Output K-means association rules - spss-modeler

Is there a way to make SPSS Modeler output the association rules when performing a clustering analysis like K-means? I'd like to have the set of rules that associate any observation to a certain cluster (like Var1<0 and Var2 = 1 then cluster = A and so on) so that I'm able to use it regardless of SPSS.
I looked for that in SPSS online tutorial but no success. I know that it outputs the rules for decision tree nodes, so it seemed to me just natural that it would work the same for K-means and etc. Thank you in advance.

You could create a derive node with that logic ( if Var1<0 and Var2 = 1 then cluster = 1 else 0 endif ) and then use that new variable as input in the K-Means Model Node. I use some similar variables in the Anomaly node and works fine for me. Just remember to use a Type node in front of K-Means node and set that variable as input.
Hope to have been helpful!

Those are two different types of analysis and I'd kindly ask: what do you really want to achieve?
Clustering means that you group observations.
Association rules (recommendation engine) would suit you if your observations have made multiple activities or choices and you want to see the next most likely choice.
But what you described looks more like a classification task to me, e.g. different approach, because you described a rule set, and that is exactly what certain classification models return.


Clustering groups based on 3 variables in SPSS and R

I am currently trying to understand cluster analysis (using SPSS and R). Reading up so much about it further confused me as to what clustering method to use to answer a research question.
My research question investigates whether a) certain participants can be clustered according to their change in variable A (a group that remains stable, a group that worsens, and a third group that improves over 2 assessments), and b) how these groups/clusters differ with regard to two other variables at assessment 1 (B and C). That is, do people with different patterns in B and C have a different change in A?
Question: I have standardised the data and, so far, have tried two step hierarchical and k-means clustering. However, I am unsure if this is the right method for answering my question. In the case of a fixed number of clusters, I chose 3 because I am interested in seeing clusters of people that improve/worsen/stay stable over time, and the clusters' individual pattern of B and C. Is this feasible? Am I missing something?
For k-means clustering I used the following syntax:
QUICK CLUSTER z_A_change z_B_mean z_C_mean
Finally, is there any way to visualise these clusters on a 3-D plot in SPSS? I am not quite as proficient in R's ggplot2 or scatterplot3d as I would like to be.
Thank you in advance.
If you use TWOSTEP CLUSTER or QUICK CLUSTER to fit a three cluster solution and save the cluster memberships as a new variable, you can create a grouped 3D scatter plot via the Chat Builder. In the menus, go to Graphs>Chart Builder. In the Gallery view, under Choose from: select Scatter/Dot. In the icons shown underneath the main canvas, the second from the right in the top row should be the grouped 3D scatter. Move that icon into the canvas. Select each of the three variables used in the clustering for the X, Y, and Z axes. Specify the cluster membership variable as the Set Color variable, then click OK.

Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Mixed Numeric and Categorical Data

I am working on a data analysis project over the summer. The main goal is to use some access logging data in the hospital about user accessing patient information and try to detect abnormal accessing behaviors. Several attributes have been chosen to characterize a user (e.g. employee role, department, zip-code) and a patient (e.g. age, sex, zip-code). There are about 13 - 15 variables under consideration.
I was using R before and now I am using Python. I am able to use either depending on any suitable tools/libraries you guys suggest.
Before I ask any question, I do want to mention that a lot of the data fields have undergone an anonymization process when handed to me, as required in the healthcare industry for the protection of personal information. Specifically, a lot of VARCHAR values are turned into random integer values, only maintaining referential integrity across the dataset.
An exact definition of an outlier was not given (it's defined based on the behavior of most of the data, if there's a general behavior) and there's no labeled training set telling me which rows of the dataset are considered abnormal. I believe the project belongs to the area of unsupervised learning so I was looking into clustering.
Since the data is mixed (numeric and categorical), I am not sure how would clustering work with this type of data.
I've read that one could expand the categorical data and let each category in a variable to be either 0 or 1 in order to do the clustering, but then how would R/Python handle such high dimensional data for me? (simply expanding employer role would bring in ~100 more variables)
How would the result of clustering be interpreted?
Using clustering algorithm, wouldn't the potential "outliers" be grouped into clusters as well? And how am I suppose to detect them?
Also, with categorical data involved, I am not sure how "distance between points" is defined any more and does the proximity of data points indicate similar behaviors? Does expanding each category into a dummy column with true/false values help? What's the distance then?
Faced with the challenges of cluster analysis, I also started to try slicing the data up and just look at two variables at a time. For example, I would look at the age range of patients accessed by a certain employee role, and I use the quartiles and inter-quartile range to define outliers. For categorical variables, for instance, employee role and types of events being triggered, I would just look at the frequency of each event being triggered.
Can someone explain to me the problem of using quartiles with data that's not normally distributed? And what would be the remedy of this?
And in the end, which of the two approaches (or some other approaches) would you suggest? And what's the best way to use such an approach?
Thanks a lot.
You can decide upon a similarity measure for mixed data (e.g. Gower distance).
Then you can use any of the distance-based outlier detection methods.
You can use k-prototypes algorithm for mixed numeric and categorical attributes.
Here you can find a python implementation.

