I have some json like below, when I loaded this json some fields is string of json,
How to parse this json using spark scala and look for the key words I am looking for in that json
{"main":"{\"payload\": { \"mode\": [\"Node\"], \"currentSatate\": \"Ready\", \"Previousstate\": \"slow\", \"trigger\": [\"11\", \"12\"], \"AllStates\": [\"Ready\", \"slow\", \"fast\", \"new\"],\"UnusedStates\": [\"slow\", \"new\"],\"Percentage\": \"70\",\"trigger\": [\"11\"]}"}
{"main":"{\"payload\": {\"trigger\": [\"11\", \"22\"],\"mode\": [\"None\"],\"cangeState\": \"Open\"}}"}
{"main":"{\"payload\": { \"trigger\": [\"23\", \"45\"], \"mode\": [\"Edge\"], \"node.postions\": [\"12\", \"23\", \"45\", \"67\"], \"node.names\": [\"aa\", \"bb\", \"cc\", \"dd\"]}}" }
This is how its looking after loading in to data frame
val df = spark.read.json("<pathtojson")
|main |
|{"payload": { "mode": ["Node"], "currentSatate": "Ready", "Previousstate": "slow", "trigger": ["11", "12"], "AllStates": ["Ready", "slow", "fast", "new"],"UnusedStates": ["slow", "new"],"Percentage": "70","trigger": ["11"]}|
|{"payload": {"trigger": ["11", "22"],"mode": ["None"],"cangeState": "Open"}} |
|{"payload": { "trigger": ["23", "45"], "mode": ["Edge"], "node.postions": ["12", "23", "45", "67"], "node.names": ["aa", "bb", "cc", "dd"]}} |
Since my json filed is different for all the 3 json strings , is there a way to match define 3 case class and match
I know only matching to one class
val mapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
val parsedJson = mapper.readValue[classname](jsonstring)
is there a way to create a multiple matching case class and match to any particular class ?
You are using Spark SQL, the first thing you have to do is to turn it into a dataset, and then use the spark's methods to deal with them. Don't use Json, all over the place (e.g., like in Play). The first task is to turn it into a dataset.
You could turn the serialize a Json into a case class:
val jsonFilePath: String = "/whatever/data.json"
val myDataSet = sparkSession.read.json(jsonFilePath).as[StudentRecord]
Then here you have the dataset for StudentRecord. So, you can now use the spark's groupBy method to get the data of the column you want from the dataset:
myDataSet.groupBy("whateverTable.whateverColumn").max() //could be min(), count(), etc...
Extra Note: Your Json, should "cleaned up" a little. For example, if it is within your program you can use the multi line way of declaring your Json, and then you don't need to use escape character all over the place:
val myJson: String =
If it is in the file, then the Json you wrote is not correct. So first, make sure you have a syntactically correct Json to work on.
"cars": {
"Nissan": {
"Sentra": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
"Maxima": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic","colors":["b#lack","pin###k"]}
"Ford": {
"Taurus": {"doors":4, "transmission":"automatic"},
"Escort": {"doors":4, "transmission":"auto#matic"}
I have this JSON that I have read, and I want to remove every # symbol in every string that may exist. My problem is doing this function generic, so it could work on every schema that I may encounter and not only this schema as used in JSON above.
You could do something like this: Get all the fields from the schema, use fold with the DataFrame itself as an accumulator and, apply the function that you want
def replaceSymbol(df: DataFrame): DataFrame =
df.schema.fieldNames.foldLeft(df)((df, field) => df.withColumn(field, regexp_replace(col(field), "#", "")))
You might need to check if the column is String or not.
I am trying to write a JSON file using spark. There are some keys that have null as value. These show up just fine in the DataSet, but when I write the file, the keys get dropped. How do I ensure they are retained?
code to write the file:
part of JSON data from source:
"event_header": {
"accept_language": null,
"app_id": "App_ID",
"app_name": null,
"client_ip_address": "IP",
"event_id": "ID",
"event_timestamp": null,
"offering_id": "Offering",
"server_ip_address": "IP",
"server_timestamp": 1492565987565,
"topic_name": "Topic",
"version": "1.0"
"event_header": {
"app_id": "App_ID",
"client_ip_address": "IP",
"event_id": "ID",
"offering_id": "Offering",
"server_ip_address": "IP",
"server_timestamp": 1492565987565,
"topic_name": "Topic",
"version": "1.0"
In the above example keys accept_language, app_name and event_timestamp have been dropped.
Apparently, spark does not provide any option to handle nulls. So following custom solution should work.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
case class EventHeader(accept_language:String,app_id:String,app_name:String,client_ip_address:String,event_id: String,event_timestamp:String,offering_id:String,server_ip_address:String,server_timestamp:Long,topic_name:String,version:String)
val ds = Seq(EventHeader(null,"App_ID",null,"IP","ID",null,"Offering","IP",1492565987565L,"Topic","1.0")).toDS()
val ds1 = ds.mapPartitions(records => {
val mapper = new ObjectMapper with ScalaObjectMapper
This will produce output as :
If you are on Spark 3, you can add
spark.sql.jsonGenerator.ignoreNullFields false
ignoreNullFields is an option to set when you want DataFrame converted to json file since Spark 3.
