User input - folder and subfolder creation - powershell

I am trying to create a script to create a specific folder and subfolders based on user input in SharePoint using Powershell.
I would like to be prompted for a name in a message box. (Message Box)
This would create a folder of that name in a specified path. (New-Item -Path c:(UserInput Variable) -ItemType Directory -Force)
Then create a specific set of subfolders in the newly created folder. For Loop (get-child item)
I would also like to prevent errors if the folder is already created. -Force Flag
I've been trying to look up how to do this, but i'm not sure how to put it all together.

Here's something that I would do, it's rough and simple. I've taken some functions that already existed here on StackOverflow. Hope this helps you.
Just a polite suggestion but next time, try to include as much of the script as you can even if it's nowhere near complete.
### VARS ###
$subdirs = "Subdir1","Subdir2","Subdir3","Subdir4"
# Stole this function from
function Find-Folders {
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null
$browse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$browse.SelectedPath = "C:\"
$browse.ShowNewFolderButton = $false
$browse.Description = "Choose a parent directory"
$loop = $true
if ($browse.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")
$loop = $false
#Insert your script here
} else
$res = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("You clicked Cancel. Would you like to try again or exit?", "Select a location", [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::RetryCancel)
if($res -eq "Cancel")
#Ends script
# Stole this function from
Function Get-NewDirName (){
$title = 'New Directory'
$msg = 'New directory name:'
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($msg, $title)
### MAIN ###
$parentDir = Find-Folders
if ($parentDir) {
#Get the new directory name
$NewDirName = Get-NewDirName
if ($NewDirName) {
#Creates the parent directory
New-Item -Path $parentDir\$NewDirName -ItemType Directory
#A parent directory was found
ForEach ($dir in $subdirs) {
New-Item -Path $parentDir\$NewDirName\$dir -ItemType Directory
} else {
Write-Error "No directory name was specified"
} else {
Write-Error "No parent directory was specified"


get the name of the new file in powershell

#Config Variables
$SiteURL = ""
$FolderURL= "/Shared Documents/" #Folder's Site Relative Path
$oldCount = 16
function fileOps {
Try {
#Connect to PnP Online
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Interactive
#Get All Files from the Folder
$FolderItems = Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl $FolderURL -ItemType File
Write-host "Total Number of Files in the Folder:" $FolderItems.Count
if ($FolderItems.Count > $script:oldCount) {
Write-host "I am here"
$oldCount = $FolderItems.Count
ForEach($File in $FolderItems)
catch {
write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor Red
For (;;) {
timeout 20
I am trying out powershell to get a list of files from my sharedpoint site. This lists number of the files there.I am struggling with the format though and am short on time. Once a new file is dropped, I want it to print out the name of the new file that is added and break out of this loop to call a python script. This function needs to run indefinetly.
Continuing from my comments:
use script: scoping on your $oldCount variable inside the function, so it can update the value on that while it has been defined elsewhere
Force the $FolderItems variable to always be an array. Arrays have a .Count property, single items do not
#Config Variables
$SiteURL = ""
$FolderURL= "/Shared Documents/" #Folder's Site Relative Path
$oldCount = 16
function fileOps {
Try {
#Connect to PnP Online
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Interactive -ErrorAction Stop
#Get All Files from the Folder
# use the `#()` construct to ensure you receive an array of items
$FolderItems = #(Get-PnPFolderItem -FolderSiteRelativeUrl $FolderURL -ItemType File -ErrorAction Stop)
Write-host "Total Number of Files in the Folder:" $FolderItems.Count
# PowerShell uses `-gt` operator for Greater Than, not the `>`
if ($FolderItems.Count -gt $script:oldCount) {
Write-host "I am here"
# set the script-scoped variable to its new value
$script:oldCount = $FolderItems.Count
# output the file names
catch {
write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor Red

The given path's format is not supported (but it looks ok to me)

