How to bind a calendar and two time pickers properly to a sap.m.table? - sapui5

I am learning SAPUI5 at the moment and created a little application for myself to play around and learn by practice. Before I get to my question, I will provide some short information about my app, so you know what I am trying to do and what should be the expected result.
What does the app?
The only thing this application does is providing a calendar and a table for the user. If the user clicks on a date, then the table should be filled with this date and two time pickers to give a start and end time for this selected day. For every date a new row should be created.
The actual problem:
The problem is a design problem I guess. The table gets filled with the dates and the time pickers, but my way of doing this is, is bad practice I guess. I store my selected dates in two models, one for the calendar, one copy to bind it to the table. That works and dates are saved and I can access the data via model. When a new dates get added to the table, the two timepickers get added too because they are provided in the ColumnListItem in the XML view, but no model is bound to them nor do I have access to the values of the timepickers e.g. via ID. And here is the problem, until now I found no proper way of how to them bind to a model or another clean way nor to access the values of the created timepickers.
The question:
How would you implement this in a clean way, so that the time pickers are bound in a right way maybe to a model or models? and you can access their data? I would be thankful if you could give me an advice or hint how I should implement this in a clean way since I want to learn from this and don't want to start hacking around with bad practices just to achieve the goal in shorter time.
The relevant sourcecode:
var CalendarController = Controller.extend("sap.ui.unified.sample.CalendarMultipleDaySelection.CalendarMultipleDaySelection", {
oFormatYyyymmdd: null,
oModel: null,
onInit: function(oEvt) {
this.oFormatYyyymmdd = sap.ui.core.format.DateFormat.getInstance({
pattern: "dd.MM.yyyy",
calendarType: sap.ui.core.CalendarType.Gregorian
this.oModel = new JSONModel({
selectedDates: []
this.oCopyModel = new JSONModel({
selectedDates: []
var oCalendar = this.getView().byId("calendar");
handleCalendarSelect: function(oEvt) {
var oCalendar = oEvt.oSource;
var aSelectedDates = oCalendar.getSelectedDates();
var oDate;
var oData = {
selectedDates: []
var oTable = this.getView().byId("dateTable");
if (aSelectedDates.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < aSelectedDates.length; i++) {
oDate = aSelectedDates[i].getStartDate();
Date: this.oFormatYyyymmdd.format(oDate)
if (this.oCopyModel.getProperty("/selectedDates/length") >= 0) {
} else {
return CalendarController;
<unified:Calendar id="calendar" select="handleCalendarSelect" intervalSelection="false" singleSelection="false"/>
<Table id="dateTable" items="{path: '/selectedDates', sorter: {path: 'Date', comparator: '.dateComperator'}}"mode="None" fixedLayout="true">
<Text text="Date"/>
<Text text="Beginning"/>
<Text text="End"/>
<Text text="{Date}"/>
<TimePicker value="10:00" valueFormat="HH:mm" displayFormat="HH:mm" change="handleChange"/>
<TimePicker value="11:00" valueFormat="HH:mm" displayFormat="HH:mm" change="handleChange"/>
Kind regards

I created a small example:
A few points:
I simply added a few properties (startTime and endTime) to a selected date. You can now modify the time with the timepicker, the changes are stored in the model.
The data binding of the calender seems broken. I also had to use getSelectedDates. This may be due to singleSelection="false". When using single selection you can access the selected date (or interval) via data binding.
Never access internal properties (oEvt.oSource). There are accessors for this (oEvt.getSource()).


How to properly use JSONModel and setModel?

