I'm trying to declare a custom component to use in two different pages (of my ionic app) but getting an error - ionic-framework

I'm trying to use a custom component called UserCardComponent in two different pages in my ionic v3 app.
I followed this answer (the one with 26 votes) which says to declare custom components in "a specific page's module.ts file". Custom component in ionic v3
So I firstly declared the component in my HomePageModule and was able to use it fine within the home.html.
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { IonicPageModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { HomePage } from './home';
import { UserCardComponent } from '../../components/user-card/user-card';
declarations: [
imports: [
export class HomePageModule {}
I then tried to declare it (in the same way) in ContactsPageModule to use in contacts.html however I get the following error:
Type UserCardComponent is part of the declarations of 2 modules: HomePageModule and ContactsPageModule!
Please consider moving UserCardComponent to a higher module that imports HomePageModule and ContactsPageModule.
You can also create a new NgModule that exports and includes UserCardComponent then import that NgModule in HomePageModule and ContactsPageModule
When I try to just declare the UserCardComponent in the app.module.ts file I get a Template parse error and the custom component won't work in any pages.
Can you advise me on what to do? The error says to move the "UserCardComponent to a higher module that imports HomePageModule and ContactsPageModule. "
Can you tell me how I would do this? I'm new to ionic. Thanks

If you declare the UserCardComponent in the HomePageModule, you only need to import the HomePageModule in the ContactsPageModule but it introduces dirty dependency between theses modules.
A better way is to declare UserCardComponent in a specific module UserCardModule and then to import this specific module in HomePageModule and in ContactsPageModule.
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { UserCardComponent } from './user-card';
declarations: [
export class UserCardModule {}
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { IonicPageModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { HomePage } from './home';
import { UserCardModule } from '../../components/user-card/user-card.module';
declarations: [
imports: [
export class HomePageModule {}


How to hide header on scroll in ionic 4?

I wanted to know how I can hide a header in Ionic 4 by scrolling down the page, and re-show it when scrolling up.
I found many solutions on how to do that, but they all turned out to not working or being out-of-date.
So I collected all piece of information I could find to provide this answer.
Thanks to this video I got it to work.
First of all call ionic g directive directives/hide-header. You can of course replace directive/hide-header with your own path and name.
import { Directive, HostListener, Input, OnInit, Renderer2 } from '#angular/core';
import { DomController } from '#ionic/angular';
selector: '[appHideHeader]'
export class HideHeaderDirective implements OnInit {
#Input('header') header: any;
private lastY = 0;
private renderer: Renderer2,
private domCtrl: DomController
) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
this.header = this.header.el;
this.domCtrl.write(() => {
this.renderer.setStyle(this.header, 'transition', 'margin-top 700ms');
#HostListener('ionScroll', ['$event']) onContentScroll($event: any) {
if ($event.detail.scrollTop > this.lastY) {
this.domCtrl.write(() => {
this.renderer.setStyle(this.header, 'margin-top', `-${ this.header.clientHeight }px`);
} else {
this.domCtrl.write(() => {
this.renderer.setStyle(this.header, 'margin-top', '0');
this.lastY = $event.detail.scrollTop;
After that, in your template:
<ion-header #header>
<ion-content scrollEvents="true" appHideHeader [header]="header">
Take care of the scrollEvents, appHideHeader and the [header] attributes! The last one takes the header element as argument, in this case #header.
Most of the code is the same as shown in the video. I changed the host-property from the #Directive and used the more up-to-date HostListener.
If you want to use the directive in more than one directive, you need to create a SharedModule.
To do so, create the module with ng g module shared. After that, add the HideHeaderDirective to the declarations and the exports array.
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
import { HideHeaderDirective } from './directives/hide-header.directive';
declarations: [HideHeaderDirective],
exports: [HideHeaderDirective],
imports: [
export class SharedModule {}
Now add the shared module to all the modules you want to use the directive in.
Note: You cannot import the directive in app.module.ts and use it in a submodule! You have to import the shared module in every direct module you want to use the directive in.
My current versions of node, npm and ionic:
For this you can just place the ion-header before the ion-content. this is the simple answer for that.

Cannot import FileOpener into my app.module.ts

As written in the docs here, to import FileOpener you should place
import { FileOpener } from "#ionic-native/file-opener";
in you app.module.ts, but always get "Invalid provider in ngModule..."
Apparently the right path to import FileOpener is
import { FileOpener } from "#ionic-native/file-opener/ngx";
That's looking in the plugin source file

all imports are unused Geolocation ionic

All imports are unused.
L1: import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
L2: import { NgModule, ErrorHandler } from '#angular/core';
please somebody help me i'm tired, i read that removing "declaration.d.ts" file will solve this but i dont know how to remove this file and where it is
What you have to do is just change tslint.json 's
"no-unused-variable": [
"no-unused-variable": [
This will solve your problem

Show multiple pages for large screen sizes in Ionic 3

I'm building a simple app with a side menu and two ion-tab. What I am trying to do is, when the screen wide enough, forget about the tabs and open both pages side by side:
To keep the menu visible if the screen is large enough, I am using:
<ion-split-pane when="lg">
And to hide the Tabs:
TS file: this.showTabs = platform.width() < 992;
And then, in the HTML file, I just add the attribute: *ngIf="showTabs"
Is it possible to load two pages inside an ion-content? Any alternative solution?
Any help would be appreciated!
Ok, I've found a solution for this. I'll post it here in case someone experiences the same problem.
We can create a custom component with:
ionic generate component name-of-component
The components can be embedded within the ionic pages. To use them in a Page, you just have to import the component in the .module.ts of the Page and then use the HTML tag with the selector name of the component, as Ivaro18 mentioned:
If you want to use lazy loading, you can create a components.module.ts inside the components folder to act as an index of all the custom components. It would look like this:
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Component1 } from './component1/component1';
import { Component2 } from './component2/component2';
import { Component3 } from './component3/component3';
declarations: [
imports: [IonicModule],
exports: [
export class ComponentsModule{}
Then, in the Pages, we would import ComponentsModule. That would allow us to lazy load any of the components:
Hope this helps!

Ionic SqlStorage is not defined

I'm trying to use SqlStorage in an ionic app. I'm getting the error in the title. I'm guessing I need to include SqlStorage but I'm not sure where. My code looks a lot like what's in the docs http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/api/platform/storage/SqlStorage/ . How do you include SqlStorage?
var prefrences = {
foo: bar
let storage = new Storage(SqlStorage);
storage.set('storedPreferences', preferences);
Add SqlStorage to your list of 'include' packages via import statement. i.e
import {SqlStorage} from 'ionic-angular';
For example
import {SqlStorage,...} from 'ionic-angular';
templateUrl: 'path/to/template'
export class MyPage {
let storage = new Storage(SqlStorage);