I've tried a million combinations to fix and create the directory I need, and it works when I run the powershell IDE, and when I run the task that's scheduled, but it fails overnight in the scheduled run.
Right now, this is what I'm doing, which is extremely redundant, to try and catch the issue. I can't tell where it's failing specifically in my script, since it doesn't give a line number, but I think it's the initial dir creation (see #create sub-folder location). All I can think is that this is the first time the script is run in the sequence, and it hasn't finished creating the dated parent dir when it gets to the subdir. The parent dir is fine format-wise as well.
Error message:
"Alert: Disaster Backup failed on workstation DT2. Error Message: Error in Privilege script. Length error The given path's format is not supported.The given path's format is not supported.The given path's format is not supported.Exception: System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException: Cannot find path 'E:\DisasterBackup\toLoc_2019-01-30\Privileges\Privileges_1_Bak.csv' because it does not exist.
at System.Management.Automation.LocationGlobber.ExpandMshGlobPath(String path, Boolean allowNonexistingPaths, PSDriveInfo drive, ContainerCmdletProvider provider, CmdletProviderContext context)
at System.Management.Automation.LocationGlobber.ResolveDriveQualifiedPath(String path, CmdletProviderContext context, Boolean allowNonexistingPaths, CmdletProvider& providerInstance)
at System.Management.Automation.LocationGlobber.GetGlobbedMonadPathsFromMonadPath(String path, Boolean allowNonexistingPaths, CmdletProviderContext context, CmdletProvider& providerInstance)
at System.Management.Automation.LocationGlobber.GetGlobbedProviderPathsFromMonadPath(String path, Boolean allowNonexistingPaths, CmdletProviderContext context, ProviderInfo& provider, CmdletProvider& providerInstance)
function SQLQueryWriteToFile([string]$SQLquery, [string]$extractFile, [string]$facility)
#one last check that the dir exists for destination
$to_loc_final = Split-Path $extractFile
if(-Not (Test-Path $to_loc_final ))
write-output " Creating folder $to_loc_final because it does not exist "
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Creating folder $to_loc_final fourth time ")
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $to_loc_final -force
if(-Not (Test-Path $to_loc_final )) ##############
write-output " Creating folder $to_loc_final because it does not exist second "
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Creating folder $to_loc_final fifth time ")
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $to_loc_final -force
if(-Not (Test-Path $to_loc_final ))
write-output " Creating folder $to_loc_final because it does not exist third "
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Creating folder $to_loc_final sixth time ")
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $to_loc_final -force
[System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection] $sqlConnection=$null
[System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand] $sqlCmd=$null
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$sqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=sqlm;Database=DB;User ID=user;Password=pw" #db
#Create a SqlCommand object to define the query
$sqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
$sqlCmd.Connection = $sqlConnection
$sqlCmd.CommandText = $SQLquery
if($sqlConnection.State -ne 'Open'){
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Exception: $("Couldn't connect to DB with connection string given");; ")
} #if
elseif($sqlConnection.State -eq 'Open'){
#create a SqlAdapter that actually does the work and manages everything
$sqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$sqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $sqlCmd
$sqlAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout=300 #set timeout for query execution to 5 minutes (60x5=300)
#create an empty dataSet for the query to fill with its results
$dataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
#execute the query and fill the dataSet (then disconnect)
#dump the data to csv
$DataSet.Tables[0] | Export-Csv $extractFile ##this is where the path error is first thrown
if($DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count -eq 0)
$result = ($SQLquery -split '[\n]')[0] #first line of query gives enough identifying info
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Exception: $("DataSet returned empty results for query $result") ")
} #if
} #elseif
{ ##I found out this is where the error is caught about path in question title
$tempMsg = "caught an error in SQL Query method:" + $_.Exception.Message
if($sqlConnection -ne $null)