I'm trying to create an example screen using SAP Web IDE where clicking different buttons changes different texts around the screen.
I have a few functions at the App.controller.js and the code is this (All the functions do the same for now but affect different text areas):
onPressButton2: function () {
var oData = {
text: {
line1: "line1",
line2: "line2",
line3: "line3",
line4: "line4"
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
And this is corresponding part at the XML:
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{/text/line1}" id="text1"/>
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{/text/line2}" id="text2"/>
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{/text/line3}" id="text3"/>
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{/text/line4}" id="text4"/>
This works, but when I try and change different areas of the screen, the previous changes I made by clicking the buttons disappear. I assume this is because I use setModel anew every time which overwrites it but I cannot find the proper usage.
Should I create a different js file for every section in the screen?
Is there a way to update the model instead of overwriting it all?
Try to declare your JSONModel outside of the onPressButton function. You can declare it in the manifest to be visible for the entire application (controllers and views):
"sap.ui5": {
"_version": "1.1.0",
"models": {
"i18n": {
"type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
"uri": "i18n/"
"MyModel" : {
"type" : "sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel"
Once the model is available you can set the data to it outside of the onPressButton2 function:
Now, in the onPressButton2 function, you can just update the model's data using the setProperty method:
this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("MyModel").setProperty("/text/line1", "NewValue");
I think what you are searching are named models. with named models you are able create different models without overwriting them, if you want to additionally add a new model.
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
this.getView().setModel(oModel, "model1");
have a look at the second parameter in the setmodel method. now you can access them in the view with
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{model1>/text/line1}" id="text1"/>
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{model1>/text/line2}" id="text2"/>
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{model1>/text/line3}" id="text3"/>
<Text xmlns="sap.m" text="{model1>/text/line4}" id="text4"/>
You should create your model during the intilisation phase of the page lifecycle.
So, in your instance, create the model and the intial values in the onInit function of the relevant view/page:
onInit: function () {
var oData = {
text: {
line1: "line1",
line2: "line2",
line3: "line3",
line4: "line4"
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
Then, when you need to assign different values to that model for the existing values you would simply set the relevant property in the model as follows:
this.getView().getModel().setProperty("/text/line1", "<new value>");
if you wish to add an additional line you could simply get the existing model values and add the new value:
var mydata = this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/");
mydata.text["line5"] = "line5";
this.getView().setProperty("/", mydata);
Hope that helps.
I trust you are aware of the differences between the un-named model you were using and the concept of a named model.

Conditional column value in UI5 table

I have a column in table whose value is bound to a property of data model.
text = { modelName>/OrderNo}. How to make it conditional based on a flag? If property from Model isReturnable = true, I want to show text = {modelName>/ReturnNo} else I want to show {OrderNo}. How to built syntax for that?
<Label class="smartist-table-column-header" text="Qty Returned"/>
<Text text="{ path: 'OrderDetail>OrderNo'}"/>
You can use expression binding.
See URL for details:
Solution to your problem:
<Text text="{= ${modelName>isReturnable} ? ${modelName>/ReturnNo} : ${OrderDetail>OrderNo}}" />
As expression binding would be a more appropriate approach to this problem,
Custom formatting can also be one way to achieve this.
In the view:
<Text text= "{ parts:[
{path: "modelName>isReturnable"},
{path: "modelName>ReturnNo"},
{path: "modelName>OrderNo"},
formatter: '.formatOrderNo'
In the corresponding controller
formatter: function(isReturnable, sReturnNo, sOrderNo){
if(isReturnable == true){
return sReturnNo;
return OrderNo;
In case of more complex logic where you need to perform some calculations/manipulations on the fields before binding, custom formatting is the way to go. Custom Formatters in SAPUI5

Get path from property in m.table

I'm looking for a convenient method to get the path from a table cell.
Background: It is required to implement a search field allowing to filter on all columns of responsive table. Here, the path is needed as parameter for the filter object.
XML Code
<Table items="{path: 'modelName>pathPart1/pathPart2'}">
<Title text="titleText"/>
<SearchField search="searchInTable"/>
<Text text="column1"/>
<Text text="column2"/>
<Text text="{modelName>cellName1}"/>
<Text text="{modelName>cellName2}"/>
Controller Logic
searchInTable: function(event) {
var table = event.getSource().getParent().getParent();
var query = event.getParameters("query");
table.getBinding("items").filter(this.getFilters(table, query));
getFilters: function(table, query) {
var aFilters = [];
var items = table.getItems();
// Loop through items aggregation and populate filter object
jQuery.each(items, function(i, oItem) {
// Get path from cells (e.g. cellName1)
var sPath = oItem.mAggregations.cells[i].mBindingInfos.text.binding.sPath;
var sOperator = FilterOperator.EQ;
var sValue1 = query;
var oFilter = new Filter(sPath, sOperator, sValue1);
return aFilters;
Can we replace this part by a more convenient and robust method?
var sPath = oItem.mAggregations.cells[i].mBindingInfos.text.binding.sPath;
As you notice, I'm trying to receive the sPath going through the whole object. However, its not working in all cases as the structure of the object may change. I bet there is an better approach available. However, I struggling a bit here.
Any ideas?
Edit: I do like to get the path pointing to the text property in the table. In this samplle it would be: cellName2
I'm on the phone right now, so I can't test it, but it is something like this
getCells() comes from the ColumnListItem API if I am not wrong.
The other two from the ODataListBinding API or something like that...
If you dive a bit in the API you will find it
EDIT: I think you should provide the model name when getting the context. But I don't remember well...
Try both, with and without it...
EDIT2: Here you have the snippet,output
And this what you need:
oItem.getBindingContext("odata").getPath() + "/" + oItem.getCells()[0].getBinding("text").getPath();

