How to set specific width and height while recording video and taking screenshots in oculus go - oculusgo

I am trying to record video using adb command for oculus go submission but unable to set height and width. I am trying following commands:
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.enableVideoCapture 1
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.videoResolution 1536
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.textureWidth 2560
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.textureHeight 1440
Also facing the same issue while taking screenshots, as per all documentation i found that oculus Go only support screenshot resolution 1024x1024 and while submission its asking me 2560x1440 px. Is there any other way i can set values for video and screenshots?


Can't rotate (Default) screen on Raspberry Pi3 running Manjaro with X11

I’m running the latest version of Manjaro ARM i3 on a Raspberry Pi3 (Image: Raspberry Pi 4 I3 20.10). I can’t for the love of me get the screen to rotate. I recently switched from Manjaro Wayland to this version because of Synergy support.
What I tried:
Using xrandr to rotate the screen. xrandr only sees a “Default” screen and when I try to rotate it I get the error:
$ xrandr --output default --rotate inverted
xrandr: output default cannot use rotation "inverted" reflection "none"
Using ARandR to rotate the screen. This will show my desktop in the GUI tool but the options to Rotate are greyed out. My main screen shows up as 'Default' here to.
Using the Raspberry PI config file at /boot/config.txt to set the rotation. This does also not work.
I’m running the Stock version with no extra software. Any tips on how to get the screen to rotate?
I was able to solve this by disabling the vc4-fkms-v3d drivers. You can do this using the following steps:
Open you config file at /boot/config.txt
Using a #, comment out the line: vc4-fkms-v3d
Add the rotation to the config like:
display_rotate=1 - for 90 degree rotation
display_rotate=2 - for 180 degree rotation
display_rotate=3 - for 270 degree rotation
Your screen should now be rotated. Please note that this disables the vc4-fkms-v3d video card drivers which could have other unforeseen effects. Also keep in mind that this is the case for a RPi3.
I eventually found a even better solution thanks to the user BashCrash over at the Manjaro Forum
The steps are as followed (with vc4-fkms-v3d enabled in the /boot/config.txt):
Boot into Manjaro i3
Open a terminal
Go to to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d (cd /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d)
Move the file 99-fbturbo.conf.d with mv 99-fbturbo.conf.d 99-fbturbo.conf.d.old
After the reboot you xrandr should list the correct outputs (HDMI-1 in my case). You can then rotate the screen using:
xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left
You can make this setting permanent by adding it to you .i3/config file. Add the following line:
exec xrandr --output HDMI-1 --rotate left
The trade off with the original method is that the screen will rotate after boot and login. More in depth explanation on potential trade-off's can be found here:

How to get NFC status through ADB shell command?

I am automating an app in that I am turning on NFC through shell command:SVC NFC enable
Now I need to check it's statuswhether NFC has been turned on or not ?
Anyway I can do it through adb shell.

Cannot connect to Coral Dev Board (Edge TPU)

While following the instructions on Get Started with Edge TPU Dev Board, I can't get past Step 2:
$ screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
The issue is that screen immediately returns
[screen is terminating]
I have verified the contents of /etc/udev/rules.d/65-edgetpu-board.rules, verified the dmesg output, tried different USB ports, verified that all screen instances are closed, etc.
Solution = run screen command with sudo:
$ sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
First you should flash your iptables
sudo iptables -F
mdt devices

Raspberry Pi Redirect usb microphone to hdmi audio

I have working HDMI audio and can see the usb microphone but I'm not sure what the ALSA settings are to send live audio out through HDMI. I don't want to record just patch through as I'm using it as a live camera to an hdmi monitor in another room and need real time audio, video. I'm using raspivid to run the camera part.
I've tried arecord -D plughw:1,0 | aplay but there is a long delay of about a one second. I need it to sync up with the video.
Also: jackd -r -d alsa -D -Chw:1 -Phw:0 -r 44100. Server runs but nothing happens, no audio out.
For those interested in doing this, I found an answer that works really well. This is the simplest and lowest latency I've found.
NOTE: This isn't headless. You will need more work to get this to work headless.
What I did to make a HDMI live camera with audio:
(Note: I'm assuming that pi is the user. Edit accordingly if not.)
1. Get a raspberry pi camera module and a USB microphone.
2. Get and compile Tinyalsa and
install according to git hub instructions.
3. (Optional) Force hdmi audio with raspi-config. You may not need this
but default is auto so if you start your Pi without an HDMI monitor
it will default to outputting to the 3.5mm jack.
4. copy /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart to
5. add these lines to the end of ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart:
/usr/bin/raspivid -t 0
(Note: you can put an # sign before them if you want to
automatically restart if the apps crash, but I haven't tested.)
6. create /home/pi/ with these lines (need to know the audio card
numbers and may also need the card device numbers using -d after the -D's):
/usr/local/bin/tinycap -- -D <card no> -c 1 -r 44100 -b 16 -p 16 -n 2 | /usr/local/bin/tinyplay - -D <card no> -c 1 -r 44100 -b 16 -p 16 -n 2
I hope this helps as this was a very painful exercise that took over 8hrs to figure out as there is very little info just Googling!
The latency is WAY better then Jack, QjackCtl, pulseaudio, arecord piped into aplay etc. I couldn't set the -p to less than 2048 and -n 4 without Jack crashing and there was about 140ms latency. TinyAlsa is only 16 and 2! I don't know the exact latency but it's very low. The video and the audio are in sync.

RPI kiosk mode fullscreen epiphany

I have a raspberry pi 2 model B with Raspbian that i want to boot into fullscreen browser.
I can get it boot into the browser with the right url, but not in fullscreen.
I am using ths command line to boot it up.
What should i do to get it into fullscreen?
install xautomation first:
sudo apt-get install xautomation
and then you can put this in a shell script:
epiphany-browser &
sleep 15
xte "key F11" -x:0
Got it from link