Swift Double.remainder(dividingBy:) returning negative value - swift

let num = 32.0
Double(num).remainder(dividingBy: 12.0)
I'm getting -4?..instead of 8.0...it's subtracting 12.0 from 8.0
how do i fix this?

Please, read the documentation carefully:
For two finite values x and y, the remainder r of dividing x by y satisfies x == y * q + r, where q is the integer nearest to x / y. If x / y is exactly halfway between two integers, q is chosen to be even. Note that q is not x / y computed in floating-point arithmetic, and that q may not be representable in any available integer type.
(emphasis mine)
You want to use truncatingRemainder(dividingBy:) instead:
let num = 32.0
let value = Double(num)
.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 12)
print(value) // 8

remainder(dividingBy:)is not the modulus function.
In real division 32.0/12.0 = 2.666666.... The remainder(dividingBy:) function defines the nearest integer to that result as q: in this case 3. So we write:
32.O = q * 12 + r
With q being an integer, and r a Double.
32.0 = 3 * 12.0 + r ⇒ r = - 4.0
The remainder r, as defined by this function, is -4.0.


How to resolve an equation in dart (from a string)

I'm trying to resolve equations in dart. Here an example of an equation: y = x * 16. The y variable is a known value and x the value I want to compute. For example, if y = 32, I want to resolve the equation 32 = x * 16 (so 2).
I can't transform the equations manually because they come from an external source. Some examples : y = x * 16, y = (x + 35) / 1500, eventually y = (x + 14) - (x - 5). The left operand is always y (a known value). I can eventually simplify the right operand manually.
I tried to use the math_expressions and equations packages, but without success.

System of Boolean Equations

I am working on solving a system of boolean equations. Specifically, I am trying to find the values of bit vectors S1...S3 and/or C1...C3 such that their XOR results are given in the table below (in hexadecimal values). Any ideas?
So we have six 32-digit sequences we want to determine, for a total of 192 unknown hexadecimal digits. We can focus on just the first digits of each to illustrate how we could try to solve for the others.
Let's call the first digits of S1, S2 and S3 a, b and c, respectively. Let's also call the first digits of C1, C2 and C3 x, y and z, respectively. Then we have the following equations, where * stands for XOR:
a * x = E b * x = A c * x = 7
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 c * y = B
a * z = 1 b * z = 5 c * z = 8
Let us note some properties of XOR. First, it is associative. That is, A XOR (B XOR C) is always equal to (A XOR B) XOR C. Second, it is commutative. That is, A XOR B is always equal to B XOR A. Also, A XOR A is always the "false" vector (0) for any A. A XOR FALSE is always A where FALSE stands for the "false" vector (0). These facts let us do algebra to solve for variables and substitute to solve. We can solve for c first, substitute in and simplify to get:
a * x = E b * x = A z * x = F
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 z * y = 3
a * z = 1 b * z = 5 c = 8 * z
We can do z next:
a * x = E b * x = A y * x = C
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 z = 3 * y
a * y = 2 b * y = 6 c = 8 * z
We found a couple of our equations are redundant. We expected that if the system were not inconsistent since we had nine equations in six unknowns. Let's continue with y:
a * x = E b * x = A y = C * x
a * x = E b * x = A z = 3 * y
a * x = E b * x = A c = 8 * z
We find now that we have even more unhelpful equations. Now we are in trouble, though: we only have five distinct equalities and six unknowns. This means that our system is underspecified and we will have multiple solutions. We can pick one or list them all. Let us continue with x:
a * b = 4 x = b * A y = C * x
a * b = 4 x = b * A z = 3 * y
a * b = 4 x = b * A c = 8 * z
What this means we have one solution for every solution to the equation a * b = 4. How many solutions are there? Well, there must be 16, one for every value of a. Here is a table:
a: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
b: 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 C D E F 8 9 A B
We can fill in the rest of the table using the other equations we determined. Each row will then be a solution.
You can continue this process for each of the 32 places in the hexadecimal sequences. For each position, you will find:
there are multiple solutions, as we found for the first position
there is a unique solution, if you end up with six useful equations
there are no solutions, if you find one of the equations becomes a contradiction upon substitution (e.g., A = 3).
If you find a position that has no solutions, then the whole system has no solutions. Otherwise, you'll have a number of solutions that is the product of the nonzero numbers of solutions for each of the 32 positions.

How to get the average of two floating point numbers

I want to get the average of a 2 floating point numbers. My function for the integer variant
let int_average x y = (x + y) / 2
works fine but when I try to write it for floats
let float_average x y = (x +. y) / 2.
it fails with the error
This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type
You forgot to "floatify" the division operator. / should be /., just as +. is the float variant of +:
let float_average x y = (x +. y) /. 2.

How to perform Modulo greatest common divisor?

