Samsung-TV Tizen web-app not loading in 2015 devices - samsung-smart-tv

I have submitted a Tizen smart-TV application to the Samsung store, and during the testing process they found that it doesn't start when installed in 2015 devices (it works in modern TVs).
The application was developed in Tizen Studio with TV SDK 4.0, and the minimum compatible platform version is set in the config.xml to Tizen 2.3 (both values apparently compliant with this compatibility table).
Samsung's feedback is the same for 15TV_STANDARD1, 15TV_STANDARD2, and 15TV_PREMIUM model groups: "Blank screen on launching the app."
Any clue about what can be happening with those TV models? Is there any feature that could be causing the crash?

Without more information is difficult to know what may cause the problem with 2015 TVs.
Your best option would be to debug your application on a 2015 model, although I understand this can be difficult.
One thing you can do is to check the Web Engine Specifications and see the differences between the working and non-working models.

Blank screen most likely just means, that your application died somewhere during the initialization.
Did you by any chance use the getDuid() API during initial application initialization? I has some trouble with that if the display has never been connected to the web, so it threw an exception on that call.
Otherwise, assuming the profile is indeed 2.3, then it should work.


Session sharing is not enabled | Swift

I am currently trying to show Routes in my app, but I get [UserSession] maps short session requested but session sharing is not enabled in the console.
I separated the MapView and calculation of the route in different structs / classes, so that might be the reason. I never heard of the UserSession
[UserSession] maps short session requested but session sharing is not enabled
I have seen people online say this is a bug in iOS 15 / Xcode but I have not found any solution or explanation for what this error means.
Please note that I am also receiving the same error with Mac OSX BigSur and XCode 13.2, so I performed a test with a VM running Mac OSX Catalina:
Then I downloaded, installed and ran XCode 12.4,
When I built a MapKit / CoreLocation application (see, it ran fine on OSX Catalina but I got the same error as above on BigSur. Hopefully, Apple will fix this issue soon with an update.
It appears that Apple is deprecating their Apple Maps with their Main.storyboard designer because I have a colleague who used Apple Maps without a problem but that was using SwiftUI which has no UI designer--instead everything is specified in code for the UI.

My ionic app keeps restarting instead of resuming from last active page

I am creating an android app built with angualar/ionic 5. and currently testing with android studio via enabled debugger on an android device.
The apps works well except for one issue.
The app, when minimized or drawn from the active apps lists restarts instead of resuming to the last active page. I am using angular/ionic 5 and I don't believe this is an issue angular/ionic router since this works fine in pwa/browser versions of the app.
I may be wrong but seems to think this may be due to some missing config for android platforms in config.xml . In my search I came across this
1. <preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleTask"/> //adding this to config.xml but it did'nt work.
some comments suggested memory leaks may be causing android to shut the app down when it's not in the foreground but tracking the apps memory usage in android studio, it seems to be within acceptable range
My conclusion is that perhaps a problem with ionic/capacitor/cordova core or some bug
This is driving me nuts!
If any one has had this problem, how did you solve it please?. and for those experienced ionic developers . what and where would you be looking at if you this issue. Thank you
I tried a different device on the emulator and it worked also tried a different physical device and it worked. this means that the problem is with my particular device. that leaves a lot of questions since a lot of people use my android brand with similar specifications. will the app exhibit same behaviour when downloaded from the playstore? or this is just an android testing and debugging problem.. i will inform you all of what will come later . thank you
In this case I would suggest you to check your device setting you might have mistakenly added this application in battery optimization mode.
Please check your setting I belive this is the culprits. Not your code

Why isn't my Chrome App in kiosk mode automatically updating?

I have a Chrome app that runs on a few dozen devices in auto-boot kiosk mode.
I've pushed several updates to the web store, and while I do see the update on my local Chromebox after a little bit of waiting, I've come to learn that the many devices running it in kiosk mode are on an array of older versions. Some seem to have updated at some point in time, but many have not, and none are on the latest version that's already several days old.
Is this because they are in kiosk mode? I found this question over on the product forums, but it has no answer. Seems like the behavior I'm experiencing, and if so I could see why this is the case. Still, all of the documentation from Google pertaining to apps suggests they should always be auto-updating themselves.
We had this same issue and luckily have a support agreement with Google. After some log searching, we were able to determine that the kiosk app we were deploying was specifying a kiosk required_platform_version, eg.
"kiosk": {
"required_platform_version": "11021.56.0"
While our Chrome devices (ASUS Chromebit in this case) were already beyond the required version specified. As Chrome won't downgrade itself, the new version in the Chrome Web Store is deemed ineligible for this device and upgrades are never applied.
To resolve this issue, we posted a new version of our Kiosk app with this value updated to match the currently highest deployed Chrome platform version in our fleet (you could also just remove it - but for long running Kiosk apps it's best practice to lock the Chrome version).
Hope that helps!
You may want to check this thread which states the following:
If these are school managed chromebooks, see this topic.
If it is not managed or if the settings have not been changed in the management console, the chromebook does have to be restarted to finish updating.
Simply follow the given steps on how to manage kiosk settings.

Developing a google play app with HTC Desire

I've been a Java developer for 6 years, but this is my first foray into Android, and it's not going well.
I've set up a simple example app which uses google maps api v2 - it's just a single page: I copied it from one of the many helpful sites on this topic.
I then discovered that I can't run it in an emulator since it uses the google maps api v2, which requires google play. So I bought a device (HTC Desire).
Now the device doesn't show up in the eclipse run configuration. It shows up with ./adb devices just fine.
I thought maybe this was because the device is on Android 2.2, and my app has minimum OS level of 4.2. So I tried to upgrade, but I couldn't work out how. In the software / update section on the phone it just says 'no updates available'. Can this be right?
Ok so assuming I can't upgrade the OS (in which case the phone is now useless), I modified the project so the minSdkVersion is now 8. But now my project won't build!
Errors include 'No resource identifier found for attribute 'showAsAction' in package 'android'' - what does that even mean?
And to cap it all the device is now doing the 'buzzing 7 times instead of booting' thing. I can access some menu called HBOOT, and selecting RECOVERY just reboots the machine, which fails.
So now I've spent £50 and several hours, and I haven't even got as far as hello world - just a bricked phone.
What am I doing wrong? Can Android dev really be this hard?

IPhone crash reporting framework

I wanted to add crash reporting capabilities to my iPhone app. Kind of the type that prompts you to send a crash report the next time the app launches after a crash (I have seen this capability in NYTines iPhone app, but I am sure there must be others apps doing this as well). Is this a 3rd party framework that can be easily included in any app?
There are alot of these frameworks, a good article about them can be found here
However i would suggest using
Crittercism caters to my needs at present. The support team is good too.
I'm using QuincyKit. Word of caution though - you'll need to redownload the crash reporter framework from the home site - the build that Quincy site has misbehaves on certain Xcode/iOS conbinations.
But server-side installation is a snap, and symbolication infrastructure is easy to set up, too.