Running DBSCAN in ELKI

I am trying to cluster some geospatial data, and I previously tried the WEKA library.
I found this benchmarking, and decided to try ELKI.
Despite the advice to not use ELKI as a Java library (which is suppose to be less maintained than the UI), I incorporated it in my application, and I can say that I am quite happy about the results. The structures that it uses to store data, are far more efficient than the ones used by Weka, and the fact that it has the option of using a spatial index is definetly a plus.
However, when I compare the results of Weka's DBSCAN, with the ones from ELKI's DBSCAN, I get a little bit puzzled. I would accept different implementations can give origin to slightly different results, but these magnitude of difference makes me think there is something wrong with the algorithm (probably with my code). The number of clusters and their geometry is very different in the two algorithms.
For the record, I am using the latest version of ELKI (0.6.0), and the parameters I used for my simulations were:
I coded two DBSCAN functions (for Weka and ELKI), where the "entry point" is a csv with points, and the "output" for both of them is also identical: a function that calculates the concave hull of a set of points (one for each cluster). Since the function that reads the csv file into an ELKI "database" is relatively simple, I think my problem could be:
a) in the parametrization of the algorithm;
b) reading the results (most likely).
Parametrizing DBSCAN does not pose any challenges, and I use the two compulsory parameters, which I previously tested through the UI:
ListParameterization params2 = new ListParameterization();
params2.addParameter(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.DBSCAN.Parameterizer.MINPTS_ID, minPoints);
params2.addParameter(de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.algorithm.clustering.DBSCAN.Parameterizer.EPSILON_ID, epsilon);
Reading the result is a bit more challenging, as I don't completely understand the organization of the structure that stores the clusters; My idea is to iterate over each cluster, get the list of points, and pass it to the function that calculates the concave hull, in order to generate a polygon.
ArrayList<Clustering<?>> cs = ResultUtil.filterResults(result, Clustering.class);
for (Clustering<?> c : cs) {
System.out.println("clusters: " + c.getAllClusters().size());
for (de.lmu.ifi.dbs.elki.data.Cluster<?> cluster : c.getAllClusters()) {
if (!cluster.isNoise()){
Coordinate[] ptList=new Coordinate[cluster.size()];
int ct=0;
for (DBIDIter iter = cluster.getIDs().iter(); iter.valid(); iter.advance()) {
//there are no "empty" clusters
GeoPolygon poly=getBoundaryFromCoordinates(ptList);
if (poly.getCoordinates().getGeometryType()==
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I notice that the "noise" was coming up as a cluster, so I ignored this cluster (I don't want to draw it).
I am not sure if this is the right way of reading the clusters, as I don't find many examples. I also have some questions, for which I did not found answers yet:
What is the difference between getAllClusters() and
Are the DBSCAN clusters "nested", i.e.: can we have points that
belong to many clusters at the same time? Why?
I read somewhere that we should not use the database IDs to identify
the points, as they are for ELKI's internal use, but what other way
there is to get the list of points in each cluster? I read that you
can use a relation for the labels, but I am not sure how to actually
implement this...
Any comments that could point me in the right direction, or any code suggestions to iterate over the result set of ELKI's DBSCAN would be really welcome! I also used ELKI's OPTICSxi in my code, and I have even more questions regarding those results, but I guess I'll save that for another post.
This is mostly a follow-up to #Anony-Mousse, who gave a pretty complete answer.
getTopLevelClusters() and getAllClusters() do the same for DBSCAN, as DBSCAN does not produce hierarchical clusters.
DBSCAN clusters are disjoint. Treating clusters with isNoise()==true as singleton objects is likely the best way to handling noise. Clusters returned by our OPTICSXi implementation are also disjoint, but you should consider the members of all child clusters to be part of the outer cluster. For convex hulls, an efficient approach is to first compute the convex hull of the child clusters; then for the parent compute the convex hull on the additional objects + the convex hull points of all childs.
The RangeDBIDs approach mentioned by #Anony-Mousse is pretty clean for static databases. A clean approach that also works with dynamic databases is to have an additional relation that identifies the objects. When using a CSV file as input, instead of relying on the line numbering to be consistent, you would just add a non-numeric column, containing labels e.g. object123. This is the best approach from a logical point of view - if you want to be able to identify objects, give them a unique identifier. ;-)
We use ELKI for teaching, and we have verified its DBSCAN algorithm very very carefully (you can find a DBSCAN step by step demonstration here, and ELKI results exactly match this). The DBSCAN and OPTICS code in Weka was contributed by a student a long time ago, and has never been verified to the same extend. From a quick check, Weka does not produce the correct results on our class exercise data set.
Because the exercise data set has the same extend of 10 in each dimension, we can adjust the epsilon parameter by 1/10, and then the Weka result seems to match the solution; so #Anony-Mousses finding appears to be correct: Weka's implementation enforces a [0;1] scaling on the data.
Accessing the DBIDs of ELKI works, if you pay attention to how they are assigned.
For a static database, getDBIDs() will return a RangeDBIDs object, and it can give you an offset into the database. This is very reliable. But if you always restart your process, the DBIDs will be assigned deterministically anyway (only when using the MiniGUI, they will differ if you rerun a job!)
This will also be more efficient than DBIDUtil.toString.
DBSCAN results are not hierarchical, so every cluster should be a top level cluster.
As for Weka, it sometimes does automatic normalization. Then the epsilon value will be distorted. For geographic data, I would prefer geodetic distance anyway, Euclidean distance on latitude and longitude does not make sense.
Check this part of Wekas code: "norm" function, used by EuclideanDataObject. This does look to me as if Wekas DBSCAN enforces a normalization on the data set! Try scaling your data to [0:1] (I'm pretty sure there is a filter for this in ELKI), if the results are identical afterwards?
Judging from this code snippet, I would blame Weka. The code above also looks a bit inefficient to me. The filter approach makes IMHO more sense than this enforced filtering in the data objects.

