align icons in ionic header - ionic-framework

I am trying to have a ion-header where one icon is on left and another on right. my code looks like below
<ion-buttons icon-start>
<button ion-button icon-only>
<ion-icon name="contact"></ion-icon>
<ion-title text-center>about</ion-title>
<ion-buttons icon-end>
<button ion-button icon-only>
<ion-icon name="search"></ion-icon>
but what is hapenning is that i see it coming in 3 different rows.

ok, you need remove the first <ion-buttons> and leave only <button> and on the second tag of <ion-buttons> change icon-end to end.
and it should work!!

Welcome to StackOverflow!
Since Ionic applies the android/ios standards based on the current platform where the app is running, you need to understand the meaning of the following attributes: start, end, left and right.
About end/start/left/right
Using the start attribute in the ion-buttons doesn't mean it will be placed to the left, since start and end follow the UI pattern for the platform
So <ion-buttons start> would be on the left for ios and be the first button on the right for android.
And <ion-buttons end> would be on the right for ios and the last button on the right for android.
So with both start or end the button will be placed at the right on Android.
If you want to place a button at the left or the right in both platforms, you should use left or right, since these attributes are provide as a way to over ride that. It's easier to see with a few examples, so please take a look at the following examples.
Example 1: Using start and end
<ion-buttons start> <!-- Here we use start -->
<button ion-button icon-only>
<ion-icon name="contact"></ion-icon>
<ion-buttons end> <!-- Here we use end -->
<button ion-button icon-only>
<ion-icon name="search"></ion-icon>
The result is:
Example 2: Using left and right
<ion-buttons left> <!-- Here we use left -->
<button ion-button icon-only>
<ion-icon name="contact"></ion-icon>
<ion-buttons right> <!-- Here we use right -->
<button ion-button icon-only>
<ion-icon name="search"></ion-icon>
The result is:


Why are my Ionic 4 Buttons shifting to the Left and becoming small

Menu Example:
I am just starting out with Ionic and am not really sure why the two icons in the top left-hand corner are stacking and staying tiny. I have read through all docs and forums, however, I haven't seemed to come across a solution. Thanks in advance.
<ion-header no-lines>
<ion-buttons icon-left start>
<!-- Float the icon left -->
<button ion-button icon-start>
<ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>
<ion-buttons icon-right end>
<!-- Float the icon right -->
<button ion-button icon-end>
<ion-icon name="contact"></ion-icon>
I landed on this after copy & pasting some Ionic 3 code into my Ionic 4 project.
The best answer I can suggest is to have a look at the documentation for Ionic 4! A lot of what you've done is not Ionic 4, but Ionic 3.
Take the button docs for example: Your button won't work, because you must use something like:
<ion-button color="primary" fill="clear" expand="block" (click)="deleteRecord(i)">
<ion-icon name='trash'></ion-icon>
Also, for the positioning, also look at the documentation. You should be using the slot property. for example:
<ion-chip outline="outline" color="primary" slot="start">
<ion-label> Job id : {{ interv.ts % 1000000}} </ion-label>
Note that in the two snippets above, I used different properties to determine the outline / fill. That's because the documentation told me to. So while it may not be entirely consistent, it is documented and for the most part, it works.

Menu doesn't work when app is opened from background

When I minimize my Ionic app and open it after sometime, everything works except top left menu button and Android hardware back button.
I am unable to figure out the reason. I have to kill my app and reopen it then it works. Do I need to write any code or I need to do something else?
Below is my home.html header code:
<ion-navbar color="headercolor" style="width:100%;">
<ion-title *ngIf="!toggled"><span style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;">Dash</span><span style="color:#5990AE;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;">board</span></ion-title>
<button ion-button menuToggle *ngIf="!toggled">
<ion-icon name="menu" class="icon" style="color: #ffffff;font-size:17px;"></ion-icon>
<ion-searchbar *ngIf="toggled" [showCancelButton]="true" [(ngModel)]="searchTerm" (ionCancel)="togglesearch()" (ionInput)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar>
<ion-buttons end *ngIf="!toggled">
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="togglesearch()">
<ion-icon name="search" class="icon" style="font-size:16px;"></ion-icon>

