Mysql response with "ok", not getting output in "Result Grid" - mysql-workbench

While executing query in mysql, am getting message as "OK" instead of output. I have checked preferences, limit rows etc.. everything is fine


different results for api request vs manual sql query in postgresql

from the logs in my express server after a request from my front end:
Executing (default): SELECT "id", "associatedModelId", ... , "createdAt", "updatedAt" FROM
"Model" AS "Model" WHERE "Model"."otherModelId" = '11856';
console logging the result:
number of Models found: 0
yet if I cut and paste the same sql code into the psql console, I see the records I am looking for. Likewise, I get the correct results via a Postman request, using the same parameter.
Why can I not get the right outcome from the front end?

Unable to execute query in jasper studio query dialog. but the query is ok

In jasper studio jdbc connection is ok. it can fetch table information from my database. but the problem is after execute the query it show error message. don't find any reason for this error. Query****SELECT SUM(DEBIT_AMOUNT), SUM(CREDIT_AMOUNT), COST_CENTER_ID FROM ACCTG_COST_CENTER_TRANS WHERE GL_ACCOUNT_ID= '10012' GROUP BY GL_ACCOUNT_ID
The error indicates a ClassCastException. Is it possible that field COST_CENTER_ID was declared as type java.lang.Boolean instead of java.lang.String?

Executing the query using bq command line in Google Big Query

I execute a query using the below Python script and the table gets populated with 2,564,691 rows. When I run the same query using Google Big Query console, it returns 17,379,353 rows (query is as-is). I was wondering whether there is some issue with the below script. Not sure whether --replace in bq query replaces the past result set instead of appending to it.
Any help would be appreciated.
dateToday = (time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"))
dateToday1 = dateToday.replace('/','')
commandStr = "type C:\Users\query.txt | bq query --allow_large_results --replace --destination_table table:dataset1_%s -n 1" %(dateToday1)
In the Web UI you can use Query History option to navigate to respective queries.
After you locate them - you can expand respective entries and see what exactly query was executed
I am more than sure that just comparing query texts you will see source of "discrepancy" right away!
In Query History - not only you can see Query Text, but also all configuration properties that were used for respective query - like Write Preference for example and others. So even if query text the same you can see potential difference in configuration that will give you a clue

Lesson 3 for MSDN error SQL Server Data Tools

i'm currently following this link and performing the steps
however, after importing in the Transact-SQL query, it tells me that
"Could not create a list of fields for the query. Verify that you connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct. Query (7,24) Parser: The syntax for 'sp' is incorrect"
What could be the problem? I have tested connection of the database and it is connected. (and yes, the table exists in the database)

Pentaho_ce_5.0_Saiku Analytics_Cube_SQLException

I created my cube olap in PSW and I have published in into Pentaho ce 5.0 successfully.
Now , I creat a new Saiki Analytics in order to display the dimensions and measure ,, But I have the following error :
I tried the query in PostgreSQL and it work fine .. I don't know what is the problem there !!
How can I fix it !?
I restarted Pentaho , and that error above is disappeared.
I created new analysis using Saiku. But when I used drill through on cell, it always returned empty result without any error message !!!