How to cluster categorical variables?

What's the most appropriate family of Machine Learning algorithms for clustering categorical data? Let's assume that we have the following dataset:
V1 V2 V3 V4
"v1a" "v2b" "v3b" "v4c"
"v1b" "v2f" "v3a" "v4c"
"v1a" "v2e" "v3b" "v4c"
Is there any way to cluster them somehow? I am particular interested in doing so through Apache Mahout. Any hint \ idea is highly appreciated.
The question that you need to answer first is:
What is a cluster?
Obviously, many of the existing cluster definitions (connected by steps of Euclidean distance less than epsilon) etc. will not be useful.
There are tricks to vectorize such data so that you can still run k-means on it.
But more often than not, the results will be useless, because people did not consider what they are doing first.
So first try to find out what you want to do, then look for tools to do that.

Mixed variables (categorical and numerical) distance function

I want to fuzzy cluster a set of jobs.
Jobs Attributes are:
Categorical: position,diploma, skills
Numerical : salary , years of experience
My question is: how to calculate the distance between different jobs?
e.g job1(programmer,bs computer science,(java ,.net,responsibility),1500, 3)
and job2(tester,bs computer science,(black and white box testing),1200,1)
PS: I'm beginner in data mining clustering, I highly appreciate your help.
You may take this as your starting point:
http://www.econ.upf.edu/~michael/stanford/maeb4.pdf. Distance between categorical data is nicely explained at the end.
Here is a good walk-through of several different clustering methods and how to use them in R: http://biocluster.ucr.edu/~tgirke/HTML_Presentations/Manuals/Clustering/clustering.pdf
In general, clustering for discrete data is related to either the use of counts (e.g. overlaps in vectors) or related to some statistic derived from counts. As much as I'd like to address the statistical side, I suppose you're interested in the algorithm, so I'll leave it at that.