Leaflet layer gets malformed on zoom out - leaflet

In this leaflet map once I zoom out (all the icons of) the layer turns into a small rectangle. It seems the layer is not stretched over the entire portview anymore.


Marker position changes with higher zoom level on leaflet map with custom tiles

I transformed an image into maptiles with max zoomlevel of 6. There are several markers on this map. Until zoom level 4 everything is ok. With zoom level > 5 the marker position changes.
I use CRS.simple for the construction of the map.
Ok. I recreated the tiles with another codebase: https://github.com/commenthol/gdal2tiles-leaflet. This worked out well. Markers keep their position. There is also HTML/JS-Code for the leaflet map.

Can I draw with client coordinates in Leaflet?

I am aware of this question, and the answer works ok for me but I would like the drawn polygons (hexagons) not to move or scale with the map.
Is there a way to do besides overlaying an SVG on top of the map and drawing on it?

Fit Leaflet ImageOverlay in polygon so image doesn't overflow

I'm using Leaflet ImageOverlay https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.6.0.html#imageoverlay to put a PNG image on top of a polygon (white line). I've already assigned transparent pixels to the pixels where there is no image. However, as you can see in the image, the PNG image goes outside of the polygon exterior line around the borders. How can I make it fit the polygon?
I think I might use z-index here but can't wonder how

Control draw order for geojson extrusions in MapboxGL

I have a set of GeoJSON polygons which I have extruded at varying heights and placed on a map to be rendered with MapboxGL.
The resulting render will seemingly place, at random, buildings in the foreground behind those in the background. What is the strategy for resolving this?
Image above included for reference.
If you render each building in a separate style layer, the buildings will be rendered in the order that the style layers are added. I encourage you to either sort the style layers by z-index or render all the buildings in the same layer.

How to zoom in on map tiles instead of drawing next zoom level

I've been using this code to display OpenCycleMap tiles on my app's mapview, but if I zoom in too far the map tiles will disappear. Since OCM tiles may not exist at close zoom levels (say, 15 or 16 for a certain area), they just don't appear when drawing the maps for a certain zoom level, and the mapview only shows the Google Street map that is underneath the OCM overlay.
Is there a way to edit the code to make the mapview display whichever map tiles are available for an area, but resized for the region that the mapview shows?