Suppose that gcd(e,m) = g. Find integer d such that (e x d) = g mod m
Where m and e are greater than or equal to 1.
The following problem seems to be solvable algebraically but I've tried doing it and it give me an integer number. Sometimes, the solution for d is an integer and sometimes it isn't. How can I approach this problem?
d can be computed with the extended euklidean algorithm, see e.g. here:
The a,b on that page are your e,m, and your d will be the x.
Perhaps you are assuming that both e and m are integers, but the problem allows them to be non-integers? There is only one case that gives an integer solution when both e and m are integers.
Why strictly integer output is not a reasonable outcome if e != m:
When you look at a fraction like 3/7 say, and refer to its denominator as the numerator's "divisor", this is a loose sense of the word from a classical math-y perspective. When you talk about the gcd (greatest common divisor), the "d" refers to an integer that divides the numerator (an integer) evenly, resulting in another integer: 4 is a divisor of 8, because 8/4 = 2 and 2 is an integer. A computer science or discrete mathematics perspective might frame a divisor as a number d that for a given number a gives 0 when we take a % d (a mod d for discrete math). Can you see that the absolute value of a divisor can't exceed the absolute value of the numerator? If it did, you would get pieces of pie, instead of whole pies - example:
4 % a = 0 for a in Z (Z being the set of integers) while |a| <= 4 (in math-y notation, that set is: {a ∈ Z : |a| <= 4}), but
4 % a != 0 for a in Z while |a| > 4 (math-y: {a ∈ Z : |a| > 4}
), because when we divide 4 by stuff bigger than it, like 5, we get fractions (i.e. |4/a| < 1 when |a| > 4). Don't worry too much about the absolute value stuff if it throws you off - it is there to account for working with negative numbers since they are integers as well.
So, even the "greatest" of divisors for any given integer will be smaller than the integer. Otherwise it's not a divisor (see above, or Wikipedia on divisors).
Look at gcd(e, m) = g:
By the definition of % (mod for math people), for any two numbers number1 and number2, number1 % number2 never makes number1 bigger: number1 % number2 <= number1.
So substitute: (e * d) = g % m --> (e * d) <= g
By the paragraphs above and definition of gcd being a divisor of both e and m: g <= e, m.
To make (e * d) <= g such that d, g are both integers, knowing that g <= e since g is a divisor of e, we have to make the left side smaller to match g. You can only make an integer smaller with multiplcation if the other multipland is 0 or a fraction. The problem specifies that d is an integer, so we one case that works - the d = 0 case - and infinitely many that give a contradiction - contradiction that e, m, and d all be integers.
If e == m:
This is the d = 0 case:
If e == m, then gcd(e, m) = e = m - example: greatest common divisor of 3 and 3 is 3
Then (e * d) = g % m is (e * d) = m % m and m % m = 0 so (e * d) = 0 implying d = 0
How to code a function that will find d when either of e or m might be NON-integer:
A lot of divisor problems are done iteratively, like "find the gcd" or "find a prime number". That works in part because those problems deal strictly with integers, which are countable. With this problem, we need to allow e or m to be non-integer in order to have a solution for cases other than e = m. The set of rational numbers is NOT countable, however, so an iterative solution would eventually make your program crash. With this problem, you really just want a formula, and possibly some cases. You might set it up like this:
If e == m
return 0 # since (e * d) = m % m -> d = 0
return g / e
Another thing that might be useful depending on what you do with this problem is the fact that the right-hand-side is always either g or 0, because g <= m since g is a divisor of m (see all the stuff above). In the cases where g < m, g % m = g. In the case where g == m, g % m = 0.
The #asp answer with the link to the Wikipedia page on the Euclidean Algorithm is good.
The #aidenhjj comment about trying the math-specific version of StackOverflow is good.
In case this is for a math class and you aren't used to coding: <=, >=, ==, and != are computer speak for ≤, ≥, "are equal", and "not equal" respectively.
Good luck.

Simplify behavior on symbolic expression with limit

I want to simplify this symbolic expression, and then take the limit of it (this is not too hard on a paper) using Matlab
syms n x
sn = 8^n * n^2 * (sin(x))^(3*n)
which results in
ans =
This must be like 8 * n^(2/n) * (sin(x))^3. However, if I use
x = sym('x', 'positive'); n = sym('n', 'positive');
sn = 8^n * n^2 * (sin(x))^(3*n)
to obtain a similar answer and then take limit, I get:
limit(ans, n, inf)
ans =
8*limit(n^(2/n)*(sin(x)^(3*n))^(1/n), n == Inf)
instead of 8*sin(x)^3.
If I simplify this on paper and then take limit, everything works:
limit(8*n^(2/n)*sin(x)^3, n, inf)
ans =
Is it possible to solve this using Matlab?
MuPAD doesn't simplify the expression, and thus can't take the limit, because you haven't provided the appropriate assumptions. It's not true that an expression such as (sin(x)^n)^(1/n) simplifies to sin(x) if n and x are positive. You need to fully restrict the range of x as it the argument of a periodic function:
x = sym('x','positive');
n = sym('n','real');
sn = 8^n * n^2 * (sin(x))^(3*n);
sn2 = simplify(sn^(1/n))
limit(sn2, n, Inf)
which returns the answer you were expecting
ans =
If you have access to Mathematica, this sort of thing can be accomplished very easily:
Limit[(8^n n^2 Sin[x]^(3 n))^(1/n), n -> \[Infinity], Assumptions -> {n \[Element] Reals, x >= 0, x <= \[Pi]}]