} #finally
#create dated folder to put backup files in
function CreateDatedFolder([string]$name){
$datedDir = ""
$datedDir = "$name" + "_" + "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $datedDir
return $datedDir
################################## start here #########################################################################
$SQLquery_Privilege = #"
Status in ('Active')
and Facility = #facility
and Last not like ('%test%')
and Last not like ('%Test%')
$parentDirBaseName = "E:\DisasterBackup\toLoc"
$toLocParent = CreateDatedFolder $parentDirBaseName
$to_loc_final = Join-Path -Path $toLocParent -ChildPath "Privileges"
#create sub-folder location
if(-Not (Test-Path $to_loc_final ))
write-output " Creating folder $to_loc_final because it does not exist "
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Creating folder $to_loc_final first time ")
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $to_loc_final -force
if(-Not (Test-Path $to_loc_final ))
write-output " Creating folder $to_loc_final because it does not exist second "
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Creating folder $to_loc_final second time ")
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $to_loc_final -force
if(-Not (Test-Path $to_loc_final ))
write-output " Creating folder $to_loc_final because it does not exist third "
$global:ErrorStrings.Add("Creating folder $to_loc_final third time ")
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $to_loc_final -force
$global:IT = "\\DRIVE\IT\DisasterRecovery\Privileges\"
$global:ErrorStrings = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]
$extractFiles = #("Privileges_0_Bak.csv","Privileges_1_Bak.csv","Privileges_2_Bak.csv")
$facCode = #("H0","H1","H2")
#Loop through list of files and facilities for Practitioner Privileges
for($i=0; $i -lt ($facCode.Length); $i++) {
$tempToLoc = Join-Path -Path $to_loc_final -ChildPath $extractFiles[$i]
SQLQueryWriteToFile $SQLquery_Privilege $tempToLoc $facCode[$i]
[string] $errorCodeAsString = ""
foreach ($item in $global:ErrorStrings){
$errorCodeAsString += $item
if($errorCodeAsString -ne "")
$errorCodeAsString = [string]$errorCodeAsString
$errorCodeAsString = "Error in Privilege script. Length error $errorCodeAsString.length " + $errorCodeAsString
$ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName
$ScriptPathFilename = Join-Path -Path $ScriptPath -Child "\EmailAlertFailure.ps1"
& $ScriptPathFilename $errorCodeAsString
Exit 99
Exit 0
I've looked at path format not supported
but I don't have a : in my dir path other than c: or e:, which is normal.
For example, the toLoc dir last night was:
When I look, the E:\DisasterBackup\toLoc_2019-01-30 is there, but Privileges dir is not. This is the only script I have that is failing to create it's subdir in that folder, and it's doing it the same way. Today I copied the code exactly (for dir creation) to make sure it was the same. It runs fine in IDE and run scheduled task, but I guarantee tonight I will have the same error messages for the Privilege backup script. I checked, and the script name is correct in the task manager as well, which I expected since it runs when I run it manually. The scheduled run at night has the error given above, with resulting SQL file write failing because the subdir isn't there. Any ideas?
I found out where the path error is thrown and caught. See added ## comments in the SQLQueryWriteToFile function.
I figured it out. For some reason, it wasn't treating the filename correctly. When I looked at it in the debugger, it was showing me 2 filenames with the same path, so I thought it was just a display issue. I think for some reason it was putting two same name filename paths together into an array. To fix it, I did this (see "this fixed it" comments below):
$parentDirBaseName = "E:\DisasterBackup\toLoc"
$toLocParent = CreateDatedFolder $parentDirBaseName
#create sub-folder location
$to_loc_final = Join-Path -Path $toLocParent -ChildPath "Privileges"
New-Item -type directory -path $to_loc_final -force
$global:MSS_IT = "\\DRIVE\IT\DisasterRecovery\Privileges\"
$global:ErrorStrings = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.String]
$extractFiles = #("Privileges_0_Bak.csv","Privileges_1_Bak.csv","Privileges_2_Bak.csv")
$facCode = #("H1","H2","H3")
#Loop through list of files and facilities for Practitioner Privileges
for($i=0; $i -lt ($facCode.Length); $i++) {
$tempFile = $extractFiles[$i] ###this fixed it
$extractFilePath = Join-Path -Path $to_loc_final -childpath $tempFile ###this fixed it
New-Item -path $extractFilePath -itemType file -force ###this fixed it
$extractLoc = $extractFilePath[0] ###this fixed it
SQLQueryWriteToFile $SQLquery_Privilege $extractLoc $facCode[$i] ###this fixed it

