How to know which Maple command automatically maps on list entries or not? - maple

In Mathematica, almost all commands automatically thread (or map) over a list.
In Maple, how does one determine which command automatically acts over entries of a list or a set?
For example:
This gives list of two entries (the solutions)
#r := [-p*x+(2*(1+sqrt(1-p)))*x, -p*x+(2*(1-sqrt(1-p)))*x]
Now I found that collect automatically maps on each list entry
# [(-p+2+2*sqrt(1-p))*x, (-p+2-2*sqrt(1-p))*x]
But another command does not (I just picked this one)
For the above one needs to explicitly iterate over the entries of a list or a set.
#[17, 19]
Is there a way in Maple to find which command automatically threads over entries of a list or a set other than trial and error?
Maple 2018.1

I don't know of any place in the documentation that says exactly which commands will automatically map over a list.
But the collection of such commands is not large. The vast majority of commands will not automatically map over a list. Most of the ones which auto-map over a list relate to simplication or related manipulation of expressions. The collection of commands which auto-map over a list contains at least these:
collect, combine, expand,
evala, evalc, evalf,
factor, normal, radnormal, rationalize, simplify
The auto-mapping over lists for those commands is mostly a convenience to provide a shorter syntax than wrapping explicitly with the map command.
There are also commands which preserve structure (unless explicitly
told, via options, that the outer list structure is the thing to alter) and thus usually accomplish the same thing for a list as mapping over the list:
convert, eval, evalindets, subs, subsindets
Modern Maple has another shorter syntax which can map a command over a list (or a set, or a Vector, etc). It is called the "elementwise" operation, and its syntax consists of appending ~ (tilde) to the command.
discont~( [ csc(x), sec(x) ], x );
[{Pi _Z1~}, {Pi _Z2~ + 1/2 Pi}]
As far as your other example goes, note that LeafCount computes a value (metric) for the first argument considered as a single expression. But a list of items is still a single expression. So it certainly should not be surprising that (without the ~) it acts on the list as a whole, rather than automatically mapping over it. It counts the enclosing list as an additional "leaf".
MmaTranslator:-Mma:-LeafCount( L0 );
L0 := [ sin(x), 1/2*x*cos(x) ]:
MmaTranslator:-Mma:-LeafCount~( L0 );
[2, 5]
map( MmaTranslator:-Mma:-LeafCount, L0 );
[2, 5]
For an example similar to your original there is no difference in applying collect (which auto-maps) and applying it elementwise with collect~. Here, the first two results are the same because the addtional argument, x, happens to be a scalar. Eg,
r := [p*x+(2*(x^2+p^2))*x, p*x+(2*(x^2-p^2))*x]:
collect(r, x);
3 2 3 2
[2 x + (2 p + p) x, 2 x + (-2 p + p) x]
collect~(r, x);
3 2 3 2
[2 x + (2 p + p) x, 2 x + (-2 p + p) x]
map(collect, r, x);
3 2 3 2
[2 x + (2 p + p) x, 2 x + (-2 p + p) x]
I should mention that the above examples will behave differently if the second argument is a list such as [x,p] rather than a scalar such as x.
s := [a*b+(2*(a^2*b+b^2))*a, a*b+(2*(a^2*b-b^2))*a]:
collect(s, [a,b]);
3 2 3 2
[2 b a + (2 b + b) a, 2 b a + (-2 b + b) a]
map(collect, s, [a,b]);
3 2 3 2
[2 b a + (2 b + b) a, 2 b a + (-2 b + b) a]
collect~(s, [a,b]);
3 2 2 3
[2 b a + (2 b + b) a, -2 a b + (2 a + a) b]
zip(collect, s, [a,b]);
3 2 2 3
[2 b a + (2 b + b) a, -2 a b + (2 a + a) b]
In the above, the elementiwise collect~ example acts like zip when the second argument is also a list. That is, the first item in the first argument is collected wrt the first item in the second argument, and the second item in the first argument is collected wrt to the second item in the second argument.
Another feature of the elementwise operator syntax is that it will not map the command over the operands of a scalar expression (ie. not a list, set, Vector, etc). This is in stark contrast to map, which can be used to map an operation over the operands of an expression.
Here are two examples where map applies the command to the operands of a scalar expression, while using elementwise ~ gets the command applied only to the scalar expression itself. In the first example the operands are the summands of a sum of terms. In the second example the operands are the arguments of an unevaluated function call.
T := x^2 * sin(x) + y^2 * cos(x):
F( T );
2 2
F(x sin(x) + y cos(x))
F~( T );
2 2
F(x sin(x) + y cos(x))
map( F, T );
2 2
F(x sin(x)) + F(y cos(x))
G( arctan(a, b) );
G(arctan(a, b))
G~( arctan(a, b) );
G(arctan(a, b))
map( G, arctan(a, b) );
arctan(G(a), G(b))
So, if you don't want to map a command inadvertantly over the operands of a scalar expression (addend, multiplicands, etc) then you can use the elementwise ~ syntax without having to first test whether the first expression is a scalar or a list (etc).
Again, if there is an additional argument then it makes a difference whether it is a scalar to a list.
F( T, a );
F(sin(x) + cos(x), a)
F~( T, a );
F(sin(x) + cos(x), a)
map( F, T, a );
F(sin(x), a) + F(cos(x), a)
F( T, [a,b] );
F(sin(x) + cos(x), [a, b])
map( F, T, [a,b] );
F(sin(x), [a, b]) + F(cos(x), [a, b])
F~( T, [a,b] );
[F(sin(x) + cos(x), a), F(sin(x) + cos(x), b)]
zip( F, T, [a,b] );
[F(sin(x) + cos(x), a), F(sin(x) + cos(x), b)]


