How do I use the ComponentSpace library to programmatically update cached X509 certificate files when I update SAMLController.Configurations - single-sign-on

Good day All,
I am using ComponentSpace as a Service Provider to establish SAML2 Single Sign On to my for my clients. The clients use their own identity providers to authenticate and gain access to my MVC5 web application. The issue I am having is that when a client wants to update their X509 certificate files I update the physical files dynamically, but I have to do an IIS reset to get the new certificate files to be used. How can I avoid having to do an IIS reset and get ComponentSpace to use the new X509 certificate files when authenticating. An example of my code is below.
var samlConfiguration = new
var ssoUrl = "https://www.ssoUrl/Consumer";
var ssoName ="https://www.ssoName";
var localServiceProviderConfiguration = new LocalServiceProviderConfiguration()
Name = ssoName,
AssertionConsumerServiceUrl = ssoUrl
samlConfiguration.LocalServiceProviderConfiguration = localServiceProviderConfiguration ;
var certNamePrimary = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Certificate_Path"] + "cert-A.cer";
var certNameSecondary = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Certificate_Path"] + "cert-B.cer";
var partnerIdentityProviderConfiguration = new
Name = clientConfig.PartnerIdPName,
SingleSignOnServiceUrl = clientConfig.IdPSingleSignOnServiceURL,
SignAuthnRequest = false,
WantSAMLResponseSigned = false,
WantAssertionEncrypted = false,
WantAssertionSigned = true,
PartnerCertificateFile = certNamePrimary ,
SecondaryPartnerCertificateFile = certNameSecondary
samlConfiguration.PartnerIdentityProviderConfigurations.AddPartnerIdentityProvider(partnerIdentityProviderConfiguration );
if (ComponentSpace.SAML2.SAMLController.Configurations.Keys.Contains(ssoUrl))
ComponentSpace.SAML2.SAMLController.Configurations.Add(ssoUrl, samlConfiguration);
ComponentSpace.SAML2.SAMLController.Configurations.Add(ssoUrl, samlConfiguration);
ComponentSpace.SAML2.SAMLController.ConfigurationID = ssoUrl;
SAMLServiceProvider.InitiateSSO(Response, null, "");


Is it possible to secure a ColdFusion 11 REST Service with HTTP BASIC Authentication?

I am setting up a simple REST Service in ColdFusion 11. The web server is IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012R2.
This REST Service needs to be secured to prevent unauthorized users from accessing/writing data. For the time being, there will be only one authorized user, so I want to keep authentication/authorization as simple as possible. My initial thought is to use HTTP BASIC Authentication.
Here's the setup for the REST Service:
Source Directory: C:\web\site1\remoteapi\
REST path: inventory
To implement this, I configured the source directory of the REST Service in IIS to authorize only one user, disable Anonymous authentication, and enable Basic authentication.
When I call the source directory directly in a browser (i.e. http://site1/remoteapi/inventory.cfc?method=read), I am presented with the Basic authentication dialog.
However, when I attempt to request the REST path (http://site1/rest/inventory/), I am not challenged at all.
How can I implement HTTP BASIC authentication on the REST path?
So, due to the need to get this done without much delay, I went ahead and using some principles from Ben Nadel's website, I wrote my own authentication into the onRequestStart() method of the REST Service's Application.cfc. Here is the basic code, though it uses hard-coded values in the VARIABLES scope to validate the username and password and also does not include any actual "authorization" setting:
public boolean function onRequestStart(required string targetPage) {
LOCAL.Response = SUPER.onRequestStart(ARGUMENTS.targetpage);
if (!StructKeyExists(GetHTTPRequestData().Headers, "Authorization")) {
value="Basic realm=""REST API Access"""
LOCAL.RESTResponse = {
status = 401,
content = {Message = "Unauthorized"}
else {
LOCAL.IsAuthenticated = true;
LOCAL.EncodedCredentials =
GetToken( GetHTTPRequestData().Headers.Authorization, 2, " " );
// Credential string is not Base64
if ( !ArrayLen(
) {
LOCAL.IsAuthenticated = false;
else {
// Convert Base64 to String
LOCAL.Credentials =
ToString(ToBinary( LOCAL.EncodedCredentials ));
LOCAL.Username = GetToken( LOCAL.Credentials, 1, ":" );
LOCAL.Password = GetToken( LOCAL.Credentials, 2, ":" );
) {
LOCAL.IsAuthenticated = false;
if (!LOCAL.IsAuthenticated) {
LOCAL.Response = {
status = 403,
content = {Message = "Forbidden"}
return LOCAL.Response;