highlight a changed property on model load

I have a table that where the data is periodically updated by a javascript interval function in my controller:
var model = this.getview().getModel();
var updateModel = setInterval(function(){
}, 30000)
This will basically be static display on a public monitor showing a summary of data.
I want to be able to highlight when a property has changed, so I've been trying to add a class to the control when it changes. The class will then highlight this in some way with CSS.
<Table items="{items}">
text="{name}" />
path: 'value',
formatter: '.formatter.redOrGreen'
So the model updates every 30 seconds. If the {value} field changes, I want to add a class to ObjectStatus control.
At the moment I'm just using a JSON model for local development to see if this is possible, but in production it will be an oData service.
Thanks for the answers, I managed to solve this, but my method wasn't quite covered by the answers on here. This is how I did it:
The requirements for this changed slightly since I posted the question. I'll need to indicate if something has changed, but also if the value has gone up or down. I'll also need to indicate if something goes above or below a certain value. I also wanted to make a solution that could be easily adapted if there are any other future requirements. This will also need to be easily adapted for oData when the backend service is up and running.
First of all (and key to this) is setting up a duplicate model, so this goes into my component.js file .I'm just duplicating the model here so that the values old and new values are unchanged, to make the formatter functions work on the first page load:
var oModel = new JSONModel('/path/to/data.js');
this.setModel(oModel, 'model');
this.setModel(oModel, 'oldModel');
In the controller for my view, I then take a copy of the old data, which goes into the old model that I've attached to the view, the new model is then updated. I do this in the after rendering hook to optimize the initial page load.
onAfterRendering: function(){
var thisView = this.getView();
var updateModel = function(){
var oldData = thisView.getModel('model').getData();
var oldModel = new JSONModel(oldWharehousesData);
thisView.setModel(ollModel, 'oldModel');
//update model
var newModel = thisView.getModel('model');
window.refershInterval = setInterval(updateModel, 30000);
I'm then able to input the new and old values to a formatter in my XML view and output a couple of custom data attribute:
parts: [
formatter: '.formatter.alertStatus'
My formatter.js :
alertStatus: function(newValue, oldValue){
var alertNum = 25;
if(newValue < alertNum && oldValue >= alertNum) {
return 'red';
} else if (newValue >= alertNum && oldValue < alertNum) {
return 'green';
} else {
return 'none';
I can then have as many custom data attributes as I like, run them through their own formatter function, which can be styled to my heart's content, e.g:
compareValues: function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue > oldValue) {
return 'higher';
} else if (newValue < oldValue){
return 'lower';
} else {
return 'false';
I have build an example on JSBin.
First you have to get the received data. You can use the
Model.attachRequestCompleted event for that:
this.model = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
this.model.attachRequestCompleted(this.onDataLoaded, this);
In the event handler onDataLoaded you can retrieve the JavaScript object and compare it to a saved copy. You have to write the flags that indicate changes to the array item itself. (Storing it in a separate model as Marc suggested in his comment would not work because in your aggregation binding you only have the one context to your array item.)
At last you have to save the newData object as this.oldData for the next request.
var newData = this.model.getProperty("/");
if (this.oldData){
//diff. You should customize this to your needs.
for(var i = 0, length = Math.min(newData.items.length, this.oldData.items.length); i< length; i++){
newData.items[i].valueChanged = newData.items[i].value !== this.oldData.items[i].value;
newData.items[i].nameChanged = newData.items[i].name !== this.oldData.items[i].name;
this.oldData = newData;
You can then bind the ObjectState state property to the flag(s):
state="{= ${valueChanged} ? 'Warning':'None' }"/>
If you want to change the background color of the whole row or something like that you can apply Bernard's answer and use the flag(s) in a customData attribute.
You can use the <customData> tag
This allows the insertion of a custom attribute into the HTML produced by the XML to HTML conversion process
In the example below for example I add a custom attribute (my own) - this code generates the following attribute data-colour in a relevant HTML element (a <SPAN> tag) - inspect the relevant element using, say, Chrome.
<core:CustomData writeToDom="true" key="colour" value="{vproducts>ListCostColour}" />
You are then able to create a style for this attribute in your own style sheet as follows (and reference this in your manifest.json)
[data-colour="red"] {
background-color: #ffd1cc;
[data-colour="orange"] {
background-color: rgba(255, 243, 184, 0.64);
[data-colour="green"] {`enter code here`
background-color: rgba(204, 255, 198, 0.97);

