get a plugin to add this type of functionality?
Add *.vm to the HTML content type in Window -> Preferences -> General -> Content Types.
Then associate the file type with an editor in Window -> Preferences -> Editors -> File Associations. The default editors for HTML files are associated automatically by the content type.

How do I set "Show print margin" for my group?

Eclipse will place a light gray line on a column you choose when you select from Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors and check the "Show print margin" checkbox.
If I add this line to my Checkstyle external file:
<setting id="org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.lineSplit" value="150"/>
then Format (Ctrl-Shift-F) will do a good job in splitting lines before column 150.
Is there a means, such as an XML file, in which I might set the value of the text editor "Show print margin"? I would like my department to have the formatter split lines at 150 (can do) and have all Eclipse IDEs show the gray line at column 150 (don't know how).
I have tried toggling the "Show print margin" checkbox and even checking "Show line numbers," but I cannot find a file that Eclipse altered, in either my Eclipse executable path or my project files that reflects this change. It must to be stored somewhere: these persists across Eclipse sessions.
If you change your settings via the Preference menu, you are changing the workspace settings. The files you are looking for are therefore located in the .metadata directory of your workspace. The specific file you are looking for is
This file can contain the following two lines:
If printMarginColumn is not present, the default seems to be 80.
If you change the settings on a project, the file is the same but the location is in your project's .settings directory.