Naive Gaussian Elimination - Sparse and Full matrices - matlab

I am currently playing with numerical methods in MATLAB. I am trying to understand the dependence of time taken to solve sparse/full matrices of the same dimensions, with respects to different sizes of n.
My understanding is that in general, sparse matrices take shorter time to be solved as compared to full matrices. However, when i used the Naive Gaussian Elimination method, the sparse matrices took significantly longer to be solved. I have been researching online for reasons but to no avail.
Thus, I am here with this question in hopes that someone will be able to enlighten me. Thanks in advance!!!
These are my plots produced for better understanding of my question :

Modern computers have pretty large amounts of Random Access Memory available, and also the CPUs are pretty fast. In that case, systems of linear equations with matrices up to several thousands of columns/rows are processed very fast when treated directly as dense , regardless of their actual sparsity. The difference between "dense" and "sparse" algorithms becomes obvious in favour of "sparse" ones when the matrix sizes grow large, above 10000 or so (it all depends on the quality of a particular "sparse" algorithm, as well as on the CPU and RAM properties of the user's computer). "Sparse" algorithms have special schemes to store the matrix, to provide access to its elements, to modify them, etc. Those overheads can slow down the solution algorithm for not-so-large matrices in comparison with straightforward implementations for dense matrices.


Multiplication of large sparse Matrices without null values in scala

I have two very sparse distributed matrixes of dimension 1,000,000,000 x 1,000,000,000 and I want to compute the matrix multiplication efficiently.
I tried to create a BlockMatrix from a CoordinateMatrix but it's a lot of memory (where in reality the non zero data are around ~500'000'000) and the time of computation is enormous.
So there is another way to create a sparse matrix and compute a multiplication efficiently in a distributed way in Spark? Or i have to compute it manually?
You must obviously use a storage format for sparse matrices that makes use of their sparsity.
Now, without knowing anything about how you handle matrices and which libraries you use, there's no helping you but to ask you to look at the linear algebra libraries of your choice and look for sparse storage formats; the "good old" Fortran-based libraries that underly a lot of modern math libs support them, and so chances are that you really have to do but a little googling with yourlibraryname + "sparse matrix".
second thoughts:
Sparse matrixes really don't lend themselves to distribution very well; think about the operations you'd have to do to coordinate distribution compared to the actual multiplications/additions.
Also, ~5e8 non-zero elements in a 1e18 element matrix are definitely a lot of memory, and since you don't specify how much you consider a lot to be, it's very possible there's nothing wrong with it. Assuming you're using the default double precision, that's 5e8 * 8B = 4GB of pure numbers, not counting the coordinates needed for sparse storage. So, if you've got ~10GB of memory, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
As there is no build-in method in Spark to perform a matrix multiplication with sparse matrixes. I resolved by reduce at best the sparsity of the matrices before perform the matrice multiplication with BlockMatrix (that not support sparse matrix).
Last edit: Even with the sparsity optimization I had a lot of problems with large dataset. Finally, I decided to implement it myself. Now is running very fast. I hope that a matrix implementation with sparse matrix will be implemented in Spark as I think there are a lot of application that can make use of this.

Large and Sparse Matrix Multiplcation

I have a very large and sparse matrix of size 180GB(text , 30k * 3M) containing only the entries and no additional data. I have to do matrix multiplication , inversion and some similar linear algebra operations over it. I tried octave and simple single-threaded C code for the multiplication but my system RAM of 40GB gets used up very fast and then I can find the program starts thrashing. Is there any other options available to me. I am not familiar with MathLab or any other matrix operational library that can help me in doing so.
When I run a simple matrix multiplication of two matrices with 10 rows and 3 M cols, and its transpose, it gives the following error :
memory exhausted or requested size too large for range of Octave's index type
I am not sure whether the same would work on Matlab or not. For sparse matrix representation and matrix multiplication, is there another library or code.
if there are few enough nonzero entries, I suggest creating a sparse matrix S with appropriate dimensions and max nonzero entries; see matlab create sparse matrix. Then as #oleg komarov described, load the matrix in blocks and assign the nonzero entries from each block into the correct address in the sparse matrix S. I feel that if your matrix is sparse enough, then loading it is really the only difficulty you face. I had similar issues with large transfer operators.
Have you considered performing your processing in blocks? Transposition and multiplications work very well with block matrix processing (see and that will get you around any limitations about the indices.
This wouldn't help you with matrix inversion though unless you can decompose your matrix in blocks when blocks that aren't on the diagonal are completely empty, which isn't stated in your assumptions.
Octave has a limit in both the memory resources of about 2GB and the maximum number of indices a matrix can hold of about 2^32 (for 32 bits Octave). MatLab doesn't have such a memory limit, since it will use all of your memory resources, swapping file included. Thus you could try with MatLab by setting a huge swapfile, you may then compute your operations (but it will anyway take quite along time...).
If you are interested by other approaches, you may take a look into out-of-core computing which aims to promote new methods to process huge datasets that cannot reside all in memory, but rather store it on disk and load efficiently the bits that are necessary.
For a practical approach, you may take a look into Blaze for Python (notice: still in development!).

