keycloak and postgresql on openshift - postgresql

I tried to deploy keycloak with POSTGRESQL on openshift. I used this image, jboss/keycloak-openshift image for keycloak and rhscl/postgresql-95-rhel7 for postgresql.
I then I added environment variables in keycloak deployment
DB_DATABASE : keycloak
DB_USER : postgresl-secret-database-user
DB_PASSWORD : postgresl-secret-database-password
I thought this is what I needed to do to make keycloak work with postgresql. These are the errors and warning I am seeing in the pod logs.
IOException occurred while connecting to postgres:5432: postgres
Connection error: : org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.
But it is not working this way. The keycloak pod fails. Do I need to do anything else as well?

What is the name of your database service?
If not the default of postgres that Keycloak expects, you need to set DB_ADDR. I use the following in my template:
"name": "KEYCLOAK_USER",
"value": "${KEYCLOAK_USER}"
"name": "DB_VENDOR",
"value": "postgres"
"name": "DB_ADDR",
"value": "${KEYCLOAK_NAME}-db"
"name": "DB_PORT",
"value": "5432"
"name": "DB_DATABASE",
"value": "keycloak"
"name": "DB_USER",
"value": "keycloak"
"name": "DB_PASSWORD",
Suggest setting them all.
Further details in:


Error when setting up glusterfs on Kubernetes: volume create: heketidbstorage: failed: Host not connected

I'm following this instruction to setup glusterfs on my kubernetes cluster. At heketi-client/bin/heketi-cli setup-openshift-heketi-storage part, heketi-cli tells me :
Error: volume create: heketidbstorage: failed: Host not connected
or sometimes:
Error: volume create: heketidbstorage: failed: Staging failed on Error: Host not connected
heketi.json is
"_port_comment": "Heketi Server Port Number",
"port": "8080",
"_use_auth": "Enable JWT authorization. Please enable for deployment",
"use_auth": false,
"_jwt": "Private keys for access",
"jwt": {
"_admin": "Admin has access to all APIs",
"admin": {
"key": "7319"
"_user": "User only has access to /volumes endpoint",
"user": {
"key": "7319"
"_glusterfs_comment": "GlusterFS Configuration",
"glusterfs": {
"_executor_comment": "Execute plugin. Possible choices: mock, kubernetes, ssh",
"executor": "kubernetes",
"_db_comment": "Database file name",
"db": "/var/lib/heketi/heketi.db",
"kubeexec": {
"rebalance_on_expansion": true
"sshexec": {
"rebalance_on_expansion": true,
"keyfile": "/etc/heketi/private_key",
"fstab": "/etc/fstab",
"port": "22",
"user": "root",
"sudo": false
"_backup_db_to_kube_secret": "Backup the heketi database to a Kubernetes secret when running in Kubernetes. Default is off.",
"backup_db_to_kube_secret": false
topology-sample.json is
"clusters": [
"nodes": [
"node": {
"hostnames": {
"manage": [
"storage": [
"zone": 1
"devices": [
"name": "/dev/sda7",
"destroydata": true
"node": {
"hostnames": {
"manage": [
"storage": [
"zone": 1
"devices": [
"name": "/dev/sda7",
"destroydata": true
"node": {
"hostnames": {
"manage": [
"storage": [
"zone": 1
"devices": [
"name": "/dev/sda7",
"destroydata": true
The heketi-cli is v8.0.0 and kubernetes is v1.12.3
How do I fix this problem?
Update: Just found that I missed the iptables part, but now the message becomes
Error: volume create: heketidbstorage: failed: Host is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
seems that one of the glusterfs pod cannot connect to others, I tried kubectl exec -i glusterfs-59ftx -- gluster peer status:
Number of Peers: 2
Uuid: 6950db9a-3d60-4625-b642-da5882396bee
State: Peer Rejected (Disconnected)
Uuid: 78983466-4499-48d2-8411-2c3e8c70f89f
State: Peer Rejected (Disconnected)
while the other one said:
Number of Peers: 1
Uuid: 23a0114d-65b8-42d6-8067-7efa014af68d
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
I solved these problems by myself.
For first part, the reason is that I didn't setup iptables in every nodes according to Infrastructure Requirements.
For second part according to this article, delete all file in /var/lib/glusterd except and then start over from Kubernete Deploy.

