Get DNS Suffix Search list on remote servers - powershell

I have a bunch of server that I need to check among other things, if the DNS Suffix list is set up correctly.
I was planning on using PowerShell and the Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting, but I can only get to work on my local machine.
So, is there a way, I can get this information from a list of remote servers?

When in doubt, read the documentation (emphasis mine):
[-CimSession <CimSession[]>]
[-ThrottleLimit <Int32>]
Runs the cmdlet in a remote session or on a remote computer. Enter a computer name or a session object, such as the output of a New-CimSession or Get-CimSession cmdlet. The default is the current session on the local computer.
The parameter -CimSession takes a list of hostnames (or existing CIM sessions), so invoke it like this:
Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting -CimSession 'host1', 'host2', ...


Change BIOS password through powershell

I want to build a script to change and/or set up BIOS password to HP workstations.
Script i run as follows:
C:\> $computers=Get-Content -Path c:\computers.txt
C:\> foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$passChange=Get-WmiObject -computername $computer -Namespace root/hp/instrumentedBIOS -Class HP_BIOSSettingInterface
$passChange.SetBIOSSetting('Setup Password','<utf-16/>MYNEWPASSWORD','<utf-16/>')
Now, the following happen:
If my BIOS has no password, the script works just fine!
If my BIOS has password already, script has Return: 6. I suppose there is
a different option for changing the BIOS password?If yes, any help
is appreciated!
If i run the script for my computer, it works.
If i run the script for another computer i get the following error:
The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA).
Is there a way to enable an option to enable the RPC for this feature and then disable it again?
Thank you in advance
According to HP's documentation HP Client Management Interface the WMI interface supports remote interfacing.
You need to ensure all remote computers you're attempting to connect to have the HP custom WMI Namespace.
You also need to ensure the account you're running under has administrative permissions on all of the remote computers.
You may also need to explicitly set the impersonation to 3 which is impersonate.
For more information: Connecting to WMI Remotely with PowerShell
Also ensure the firewall on the remote computers is either off or has exclusions for WMI

Possible to use PowerShell's Get-AppvClientPackage to list AppV packages on a machine other than my own?

I can use Get-AppvClientPackage -all [| select name] or Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\appv -Class AppvClientPackage [|select name] to list all installed AppV packages installed on my own machine. It doesn't appear to be possible to use this cmdlet to get the AppV packages installed on another machine, without remote execution.
I am asking this question in hopes of finding something that works (see purpose) or get a definitive answer that it's not possible. There may be better options available (other than PS), but my question is simply if it is possible or not, so that if the latter is the case, we can push to develop a script (which could be run by someone with elevated privileges) to gather information needed.
Purpose: Our team doesn't have visibility into SCCM (that's another option is to have that team report on what is installed where, though sometimes we need answers quickly) and remote PS execution is restricted to one security team (which is understandable), but at times (for support or decommission purposes) we need to check to see if a specific client machine has a package installed, check what AppV packages a specific client has installed, as well as check to see which machines have a particular package installed.
If there is another module or cmdlet (or even something other than powershell or WMI) that might be able to yield the same information, suggestions are welcome.
Get-WmiObject utilizes RPC to connect to remote PCs and does not require PSRemoting. In this effort, all you need to do is add the -ComputerName parameter.
#Requires -Version 3
$Target = 'localhost'
Namespace = 'root\appv'
Class = 'AppvClientPackage'
Property = 'Name'
ComputerName = $Target
Get-WmiObject #Params
PS C:\> Get-Help -Name 'Get-WmiObject' -Parameter 'ComputerName'
-ComputerName <String[]>
Specifies the target computer for the management operation. Enter a fully
qualified domain name (FQDN), a NetBIOS name, or an IP address. When the remote
computer is in a different domain than the local computer, the fully qualified
domain name is required.
The default is the local computer. To specify the local computer, such as in a
list of computer names, use "localhost", the local computer name, or a dot (.).
This parameter does not rely on Windows PowerShell remoting, which uses
WS-Management. You can use the ComputerName parameter of Get-WmiObject even if
your computer is not configured to run WS-Management remote commands.
Required? false
Position? named
Default value None
Accept pipeline input? False
Accept wildcard characters? false