DscTemplate isn't executing my SetScript

$Launcher_PackageFile = "Launcher.exe"
$Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory = "$Env:ProgramData\Launcher";
#$Launcher_StartupDirectory = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace(0x07)
$Launcher_Source = "$Env:PackageRoot\Launcher\$Launcher_PackageFile"
Script UpdateConfigurationVersion
GetScript = {
# For cmdlet. Must always return a hash table.
return #{
TestScript = {
# Check if the file is in the folder
$TestPath = Join-Path $Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory $Launcher_PackageFile
if (Test-Path $TestPath) {
return $true;
return $false;
SetScript = {
# Logic
#move the exe
if (!Test-Path $Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory) {
New-Item -Type Directory -Path $Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory
Copy-Item -Path $Launcher_Source -Destination $Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory
#TODO Create a shortcut to the startup directory
#or create a task in the scheduler
Incorrect syntax
if (!(Test-Path $Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory)) {....
if (-not(Test-Path $Launcher_PackageDestinationDirectory) {....
Also add -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue to your Test-Path command to suppress error.
With that info is difficult to tell.
Add messages to TestScript and SetScript to see what's going on. For example:
Write-Verbose -Message 'Testing if already exists'
TestScript gets executed before SetScript, check whether is returning true or false (by adding messages). TestScript may be returning true and thus the SetScript is not running. Output $TestPath to see if the path is correct.
Then check the logs on C:\Windows\System32\Configuration\ConfigurationStatus

Copy files to FTP and archive with today's date

I need to create a script that does the following:
Copies all files in a folder to an FTP site.
If the copy was successful move the files to an archive.
The archive should be a freshly created folder with today's date (so we know when they were transmitted).
I've tried to cannibalise other scripts to get something to work but I'm not getting anywhere so I need some help I've been working on this for hours.
I'm using the WinSCP DLL only because my other (working) script uses SFTP which needs it. I know normal FTP doesn't but I couldn't find any easily transferrable code so trying to modify that instead.
So, here's the code I have, which doesn't even run, never mind run properly, can someone help me get it right? Sorry it's a bit of a mess.
param (
$localPath = "c:\test\source",
$remotePath = "/upload",
$folder = ($_.CreationTime | Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd)
# not sure this works but don't see how to point the destination
# to the newly created folder
$backupPath = "c:\test\destination\$folder"
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
Add-Type -Path "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\WinSCPnet.dll"
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property #{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::ftp
HostName = "xxxxxxxx"
UserName = "xxxxxxxx"
Password = "xxxxxxxx"
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Upload files, collect results
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles($localPath, $remotePath)
# Iterate over every transfer
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
# Success or error?
if ($transfer.Error -eq $Null)
# If today's folder doesn't exist, create it
if (!(Test-Path $BackupPath))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $BackupPath
Write-Host ("Upload of {0} succeeded, moving to Uploaded folder" -f
# Upload succeeded, move source file to backup
Move-Item $transfer.FileName $backupPath
Write-Host ("Upload of {0} failed: {1}" -f
$transfer.FileName, $transfer.Error.Message)
# Disconnect, clean up
exit 0
catch [Exception]
Write-Host ("Error: {0}" -f $_.Exception.Message)
exit 1
So there's the code. I'm happy to use built in PowerShell for the FTP side to simplify it, I just want it to work.
I'm not sure what's your concern with the code. It looks pretty much ok, except for a syntax error, when setting $folder:
Why are you even trying to use $_.CreationTime as folder timestamp? Just use current date:
$folder = (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd")
See Formatting timestamps in PowerShell in WinSCP documentation.
Also I do not see a point of setting $folder and $backupPath in the params block. Move it after the params block. If you want this anyway, you are missing a comma after the $folder assignment.
Other than that, your code should work.
You cannot simplify it by using the built-in PowerShell (or rather .NET) FTP functionality, as it does not have as powerful commands as WinSCP .NET assembly.
I'd write the code as:
$localPath = "C:\source\local\path\*"
$remotePath = "/dest/remote/path/"
$folder = (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd")
$backupPath = "C:\local\backup\path\$folder"
# If today's folder doesn't exist, create it
if (!(Test-Path $BackupPath))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $BackupPath | Out-Null
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
Add-Type -Path "WinSCPnet.dll"
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property #{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::ftp
HostName = ""
UserName = "username"
Password = "password"
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Upload files, collect results
$transferResult = $session.PutFiles($localPath, $remotePath)
# Iterate over every transfer
foreach ($transfer in $transferResult.Transfers)
# Success or error?
if ($transfer.Error -eq $Null)
Write-Host ("Upload of $($transfer.FileName) succeeded, " +
"moving to backup")
# Upload succeeded, move source file to backup
Move-Item $transfer.FileName $backupPath
Write-Host ("Upload of $($transfer.FileName) failed: " +
# Disconnect, clean up
exit 0
catch [Exception]
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
exit 1
Based on Moving local files to different location after successful upload.