If you need Spark 2 (specifically PySpark 2.4.6), you can try converting DataFrame to rdd with Python dict format. And then call pyspark.rdd.saveTextFile to output json file to hdfs. The following example may help.
cols = ddp.columns
ddp_ = ddp.rdd
ddp_ = ddp_.map(lambda row: dict([(c, row[c]) for c in cols])
ddp_ = ddp.repartition(1).saveAsTextFile(your_hdfs_file_path)
This should produce output file like,
{"accept_language": None, "app_id":"123", ...}
{"accept_language": None, "app_id":"456", ...}
What's more, if you want to replace Python None with JSON null, you will need to dump every dict into json.
ddp_ = ddp_.map(lambda row: json.dumps(row, ensure.ascii=False))
Since Spark 3, and if you are using the class DataFrameWriter
(same applies for pyspark)
its json method has an option ignoreNullFields=None
where None means True.
So just set this option to false.
ddp.coalesce(20).write().mode("overwrite").option("ignoreNullFields", "false").json("hdfs://localhost:9000/user/dedupe_employee")
To retain null values converting to JSON please set this config option.
spark = (
.config("spark.sql.jsonGenerator.ignoreNullFields", "false")
How can I read a JSON file into a Map, using Scala. I've been trying to accomplish this but the JSON I am reading is nested JSon and I have not found a way to easily extract the JSON into keys because of that. Scala seems to be wanting to also convert the nested JSON String into an object. Instead, I want the nested JSON as a String "value". I am hoping someone can clarify or give me a hint on how I might do this.
My JSON source might look something like this:
"authKey": "34534645645653455454363",
"member": {
"memberId": "whatever",
"firstName": "Jon",
"lastName": "Doe",
"address": {
"line1": "Whatever Rd",
"city": "White Salmon",
"state": "WA",
"zip": "98672"
"anotherProp": "wahtever",
I want to extract this JSON into a Map of 2 keys without drilling into the nested JSON. Is this possible? Once I have the Map, my intention is to add the key-values to my POST request headers, like so:
val sentHeaders = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/javascript",
"Accept" -> "text/html", "authKey" -> extractedValue,
"member" -> theMemberInfoAsStringJson)
http("Custom headers")
Since the question is tagged 'gatling', behind the curtains this lib depends on Jackson/fasterxml for JSON processing, so we can make use of it.
There is no way to retrieve a nested structured part of JSON as String directly, but with very few additional code the result can still be achieved.
So, having the input JSON:
val json = """{
| "authKey": "34534645645653455454363",
| "member": {
| "memberId": "whatever",
| "firstName": "Jon",
| "lastName": "Doe",
| "address": {
| "line1": "Whatever Rd",
| "city": "White Salmon",
| "state": "WA",
| "zip": "98672"
| },
| "anotherProp": "wahtever"
| }
A Jackson's ObjectMapper can be created and configured for use in Scala:
// import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
val mapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule)
To parse the input json easily, a dedicated case class is useful:
case class SrcJson(authKey: String, member: Any) {
val memberAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(member)
We also include val memberAsString in it, which will contain our target JSON string, obtained through a reverse conversion from initially parsed member which actually is a Map.
Now, to parse the input json:
val parsed = mapper.readValue(json, classOf[SrcJson])
The references parsed.authKey and parsed.memberAsString will contain the researched values.
have a look at the scala play library - it has support for handling JSON. From what you describe, it should be pretty straightforward to read in the JSON and get the string value from any desired node.
Scala Play - JSON
I am using spark 1.6.3 to parse a json strucuture
I have a json structure below :
i want parse the above JSON to 3 columns in dataframe. eventKey's value(deapth2Name) is a node in Json(deapth2Name) and i want to read the value from corresponding node add it to a column "eventValue" so that i can accommodate any new events dynamically.
Here is the expected output:
sample code:
val x = sc.wholeTextFiles("/user/jx665240/events.json").map(x => x._2)
val namesJson = sqlContext.read.json(x)
val eventJson=namesJson.select("events")
val mentions1 =eventJson.select(explode($"events")).toDF("events").select($"events._update_date",$"events.eventKey",$"events.$"events.eventKey"")
$"events.$"events.eventKey"" is not working.
Can you please suggest how to fix this issue.
I am trying to save a nested JSON to redshift using the spark-redshift connector
The problem is redshift wont accept the structure of the dataframe because it has an array
So my question is, is there a way to flatten the array of columns foo and bar and convert their values to a string?
here is what I have so far to get the items as an array
val basketItems = df.select($"OrderContainer.BasketInfo.BasketId",
and here is the json I am using (formatted for readability):
I have solved it by creating a function to make the array a string.
val mkString = udf((a: Seq[Any]) => a.mkString(","))
Make sure to import the udf function.
Then all you have to use is the withColumn function.
.withColumn("foo", mkString($"foo"))