I'm going to use Args4j java library to parse command line arguments, but while importing the library: import org.kohsuke.args4j.{CmdLineException, CmdLineParser, Option} it steps over the scala Option.
As I use Option in the same file, I end up having issues as the scala Option is being recognized as an Args4j Option.
I solved it by importing the Args4j lib inside the Object I actually going to use it, but I was wondering if there was a better way to solve this allowing me to have all imports grouped on top.
You can "rename" type during import:
import org.kohsuke.args4j.{CmdLineException, CmdLineParser, Option => ArgOption}
to avoid clashes.
Other thing would be importing package instead of its elements:
import org.kohsuke.args4j
or use full name for Scala's option
I have code similar to below
import sqlCtx.implicits._
val items = sc.parallelize(List(i1, i2, i3))
When I hover over items I would like usual behaviour - displaying type information. Instead I get warnings Avoid wildcard imports and Imports should be grouped together. I can get rid of the first by importing specific function, like
import sqlCtx.implicits.rddToDataFrameHolder
but I can't put import on top of the file what IntelliJ expects of me since it imports from an object that is created with the code and not preexisting. How to workaround it?
I use IntelliJ IDEA v. 15.0.3 with the latest Scala plugin.
In Scala console the command:
import testPackage._
will give the below output:
scala> import testPackage._
import testPackage._
But after importing how to check what are the classes imported in the console or how to list the classes (of testPackage) in the console (just for verification). Please help.
Within the REPL I'm not sure if there's a command for listing all imported classes, however what you can do is use the tabbed completion, just type in:
scala> val tmp : testPackage.
and then hit TAB. You should get a list of the types available within that scope.
The following example fails because the definition for Stuff can't be found:
package com.example
import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
object Driver5 extends App {
case class Stuff(s: String, d: Double)
val e = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("scala")
println(e.eval("""import Driver5.Stuff; Stuff("Hello", 3.14)"""))
I'm unable to find any import statement that allows me to use my own classes inside of the eval statement. Am I doing something wrong? How does one import classes to be used during eval?
EDIT: Clarified example code to elicit more direct answers.
The Scripting engine does not know the context. It surely can't access all the local variables and imports in the script, since they are not available in the classfiles. (Well, variable names may be optionally available as a debug information, but it is virtually impossible to use them for this purpose.)
I am not sure if there is a special API for that. Imports are different across various languages, so bringing an API that should fit them all can be difficult.
You should be able to add the imports to the eval-ed String. I am not sure if there is a better way to do this.
There is currently a severe REPL limitation:
scala> import concurrent._
import concurrent._
scala> Fut<tab>
This doesn't complete to Future. In other words, wildcard imports are not understood by the JLineCompletion.
I am trying to work around this. I am able to find the ImportHandler instances which report importsWildcard == true, but they are otherwise empty except for the plain importString (e.g., "import concurrent._").
How do I get a list of these wildcard imports, so I can fix the completion candidates?
One idea is as follows: I can get the completions for concurrent.<tab>, so somehow there must be already the functionality to look up the members of a package via the IMain instance.
This problem doesn't affect current versions of Scala. I tried the sbt console with Scala 2.12.4, and tab completion works with wildcard imports. (Beware of this problem, through).
I am working on a small Scala project. I have the following issue with 'import':
If, at the top of one of my files, I import two thing with these commands:
import main.Main._
import main.game.Game
it gives me the following error message at the underlined 'main' word: "missing arguments for method main in object Main; follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function" which is quite strange especially that it is just an import statement. And naturally no actual importing occures. At first I thought about semicolon inference quirks again but it is not the case. If I swap the two lines and write like this:
import main.game.Game
import main.Main._
then everythinng is fine.
Could anyone shed some light on that? Is it something special about Scala?
Presumably you have a main method in object Main. So after import main.Main._ main refers to this method instead of the main package. You could avoid it in several ways:
Change import order, as in the question.
Don't import the main method, as Daniel C. Sobral's answer suggests.
Explicitly say you want the top-level main package:
import _root_.main.game.Game
Following the normal Java package naming convention should avoid this problem in most cases, as you are unlikely to have members (or subpackages) called com or org (though net could be a problem).
You do have a method named main inside main.Main, don't you? Well, since you imported it, it has now shadowed the package by the name main. You can try this to confirm:
import main.Main.{main => _, _}
import main.game.Game
This will exclude main from being imported.