I am using the differential evolution optimizer in scipy and I don't understand the intuition behind the tol argument. Specifically is say in the documentation:
tol: float, optional
When the mean of the population energies, multiplied by tol, divided
by the standard deviation of the population energies is greater than 1
the solving process terminates:
convergence = mean(pop) * tol / stdev(pop) > 1
What does setting tol represent from a user perspective?
Maybe the formula in the documentation is easier to understand in the following form (see lines 508 and 526 in the code):
std(population_energies) / mean(population_energies) < tol
It means that convergence is reached when the standard deviation of the energies for each individual in the population, normed by the average, is smaller than the given tolerance value.
The optimization algorithm is iterative. At every iteration a better solution is found. The tolerance parameters is used to define a stopping condition. The stopping condition is actually that all the individuals (parameter sets) have approximately the same energy, i.e. the same cost function value. Then, the parameter set giving the lowest energy is returned as a solution.
It also implies that all the individuals are relatively close to each other in the parameter space. So, no better solution can be expected on the following generations.
I have multiple algorithms trying to solve the same problem using lsqnonlin. The last 3 have one parameter fixed. How do I read the output here.
a) What does funCount mean?
b) Does having lower step size mean better result?
c) If firstOrderOpt is closer to 0, is it a better result?
From the documentation, the fields of the lsqnonline output are
Field name
Measure of first-order optimality
Number of iterations taken
The number of function evaluations
Total number of PCG iterations (trust-region-reflective algorithm only)
Final displacement in x
Optimization algorithm used
Exit message
Specifically addressing your questions,
a) funcCount is the number of times your input function was evaluated to obtain the result.
b) As you approach the optimal solution, a smaller step size may be needed to avoid "jumping" straight over it. It isn't really a good measure of having a "better result", but you should expect it to be small (otherwise you could be skipping over optima) but not so small that you get into the noise of numerical precision errors within your function.
A smaller stepsize will also slow the solver down, and likely lead to more iterations - you can see this reflected in your results table as the two rows with stepsize of order 1e-11 have more iterations than the others.
The StepSize is somewhat problem dependent, the related MathWorks documentation on Tolerances and Stopping Criteria may be helpful.
c) Please read the MathWorks documentation on the First Order Optimality Measure.
First-order optimality is a measure of how close a point x is to optimal. Most Optimization Toolbox™ solvers use this measure, though it has different definitions for different algorithms. First-order optimality is a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition. In other words:
The first-order optimality measure must be zero at a minimum.
A point with first-order optimality equal to zero is not necessarily a minimum.
So a smaller firstOrderOpt indicates a better result, but does not necessarily give an estimate to the true optimum - if we had that then we would likely already know the true answer without the need for an optimser!
There is an OptimalityTolerance option within lsqnonlin, so you have control over how small the first order optimality must be for the solver to stop. Again, please see the docs.
I am working in image classification. I am using an information that called prior probability (in Bayesian rule). It has range in [0,1]. And it requires computing in logarithm. However, as you know, logarithm of zero number is Inf.
For example, given an pixel x in image I (size 3 by 3) with an cost function such as
where prior is an matrix 3 by 3
prior=[ 0 0 0.5;
1 1 0.2;
0.4 0 0]
I =[ 1 2 3;
4 5 6;
7 8 9]
I want to compute cost of x=1 then
Now, log(0) is Inf. Then result cost(x=1) also Inf. Based on my assumption that prior=0 that mean the given pixel belongs to background, and prior=1 that mean the given pixel belongs to foreground.
My question is that how to compute log(prior) satisfy my assumption.
I am using Matlab to do it. I think that log(0) becomes very small negative value. And I just set it is -9 as my code
%% Handle with log(0)
prior(prior==0.0) = NaN;
%% Compute log
%% Assume that e^-9 very near 0.
log_prior(isnan(log_prior)) = -9;
UPDATE: To make clearly what I am doing. Let see the Bayesian rule. My task is that how to assign an given pixel x belongs to Background (BG) or Foreground (FG). It will depends on the probability
In which P(x|x∈BG) is likelihood function and assume that it is approximated by Gaussian distribution, P(x∈BG) is prior term and P(x) can be ignore due to it is const
Using Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP) Estimation we can map the above equation in to log space (to resolve exponential in Gaussian function)
To make simple, let assume log(P(x|x∈BG))=30, log(P(x∈BG)) is log(prior) then my cost function can rewritten as
Now problem is that prior is within [0,1] then it logarithm is -Inf. As the chepner said, we can add eps value as
However, log(eps) is very a lager negative number. It will be affected my cost function (also becomes very large negative number). Then the first term in my cost function (30) becomes not necessary. Based on my assumption that log(x)=1 then the pixel x will be BG and prior(x)=1 will be FG. How to make handle with my log(prior) when I compute my cost function?