Matlab division of large matrices [duplicate]

I have this problem which requires solving for X in AX=B. A is of the order 15000 x 15000 and is sparse and symmetric. B is 15000 X 7500 and is NOT sparse. What is the fastest way to solve for X?
I can think of 2 ways.
Simplest possible way, X = A\B
Using for loop,
invA = A\speye(size(A))
for i = 1:size(B,2)
X(:,i) = invA*B(:,i);
Is there a better way than the above two? If not, which one is best between the two I mentioned?
First things first - never, ever compute inverse of A. That is never sparse except when A is a diagonal matrix. Try it for a simple tridiagonal matrix. That line on its own kills your code - memory-wise and performance-wise. And computing the inverse is numerically less accurate than other methods.
Generally, \ should work for you fine. MATLAB does recognize that your matrix is sparse and executes sparse factorization. If you give a matrix B as the right-hand side, the performance is much better than if you only solve one system of equations with a b vector. So you do that correctly. The only other technical thing you could try here is to explicitly call lu, chol, or ldl, depending on the matrix you have, and perform backward/forward substitution yourself. Maybe you save some time there.
The fact is that the methods to solve linear systems of equations, especially sparse systems, strongly depend on the problem. But in almost any (sparse) case I imagine, factorization of a 15k system should only take a fraction of a second. That is not a large system nowadays. If your code is slow, this probably means that your factor is not that sparse sparse anymore. You need to make sure that your matrix is properly reordered to minimize the fill (added non-zero entries) during sparse factorization. That is the crucial step. Have a look at this page for some tests and explanations on how to reorder your system. And have a brief look at example reorderings at this SO thread.
Since you can answer yourself which of the two is faster, I'll try yo suggest the next options.
Solve it using a GPU. Plenty of details can be found online, including this SO post, a matlab benchmarking of A/b, etc.
Additionally, there's the MATLAB add-on of LAMG (Lean Algebraic Multigrid). LAMG is a fast graph Laplacian solver. It can solve Ax=b in O(m) time and storage.
If your matrix A is symmetric positive definite, then here's what you can do to solve the system efficiently and stably:
First, compute the cholesky decomposition, A=L*L'. Since you have a sparse matrix, and you want to exploit it to accelerate the inversion, you should not apply chol directly, which would destroy the sparsity pattern. Instead, use one of the reordering method described here.
Then, solve the system by X = L'\(L\B)
Finally, if are not dealing with potential complex values, then you can replace all the L' by L.', which gives a bit further acceleration because it's just trying to transpose instead of computing the complex conjugate.
Another alternative would be the preconditioned conjugate gradient method, pcg in Matlab. This one is very popular in practice, because you can trade off speed for accuracy, i.e. give it less number of iterations, and it will give you a (usually pretty good) approximate solution. You also never need to store the matrix A explicitly, but just be able to compute matrix-vector product with A, if your matrix doesn't fit into memory.
If this takes forever to solve in your tests, you are probably going into virtual memory for the solve. A 15k square (full) matrix will require 1.8 gigabytes of RAM to store in memory.
>> 15000^2*8
ans =
You will need some serious RAM to solve this, as well as the 64 bit version of MATLAB. NO factorization will help you unless you have enough RAM to solve the problem.
If your matrix is truly sparse, then are you using MATLAB's sparse form to store it? If not, then MATLAB does NOT know the matrix is sparse, and does not use a sparse factorization.
How sparse is A? Many people think that a matrix that is half full of zeros is "sparse". That would be a waste of time. On a matrix that size, you need something that is well over 99% zeros to truly gain from a sparse factorization of the matrix. This is because of fill-in. The resulting factorized matrix is almost always nearly full otherwise.
If you CANNOT get more RAM (RAM is cheeeeeeeeep you know, certainly once you consider the time you have wasted trying to solve this) then you will need to try an iterative solver. Since these tools do not factorize your matrix, if it is truly sparse, then they will not go into virtual memory. This is a HUGE savings.
Since iterative tools often require a preconditioner to work as well as possible, it can take some study to find the best preconditioner.

