I am working on an ARKit playground project and I just can't get an SCNNode to move along the axis of sceneView.pointofview. When I try with constants like 0.04 etc it adjusts the position properly but when I provide the coordinates relative to the frame of pointOfView I can't get to position it anywhere else but in the centre.
Here is the code for that part:
let winglevMain = button(ButtonType: .wing)
let wingLevButton = winglevMain.button1
wingLevButton.name = "wing"
let x = (sceneView.pointOfView?.frame.width)!
let y = x/2
let z = x/5
let total = y+z
wingLevButton.position = SCNVector3(total, 0.12, -0.5)
P.S I used separate constants to store each value because when I tried putting em as it is into the arguments for position, I got an error signifying that it was hard for playground to calculate it that way.
I am trying to merge two images using VNImageHomographicAlignmentObservation, I am currently getting a 3d matrix that looks like this:
simd_float3x3([ [0.99229, -0.00451023, -4.32607e-07)],
[0.00431724,0.993118, 2.38839e-07)],
[-72.2425, -67.9966, 0.999288)]], )
But I don't know how to use these values to merge into one image. There doesn't seem to be any documentation on what these values even mean. I found some information on transformation matrices here: Working with matrices.
But so far nothing else has helped me... Any suggestions?
My Code:
func setup() {
let floatingImage = UIImage(named:"DJI_0333")!
let referenceImage = UIImage(named: "DJI_0327")!
let request = VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest(targetedCGImage: floatingImage.cgImage!, options: [:])
let handler = VNSequenceRequestHandler()
try! handler.perform([request], on: referenceImage.cgImage!)
if let results = request.results as? [VNImageHomographicAlignmentObservation] {
print("Perspective warp found: \(results.count)")
results.forEach { observation in
// A matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns.
let matrix = observation.warpTransform
print(matrix) }
This homography matrix H describes how to project one of your images onto the image plane of the other image. To transform each pixel to its projected location, you can to compute its projected location x' = H * x using homogeneous coordinates (basically take your 2D image coordinate, add a 1.0 as third component, apply the matrix H, and go back to 2D by dividing through the 3rd component of the result).
The most efficient way to do this for every pixel, is to write this matrix multiplication in homogeneous space using CoreImage. CoreImage offers multiple shader kernel types: CIColorKernel, CIWarpKernel and CIKernel. For this task, we only want to transform the location of each pixel, so a CIWarpKernel is what you need. Using the Core Image Shading Language, that would look as follows:
import CoreImage
let warpKernel = CIWarpKernel(source:
kernel vec2 warp(mat3 homography)
vec3 homogen_in = vec3(destCoord().x, destCoord().y, 1.0); // create homogeneous coord
vec3 homogen_out = homography * homogen_in; // transform by homography
return homogen_out.xy / homogen_out.z; // back to normal 2D coordinate
Note that the shader wants a mat3 called homography, which is the shading language equivalent of the simd_float3x3 matrix H. When calling the shader, the matrix is expected to be stored in a CIVector, to transform it use:
let (col0, col1, col2) = yourHomography.columns
let homographyCIVector = CIVector(values:[CGFloat(col0.x), CGFloat(col0.y), CGFloat(col0.z),
CGFloat(col1.x), CGFloat(col1.y), CGFloat(col1.z),
CGFloat(col2.x), CGFloat(col2.y), CGFloat(col2.z)], count: 9)
When you apply the CIWarpKernel to an image, you have to tell CoreImage how big the output should be. To merge the warped and reference image, the output should be big enough to cover the whole projected and original image. We can compute the size of the projected image by applying the homography to each corner of the image rect (this time in Swift, CoreImage calls this rect the extent):
* Convert a 2D point to a homogeneous coordinate, transform by the provided homography,
* and convert back to a non-homogeneous 2D point.
func transform(_ point:CGPoint, by homography:matrix_float3x3) -> CGPoint
let inputPoint = float3(Float(point.x), Float(point.y), 1.0)
var outputPoint = homography * inputPoint
outputPoint /= outputPoint.z
return CGPoint(x:CGFloat(outputPoint.x), y:CGFloat(outputPoint.y))
func computeExtentAfterTransforming(_ extent:CGRect, with homography:matrix_float3x3) -> CGRect
let points = [transform(extent.origin, by: homography),
transform(CGPoint(x: extent.origin.x + extent.width, y:extent.origin.y), by: homography),
transform(CGPoint(x: extent.origin.x + extent.width, y:extent.origin.y + extent.height), by: homography),
transform(CGPoint(x: extent.origin.x, y:extent.origin.y + extent.height), by: homography)]
var (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) = (points[0].x, points[0].x, points[0].y, points[0].y)
points.forEach { p in
xmin = min(xmin, p.x)
xmax = max(xmax, p.x)
ymin = min(ymin, p.y)
ymax = max(ymax, p.y)
let result = CGRect(x: xmin, y:ymin, width: xmax-xmin, height: ymax-ymin)
return result
let warpedExtent = computeExtentAfterTransforming(ciFloatingImage.extent, with: homography.inverse)
let outputExtent = warpedExtent.union(ciFloatingImage.extent)
Now you can create a warped version of your floating image:
let ciFloatingImage = CIImage(image: floatingImage)
let ciWarpedImage = warpKernel.apply(extent: outputExtent, roiCallback:
(index, rect) in
return computeExtentAfterTransforming(rect, with: homography.inverse)
image: inputImage,
arguments: [homographyCIVector])!
