how to modulate my functions as seperate parallel tests? - dom

I am using nightwatch.js and browser stack and am running a series of test functions that look like below; that run through my application from login point to deeper actions.
this.TeamPanel = function(browser) {
.waitForElementVisible("div#team.btn-icon", 1000)
.waitForElementVisible("", 1000)
// .waitForElementVisible("", 1000)
// .waitForElementVisible("input#input", 1000)
// .click("div#team.btn-icon")
.waitForElementVisible("div.button", 1000)
I am wondering how to incorporate 'parallel' testing; to have my functions report as separate tests as opposed to one huge test.
I've tried wrapping the below around my functions with no luck: '
module.exports = {

If you are using sample nightWatch-browserstack project, to modulate your tests, you need to split your test functions and place them in seperate .js files and put the file either under 'single' folder or 'suite' folder. If your test functions are dependent on other functions say login, then ensure you add the 'login' function in other files too. I have created a sample project tweaking the above project here. If you look into the single folder, you will find two .js files named 'TestCase1.js' and 'TestCase2.js' which are two separate test functions. Similarly, add your tests functions to either of 'single' or 'suite' folders. The significance of 'single' folder is all the functions under 'single' folder will be executed in sequential fashion ie one after the other. Whereas the functions under the 'suite' folder will be executed in parallel fashion.


how to Load data from last modified files within one day from subfolders Azure Data Flow

I have the following directory structure on an Azure container:
where the Data is partitioned by year and month to create subfolders. Within these sub-folders, I have my data files. I want to load into my data flow only the latest files that were added within one day from running my data flow pipeline.
I tried using currentUTC() in End Time and subtracting one day -> AddDays(currentUTC(), -1) in Start Time in the 'Filter by last modified' option provided in source options but it didn't work.
I also tried using currentTimestamp() instead but to no avail.
How do I go about solving this?
Your expression is correct. Please change the folder path from MainFolder to Main_folder in your dataset and set Main_Folder/*/*.parquet as your Wildcard paths in your Source option. Then it will work.
I think your solution is close, but I'm not sure the folder name is sufficient. I'm also not familiar with "currentUTC". The correct function should be utcNow.
Below is an outline of how I would approach this problem.
Source Dataset
Add a Parameter for the subfolder (year-month):
and then set the Folder path to an expression like:
You could either pass in the subfolder or calculate it at runtime. My preference would be to pass it in as a parameter:
I would then add variables to calculate the start and end times. Since you are running this daily, I would be sure to force the time to the START of the day(s). This should handle any vagaries based on run time. Also, I would use the built in getPastTime function:
Now use these objects in your Source configuration:

"Two output file names resolved to the same output path" error when nesting more than one .resx file within form in .NET application

I have a Windows Forms .NET application in Visual Studio. Making a form "Localizable" adds a Form1.resx file nested below the form. I also want to add a separate .resx file for each form (Form1Resources.resx). This is used for custom form-specific resources, e.g. messages generated using the code behind.
This is set up as follows:
It would be tidier to nest the custom .resx file beneath the form (see this question for details about nest how to do this), as follows:
However, this results in the following error when I build the application:
Two output file names resolved to the same output path:
"obj\Debug\WindowsFormsApp1.Form1.resources" WindowsFormsApp1
I'm guessing that MSBuild uses some logic to find nested .resx files and generate .resources file based on its parent. Is there any way that this can be resolved?
Note that it is not possible to add custom messages to the Form1.resx file - this is for design-specific resources only and any resources that you add get overwritten when you save changes in design mode.
The error comes from the GenerateResource task because the 2 resx files (EmbeddedResource items in msbuild) passed both have the same ManifestResourceName metadata value. That values gets created by the CreateManifestResourceNames task and assumingly when it sees an EmbeddedResource which has the DependentUpon metadata set (to Form1.cs in your case) it always generates something of the form '$(RootNamespace).%(DependentUpon)': both your resx files end up with WindowsFormsApp1.Form1 as ManifestResourceName. Which could arguably be treated as the reason why having all resx files under Form1 is not tidier: it's not meant for it, requires extra fiddling, moreover it could be confusing for others since they'd typcially expect to contain the resx fils placed beneath a form to contain what it always does.
Anyway: there's at least 2 ways to work around this:
there's a Target called CreateCustomManifestResourceNames which is meant to be used for custom ManifestResourceName creation. A bit too much work for your case probably, just mentioning it for completeness
manually declare a ManifestResourceName yourself which doesn't clash with the other(s); if the metadata is already present it won't get overwritten by
Generic code sample:
<EmbeddedResource Include="Form1Resources.resx">


