Ionic 4: Change padding on Input fields - ionic-framework

I'm trying to change the padding off input field by changing the css4 variable but I must be doing something wrong because the padding is not changing. I'm still getting use to css4. This is my scss file.
app-page {
--padding-end: 50px;
padding: var(--padding-end);

ion-input {
--padding-end: 12px;
Did what I wanted.

Are you using SASS? Variable declaration would look like this:
app-page {
$padding-end: 50px;
padding: $padding-end;


Magento 2 - Layered Navigation Swatches Styling

I am using Magento 2.4.5 and would like to make edit css of the icons in the layered navigation, need them smaller and put them in rows of 6.
I cannot find where I need to add/edit the css files for this part of the website. I tried Magento_Swatches\web\css\source_module.less but no result.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
If you are using the default Luma theme:
Note: First, you need to check the template file of the CSS source used.
You need to edit the CSS file: swatches.css or custom CSS if you have created one. Getting the correct element may it can give you a correct catch.
Could you adjust the width and height of the swatch div? Please remember to specify! an important rule in CSS.
.swatches-globo .swatch--gl .ul-swatches-list li:not(ul.ul-globo-dropdown-option li), .globo-swatch-product-detail .swatch--gl ul.value li:not(ul.ul-globo-dropdown-option li) {
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 10px 0!important;
.swatches-globol .swatch--gl li .globo-size-medium, .globo-swatch-product-detail .globo-detail-size-medium {
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
.swatch-option.color {
min-width: 25px;
height: 25px;

Ionic 4: How to overflow div from Ionic Header or Toolbar?

I want create a drop down menu or popover within ionic toolbar. I tried with several ways but can not solve. Its always hidden like bellow,
I trying css like bellow,
border: 1px solid black;
height: 350px;
width: 150px;
position: absolute;
z-index: 99999999;
background: yellow;
contain: none;
contain: none;
Please give me a suggestion or an alternative idea. Please do not give any predictive answer if you are not familiar with ionic.
I don't know about Ionic 4 but on Ionic 5, a solution would be this when you debug on the console :
ion-toolbar {
contain: none;
.toolbar-container {
overflow: visible;
contain: none;
However, the .toolbar-container is an element in the shadow dom of the <ion-toolbar> component and its overflow and contain properties are not css variables and there is no part attribute on this element neither. So there is actually no way to override those properties.
I'm considering using this package, but for me it seems like overkill to use js and timeout for setting a pretty simple style... :
I had a similar problem when I had to make a searchbar overflow underneath the header (design thing). I was struggling a while and it popped in place suddenly when I place the searchbar outside of the toolbar and gave it position absolute:
<!-- My stuff here -->
My css looks like this:
ion-toolbar {
display: flex; // I need this for something else, but maybe has an influence
ion-searchbar {
padding: 0 1em .5em 1em;
transform: translateY(-50%);
z-index: 99999;
position: absolute;
Hope it helps somebody.
In case anyone is still looking for the solution. Here is how I managed to fixed it in react. It's a bit hacky solution, but most likely the only one ATM.
First we need to style the toolbar (pass a className or style to component:
.your-toolbar-classname {
overflow: visible!important;
contain: none!important;
Then we have to also style the shadow-root parts. Se we can use the useEffect after the header is mounted and set the style
// Header.tsx
useEffect(() => {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML =
'.toolbar-container { overflow: visible!important; contain: none!important; }';
}, []);
Just use ion-menu, its a build in ionic component
There is also ion-popover
You should look at the ionic docs before posting on stack

height issue in bootstrap switch

Bootstrap switch with on text 'Yes'
I am facing the problem with height in Bootstrap switch. I am not able to change the height of the switch. How can I change the height of the switch.
Just add following css to your page and adjust height, padding and margin according your design.
div.bootstrap-switch-container {
height: 25px;
.bootstrap-switch .bootstrap-switch-handle-on, .bootstrap-switch .bootstrap-switch-handle-off, .bootstrap-switch .bootstrap-switch-label {
padding: 3px 12px;
div.bootstrap-switch {
margin-top: -4px;

:valid + :invalid with webfonts on forms

I'm using the :valid and :invalid pseudo-classes, so the users can see if the input is correct in each form. I'm able to style them with CSS, but I have yet to find a solution where I can use an iconfont on the right side of the form, to display a valid or invalid input. Anyone knows how to do this?
Also some forms should not display valid or invalid before the user starts to type (like signup email). Can I bypass that code/css and just activate it when the user starts to type in the form?
You could realize what you want like this:
input {
border: #666 1px solid;
padding: 0.5em;
label {
display: block;
margin-top: 8px;
input + i:before {
display: none;
input:focus + i:before {
display: block;
input:focus:invalid {
background: red;
input:focus:valid {
background: lightgreen;
input:focus:valid + i:before {
content: "\f14a";
I've used the fontawesome iconfont here.
To make the icons inside the form elements you can add this rule:
input + i {
position: relative;
left: -20px;

Look up GWT CellTable header style/s?

How can TH style name/s of a GWT CellTable's heading be looked up programatically?
I have looked at the Client Bundle documentation but it isn't immediately obvious to me how it all fits together. Thanks.
Not sure exactly what you want to do when accessing the TH style names.
If you want to override the standard css style of a celltable header, here are some of the css styles you can override to change the Look and Feel of the component.
.cellTableFirstColumnHeader {}
.cellTableLastColumnHeader {}
.cellTableHeader {
border-bottom: 2px solid #6f7277;
padding: 3px 15px;
text-align: left;
color: #4b4a4a;
text-shadow: #ddf 1px 1px 0;
overflow: hidden;
.cellTableSortableHeader {
cursor: pointer;
cursor: hand;
.cellTableSortableHeader:hover {
color: #6c6b6b;
.cellTableSortedHeaderAscending {
.cellTableSortedHeaderDescending {
Here is the complete list of styles for cellTables CellTable.css
Now if you want to access you header programmatically, you can use this solution to get the TableSectionElement corresponding the the Header of your table. Then you can access the row, then the cells, and lookup for their styles I guess.
Last thing if you want to override the header style, maybe you can use the following method when adding your column to your table
public void addColumn(Column<T, ?> col, Header<?> header)
Then create your Header or use a TextHeader for example then set your style on it before adding it to the table using
public void setHeaderStyleNames(String styleNames)
TextHeader textHeader = new TextHeader("headerTitle");
myTable.addColumn(myColumn, textHeader);
Easy solution:
private String getCellTableHeaderStyle() {
Resources res = GWT.create(Resources.class);
return res.cellTableStyle().cellTableHeader();