Specify domain controller with get-aduser in powershell

Get-ADUser -identity $ntaccount1 -properties name, samaccountname, mail, enabled, passwordlastset
Is it possible, when looking up the user account information in powershell, to specify a domain controller to use? We have some DC's that get the data faster than others.
From Get-Help Get-ADUser -Parameter *
-Server <string>
Specifies the Active Directory Domain Services instance to connect to, by providing one of the following values for a
corresponding domain name or directory server. The service may be any of the following: Active Directory Lightweight Domain
Services, Active Directory Domain Services or Active Directory Snapshot instance.
Domain name values:
Fully qualified domain name
NetBIOS name
Example: CORP
Directory server values:
Fully qualified directory server name
NetBIOS name
Example: corp-DC12
Fully qualified directory server name and port
The default value for the Server parameter is determined by one of the following methods in the order that they are listed:
-By using Server value from objects passed through the pipeline.
-By using the server information associated with the Active Directory PowerShell provider drive, when running under that drive.
-By using the domain of the computer running Powershell.
The following example shows how to specify a full qualified domain name as the parameter value.
-Server ""
Required? false
Position? named
Default value
Accept pipeline input? false
Accept wildcard characters? false
I know that this is a bit of an old question, but I would like to expand on the answer given, to aid anyone else who had a similar query.
The following allows you to define a specific Domain Controller, which the entire of a script would be able to use... Why might you want to do this when the -server parameter is available to Get-ADUser, New-ADUser, Set-ADObject, etc?
Well I put together a script that creates an AD user, sets multiple properties and creates an exchange mailbox - However, one set of properties revolves around the RDS properties on a 2008 R2 user account, which cannot be set from within New-ADUser. I had to create a function that calls ADSI and uses psbase.invokeSet to update the settings. There is no parameter setting for -server that I'm aware of.
This in itself wouldn't be a big deal, but the script also creates an Exchange mailbox for the user. As my Exchange server is in different AD Site from my workstation, the user account gets created on my local DC, but the mailbox isn't set, because the DC in the same site as the Exchange server hasn't yet received a replicated copy of the new user account.
The solution I found is as follows and is courtesy of
Having loaded import-module activedirectory, you'll have access to AD options in the New-PSDrive commandlet which among everything else allows you to define a new Active Directory Provider to work with.
New-PSDrive -Name <<NameofYourChoice>> -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Server <<DC Server>> -Root "//RootDSE/" -Scope Global
Once created, you can then change the working Provider with the following command.
CD <<NameofYourChoice>>:
To view the existing list of Providers, type Get-PSDrive. AD is the default Active Directory Provider created when using the ActiveDirectory commandlet. You should also see your newly created Provider.
So for instance if my remote DC is called RemoteDC I would run:
New-PSDrive -Name RemoteAD -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -Server RemoteDC -Root "//RootDSE/" -Scope Global
to create a new Provider called RemoteAD. If I then run:
CD RemoteAD:
All further active directory related commands in the script or the active shell will work with the new Provider RemoteAD. If I would need to change back to my original Provider, I'd simply type
Hope someone finds this useful...
This is what i use:
Get-ADUser -server dcservername.domain.local -identity username

Invalid computer name error with remote execution of PowerShell script

I am trying to execute some PowerShell code in a remote computer using the following:
$session = New-PSSession -Credential "myDomain\myUserName" -ComputerName "remoteCompName"
$result = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
New-Item -type file C:\test10.txt
I am prompted to enter my password in a GUI. I do that. It then errors out with:
New-PSSession : One or more computer names are not valid. If you are
trying to pass a URI, use the -ConnectionUri parameter, or pass URI
objects instead of strings.
I replaced the computer name with the FQDN. Still no luck. What is going on here?
There are other questions on stackoverflow on executing PowerShell scripts on remote machines of course but none address this error.
BTW, the machine is part of the domain and is running.
Additional info added later [EDIT]
Things to know:
The machine is part of the domain and is running.
I checked if PS remoting is enabled. It was.
I checked if WinRM is running. It is.
The remote machine is a VM and it is a 2012 R2.
Here is what I've tried:
I replaced the computer name with the FQDN. Still no luck.
I removed the credential parameter
I tried another remote machine (also a VM)
I tried another source machine, i.e. the machine I am running the command from)
When I use a remote machine with a name that is just alphanumeric (no underscores, dashes, etc.), it works! The name of all machines I tried before had leading '_' in them. That was the cause of the error. (The answer was suggested by Rhys W Edwards on the Windows PowerShell TechNet forum, which is within Windows Server forums).
Just put your ComputerName to braces like this {Remote_Computer_Name}

PowerShell 2.0: Accessing Windows Shares during a Remote Session

I am having trouble accessing a shared network location while within a PowerShell remote session.
From the PowerShell prompt, I enter a new session:
Enter-PSSession server1
The session is properly created and entered. I then attempt to list the contents of the share:
dir \\server2\share1
The response is this error:
Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path '\\server2\share1' because it does not exist.
However, if I remote desktop into server1, bring up PowerShell, and execute the very same dir command, the contents are correctly listed.
I've tried various things using credentials, but that doesn't seem to fix it. I've also confirmed via the "whoami" command that I have the same identity in both examples.
What would cause this?
If you can't use credential delegation as mentioned above, you can mount (or just authenticate as below) the remote share in the remote session using explicit credentials, e.g.
[server1] ps> net use \\server2\share * /user:username
(prompts for password)
[server1] ps> dir \\server2\share
This problem has nothing to do with powershell per-se; you are trying to replay your local credentials in a remote session to a third location and falling foul of the NTLM "double hop" limitation.
Read the section "Credential Delegation"
Here - Credit to Keith Hill
and perform the steps if you have not already done so.
Another option is kerberos resource delegation
$server_name = "my-server" $servers = #(get-adcomputer -identity $server_name)
$target = "target-server" $tgt_srv = get-adcomputer -identity $target
Set-ADComputer -Identity $to_delegate -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount $servers