How to get the maximum value in an array using SQL?

Given three integers a, b, c, return the largest number obtained after inserting the following operators and brackets: +, *, ()
In other words, try every combination of a,b,c with [*+()] and return the Maximum Obtained
With the numbers are 1, 2 and 3, here are some ways of placing signs and brackets:
1 * (2 + 3) = 5
1 * 2 * 3 = 6
1 + 2 * 3 = 7
(1 + 2) * 3 = 9
So the maximum value that you can obtain is 9.
The numbers are always positive.
You can use the same operation more than once.
You cannot swap the operands. For instance, in the given example you
cannot get expression (1 + 3) * 2 = 8.
I have created every combination and put it in an array.
a * b * c,
a + b + c,
a * b + c,
a + b * c,
(a + b) * c,
a * (b + c)
] AS res
FROM expression_matter
Select result is the following:
a b c res
2 1 2 {4,5,4,4,6,6}
2 1 1 {2,4,3,3,3,4}
2 2 4 {16,8,8,10,16,12}
3 3 3 {27,9,12,12,18,18}
1 1 1 {1,3,2,2,2,2}
Now, I have to obtain the maximum value in this array. But the MAX or GREATEST functions do not working as expected. The SELECT GREATEST(ARRAY[...]) returns with same result. The SELECT MAX(ARRAY[...]) returns with the maximum value for every combination respect to all row.
I would like to obtain the maximum value of every combination in each row.
Use the GREATEST function and replace the array to list of arguments.
a * b * c,
a + b + c,
a * b + c,
a + b * c,
(a + b) * c,
a * (b + c)
) AS res
FROM expression_matter
The GREATEST returns the greatest of the list of one or more expressions. See documentation here.