menu icons looking different on IOS than in ANDROID - IONIC

Added three icons on my ionic home.html using the below code. Problem is they are looking very dis-aligned and very small in size on IOS.
<ion-navbar color="headercolor" style="height:25px;">
<ion-title style="text-align:center;font-size:11px;margin-top:20px;">Tags</ion-title>
<button ion-button (click)="back()" style="background-color:transparent;margin-top:-50px;">
<ion-icon name="arrow-back" class="icon" style="color: #ffffff;font-size:20px;"></ion-icon>
<ion-buttons end>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="home()">
<ion-icon name="home" class="icon" style="font-size:16px;"></ion-icon>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="mailto()">
<ion-icon name="mail" class="icon" style="color: #ffffff;font-size:16px;"></ion-icon>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="msg()">
<ion-icon name="chatboxes" class="icon" style="color: #ffffff;font-size:17px;" ></ion-icon>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="close()">
<ion-icon name="close" class="icon" style="color: #ffffff;font-size:16px;"></ion-icon>
What is the problem in my code and how can I fix this?
Below first screenshot is of Android and second screenshot is of iOS.
Android screenshot
iOS screenshot
this is the default icon for ios and android, so if you want to use same icon for both platform then use this: md-arrow-round-back
Now Android back button will be used for both platforms.
In the Android back button you can see a border. It can be removed by box-shadow:none.
For Alignment use <ion-row> -> all elements will be aligned
To increase the icon size use font-size property in the icon tag. The icon size will be increased too.

Align menu icon to the left in ionic framework

I'm having a big issue with aligning an icon to the left. No matter what I do, it aligns to the right side of the screen. Other pages do not have problem and aligns perfectly to the left. This issue happens when I use a tab.
How do I fix this? There's no CSS code as I'm using the default codes.
This is my ionic code:
<ion-buttons start>
<button ion-button menuToggle>
<ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
<ion-segment end [(ngModel)]="stories">
<ion-segment-button value="headlines">
<ion-segment-button value="new">
No matter what I do, this is the end result:
PS: I'm using the latest version of ionic.
Just like #Sam5487 said, you should use an ion-navbar instead of the ion-toolbar (if you're using the toolbar in order to avoid the back arrow icon when pushing the page, you should set that page as root instead of just pushing it to the nav stack).
About end/start/left/right
I've also seen that you've used the start attribute in the ion-buttons, but it doesn't mean it will be placed to the left, since start and end follow the UI pattern for the platform
So <ion-buttons start> would be on the left for ios and be the first button on the right for android.
And <ion-buttons end> would be on the right for ios and the last button on the right for android.
So with both start or end the button will be placed at the right on Android.
If you want to place a button at the left or the right in both platforms, you should use left or right, since these attributes are provide as a way to over ride that.
Using the menuToggle button
That being said, if you take a look at the menuToggle docs:
If placing the menuToggle in a navbar or toolbar, it should be placed
as a child of the <ion-navbar> or <ion-toolbar>, and not in the
So in order to achieve the desired result, you just need to change your layout for this one:
<button ion-button menuToggle>
<ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
<ion-segment [(ngModel)]="stories">
<ion-segment-button value="headlines">
<ion-segment-button value="new">
You can also confirm that this is the recommended way to do it, by taking a look at this page from the Conference App demo made by the guys at Ionic
Try this instead
//*** Rest of the header code ***//
Also in your button that is only an icon i suggest adding icon-only as well.
<button ion-button icon-only menuToggle>
<ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>

Ionic default back navigation is not working in all the pages - ionic 3

I am working on an ionic project that has several pages out of which some pages have the back arrow that takes to the previous page however this does not seems to work fine on the rest of pages. I believe that the back arrow is default as i have implemented same header code for both the pages but one of them has the back arrow displayed but another does not has.
Page 1 header code // This has the back arrow
<ion-navbar color="primary" primary>
<ion-title>Product Detail</ion-title>
<ion-buttons end>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="cart()">
<ion-icon name="cart"></ion-icon>
Page 2 // No back arrow displayed
<ion-navbar color="primary" primary>
<ion-title>Shop Single</ion-title>
<ion-buttons end>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="cart()">
<ion-icon name="cart"></ion-icon>
Also the .ts files for the same too do not seem to have much difference.