Powershell Save off attachments in Subfolders in Outlook

A little background first.
In my Inbox I have a Subfolder called One
Inside this is an email from someone with an attachment called One.pdf
In my Inbox I have a Subfolder called Two
Inside this is an email from someone with an attachment called Two.pdf
In my Inbox I have a Subfolder called Own inside this I have a Subfolder called Three.
Inside this is an email from someone with an attachment called Three.pdf
In my Inbox I have am Email with an attachment called Four.pdf
Still with me? :)
I have a requirement to do the following.
I need to parse through the inbox and find the .PDF attachment and save it to another location on a drive.
Then I need to parse through the Subfolders of the inbox. If I find a .pdf I need to do two things.
I need to check if the folders exists and if not create it.
I need to then save the .PDF in that Subfolder to the folder I just created.
Currently I can create the Subfolders.
My problem is I am unable to create the correct files in each sub folder. Infact right now am only able to create four.pdf and I can create that in every sub folder.
Currently I am working with this code.
$Obj = New-Object -comobject outlook.application
$Name = $Obj.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)
$Mail = $Name.pickfolder()
$Path = "C:\Attached\"
$SubFolder = {
foreach ($item in $currentFolder.Folders) {
$Mail.Items | ForEach {
$_.Attachments | foreach {
& $SubFolder $item
$Walk = & $SubFolder $Mail
ForEach ($Fo in $Walk){
$Fo.Items | ForEach {
$_.Attachments | foreach {
$Sub = $Fo
$Pos = $Sub.IndexOf("\")
$LeftPart = $Sub.Substring($Pos+28)
$FilePath = $Path + $LeftPart + "\"
If ($_.filename -like "*.PDF") {
If (!(Test-Path -path $FilePath))
$Dest = New-Item $FilePath -type directory
$_.saveasfile((Join-Path $FilePath $_.filename))
This allows the selection of the Outlook folder and then does nothing. If I change $Fo.Items to $Mail.items it creates the folders and the four.pdf
I know $Fo isn't what I want it to be but am not sure what differection to take from here.
Any advice please.
Not sure why I was voted down, be intrested to know?
Anyway. I can to this solution for my issue.
Each "section" will drill down a sub folder level, build the folder structure then save off the attahments based on type. Its by no means pretty but it does the job I need. I have posted it here for reference.
$Outlook = New-Object -com "Outlook.Application"
$NameSpace = $Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
$Mail = $NameSpace.pickfolder()
$Parent = $Mail.Folders
$Path = “C:\Attached\”
ForEach ($Folder in $Parent) {
#Parent Folder.
ForEach($SubFolder in $Folder) {
#First subfolder.
ForEach ($Item in $SubFolder.Items){
$Sub = $SubFolder.FolderPath
$LeftPart = $Sub.Substring($Pos+28)
$FilePath = $Path + $LeftPart + "\"
If (!(Test-Path -path $FilePath))
$Dest = New-Item $FilePath -type directory
foreach ($Attach in $Item.Attachments){
If ($Attach.filename -like "*.PDF") {
$Attach.saveasfile((Join-Path $FilePath $Attach.filename))
If ($Attach.filename -like "*.doc*") {
$Attach.saveasfile((Join-Path $FilePath $Attach.filename))
ForEach ($SubSubFolder in $SubFolder.Folders){
#Second Subfolder.
ForEach ($SubItem in $SubSubFolder.Items){
$Sub = $SubSubFolder.FolderPath
$LeftPart = $Sub.Substring($Pos+28)
$FilePath = $Path + $LeftPart + "\"
If (!(Test-Path -path $FilePath))
$Dest = New-Item $FilePath -type directory
foreach ($Attach in $SubItem.Attachments){
If ($Attach.filename -like "*.PDF") {
$Attach.saveasfile((Join-Path $FilePath $Attach.filename))
If ($Attach.filename -like "*.doc*") {
$Attach.saveasfile((Join-Path $FilePath $Attach.filename))