Manage_pages permission for webhooks - facebook

We are trying to configure webhooks for one of Facebook page we are managing.
To use webhooks product in our app, we need manage_pages permission.
So, we have created the screencast & submitted for review.
It is being repeatedly rejected saying, 'Please show the Facebook pages managed by your website on your website'
Ours is a server-to-server app. We don't have a website through which we manage this page. We manage that page by logging in to Facebook directly via
How can we get this kind of app (which uses manage_pages permission for webhooks only) reviewed? What are we missing? Can somebody help?


How can I use Facebook Messenger Platform's webhook to subscribe to the Page messages of other users?

I am creating an application using which users will manage their Facebook messenger and post comments on a page. I have implemented the Facebook Login which asks the user for page_messaging permission. I have also configured the webhook and it is working fine.
Now, Facebook documentation states the following
Generate a Page access token to start using the platform APIs. You
will be able to generate an access token for a Page if:
You are one of the Page admins, and
The app has been granted the Page's permission to manage and access Page conversations in Messenger.
So, how can I make my webhook listen to the messages of the page that have granted me permission to manage and access the page? I have looked for hours trying to find this in the documentation. No Luck!

Are Facebook App publish_pages permissions required for my personal API access?

I am trying to automate posting to my Facebook Business page. FB is forcing me to get an app review to approve the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. I am not making an app for any other users, it is just for me.
Is there a way to avoid app review since I am not creating a public app?
When I try to use my user token (I am a page admin) in the API call it gives me the permission not available error. I can publish using the page token in Dev mode, (which makes all the posts hidden).
Sorry, this isn't a specific code question, If there is a better place to post this I will move it.
When I use my user token:
(#200) The permission(s) publish_actions are not available. It has been deprecated. If you want to provide a way for your app users to share content to Facebook, we encourage you to use our Sharing products instead.
When I use my page token:
(#200) The permission(s) manage_pages,publish_pages are not available. It could because either they are deprecated or need to be approved by App Review.

Facebook App Review - How to allow FB reviewer to test manage_pages permission?

I have an app that allows users of a (basically)WordPress site to share their posts to their Facebook business page (not user feed). Everything works great, I just have to submit the app to FB for review because I need the manage_pages and publish_pages permissions. How do I allow the Facebook reviewer to test this functionality when they need to have permissions attached to a FB page to be able to share a post to it?
I have created a login on my site for the reviewer. I have also created a test user on the app that the FB reviewer will be able to use, and I have used that test user to created a test page but the page is not accessible by my app or by any other user. The test page is set to Public. As I understand from what I've read in the FB docs, content by a test user (I'm assuming an FB business page qualifies as "content") is only visible to other test users. How can I set this up for FB to be able to review this?
As pointed out by CBroe, Facebook testers have their own pages with which to test permissions like this. I was over-worrying.

Graph API v2.2 : user_status permission is obtained from facebook but still cant get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data

I have an app & user_status permission is obtained from facebook after its submitted for review. I can get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data for the App's admin. No other fb accounts are able to get this data. When I login with facebook from my portal, the permissions requested are not shown to the users.
Is the issue related to FB API. I can use the obtained permissions only for the App's admin alone?
Is this issue related to not obtaining consent from the account while logging in from my portal. If yes, what is the method to get this done.
Anyone kindly help me regarding this.
It's all in the docs:
...your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
People who are listed in your app's Roles tab will have access to extended permissions without going through review (e.g. publish_actions or manage_pages). For example, if you use the Facebook Plugin for Wordpress to publish your blog posts to your Facebook Page or Profile, you do not need to submit for review so long as all your publishers are listed in your app's Roles tab.

Facebook app - Do i need those permissions?

I created an app for my clients. They uses this app from their website to post on their Facebook Page (and as the Facebook Page).
they use a Facebook Login button to connect to Facebook (with an account that can publish post on the page) from their website,
they complete a form
when the form is submitted, an article is created on the website AND a post is created on the FaceBook Page.
I ask for publish_action permission and manage_page permission when the user connects.
Those permissions need a review from Facebook, so I ask for it but the FB team says that I "only need those permissions when I use a public-facing Login". Is that not the case?
Currently, my app only work when I connect with the account that created the app.
You do need those permissions, but if the App is for your client only you donĀ“t need to get them reviewed. Just add your client as Admin, Developer or Tester of your App and the permissions will work for him without review.