Select a calendar dialog window from console app - swift

I have a console app written with Swift to add events and reminders. I need be able to show 'select calendar' dialog from it. Is there any standar way to show this dialog or it needs to be created manually using NSAlert?
Sorry, kind of newbie in mac development, need this console app to interact with macos through electron app.


Ionic capacitor hybrid mobile application

I want to create a hybrid mobile app using ionic capacitor. When user logs in the app should open the main angular app in a hidden webview to initialize the angular app. The webview should be hidden for this time. After this when a user clicks on any links in mobile app, it should open in the webview and this time the webview should be displayed. The webview should open in the app container and not in the browser window (like InApp browser). Please help me if anybody have explored this kind of solutions.
My existing app is built using Xamarin and its built on the above concept.
I have tried the InApp browser but it does not give a good impression to the end user expecting a complete mobile app.
What you want to do is more or less possible if I've understood you well. I've done it in my job. We have a ionic app, but then there are some native screens developed natively for Android (with Java) and iOS (with Swift). With ionic you can call native code from Javascript. For that you need to make your own local Capacitor plugin:
In a plugin, the ionic Javascript function will trigger a native function (Java/Kotlin for Android - Swift/ObjectiveC for iOS). Once there, you can freely create native screens (Android = Activity, iOS = Storyboard/Controller) and then launch your native screens in the app. In our project most of the app is ionic, but we developed our own native screens such as a PDF Viewer, a Web browser, a QR scanner, etc.
But an app is not like a website, an app is a stack of screens. Which means that everytime you access a new screen, it's added to the top of the stack and the user can go back to the previous one. So, ionic will launch first. Inmediately after starting the app (or whenever you want) you can move the user to a native (android/ios) screen. However, if the user presses the native android back button, he will come back to ionic. If you want to prevent that, you need to code that behavior yourself (google android prevent back button). Likewise, you "can't" make the user go from the native screen to ionic, you can bring him back to ionic by navigating back programmatically.
Perhaps you can also change the launch activity to use a different one, and then later launch the ionic activity with native code. But I haven't done this myself and it could break ionic, so I can't advice you through this path.
I hope my answer helps, but I'm not sure I understood what you want to accomplish.

How do I tell when Siri opened my WatchOS app without using Siri Intents?

Basically the title. It's possible to open apps by just telling Siri "Open " without giving your app an entitlement or adding intents, so I was wondering if it's possible to detect if the app can detect if it's been opened by Siri using something like onContinueUserActivity.
I've tried looking all over the internet to see what types of activities open the app and trigger onContinueUserActivity but documentation is scarce.

Detect window closing action flutter desktop

I am working on flutter desktop application and want to show alert dialog before closing window. Could not get any information about detecting window closing action.
Can anyone tell me how to do this. Thankx.
You can do it using the existing flutter_window_close package. Check out the example here.
This plugin lets your Flutter app a chance to confirm if the user wants to close your app. It works on desktop platforms including Windows, macOS and Linux.
Try to explore as well bitsdojo_window.

how to show dialog without needed open app

I'm looking for package or anyway to show popup, dialog or modal without needed open my app like . local notification but I don't want use local notification for customization , is there in flutter something like that ?
On Android, you can use a plugin that uses SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
such that it utilizes the "Draw over other apps" permission in order to do what you describe.
An example plugin that does this is system_alert_window.
On iOS, this isn't possible. Some plugins will notify instead on iOS.

is there any api to make a shortcut of chrome standalone app to a desktop

normally what happens when you install an app is that it creates a shortcut from where you can launch it on desktop or start menu. However, chrome apps for now are places in chrome app launcher that is packed with all other chrome apps. It's all good and fine. But is there a way to place my app on desktop with user's consent if need be.
There is a way to do it manually. Like if user right clicks on the app in chrome app launcher and click create shortcut which has checkboxes showing places where shortcuts are going to be created ex: desktop, startmenu...
Without a icon of your app on desktop it still doesn't feel like a standalone app.
You can check out the API that is added recently. Now it's only available on the dev channel:"app_id");
There is no way to do this. Users can also drag their app from the app launcher to the desktop to create a shortcut.
An API to prompt the user for this isn't something we're likely to support. Personally I think users would find it annoying, as it is simple and easy to create shortcuts where they want.
If you disagree please file a feature request at It would be there is some action we could take, e.g. educate users better that they can create shortcuts, but is a better place to discuss.