Explanation of the aggregate scala function

I do not get to understand yet the aggregate function:
For example, having:
val x = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
val y = x.par.aggregate((0, 0))((x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1), (x,y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2))
The result will be: (21,6)
Well, I think that (x,y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2) is to get the result in parallel, for example it will be (1 + 2, 1 + 1) and so on.
But exactly this part that leaves me confused:
(x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1)
why x._1 + y? and here x._2 is 0?
Thanks in advance.
First of all Thanks to Diego's reply which helped me connect the dots in understanding aggregate() function..
Let me confess that I couldn't sleep last night properly because I couldn't get how aggregate() works internally, I'll get good sleep tonight definitely :-)
Let's start understanding it
val result = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).par.aggregate((0, 0))
(x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1),
(x,y) =>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
result: (Int, Int) = (55,10)
aggregate function has 3 parts :
initial value of accumulators : tuple(0,0) here
seqop : It works like foldLeft with initial value of 0
combop : It combines the result generated through parallelization (this part was difficult for me to understand)
Let's understand all 3 parts independently :
part-1 : Initial tuple (0,0)
Aggregate() starts with initial value of accumulators x which is (0,0) here. First tuple x._1 which is initially 0 is used to compute the sum, Second tuple x._2 is used to compute total number of elements in the list.
part-2 : (x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1)
If you know how foldLeft works in scala then it should be easy to understand this part. Above function works just like foldLeft on our List(1,2,3,4...10).
Iteration# (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1)
1 (0+1, 0+1)
2 (1+2, 1+1)
3 (3+3, 2+1)
4 (6+4, 3+1)
. ....
. ....
10 (45+10, 9+1)
thus after all 10 iteration you'll get the result (55,10).
If you understand this part the rest is very easy but for me it was the most difficult part in understanding if all the required computation are finished then what is the use of second part i.e. compop - stay tuned :-)
part 3 : (x,y) =>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
Well this 3rd part is combOp which combines the result generated by different threads during parallelization, remember we used 'par' in our code to enable parallel computation of list :
Apache spark is effectively using aggregate function to do parallel computation of RDD.
Let's assume that our List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) is being computed by 3 threads in parallel. Here each thread is working on partial list and then our aggregate() combOp will combine the result of each thread's computation using the below code :
(x,y) =>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
Original list : List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
Thread1 start computing on partial list say (1,2,3,4), Thread2 computes (5,6,7,8) and Thread3 computes partial list say (9,10)
At the end of computation, Thread-1 result will be (10,4), Thread-2 result will be (26,4) and Thread-3 result will be (19,2).
At the end of parallel computation, we'll have ((10,4),(26,4),(19,2))
Iteration# (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
1 (0+10, 0+4)
2 (10+26, 4+4)
3 (36+19, 8+2)
which is (55,10).
Finally let me re-iterate that seqOp job is to compute the sum of all the elements of list and total number of list whereas combine function's job is to combine different partial result generated during parallelization.
I hope above explanation help you understand the aggregate().
From the documentation:
def aggregate[B](z: ⇒ B)(seqop: (B, A) ⇒ B, combop: (B, B) ⇒ B): B
Aggregates the results of applying an operator to subsequent elements.
This is a more general form of fold and reduce. It has similar
semantics, but does not require the result to be a supertype of the
element type. It traverses the elements in different partitions
sequentially, using seqop to update the result, and then applies
combop to results from different partitions. The implementation of
this operation may operate on an arbitrary number of collection
partitions, so combop may be invoked an arbitrary number of times.
For example, one might want to process some elements and then produce
a Set. In this case, seqop would process an element and append it to
the list, while combop would concatenate two lists from different
partitions together. The initial value z would be an empty set.
pc.aggregate(Set[Int]())(_ += process(_), _ ++ _)
Another example is
calculating geometric mean from a collection of doubles (one would
typically require big doubles for this). B the type of accumulated
results z the initial value for the accumulated result of the
partition - this will typically be the neutral element for the seqop
operator (e.g. Nil for list concatenation or 0 for summation) and may
be evaluated more than once seqop an operator used to accumulate
results within a partition combop an associative operator used to
combine results from different partitions
In your example B is a Tuple2[Int, Int]. The method seqop then takes a single element from the list, scoped as y, and updates the aggregate B to (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1). So it increments the second element in the tuple. This effectively puts the sum of elements into the first element of the tuple and the number of elements into the second element of the tuple.
The method combop then takes the results from each parallel execution thread and combines them. Combination by addition provides the same results as if it were run on the list sequentially.
Using B as a tuple is likely the confusing piece of this. You can break the problem down into two sub problems to get a better idea of what this is doing. res0 is the first element in the result tuple, and res1 is the second element in the result tuple.
// Sums all elements in parallel.
scala> x.par.aggregate(0)((x, y) => x + y, (x, y) => x + y)
res0: Int = 21
// Counts all elements in parallel.
scala> x.par.aggregate(0)((x, y) => x + 1, (x, y) => x + y)
res1: Int = 6
aggregate takes 3 parameters: a seed value, a computation function and a combination function.
What it does is basically split the collection in a number of threads, compute partial results using the computation function and then combine all these partial results using the combination function.
From what I can tell, your example function will return a pair (a, b) where a is the sum of the values in the list, b is the number of values in the list. Indeed, (21, 6).
How does this work? The seed value is the (0,0) pair. For an empty list, we have a sum of 0 and a number of items 0, so this is correct.
Your computation function takes an (Int, Int) pair x, which is your partial result, and a Int y, which is the next value in the list. This is your:
(x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1)
Indeed, the result that we want is to increase the left element of x (the accumulator) by y, and the right element of x (the counter) by 1 for each y.
Your combination function takes an (Int, Int) pair x and an (Int, Int) pair y, which are your two partial results from different parallel computations, and combines them together as:
(x,y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
Indeed, we sum independently the left parts of the pairs and right parts of the pairs.
Your confusion comes from the fact that x and y in the first function ARE NOT the same x and y of the second function. In the first function, you have x of the type of the seed value, and y of the type of the collection elements, and you return a result of the type of x. In the second function, your two parameters are both of the same type of your seed value.
Hope it's clearer now!
Adding to Rashmit answer.
CombOp is called only if the collection is processed in parallel mode.
See below example :
val listP: ParSeq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10).par
val aggregateOp1 = listP.aggregate[String]("Aggregate-")((a, b) => a + b, (s1, s2) => {
println("Combiner called , if collections is processed parallel mode")
s1 + "," + s2
OP : Aggregate-1,Aggregate-2,Aggregate-3,Aggregate-45,Aggregate-6,Aggregate-7,Aggregate-8,Aggregate-910
val list: Seq[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
val aggregateOp2 = list.aggregate[String]("Aggregate-")((a, b) => a + b, (s1, s2) => {
println("Combiner called , if collections is processed parallel mode")
s1 + "," + s2
OP : Aggregate-12345678910
In above example, combiner operation is called only if collection is operated in parallel
def aggregate[B](z: ⇒ B)(seqop: (B, A) ⇒ B, combop: (B, B) ⇒ B): B
Breaking that down a little :
aggregate(accumulator)(accumulator+first_elem_of_list, (seq1,seq2)=>seq1+seq2)
Now looking at the example:
val x = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
val y = x.par.aggregate((0, 0))((x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1), (x,y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2))
Accumulator is (0,0)
Defined list is x
First elem of x is 1
So for each iteration, we are taking the accumulator and adding the elements of x to position 1 of the accumulator to get the sum and increasing position 2 of the accumulator by 1 to get the count. (y is the elements of the list)
(x, y) => (x._1 + y, x._2 + 1)
Now, since this is a parallel implementation, the first portion will give rise to a list of tuples like (3,2) (7,2) and (11,2). index 1 = Sum, index 2 = count of elements used to generate sum. Now the second portion comes into play. The elements of each sequence are added in a reduce fashion.
(x,y) =>(x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2)
rewriting with more meaningful variables:
val arr = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6)
arr.par.aggregate((0,0))((accumulator,list_elem)=>(accumulator._1+list_elem, accumulator._2+1), (seq1, seq2)=> (seq1._1+seq2._1, seq1._2+seq2._2))