Unable to connect to MongoDB server using x509 certificate authentication from c#

I have configured MongoDB server as given in document
and I connected using mongo shell it is working fine.
Next I tried to connect to same server form c# driver, but Time out exception raised.
Below is my code
var cert = new X509Certificate2(#"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\ssl\client.pfx", "secretkey");
var sslcrd = MongoCredential.CreateMongoX509Credential("CN=Client1,O=School,ST=Some-State,C=IN");
settings.SslSettings = new SslSettings() ;
settings.UseSsl = true;
settings.SslSettings.ClientCertificates = new List<X509Certificate>()
settings.SslSettings.EnabledSslProtocols = SslProtocols.Default;
settings.SslSettings.ClientCertificateSelectionCallback =
(sender, host, certificates, certificate, issuers) => settings.SslSettings.ClientCertificates.ToList()[0];
settings.SslSettings.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => true;
settings.SslSettings.CheckCertificateRevocation = false;
settings.VerifySslCertificate = false;
settings.Credentials = new[] { sslcrd };
MongoClient client = new MongoClient(settings);
var db = client.ListDatabases().ToList();
I went through MongoDB server logs and I am able to see below error
2017-04-10T11:18:21.559+0530 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection
accepted from #64 (1 connection now open) 2017-04-10T11:18:21.559+0530 E NETWORK [conn64] no SSL certificate
provided by peer; connection rejected 2017-04-10T11:18:21.560+0530 I
NETWORK [conn64] end connection (0 connections now
I am using c# MongoDB.Driver version 2.3.0
and MongoDB package is of version 3.2.
If you have solution for the above please do reply.
Set the value of allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates to false. Also, you need to combine the certificate and the key file.
In despite of this thread be a little bit old, I faced this exactly same issue today and found a solution at site (Setup Connection Security code example), so,sharing the solution here for future searchs.
Basically the settings should be created from a connection string and follow the next steps straightforward:
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
static async Task MainAsync()
var connectionString = "mongodb+srv://<>/?authSource=%24external&authMechanism=MONGODB-X509&retryWrites=true&w=majority";
var settings = MongoClientSettings.FromConnectionString(connectionString);
settings.ServerApi = new ServerApi(ServerApiVersion.V1);
// You will need to convert your Atlas-provided PEM containing the cert/private keys into a PFX
// use openssl and the following line to create a PFX from your PEM:
// openssl pkcs12 -export -in <x509>.pem -inkey <x509>.pem -out <x509>.pfx
// and provide a password, which should match the second argument you pass to X509Certificate2
var cert = new X509Certificate2("<path_to_pfx>", "<pfx_passphrase>");
settings.SslSettings = new SslSettings
ClientCertificates = new List<X509Certificate>(){ cert }
var client = new MongoClient(settings);
var database = client.GetDatabase("testDB");
var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("testCol");
var docCount = collection.CountDocuments("{}");

Is it possible to use the OpenStack.NET SDK with SoftLayer object storage?