The correct thing to do, before fiddling with Matlab, is to try to understand your problem. Ask yourself "what does it mean for the prior probability to vanish?". The answer is given by Bayes theorem, one form of which is:
posterior = likelihood * prior / normalization
So places where the prior is nil are, by definition, places where you are certain that your events (the things whose probabilities you are computing) cannot happen, regardless of their apparent likelihood (i.e. "cost"). So they are not interesting for you. You just recognize that and skip them.
I am processing a set of data using ridge regression. I found a very interesting phenomenon when apply the learned function to data. Namely, when the ridge parameter increases from zero, the test error keeps increasing. But if we penalize small coefficients(set the parameter <0), the test error can even be smaller.
This is my matlab code:
for i = 1:100
beta = ridgePolyRegression(ty_train,tX_train,lambda(i));
sqridge_train_cost(i) = computePolyCostMSE(ty_train,tX_train,beta);
sqridge_test_cost(i) = computePolyCostMSE(ty_valid,tX_valid,beta);
lambda is the ridge parameter. ty_train is the output of the training data, tX_train is the input of training data. Also, we use a quadratic function regression here.
function [ beta ] = ridgePolyRegression( y,tX,lambda )
X = tX(:,2:size(tX,2));
tX2 = [tX,X.^2];
beta = (tX2'*tX2 + lambda * eye(size(tX2,2))) \ (tX2'*y);
The plotted picture is:
Why the error is minimal when lambda is negative? Is it a sign of under-fitting?
You should not use negative lambdas.
From (probabilistic) theoretic point of view, lambda relates to the inverse of variance of parameter prior distribution, and variance can't be negative.
From computational point of view, it can (given it's less that the smallest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix) turn your positive-definite form into an indefinite form, which means you'll have not a maximum, but a saddle point. It also means there are points where your target function is as small (or as big) as you want, so you can reduce loss indefinitely and no minimum / maximum exists at all.
Your optimization algorithm gives you just a stationary point, which will be a global maximum if and only if the form is positive definite.
Short Answer: When lambda is negative, you're actually overfitting your data. Hence, it's reasonable to get much less error.
Long Answer:
The regularization term (or the penalty term as described by many statisticians) aims to penalize the weights (or the betas as written in the coming Eq.) for going too high (overfitting) and going too low (underfitting). Giving you the power to control how your model behaves, and you usually aim the "right fitting" model.
For mathematical intuition, you can check the following Eq. (P. S. Equation is screenshotted from Elements of Statistical Learning by Trevor Hastie et. al)
When you decide to make your lambda negative, the penalty term is indeed turned into a utility term that helps to increase the weights (i.e., overfitting).
Overfitting is, simply, understanding your data along with the features more than you should, because you do not have the whole population yet; therefore, what you understood so far is possibly wrong on a different dataset.
So, you should never be using negative values of lambdas.
This is my first post to stackoverflow, so if this isn't the correct area I apologize. I am working on minimizing a L1-Regularized System.
This weekend is my first dive into optimization, I have a basic linear system Y = X*B, X is an n-by-p matrix, B is a p-by-1 vector of model coefficients and Y is a n-by-1 output vector.
I am trying to find the model coefficients, I have implemented both gradient descent and coordinate descent algorithms to minimize the L1 Regularized system. To find my step size I am using the backtracking algorithm, I terminate the algorithm by looking at the norm-2 of the gradient and terminating if it is 'close enough' to zero(for now I'm using 0.001).
The function I am trying to minimize is the following (0.5)*(norm((Y - X*B),2)^2) + lambda*norm(B,1). (Note: By norm(Y,2) I mean the norm-2 value of the vector Y) My X matrix is 150-by-5 and is not sparse.
If I set the regularization parameter lambda to zero I should converge on the least squares solution, I can verify that both my algorithms do this pretty well and fairly quickly.
If I start to increase lambda my model coefficients all tend towards zero, this is what I expect, my algorithms never terminate though because the norm-2 of the gradient is always positive number. For example, a lambda of 1000 will give me coefficients in the 10^(-19) range but the norm2 of my gradient is ~1.5, this is after several thousand iterations, While my gradient values all converge to something in the 0 to 1 range, my step size becomes extremely small (10^(-37) range). If I let the algorithm run for longer the situation does not improve, it appears to have gotten stuck somehow.
Both my gradient and coordinate descent algorithms converge on the same point and give the same norm2(gradient) number for the termination condition. They also work quite well with lambda of 0. If I use a very small lambda(say 0.001) I get convergence, a lambda of 0.1 looks like it would converge if I ran it for an hour or two, a lambda any greater and the convergence rate is so small it's useless.
I had a few questions that I think might relate to the problem?
In calculating the gradient I am using a finite difference method (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2h)) with an h of 10^(-5). Any thoughts on this value of h?
Another thought was that at these very tiny steps it is traveling back and forth in a direction nearly orthogonal to the minimum, making the convergence rate so slow it is useless.
My last thought was that perhaps I should be using a different termination method, perhaps looking at the rate of convergence, if the convergence rate is extremely slow then terminate. Is this a common termination method?
The 1-norm isn't differentiable. This will cause fundamental problems with a lot of things, notably the termination test you chose; the gradient will change drastically around your minimum and fail to exist on a set of measure zero.