list comprehension without parentheses in a function

I have a function that needs to return the last property of an object that satisfies the condition:
types = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
g = (s) -> v for k, v of types when k is s
console.log g 'b'
this code prints [ 2 ]
I expected just 2, and not an array. And indeed, this code does print what I expect:
console.log v for k, v of types when k is 'b'
What is wrong?
P.S. I know that instead of this function I can just access the object's property using [], but this is a contrived example.
If we rearrange the code then things should be clearer.
Your second piece of code:
console.log v for k, v of types when k is 'b'
is just another way of writing this:
for k, v of types when k is 'b'
or even:
for k, v of types
if k is 'b'
Since there is only one 'b' key, only one console.log call is made.
Your first piece of code:
g = (s) -> v for k, v of types when k is s
is the same as this:
g = (s) ->
a = (v for k, v of types when k is s)
The loop, v for k, v of types when k is s yields an array by definition so a will be an array (with only one element) and g will return an array.
console.log v for k, v of types when k is 'b' will call console.log(v) for every v when k satisfies the condition whereas your first code snipped will call console.log(g(b)). If there were two elements in types that satisfied the condition, the outputs would be:
[1, 2]
To make g output the first element that satisfies the condition, you could use return with early out or just take the first element of the results array.
g = (s) -> return v for k, v of types when k is s