I currently have a GUI that outputs a single text file based on various input parameters. However, I need to modify my application such that the GUI outputs multiple text files based on N inputs. The original GUI designer is no longer available and the main m-file has over 5k lines of code making it difficult to troubleshoot (not to mention the code is very unorganized and not commented). Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can run the GUI N times based on the N inputs and output N text files without modifying the original m-file?
Assume your gui is called myApp and your callback to s called myButton_Callback.
I also assumng that the tag of the uicontrol is 'myButton'.
Here is the caller script:
myApp_h = myApp();
myApp_handles = guidata(myApp_h);
myButton_h = myApp_handles.myButton;
MyApp('myButton_Callback', myButton_h, myApp_handles);
You can automate any gui control by this method.

Meteor, coffeescript files running on every page

I am just getting started with Meteor and have encountered something that isn't necessarily an issue but something that I just don't understand. I have the following code in a file called
Meteor.setInterval ( ->
console.log "Hello " + roomName'keepAlive', Meteor.user(), roomName)
), 5000
I originally was under the impression that coffee-script files only ran on their associated html files. This doesn't seem to be the case here as this code runs on every single page regardless of the file name. Is this the intended way things are supposed to work, and if so, is there a way to enforce that only certain code runs on certain pages.
One thing to mention is that this code is running in the client side folder.
On the client side, Meteor will associate your templates with their javascript functions and helpers based upon shared template names, but that is not inherently tied to your file names.
By way of example, if you have a template named "chat" in an html file as follows:
<template name="chat"></template>
Meteor will run scripts such as{}) or{}) only in connection with the "chat" template. But that is not dependent on your file naming conventions. It could be placed in a file name chat.js for organization and convention, but could equally well reside in a file named client.js or any other arbitrarily named .js file.
Similarly, your <template name="chat"> could reside in a file named chat.html, or client.html, or an arbitrary name of your choosing.
Your setInterval function is not tied to a specific template so it will run on every page, even if it resides in a file named chat.js.
Meteor merges all your javascript ( via coffeescript ) and all the html, which it stores in its own special way. It merges all the html in heads and body etc into a page and serves that up, and it will then render templates as you specify.
To have a more "page" oriented app you can use something like iron router.

Open .mat file in matlab or unix - new user

I am going through someone's data analysis files (created in an older version of matlab) and trying to find out what a particular .mat file is that was used in a matlab script.
I am trying to load a .mat file in matlab. I want to see what is in it.
When I type...
load ('file.mat')
the file loads and I see two variables appear in the workspace. jobhelp and jobs.
When I try to open jobs by typing the following in the matlab command window...
the response is..
jobs =
[1x1 struct]
Does this mean that there is only a 1 x 1 structure in the .mat file? If so, how in the world do I see what it is? I'm even happy to load it in unix, but I don't know how to do that either. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have a few files like this that I can't get any information from.
Again, a new user, so please make it simple.
It means that jobs is a cell array {} and within this cell array is a structure defined
To see the structure and its contents type jobs{1}
I think you are dealing with a SPM5 Batch-File. This variable is an image of the tree-like structure you can see in the Batch-Editor of SPM. Your job consists of one subitem (stats) which could have various subsubitems (like fMRI model specification, model estimation and so on).
To access this structure on the command line just proceed like Nick said:
Each level is a separate cell array that you can access with {#} after the name of the level. Example: jobs{1} shows you that there is a subitem named stats.
Subitems in structs are accessed with a dot. Example: jobes{1}.stats{1} shows you the subitems of the stats-entry.
Notice that there could be more than one entry on each layer: A stats module could (and probably would) contain various subitems. You can access them via jobs{1}.stat{2}, jobs{1}.stats{3} and so on.
The last layer would be the interesting one for you: The structures in here is an image of the options you can choose in the batch-editor.