i want to play a video on 2 monitors uipath - multiple-monitors

I have to play 2 videos on 2 monitors. I have to first define which is the first screen and which is the second screen. I then have to pull the video from my first screen to the second screen and make it full screen.
I have already made it the VLC format.


How to implement an expanding minplayer in flutter using just audio

I am working on a simple music player app using the just_audio plugin. I want to have a small miniplayer at the bottom of the screen in the app. It will have basic song info and controls to play and pause. The basic deisgn is -:
when the user clicks on the minplayer I want it to expand into a full screen size and show additional controls like a progress bar, buttons to control the player etc. I tried to do this by passing the audioplayer as a navigator argument but got the error which said that only one instance of player is accepted at a time. Also the big screen should have a button to collapse the player
Please help

Move across multiple video controller

I am trying to use video_player package to play multiple videos continuously. I am using VideoProgressIndicator which allows scrubbing in a video. I am able to move across the video which is currently playing but how to detect that user tapped on another video and update the current video player controller to that video.
And also how do i move the second video controller to the position where user tapped. (Seek to functionality is available in video_player but at which position i need to take the controller to?)
I want to move the video controller to second video controller and the second video should start playing from the position where user tapped.
Refer the video timeline at bottom with scrubber

Tips on using webview to play an embedded Flash movie

I've tried (without success) to get a video to play within a webview. I can see the video thumbnail with the default play button overlaying the video.
When I click the play button - the entire video hi-lights in transparent yellowish/orange. Clicking play again causes the Play button to blink. The thumbnail always remains, but never plays. I can even see the timeline below the video with the play-head, etc. I can never touch the video controls, because every click treats the entire video like one big button - and hi-lights like mentioned above.
They are numerous videos to be played and they are not at YouTube, so launching the YT player with an intent isn't desired.
I'm using SDK 8 (2.2), runing on a 2.3.6 device, and Have the latest Flash Player 11.xxxxx installed.
Any suggestions?
Took another approach in the app.

Basic iPhone App w/ Thumbnails, Full Images, Video

I'm trying to determine the best starting structure (navigation, windows based, something else) for my iPhone app. I'm a complete noob with everything Apple (just got the mini a couple days ago).
I currently have three apps on Android and want to port to iOS. The apps are very basic. Here's a quick description with fake examples.
1st Screen - 2 Buttons (Cat / Dog) - Users selects one (Dog)
2nd Screen - 6 thumbnails of Dogs (all visible on screen) - User selects one.
3rd Screen - Full image of user selected thumbnail. Full image is clickable.
4th Screen or pop up - If user clicks full image, a 3 second video clip (mp4) plays. After playing, automatically goes back to Full Image screen.
In XCode 4, what would be the best starting point? Navigation, Windows, Single View, or just blank and hammer it out?
Ideally, I would like this to be dynamic where I only create the basic views and variables based on the user selection drives what is displayed.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I would go with navigation based app but hide the navigation bar or at least the back button so that the user can't go back on their own. This will work well because you can get the nice slide animation between screens. And you can use multiple views easily so you don't have to worry about trying to cram all of your stuff into one view and animate it.

How to play sequence video continuously on iPhone?

I'm trying to play two videos continuously using MPMoviePlayer. I let the second video play when the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification is posted.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
The problem is when the first video stops, the view will go back to the previously view for a short while before play the next video.
Is there any idea about how to play video continuously or is it possible to get the image of the last frame in the first video?
The only way to have a youtube video play inside your own app is to create a UIWebView with the embed tag from Youtube for the movie you want to play as the UIWebView's content. UIWebView will detect that the embedded object is a Youtube link, and the web view's content will be the youtube preview for the video. When your user clicks the preview, the video will be shown in an MPMoviePlayerController. This is the technique described at the link that Muxecoid provided (http://iphoneincubator.com/blog/audio-video/how-to-play-youtube-videos-within-an-application), and this is (as far as I know of) the only way to have a youtube video play within an application. You can still have the Youtube application launch by passing the youtube URL to -[UIApplication openURL:], but of course this closes your own application which is often undesirable.
Unfortunately, there's no way to directly play a youtube video with MPMoviePlayerController because youtube does not expose direct links to the video files.
I've made a walkaround to solve the problem. The major idea is to add a fullscreen black view over the previous view before the first movie plays. So when the first movie ends playing the full screen will be black (This looks more natural than the previous view).
Some more modifications:
1 Another problem is that when I hides the status bar, the area will be white. So I also set the window color to black color.
2 When all the video finishes playing, the previous view is shown and the view frame will not leave space for status bar. So I change the view's orgin y to 20 before the status bar appears.
Hope this helps those who meet the same problem.