Inconsistent behaviour with each and peach in KDB

As a minimal example, for instance if I have:
q) x:flip `a`b!(enlist 1;enlist 2);
q) y:flip `c`d!(enlist 3;enlist 4);
q) (raze x), (raze y)
`a`b`c`d!1j 2j 3j 4j # works as expected
But with peach involved,
q) {(raze x), (raze y)} peach x
enlist 1j 2j # I was expecting `a`b`c`d!1j 2j 3j 4j
There is no 3j 4j in the output - why has my raze y been ignored?
Indeed, each also gives a different output
q) {(raze x), (raze y)} each x
({:(raze x), (raze y);}';flip `a`b!(enlist 1j;enlist 2j))
I thought peach was just a parallel version of each, so both should yield the same...
What's going on?
That was not an inconsistent behavior of peach and each.
First, Functions in kdb has implicit parameters as x,y,z if not specified any.
So f:{x+y} is equivalent to f:{[x;y] x+y}
But f:{[a;b] a+b} will not have x,y,z as implicit parameter
For more details, see section Implicit Parameters in
Peach Case:
When you do {(raze x), (raze y)} peach x :
i) Another way of writing this function is:
f:{[x;y] (raze x),(raze y)}
And call is like: f[;] peach x
So you are passing global x to local x of a function but nothing in y, that's why you are getting only 1 and 2 and not 3 &4 in output.
ii) Why only 1 and 2 and not ab!1 2 in output?
When you pass each row of table (x in your case) to a function, it goes in form of a dictionary. And raze on dictionary gives only values.
You have to modify your function for correct working like this(Use Each Both ):
flip {x,y}' [x;y]
' is each both which is used when you have more then one arguments and you want to apply each on all of them simultaneoulsy.
This will take one row at a time from both global x and y and copy it to local x and y in dictionary form and then join them.
Each Case:
Each is just giving you message that your function requires 2 arguments and hence it couldn't execute it.
Why Peach worked and Each didn't?
Peach and Each are not same for some scenarios.
When you have dyadic function, then peach works like each prior(':) and not as Each.
They are same only for monadic functions. In your case you have dyadic function.
x and y can be implicit arguments to a function. Your use of x and y for the name of the list variables is confusing and not recommended.
To make it clear what is happening consider if I renamed the variables a,b:
q)a:flip `a`b!(enlist 1;enlist 2);
q)b:flip `c`d!(enlist 3;enlist 4);
q)(raze a), (raze b)
a| 1
b| 2
c| 3
d| 4
q){(raze a), (raze b)} peach x
a b c d
1 2 3 4
You can see how peach/each handle the implicit function arguments with this example:
q){(x;y)} each 1
q){(x;y)} peach 1
I can't tell for sure what behaviour you want so all I can do is point out why there's an issue.

How to divide a pair of Num values?

Here is a function that takes a pair of Integral
values and divides them:
divide_v1 :: Integral a => (a, a) -> a
divide_v1 (m, n) = (m + n) `div` 2
I invoke the function with a pair of Integral
values and it works as expected:
divide_v1 (1, 3)
Great. That's perfect if my numbers are always Integrals.
Here is a function that takes a pair of Fractional
values and divides them:
divide_v2 :: Fractional a => (a, a) -> a
divide_v2 (m, n) = (m + n) / 2
I invoke the function with a pair of Fractional
values and it works as expected:
divide_v2 (1.0, 3.0)
Great. That's perfect if my numbers are always Fractionals.
I would like a function that works regardless of whether the
numbers are Integrals or Fractionals:
divide_v3 :: Num a => (a, a) -> a
divide_v3 (m, n) = (m + n) ___ 2
What operator do I use for _?
To expand on what AndrewC said, div doesn't have the same properties that / does. For example, in maths, if a divided by b = c, then c times b == a. When working with types like Double and Float, the operations / and * satisfy this property (to the extent that the accuracy of the type allows). But when using div with Ints, the property doesn't hold true. 5 div 3 = 1, but 1*3 /= 5! So if you want to use the same "divide operation" for a variety of numeric types, you need to think about how you want it to behave. Also, you almost certainly wouldn't want to use the same operator /, because that would be misleading.
If you want your "divide operation" to return the same type as its operands, here's one way to accomplish that:
class Divideable a where
mydiv :: a -> a -> a
instance Divideable Int where
mydiv = div
instance Divideable Double where
mydiv = (/)
In GHCi, it looks like this:
λ> 5 `mydiv` 3 :: Int
λ> 5 `mydiv` 3 :: Double
λ> 5.0 `mydiv` 3.0 :: Double
On the other hand, if you want to do "true" division, you would need to convert the integral types like this:
class Divideable2 a where
mydiv2 :: a -> a -> Double
instance Divideable2 Int where
mydiv2 a b = fromIntegral a / fromIntegral b
instance Divideable2 Double where
mydiv2 = (/)
In GHCi, this gives:
λ> 5 `mydiv2` 3
λ> 5.0 `mydiv2` 3.0
I think you are looking for Associated Types which allows for implicit type coercion and are explained quite nicely here. Below is an example for the addition of doubles and integers.
class Add a b where
type SumTy a b
add :: a -> b -> SumTy a b
instance Add Integer Double where
type SumTy Integer Double = Double
add x y = fromIntegral x + y
instance Add Double Integer where
type SumTy Double Integer = Double
add x y = x + fromIntegral y
instance (Num a) => Add a a where
type SumTy a a = a
add x y = x + y