SoftLayer Object Storage is based on the OpenStack Swift object store.
SoftLayer provide SDKs for their object storage in Python, Ruby, Java and PHP, but not in .NET. Searching for .NET SDKs for OpenStack, I came across OpenStack.NET.
Based on this question OpenStack.NET is designed for use with Rackspace by default, but can be made to work with other OpenStack providers using CloudIdentityWithProject and OpenStackIdentityProvider.
SoftLayer provide the following information for connecting to their Object Storage:
Authentication Endpoint
API Key (Password):
It's not obvious how this would map to the fields of CloudIdentityWithProject, and OpenStackIdentityProvider but I tried the following and a few other combinations of project name / username / uri:
var cloudIdentity = new CloudIdentityWithProject()
ProjectName = "SLOS123456-1",
Username = "",
Password = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
var identityProvider = new OpenStackIdentityProvider(
new Uri(""),
var token = identityProvider.GetToken(null);
However, in all cases I received the following error:
Unable to authenticate user and retrieve authorized service endpoints
Based on reviewing the source code for SoftLayer's other language libraries and for OpenStack.NET, it looks like SoftLayer's object storage uses V1 auth, while OpenStack.NET is using V2 auth.
Based on this article from SoftLayer and this article from SwiftStack, V1 auth uses a /auth/v1.0/ path (like the one provided by SoftLayer), with X-Auth-User and X-Auth-Key headers as arguments, and with the response contained in headers like the following:
X-Auth-Token-Expires = 83436
X-Auth-Token = AUTH_tk1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
X-Storage-Token = AUTH_tk1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
X-Storage-Url =
X-Trans-Id = txbc1234567890abcdef123-1234567890
Connection = keep-alive
Content-Length = 1300
Content-Type = text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date = Wed, 14 Oct 2015 01:19:45 GMT
Whereas V2 auth (identity API V2.0) uses a /v2.0/tokens path, with the request and response in JSON objects in the message body.
Based on the OpenStackIdentityProvider class in OpenStack.NET I hacked together my own SoftLayerOpenStackIdentityProvider like this:
using JSIStudios.SimpleRESTServices.Client;
using net.openstack.Core.Domain;
using net.openstack.Providers.Rackspace;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using OpenStack.Authentication;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace OpenStackTest1
public class SoftLayerOpenStackIdentityProvider : CloudIdentityProvider
public SoftLayerOpenStackIdentityProvider(
Uri urlBase, CloudIdentity defaultIdentity)
: base(defaultIdentity, null, null, urlBase)
if (urlBase == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("urlBase");
public override UserAccess GetUserAccess(
CloudIdentity identity, bool forceCacheRefresh = false)
identity = identity ?? DefaultIdentity;
Func<UserAccess> refreshCallback =
() =>
// Set up request headers.
Dictionary<string, string> headers =
new Dictionary<string, string>();
headers["X-Auth-User"] = identity.Username;
headers["X-Auth-Key"] = identity.APIKey;
// Make the request.
JObject requestBody = null;
var response = ExecuteRESTRequest<JObject>(
headers: headers,
isTokenRequest: true);
if (response == null || response.Data == null)
return null;
// Get response headers.
string authToken = response.Headers.Single(
h => h.Key == "X-Auth-Token").Value;
string storageUrl = response.Headers.Single(
h => h.Key == "X-Storage-Url").Value;
string tokenExpires = response.Headers.Single(
h => h.Key == "X-Auth-Token-Expires").Value;
// Convert expiry from seconds to a date.
int tokenExpiresSeconds = Int32.Parse(tokenExpires);
DateTimeOffset tokenExpiresDate =
// Create UserAccess via JSON deseralization.
UserAccess access = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserAccess>(
"{{ " +
" token: {{ id: '{0}', expires: '{1}' }}, " +
" serviceCatalog: " +
" [ " +
" {{ " +
" endpoints: [ {{ publicUrl: '{2}' }} ], " +
" type: 'object-store', " +
" name: 'swift' " +
" }} " +
" ], " +
" user: {{ }} " +
if (access == null || access.Token == null)
return null;
return access;
string key = string.Format("{0}:{1}", UrlBase, identity.Username);
var userAccess = TokenCache.Get(key, refreshCallback, forceCacheRefresh);
return userAccess;
protected override string LookupServiceTypeKey(IServiceType serviceType)
return serviceType.Type;
Because some of the members of UserAccess (like IdentityToken and Endpoint) have no way to set their fields (the objects have only a default constructor and only read-only members), I had to create the UserAccess object by deserializing some temporary JSON in a similar format as returned by the V2 API.
This works, ie I can now connect like this:
var cloudIdentity = new CloudIdentity()
Username = "",
APIKey = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
var identityProvider = new SoftLayerOpenStackIdentityProvider(
new Uri(""),
var token = identityProvider.GetToken(null);
And then get access to files etc like this:
var cloudFilesProvider = new CloudFilesProvider(identityProvider);
var containers = cloudFilesProvider.ListContainers();
var stream = new MemoryStream();
cloudFilesProvider.GetObject("testcontainer", "testfile.dat", stream);
However, is there a better way than this to use SoftLayer Object Storage from .NET?
I briefly also looked at the OpenStack SDK for .NET (a different library to OpenStack.NET), but it too seems to be based on V2 auth.