Efficient way to solve for X in AX=B in MATLAB when both A and B are big matrices

I have this problem which requires solving for X in AX=B. A is of the order 15000 x 15000 and is sparse and symmetric. B is 15000 X 7500 and is NOT sparse. What is the fastest way to solve for X?
I can think of 2 ways.
Simplest possible way, X = A\B
Using for loop,
invA = A\speye(size(A))
for i = 1:size(B,2)
X(:,i) = invA*B(:,i);
Is there a better way than the above two? If not, which one is best between the two I mentioned?
First things first - never, ever compute inverse of A. That is never sparse except when A is a diagonal matrix. Try it for a simple tridiagonal matrix. That line on its own kills your code - memory-wise and performance-wise. And computing the inverse is numerically less accurate than other methods.
Generally, \ should work for you fine. MATLAB does recognize that your matrix is sparse and executes sparse factorization. If you give a matrix B as the right-hand side, the performance is much better than if you only solve one system of equations with a b vector. So you do that correctly. The only other technical thing you could try here is to explicitly call lu, chol, or ldl, depending on the matrix you have, and perform backward/forward substitution yourself. Maybe you save some time there.
The fact is that the methods to solve linear systems of equations, especially sparse systems, strongly depend on the problem. But in almost any (sparse) case I imagine, factorization of a 15k system should only take a fraction of a second. That is not a large system nowadays. If your code is slow, this probably means that your factor is not that sparse sparse anymore. You need to make sure that your matrix is properly reordered to minimize the fill (added non-zero entries) during sparse factorization. That is the crucial step. Have a look at this page for some tests and explanations on how to reorder your system. And have a brief look at example reorderings at this SO thread.
Since you can answer yourself which of the two is faster, I'll try yo suggest the next options.
Solve it using a GPU. Plenty of details can be found online, including this SO post, a matlab benchmarking of A/b, etc.
Additionally, there's the MATLAB add-on of LAMG (Lean Algebraic Multigrid). LAMG is a fast graph Laplacian solver. It can solve Ax=b in O(m) time and storage.
If your matrix A is symmetric positive definite, then here's what you can do to solve the system efficiently and stably:
First, compute the cholesky decomposition, A=L*L'. Since you have a sparse matrix, and you want to exploit it to accelerate the inversion, you should not apply chol directly, which would destroy the sparsity pattern. Instead, use one of the reordering method described here.
Then, solve the system by X = L'\(L\B)
Finally, if are not dealing with potential complex values, then you can replace all the L' by L.', which gives a bit further acceleration because it's just trying to transpose instead of computing the complex conjugate.
Another alternative would be the preconditioned conjugate gradient method, pcg in Matlab. This one is very popular in practice, because you can trade off speed for accuracy, i.e. give it less number of iterations, and it will give you a (usually pretty good) approximate solution. You also never need to store the matrix A explicitly, but just be able to compute matrix-vector product with A, if your matrix doesn't fit into memory.
If this takes forever to solve in your tests, you are probably going into virtual memory for the solve. A 15k square (full) matrix will require 1.8 gigabytes of RAM to store in memory.
>> 15000^2*8
ans =
You will need some serious RAM to solve this, as well as the 64 bit version of MATLAB. NO factorization will help you unless you have enough RAM to solve the problem.
If your matrix is truly sparse, then are you using MATLAB's sparse form to store it? If not, then MATLAB does NOT know the matrix is sparse, and does not use a sparse factorization.
How sparse is A? Many people think that a matrix that is half full of zeros is "sparse". That would be a waste of time. On a matrix that size, you need something that is well over 99% zeros to truly gain from a sparse factorization of the matrix. This is because of fill-in. The resulting factorized matrix is almost always nearly full otherwise.
If you CANNOT get more RAM (RAM is cheeeeeeeeep you know, certainly once you consider the time you have wasted trying to solve this) then you will need to try an iterative solver. Since these tools do not factorize your matrix, if it is truly sparse, then they will not go into virtual memory. This is a HUGE savings.
Since iterative tools often require a preconditioner to work as well as possible, it can take some study to find the best preconditioner.

How do I obtain the eigenvalues of a huge matrix (size: 2x10^5)

I have a matrix of size 200000 X 200000 .I need to find the eigen values for this .I was using matlab till now but as the size of the matrix is unhandleable by matlab i have shifted to perl and now even perl is unable to handle this huge matrix it is saying out of memory.I would like to know if i can find out the eigen values of this matrix using some other programming language which can handle such huge data. The elements are not zeros mostly so no option of going for sparse matrix. Please help me in solving this.
I think you may still have luck with MATLAB. Take a look into their distributed computing toolbox. You'd need some kind of parallel environment, a computing cluster.
If you don't have a computational cluster, you might look into distributed eigenvalue/vector calculation methods that could be employed on Amazon EC2 or similar.
There is also a discussion of parallel eigenvalue calculation methods here, which may direct you to better libraries and programming approaches than Perl.