Finding all methods that hasn't log inside try catch with NDepend - ndepend

I'm refactoring an existing application and I have got a per class instance in the form
private readonly ILog log; //(Log4net, but the namespace isn't
I've got some method in the form
public List<Nofity> GetXXX(string codice)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
I need to find the methods that haven't got
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
Is it possible with NDepend?
I also wish to find all the try catch method that swallow the exception
How can I do that?


Why do I never get the ObjectDisposedException?

My test method looks like this:
private static System.Timers.Timer _myTimer;
static void Main(string[] args)
using (_myTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000))
_myTimer.Elapsed += (o, e) => Console.WriteLine($"timer elapsed");
_myTimer.AutoReset = true;
_myTimer.Enabled = true;
Thread.Sleep(4000); // let the timer fire a couple of times
} // dispose timer?
Thread.Sleep(2000); // timer won't fire here
Console.WriteLine($"no problem accessing _myTimer: {_myTimer.Interval}"); // this won't throw an ObjectDisposedException on _myTimer
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex}");
Console.WriteLine($"no problem accessing _myTimer: {_myTimer.Interval}"); // still no ObjectDisposedException
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex}");
//_myTimer.Start(); // throws the ObjectDisposedException
_myTimer.Dispose(); // does not throw the ObjectDisposedException
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex}");
Console.WriteLine($"no problem accessing _myTimer: {_myTimer.Interval}"); // still no ObjectDisposedException
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex}");
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
I would expect to get the ObjectDisposedException after leaving the using block.
Accessing the _myTimer.Interval works all the way to the end of the program. Also, I can call _myTimer.Dispose() anytime. Even waiting for the GarbageCollector does not help to get the ObjectDisposedException.
However, I do get the ObjectDisposedException if I call _myTimer.Start() after leaving the using block.
How can _myTimer be around for the entire lifetime of my program?
Calling Dispose doesn't remove the object or references to it. It will not be GCed as long as there are references to it. Dispose releases unmanaged resources within the object, which is likely but by no means guaranteed to cause at least some of its methods to stop working and start throwing ObjectDisposedException.

How can I throw an exception within ListeningExecutorService?

I used ListeningExecutorService of guava in my project, got confused about the exception handling.
I used a thread pool, submit a task to it, and set a timeout to the listenableFuture, and add a callback to it.
final ListeningExecutorService threadPool = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newCachedThreadPool());
Futures.addCallback(listenableFuture, new FutureCallback<**>() {
public void onSuccess(#Nullable ** data) {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof CancellationException) {
throw new QueryException("yyyy");
} else {
throw new QueryException("zzzzz");
I can't catch the exception inside the callback. So I use another ListenableFuture to get the exception
ListenableFuture allFutures = Futures.allAsList(allFuturesList);
try {
} catch (CancellationException ce) {
throw new QueryException("");
} catch (InterruptedException t) {
throw new QueryException("");
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
Throwable t = e.getCause();
if (t instanceof QueryException)
throw (QueryException) t;
throw new QueryException();
} catch (QueryException qe) {
throw qe;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new QueryException();
} finally {
But I when the callback throw a QueryException, the allFutures can't catch it, allFutures can only catch a CancellationException without the detail error message.
How can I get my detail error message?
Futures.allAsList doesn't do what you expect it to do
From the Javadoc: (emphasis is from me)
Canceling this future will attempt to cancel all the component futures, and if any of the provided futures fails or is canceled, this one is, too.
What you should probably do is create your own aggregating future. You can base your code on Guava's own internal mechanism. See the source code for more info.
Anyways, do not throw exceptions in your FutureCallback::onFailure method.

Propogate errors to UI with Spring 3 MVC / REST

When /api/upload REST endpoint is accessed I have a UploadController that uses a service UploadService to upload a file to an ftp server with I would like to be able to send information back to the user if the ftp client was unable to connect or timed out, or successfully sent the file. I have some IOException handling, but I don't know how to turn that around and send it back to the front-end. Any help appreciated, thanks!
public void upload(InputStream inputStream) {
String filename = "file.txt"
client = new FTPClient();
try {
client.login("username", "password");
client.storeFile(filename, inputStream);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} finally {
try {
if (inputStream!= null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return null;
You should throw a new Exception in your catch statement.
For example, you could create a RequestTimeoutException class:
public class RequestTimeoutException extends RuntimeException { }
and then throw it when need be:
catch (IOException ioe) {
//do some logging while you're at it
throw new RequestTimeoutException();

DeleteRecordStore error: record store is still open

I have a simple problem.
I want to delete a recordStore data.
when I execute the deletion code
I get this error message
javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException: deleteRecordStore error: record store is still open at
recordStore2.closeRecordStore() ;
catch(Exception e)
catch(Exception e)
I have know the answer.
I should close my RecordStore into each block of code after finishing of using
it,throughout the program.
recordStore2.closeRecordStore() ;
catch(Exception e)

EJJB Timer Transaction -XA Exception

I am using EJB 3.0 timer.When my Timeout method gets invoked,I use JPA to insert a record in one of the table.I use JPA to persist the data.I defined the persist code in a Stateless Session Bean and invoked the local interface inside my timeout method.I get the following exception when the thread comes out of the timeout method:
javax.transaction.xa.XAException: JDBC driver does not support XA, hence cannot be a participant in two-phase commit.
To force this participation, set the GlobalTransactionsProtocol attribute to LoggingLastResource (recommended) or EmulateTwoPhaseCommit for the Data Source
Our DB does not support XA transaction.We use WL 10.3.1.Here is the code which i do :
private MyejbLocal myejbLocal
public void callEjb(timer) {
try {
myejbLocal .store();
} catch (EntityExistsException e) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Here is my implementation:
public void Store() {
try {
Mytable mytable= new Mytable (new Date());
} catch (EntityExistsException e) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
I don't call flush() method.
Please let me know if I have missed any?
I also faced the same issue. You need to keep your JPA entity operation in a separate session bean and it will work.