The termination test you really want will be along the lines of "there is a very short vector in the subgradient."
It is fairly easy to find the shortest vector in the subgradient of ||Ax-b||_2^2 + lambda ||x||_1. Choose, wisely, a tolerance eps and do the following steps:
Compute v = grad(||Ax-b||_2^2).
If x[i] < -eps, then subtract lambda from v[i]. If x[i] > eps, then add lambda to v[i]. If -eps <= x[i] <= eps, then add the number in [-lambda, lambda] to v[i] that minimises v[i].
You can do your termination test here, treating v as the gradient. I'd also recommend using v for the gradient when choosing where your next iterate should be.
I want to numerically integrate the following:
and a, b and β are constants which for simplicity, can all be set to 1.
Neither Matlab using dblquad, nor Mathematica using NIntegrate can deal with the singularity created by the denominator. Since it's a double integral, I can't specify where the singularity is in Mathematica.
I'm sure that it is not infinite since this integral is based in perturbation theory and without the
has been found before (just not by me so I don't know how it's done).
Any ideas?
(1) It would be helpful if you provide the explicit code you use. That way others (read: me) need not code it up separately.
(2) If the integral exists, it has to be zero. This is because you negate the n(y)-n(x) factor when you swap x and y but keep the rest the same. Yet the integration range symmetry means that amounts to just renaming your variables, hence it must stay the same.
(3) Here is some code that shows it will be zero, at least if we zero out the singular part and a small band around it.
a = 1;
b = 1;
beta = 1;
eps[x_] := 2*(a-b*Cos[x])
n[x_] := 1/(1+Exp[beta*eps[x]])
delta = .001;
pw[x_,y_] := Piecewise[{{1,Abs[Abs[x]-Abs[y]]>delta}}, 0]
We add 1 to the integrand just to avoid accuracy issues with results that are near zero.
{x,-Pi,Pi}, {y,-Pi,Pi}] / (4*Pi^2)
I get the result below.
Numerical integration converging too slowly; suspect one of the following:
singularity, value of the integration is 0, highly oscillatory integrand,
or WorkingPrecision too small.
The global error of the strategy GlobalAdaptive has increased more than
2000 times. The global error is expected to decrease monotonically after a
number of integrand evaluations. Suspect one of the following: the
working precision is insufficient for the specified precision goal; the
integrand is highly oscillatory or it is not a (piecewise) smooth
function; or the true value of the integral is 0. Increasing the value of
the GlobalAdaptive option MaxErrorIncreases might lead to a convergent
numerical integration. NIntegrate obtained 39.4791 and 0.459541
for the integral and error estimates.
Out[24]= 1.00002
This is a good indication that the unadulterated result will be zero.
(4) Substituting cx for cos(x) and cy for cos(y), and removing extraneous factors for purposes of convergence assessment, gives the expression below.
((1 + E^(2*(1 - cx)))^(-1) - (1 + E^(2*(1 - cy)))^(-1))/
(2*(1 - cx) - 2*(1 - cy))^2
A series expansion in cy, centered at cx, indicates a pole of order 1. So it does appear to be a singular integral.
Daniel Lichtblau
The integral looks like a Cauchy Principal Value type integral (i.e. it has a strong singularity). That's why you can't apply standard quadrature techniques.
Have you tried PrincipalValue->True in Mathematica's Integrate?
In addition to Daniel's observation about integrating an odd integrand over a symmetric range (so that symmetry indicates the result should be zero), you can also do this to understand its convergence better (I'll use latex, writing this out with pen and paper should make it easier to read; it took a lot longer to write than to do, it's not that complicated):
First, epsilon(x)-\epsilon(y)\propto\cos(y)-\cos(x)=2\sin(\xi_+)\sin(\xi_-) where I have defined \xi_\pm=(x\pm y)/2 (so I've rotated the axes by pi/4). The region of integration then is \xi_+ between \pi/\sqrt{2} and -\pi/\sqrt{2} and \xi_- between \pm(\pi/\sqrt{2}-\xi_-). Then the integrand takes the form \frac{1}{\sin^2(\xi_-)\sin^2(\xi_+)} times terms with no divergences. So, evidently, there are second-order poles, and this isn't convergent as presented.
Perhaps you could email the persons who obtained an answer with the cos term and ask what precisely it is they did. Perhaps there's a physical regularisation procedure being employed. Or you could have given more information on the physical origin of this (some sort of second order perturbation theory for some sort of bosonic system?), had that not been off-topic here...
May be I am missing something here, but the integrand
f[x,y]=Cos^2[(x+y)/2]*(n[x]-n[y])/(eps[x]-eps[y]) with n[x]=1/(1+Exp[Beta*eps[x]]) and eps[x]=2(a-b*Cos[x]) is indeed a symmetric function in x and y: f[x,-y]= f[-x,y]=f[x,y].
Therefore its integral over any domain [-u,u]x[-v,v] is zero. No numerical integration seems to be needed here. The result is just zero.