Why Jelastic environment not working when using postgres9 in jps?

I have created a jps file using documentation
But there is no clear documentation to use PostgreSQL.
Jelastic JPS Node:
"nodeType": "postgres9",
"restart": false,
"database": {
"name": "xxxx",
"user": "xxx",
"dump": "xxx.sql"
Error while configuring environment,
"data": {
"result": 11005,
"source": "marketplace",
"error": "database query error: java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not connect to address=(host= : Connection refused (Connection refused)"
I have provided whole JPS file content here. In this, i got error when importing database and others are working fine in configs object.
"jpsVersion": "0.1",
"jpsType": "install",
"application": {
"id": "xxx",
"name": "xxx",
"version": "0.0.1",
"logo": "",
"type": "php",
"homepage": "",
"description": {
"en": "xxx"
"env": {
"topology": {
"ha": false,
"engine": "php7.2",
"ssl": false,
"nodes": [
"extip": false,
"count": 1,
"cloudlets": 16,
"nodeType": "nginxphp"
"extip": false,
"count": 1,
"cloudlets": 16,
"nodeType": "postgres9"
"upload": [
               "nodeType": "nginxphp",
               "sourcePath": "",
               "destPath": "${SERVER_CONF_D}/xxx.conf"
"deployments": [
"archive": "",
"name": "",
"context": "ROOT"
"configs": [
"nodeType": "nginxphp",
"restart": true,
"path": "${SERVER_CONF_D}/xxx.conf",
"replacements": [
"nodeType": "postgres9",
"restart": false,
"database": {
"name": "xxx",
"user": "xxx",
"dump": ""
}, {
"restart": false,
"nodeType": "nginxphp",
"path": "${SERVER_WEBROOT}/ROOT/server/php/",
"replacements": [{
"replacement": "${nodes.postgres9.address}",
"pattern": "localhost"
}, {
"replacement": "${nodes.postgres9.database.password}",
"pattern": "xxx"
"success": {
"text": "Installation completed. username: admin and password: xxx"
Since Actions are disabled for the Postgres so far (The action is executed only for mysql5, mariadb, and mariadb10 containers) we've improved your manifest based on the recent updates. Yaml was used because it's more clear for reading and understanding:
jpsVersion: 0.1
jpsType: install
name: xxx
version: 0.0.1
engine: php7.2
- cloudlets: 16
nodeType: nginxphp
- cloudlets: 16
nodeType: postgres9
- upload [nginxphp]:
destPath: ${SERVER_CONF_D}/xxx.conf
- deploy:
context: ROOT
- replaceInFile [nginxphp]:
path: ${SERVER_CONF_D}/xxx.conf
- pattern: /usr/share/nginx/html
replacement: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}
- restartNodes [nginxphp]
- replaceInFile [nginxphp]:
path: ${SERVER_WEBROOT}/ROOT/server/php/
- pattern: localhost
replacement: ${nodes.postgres9.address}
- pattern: xxx
replacement: ${nodes.postgres9.password}
- cmd [postgres9]: printf "PGPASSWORD=${nodes.postgres9.password};\nexport PGPASSWORD;\npsql postgres webadmin -c \"CREATE DATABASE Jelastic;\"\n" > /tmp/createDb
- cmd [postgres9]: chmod +x /tmp/createDb && /tmp/createDb
success: Installation completed. username admin and password xxx
Please note, that you can debug every action in the /console tab