The roiCallback is there to tell CoreImage which part of the input image is needed to compute a certain part of the output. CoreImage uses this to apply the shader on parts of the image block by block, such that it can process huge images. (See Creating Custom Filters in Apple's docs). A quick hack would be to always return CGRect.infinite here, but then CoreImage can't do any block-wise magic.
And lastly, create a composite image of the reference image and the warped image:
let ciReferenceImage = CIImage(image: referenceImage)
let ciResultImage = ciWarpedImage.composited(over: ciReferenceImage)
let resultImage = UIImage(ciImage: ciResultImage)
In SCNARView I can access a property of camera node called worldFront, which represents camera rotation. I would like to calculate similar vector from CoreMotion values not using SCNARView, just data from CoreMotion. So that I can get a vector that would be equal to worldFront in SCNARView if camera was facing the same direction. Can someone explain me how to calculate such a value?
The attitude property probably could help
func rollCam(motion: CMDeviceMotion) {
let attitude = motion.attitude
let roll = Float(attitude.roll-M_PI/2)
let yaw = Float(attitude.yaw)
let pitch = Float(attitude.pitch)
camNode.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(roll, -yaw, pitch)
With this piece of code, quite long time ago, I experimented a bit with CoreMotion. I was trying to first detect human walking and then (with the startDeviceMotionUpdates data) move and roll the camera near to an "anchored" SCNBox. Later on ARKit solved my need with the ARAnchor class
What feature are you looking after?
I have found the answer:
override var cameraFrontVector: double3 {
guard let quaternion = motionService.deviceMotion?.attitude.quaternion else { return .zero }
let x = 2 * -(quaternion.x * quaternion.z + quaternion.w * quaternion.y)
let z = 2 * (quaternion.y * quaternion.z - quaternion.w * quaternion.x)
let y = 2 * (quaternion.x * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.y) - 1
return double3(x: x, y: y, z: z)
This gives me values like worldFront in SCNNode.
I'm trying to create a game in which a projectile is launched at a random angle.
To do this I need to be able to generate two random Int's. I looked up some tutorials and came up with this:
var random = CGFloat(Int(arc4random()) % 1500)
var random2 = CGFloat(Int(arc4random()) % -300)
bullet.physicsBody!.velocity = CGVectorMake((random2), (random))
It worked for a while but now it just crashes.
Any help would be appreciated.
What I find I use the most is arc4random_uniform(upperBound) which returns a random Int ranging from zero to upperBound -1.
let random = arc4random_uniform(1500)
let random2 = arc4random_uniform(300) * -1
//pick a number between 1 and 10
let pick = arc4random_uniform(10)+1
The lowdown on the arc4 functions: arc4random man page
GameplayKit has a nice class wrapping the arc4 functions: GameplayKit Randomness
and a handy reference: Random Hipster
I dont understand very well your issue but I think it could be useful:
func getRandomPointFromCircle(radius:Float, center:CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
let randomAngle = Float(arc4random())/Float(UInt32.max-1) * Float(M_PI) * 2.0
// polar => cartesian
let x = radius * cosf(theta)
let y = radius * sinf(theta)
return CGPointMake(CGFloat(x)+center.x,CGFloat(y)+center.y)
I'm new to SpriteKit game development. I'm trying give a boss character the ability to cast fireballs in multiple directions (16 fireballs all at once, 360 degree/16 = 22.5 degree apart).
I know how to get him to fire at a certain position by providing the player's current position, but how to get him to fire at 16 different angles regardless of player's position?
Thanks for any help in advance.
First, set up a loop over the angles
let numAngles = 16
var angle:CGFloat = 0
var angleIncr = CGFloat(2 * M_PI) / CGFloat(numAngles)
let strength:CGFloat = 50
for _ in 0..<numAngles {
angle += angleIncr
In the loop, convert the angle to the corresponding vector components and then create a vector
let dx = strength * cos (angle)
let dy = strength * sin (angle)
let vector = CGVectorMake (dx, dy)
and create a new fireball and apply an impulse to its physics body
let fireball = ...
fireball.position = player.position
fireball.zRotation = angle
// Add a physics body here
fireball.physicsBody?.appyImpulse (vector)
I'm not sure what code you have in place. for shooting. but ill give this a shot. angles in spritekit are in radians and a there are 2*pi radians in a circle. so you just need to do something like this
let fireballs = 16
let threeSixty = CGFloat(M_PI*2)
for i in 1...fireballs {
let angle = (CGFloat(i) / CGFloat(fireballs)) * threeSixty
// do something useful with your angle