Passing Data from Master to Detail Page

I watched some tutorials about navigation + passing data between views, but it doesn't work in my case.
My goal is to achieve the follwing:
On the MainPage the user can see a table with products (JSON file). (Works fine!)
After pressing the "Details" button, the Details Page ("Form") is shown with all information about the selection.
The navigation works perfectly and the Detail page is showing up, however the data binding doesnt seem to work (no data is displayed)
My idea is to pass the JSON String to the Detail Page. How can I achieve that? Or is there a more elegant way?
Here is the code so far:
MainView Controller
sap.ui.controller("my.zodb_demo.MainView", {
onInit: function() {
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel("zodb_demo/model/products.json");
var mainTable = this.getView().byId("productsTable");
mainTable.bindItems("/ProductCollection", new sap.m.ColumnListItem({
cells: [new sap.m.Text({
text: "{Name}"
}), new sap.m.Text({
text: "{SupplierName}"
}), new sap.m.Text({
text: "{Price}"
onDetailsPressed: function(oEvent) {
var oTable = this.getView().byId("productsTable");
var contexts = oTable.getSelectedContexts();
var items = {
return c.getObject();
var app = sap.ui.getCore().byId("mainApp");
var page = app.getPage("DetailsForm");
//Just to check if the selected JSON String is correct
//Navigation to the Detail Form, "flip");
Detail Form View:
<mvc:View xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:f="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" controllerName="my.zodb_demo.DetailsForm">
<Page title="Details" showNavButton="true" navButtonPress="goBack">
<f:Form id="FormMain" minWidth="1024" maxContainerCols="2" editable="false" class="isReadonly">
<core:Title text="Information" />
<f:ResponsiveGridLayout labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4" emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1" />
<f:FormElement label="Supplier Name">
<Text text="{SupplierName}" id="nameText" />
<f:FormElement label="Product">
<Text text="{Name}" />
Detail Form Controller:
sap.ui.controller("my.zodb_demo.DetailsForm", {
goBack: function() {
var app = sap.ui.getCore().byId("mainApp");
The recommended way to pass data between controllers is to use the EventBus
You define a channel and event between the controllers. On your DetailController you subscribe to an event like this:
onInit : function() {
var eventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
// 1. ChannelName, 2. EventName, 3. Function to be executed, 4. Listener
eventBus.subscribe("MainDetailChannel", "onNavigateEvent", this.onDataReceived, this);)
onDataReceived : function(channel, event, data) {
// do something with the data (bind to model)
And on your MainController you publish the Event:
//Navigation to the Detail Form,"flip");
var eventBus = sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus();
// 1. ChannelName, 2. EventName, 3. the data
eventBus.publish("MainDetailChannel", "onNavigateEvent", { foo : "bar" });
See the documentation here:
And a more detailed example:
Even though this question is old, the scenario is still valid today (it's a typical master-detail / n-to-1 scenario). On the other hand, the currently accepted solution is not only outdated but also a result of an xy-problem.
is there a more elegant way?
Absolutely. Take a look at this Flexible Column Layout tutorial:
No matter what control is used (App, SplitApp, or FlexibleColumnLayout), the concept is the same:
User clicks on an item from the master.
Get the binding context from the selected item by getBindingContext(/*modelName*/).
Pass only key(s) to the navTo parameters (no need to pass the whole item context).
In the "Detail" view:
Attach a handler to the patternMatched event of the navigated route in the Detail controller's onInit.
In the handler, create the corresponding key, by which the target entry can be uniquely identified, by accessing the event parameter arguments in which the passed key(s) are stored. In case of OData, use the API createKey.
With the created key, call bindObject with the path to the unique entry in order to propagate its context to the detail view.
The relative binding paths in the detail view can be then resolved every time when the detail page is viewed. As a bonus, this also enables deep link navigation or bookmark capability.
You can also set local json model to store your data, and use it in the corresponding views. But be sure to initialize or clear it in the right time.