Hyperledger Explorer Error 12 UNIMPLEMENTED: service protos.Endorser

I am trying to run the Hypeledger Explorer for my blockchain network. I have followed the instructions almost word for word using the Hyperldger Explorer
But anytime I do the final call: ./ --- I get a litany of errors
error: [client-utils.js]: sendPeersProposal - Promise is rejected: Error: 12 UNIMPLEMENTED: unknown service protos.Endorser
at new createStatusError (/home/ubuntu/bludev/blockchain-explorer/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:64:15)
at /home/ubuntu/bludev/blockchain-explorer/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:583:15
error: [Client.js]: Failed Installed Chaincodes Query. Error: Error: 12 UNIMPLEMENTED: unknown service protos.Endorser
at new createStatusError (/home/ubuntu/bludev/blockchain-explorer/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:64:15)
at /home/ubuntu/bludev/blockchain-explorer/node_modules/grpc/src/client.js:583:15
And so on. For more info I am using
nodejs 6.9 and PostgreSQL 9.5. This is the way my config.json file looks:
"network-config": {
"org1": {
"name": "peerOrg1",
"mspid": "Org1MSP",
"peer1": {
"requests": "grpc://",
"events": "grpc://",
"server-hostname": "",
"tls_cacerts": "/home/ubuntu/bludev/fabric-samples/first-network/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
"admin": {
"key": "/home/ubuntu/bludev/hlcomposer/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scripts/hlfv1/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/",
"cert": "/home/ubuntu/bludev/hlcomposer/fabric-dev-servers/fabric-scripts/hlfv1/composer/crypto-config/peerOrganizations/"
"host": "localhost",
"port": "3000",
"channel": "mychannel",
"keyValueStore": "/tmp/fabric-client-kvs",
"eventWaitTime": "30000",
"pg": {
"host": "",
"port": "3000",
"database": "fabricexplorer",
"username": "postgres",
"passwd": "password1"
The problem is your hyperledger network does not have any endorser in network.
try first-network sample from official fabric-samples folder, rebuild the explorer and then try again.

How could a spring-boot application determine if it is running on cloud foundry?

I'm writting a micro service with spring-boot. The db is mongodb. The service works perfectly in my local environment. But after I deployed it to the cloud foundry it doesn't work. The reason is connecting mongodb time out.
I think the root cause is the application doesn't know it is running on cloud. Because it still connecting, but not the redirected port.
How could it know it is running on cloud? Thank you!
There is a mongodb instance bound to the service. And when I checked the environment information, I got following info:
"mongodb": [
"credentials": {
"hostname": "",
"ports": {
"27017/tcp": "43417",
"28017/tcp": "43135"
"port": "43417",
"username": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"password": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"dbname": "gwkp7glhw9tq9cwp",
"uri": "xxxxxxxxxx"
"syslog_drain_url": null,
"volume_mounts": [],
"label": "mongodb",
"provider": null,
"plan": "v3.0-container",
"name": "mongodb-business-configuration",
"tags": [
"cf_api": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"limits": {
"fds": 16384,
"mem": 1024,
"disk": 1024
"application_name": "mock-service",
"application_uris": [
"name": "mock-service",
"space_name": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"space_id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"uris": [
"users": null,
"application_id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"version": "c7569d23-f3ee-49d0-9875-8e595ee76522",
"application_version": "c7569d23-f3ee-49d0-9875-8e595ee76522"
From my understanding, I think my spring-boot service should try to connect the port 43417 but not 27017, right? Thank you!
Finally I found the reason is I didn't specify the profile. After adding following code in my manifest.yml it works:

Replicating a remote database from Bluemix

Database URL:
The current Cloudant account:
"cloudantNoSQLDB": [
"credentials": {
"username": "c39cexxx-bluemix",
"password": "xxxxxxx",
"host": "",
"port": 443,
"url": ""
The other Cloudant accounts in a database
"cloudantNoSQLDB": [
"credentials": {
"username": "f39c4xxx-bluemix",
"password": "xxxxxxx",
"host": "",
"port": 443,
"url": "https://f39c4xxx-bluemix:xxxxxxx#f39c4xxx-"
Please give an example of replicating a remote database from Bluemix.
If you want to replicate from a remote target into a local database, your Database URL will be:
You can find more information here:
NOTE: I'm assuming you didn't post your actual credentials, if you did you should at least change your passwords.