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

I want to implement Paypal dodirect method for user can do payment directly on my website instead of redirecting to user
so for that i have added this URL as
and i am using following code
PayPalAPIAAInterfaceClient objpaypalapiaainterfaceclient = new PayPalAPIAAInterfaceClient("paypalapiaa");
CustomSecurityHeaderType objcustomsecurityheadertype = new CustomSecurityHeaderType();
objcustomsecurityheadertype.Credentials = new UserIdPasswordType();
objcustomsecurityheadertype.Credentials.Signature = "a8ft-8ji.2tzocnfshfjj4ahgxn4avlxzply8bmsbupxafkbty2--c6p";
objcustomsecurityheadertype.Credentials.Username = "";
objcustomsecurityheadertype.Credentials.Password = "1350925199";
DoDirectPaymentReq objdodirectpaymentreq = new DoDirectPaymentReq();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest = new DoDirectPaymentRequestType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails = new DoDirectPaymentRequestDetailsType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentAction = new PaymentActionCodeType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentAction = PaymentActionCodeType.Sale;
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentDetails = new PaymentDetailsType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard = new CreditCardDetailsType();
//objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentDetails.InvoiceID = "1";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.IPAddress = Request.ServerVariables["remote_addr"].ToString();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CreditCardType = CreditCardTypeType.MasterCard;
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentDetails.OrderTotal = new BasicAmountType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner = new PayerInfoType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerName = new PersonNameType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentDetails.OrderTotal.currencyID = CurrencyCodeType.USD;
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address = new AddressType();
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.PaymentDetails.OrderTotal.Value = "120";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CreditCardNumber ="1111222233334444";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CVV2 = "258";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.ExpMonth = 9;
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.ExpYear = 2013;
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Payer = "";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerName.FirstName = "Shakti";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.PayerName.LastName = "Kapoor";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.Street1 ="test address";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.CityName = "Atlanta";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.StateOrProvince = "ga";
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.Country = CountryCodeType.US;
objdodirectpaymentreq.DoDirectPaymentRequest.DoDirectPaymentRequestDetails.CreditCard.CardOwner.Address.PostalCode = "12345";
DoDirectPaymentResponseType objdodirectpaymentresponsetype = objpaypalapiaainterfaceclient.DoDirectPayment(ref objcustomsecurityheadertype, objdodirectpaymentreq);
now when i am run this code throwing followin exception
The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
You can confirm the SSL protocol for, using The screenshot shows that it supports TLS 1.2 You will need to add the following two lines to your code at the point of making httpclient call:
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
The implementation should solve the problem.
Sorry, i cannot add this as a comment/question.
It seems like one of certificates for paypal is not in the trusted list.
Can you try download paypal root certificate and install it as trusted CA?
I think this two links can help you:
(sorry, cannot insert more than 2 links as normal links)
Also, please make sure you authenticating via login/password not certificate. If you are using certificate for API, you should follow last paragraph of this link

ASP.NET Authentication over 3 sites on same domain

I need a Form authentication over 3 Sites (, and Users are from a MSSQL-DB, but I don't think that's a problem.
I've set up my web.config as described here: , but it doesn't work.
My code for the login:
string RoleString = string.Empty;
RoleString = user.Gruppe.Bezeichnung;
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, user.Username, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(2), false,, FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath);
string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash);
cookie.Name = "UserCookie";
cookie.Domain = "";
What could be the problem? I tried with machine key in webconfig, but that gave me an error with the Viewstate of the MAC...