My ubuntu 18.0.4 will not create a "matlab" file from installation - matlab

So I installed Matlab from their site. I got the latest Linux .zip file,, unzipped it via unzip and ran install.
It worked, I got the different paths at the end as well. However, the command matlab wouldn't work. I tried to look for the file at the install location, at /usr/local/...
Then I tried to find the file by using the find command. I ran (sudo) find / -name "matlab" and (sudo) find / -type f -name "matlab". The first one gave me a whole list, so I check a few and they were just directories, so I switched it to the second command listed and got nothing. No output.
Did I do something wrong? Is there anything I can try?


MongoDB .msi installer not working on Windows 10

I have downloaded the .msi multiple times and tried to run in a variety of ways, however, I cannot install MongoDB on my windows 10 machine. When I click the .msi, I get the first "preparing to install" pop-up and then it just goes away. Nothing happens.
I tried downloading the zip folder which contains a bunch of .exes.. but still nothing. I'm not sure how to get this to work on my local.
For some reason, the latest documentation doesn't include the manual installation process.
Download the distribution ZIP and extract it to c:\mongodb\ or equivalent.
Then from the resultant bin directory you can run an administrative powershell command (be sure to replace the paths with real paths that exist on your system):
PS C:\mongodb\bin> ./mongod.exe --install --logpath="c:\\path\\to\\logfile.log" --dbpath="c:\\path\\to\\data\\on\\disc"
This will create a windows service named "MongoDB" which should start automatically. If it doesn't, you can run net start MongoDB from your admin PS prompt.
Please download Mongodb from there official sites and also there is a very easy guide to install the mongodb on various OS.

Javac on different path (linux system)

I was only curious as to why my system is acting like this. So I have a CentOS system (centos 6.7-x86_64) with java and javac installed. Now, I'm trying to push this command through the terminal:
find /root/nlp/wasp/wasp-2.0alpha -name '*.java' | xargs javac -O
But it's giving me an error saying:
error: error reading /root/nlp/stanford/openIE/../models.jar
Now, my problem is that in my command, I've directed the system to find all java files under the /root/nlp/wasp.. directory, not anywhere near close to the /root/nlp/stanford directory.
Interesting enough, when I just run the command before the pipe, I get the correct results (i.e. - files in the path is specified).
find /root/nlp/wasp/wasp-2.0alpha -name '*.java'
So my questions are, why on earth is the system looking at: 1.) a .jar file when I asked for .java files and 2.) a file in the wrong directory specified?
I ended up just removing that .jar file in the other directory and everything seems to be OK. But for the life of me, I am curious!

MATLAB 2014a (8.3) Compiler Runtime Errors

MATLAB 2014a (8.3) Runtime Compiler (MCR) Errors when trying to launch deployed (using
deploy tool) application in Ubuntu 13.04.
Right after installation of MCR if one runs the deployed application following error appears:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Since I have already found a solution to this problem wasting a day, I just want to share it:
This seems to be a problem of MATLAB MCR installation script designed for Linux by MathWorks. Furthermore, it is a result of a known Ubuntu bug. To fix it, add your MCR to the $PATH as shown below:
First make sure to add the missing files to the right folder, in terminal:
sudo cp /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/runtime/glnxa64/* /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/bin/glnxa64
Add the proper library folder to your .profile, such that this change will stay after logout
ubuntu: gedit .profile
In the end of the file add following lines:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/bin/glnxa64
export XAPPLRESDIR=/usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v83/X11/app-defaults
Invoke following code in the terminal to make sure that Ubuntu bug doesn't re-write your variable:
echo STARTUP=\"/usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} \${STARTUP}\" | sudo tee /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90preserve_ld_library_path
If this solution doesn't work, try to reinstall MATLAB MCR 8.3 from the MathWorks website and repeat the steps.
In my case (Matlab R2016b = v91), the binary generated by Matlab was accompanied by a shell script which sets up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for me. If I just run
it complains about the missing <deployedMCRroot>. So running the script with
./ /home/user/MatlabMCR/v91
it worked out of the box.
For me, it was not obvious that the path shown above is the <deployedMCRroot> because I chose /home/user/MatlabMCR as installation directory. And with the wrong path specified, it led to the same error message.

ttf2ufm: command not found

I'm trying to install a font for use with TCPDF. To do so, I need to run the included command line utility ttf2ufm. (Included with TCPDF in fonts/utils/ttf2ufm) When I run it though, I get the error -bash: ttf2ufm: command not found. I'm probably just overlooking something simple, but I've searched and can't find what I'm missing here.
Should mention I'm using Debian Lenny.
Perhaps you do not know how commands are executed in bash.
If the program is not in the path, you need to specify the path to get it to run.
If you are in the right directory.
.../fonts/utils/ $ ./ttf2ufm ....
Note the ./ in front of it, that gives the file a path, in the present working directory, or the full path will work, or any other relative path. Just using ttf2ufm on its own will not, as the current directory is not usually part of the executable path.
Additionally, the program will need its executable bit set.

How can I find shp2pgsql?

I'm working on a Debian machine with postgresql installed. I need to find shp2pgsql (a utility that converts shapefiles into SQL, as the name suggests).
I've seem suggestions that it's located in the bin directory of postgresql, however I don't know where to find this. I can't locate shp2pgsql through a simple find (probably much too simple, since my Unix skills are not that good):
$ find ~ -name 'shp2pgsql' -print
Any suggestions?
Thanks - apologies for the basic question!
I'm pretty sure you need PostGIS installed - its part of that package. You can install it from that site, or its likely that Debian's package manager even has it. Where it ends up depends on package builder.
Actually finding it, if its not in your PATH after you install PostGIS, is probably easiest done through locate shp2pgsql although you may need to updatedb first.
Additionally, you can find your Postgres relevant directories by running pg_config .
The first argument to find is the path from which to search. ~ is your home directory. Your command searches shp2pgsql from your home directory, not in the bin directory. With find, user command find /usr/lib/postgresql/ -name shp2pgsql.
If your system has locate installed, you could also locate shp2pgsql.